All Blog Posts (5,825)

Many troubles over the months

I haven't been on in a while, and there have been some issues I've been having.

To start off, shortly after creating my account I found out I was pregnant. It was really tough to deal with that, my whole world fell apart. Everything I had planned, school, work, all my dreams were over. From there, things only got worse, I told the father, and let's just say he's not helpful. At all. He's lying, saying he can't be the father, telling people he's getting a paternity test, but he's been… Continue

Added by Davis McConney-Goode on June 20, 2011 at 2:30pm — 7 Comments

Obama's go SMOOTH to gain popular vote

Added by R0BB on June 20, 2011 at 10:00am — 1 Comment

Water activity, wigs and update

I just wanted to update everyone that it is possible to enjoy water sports with a wig. We went to the lake this weekend and my daughter went boating and when a friend of ours pulled up in his cigarette boat she didn't hesitate to jump in. He found several boats to race and goes over 100mph. She did not think twice about her wig. She then went wake skating and fell at least 5 times, I was her spotter. She has given up on eyelashes in the water but wears waterproof eyeliner and sunglasses when in… Continue

Added by Karen Smith on June 20, 2011 at 10:00am — 7 Comments

True Life TV show

The other day I turned on the TV to have some background noise while I cleaned my house. I just left it on the channel it was on which was MTV. I typically don't pay attention to that channel especially this particular show. They were showing True Life back to back. One of the episodes was a recap of people on previous shows. One of the people was a young lady who had alopecia. It showed clips from the first episode she was on, and then it showed clips of her years later. In the first episode… Continue

Added by Alliegator on June 20, 2011 at 9:30am — 1 Comment

Permanent eyebrows

Hi all!,

It's been awhile since I've been on AW! I just wanted to pop in and let y'all know that I finally got my eyebrows permanently tattooed on this weekend! I lost my eyebrows and eyelashes in the Fall of 2009, and since then I've been drawing my eyebrows in using a combination of products. I actually never really minded drawing them in; after a few months, I got the hang of it and could draw them both on in under a minute! But I live in Washington, DC, and the summers here are… Continue

Added by Natalie on June 20, 2011 at 9:00am — 9 Comments

Just thinking

I had no idea that I would ever want to wear a wig. Or not feel that I had to choose one way or the other, because going from having hair to being bare of hair and then back again--well requires some 'splaining. But so does just going all the time without hair or even scarf or hat. Like Howie Mandell. That's me 95% of the time. Some days I feel like bothering to put on makeup (eyeliner and eyeshadow only --sometimes lipstick and base but often not), some days I don't. So I do--or I don't. Same… Continue

Added by Laura Adams on June 20, 2011 at 4:07am — 1 Comment

Shall we "go wild?"

Here's an except I just found on some hair research:

The researchers analyzed over many months the changes in the hair growth patterns on shaved mice and rabbits, which indicate cyclic progression between active and quiescent states by stem cells in hair follicles.

"The results are totally surprising. There is complex coordination not apparent to the naked eye," said Cheng-Ming Chuong, professor of pathology at the Keck School and the principal investigator of the study… Continue

Added by Tallgirl on June 19, 2011 at 2:00pm — 3 Comments

Victim or survivor?

I have to admit it. I am a victim.

Now, just think about that statement for a moment. What was the FIRST thing that went through your mind when you read that opening statement? Did you think that I had befallen some unknown tragedy, calamity, or disaster? Did you immediately want to wrap me in arms of sympathy, words of comfort, and prayers for survival?

At any point, did you associate my self-label as a victim to my alopecia?

If you did, then you see the same… Continue

Added by kastababy on June 18, 2011 at 6:15pm — 15 Comments

This is the first time in my life being that im so afraid of insects when i feel something tickling my arm or face i pray its some kind of insect rather than the strands of my hair falling out....Any…

This is the first time in my life being that im so afraid of insects when i feel something tickling my arm or face i pray its some kind of insect rather than the strands of my hair falling out....Anyone feel the same? Continue

Added by isa05bella on June 18, 2011 at 4:37am — 2 Comments

I was bald before Lady Gaga made it cool.

I was bald before Lady Gaga made it cool.

Added by Erika Vincent on June 17, 2011 at 10:55pm — 4 Comments

Lady GaGa singing "Hair" Bald!!!

As soon as I saw this I couldn't wait to share it with all of you. Enjoy!

Here's the link, I'm not sure how else to post it

Added by Dominique Cleopatra on June 17, 2011 at 9:11pm — 1 Comment

Walking down the street in Philadelphia!

So, I am working at a Temp assignment while I look for a permanent job. I was on my way to an interview and was a little nervous, hoping that my baldness won't have a negative impact, that I get the job.

as I walk down the street, this man comes up along side me and says "looking good sis, looking good; I wish more women showed what God gave them and go natural like you; I'm tired of all these women with their horse-hair wigs and weaves; they ought to just wear what God gave them.… Continue

Added by Lili Añel (aka Eulalia) on June 17, 2011 at 8:18pm — 5 Comments

Crisis survival kit

Over the course of the week we were given an assignment to make a crisis servival kit.

So when your down over alopecia or whatever challenges you may face in your life, there is a box that I have now made for myself with different quotes on it, some music, some photos, etc,,,and you look at that as a distraction to help keep your mind distracted of wat is bothering you, and I found it amazing so far it is working for me. So when I'm down that I have no hair out comes my box.

I even… Continue

Added by Lisa-Lynn Marini on June 17, 2011 at 2:30pm — 6 Comments

My AGA started earlier than I thought

This morning I changed my profile picture on a social media website to a picture of my Dad & I in honor of Father's Day this weekend. It was taken when I was around 13. I was diagnosed with AGA around the age of 16. As soon as I saw this picture, I noticed the part in my hair. Some people would probably say it isn't bad, but in my mind a 13 year old shouldn't have a part that wide. I saw a school picture taken a few years before this one and my part was definitely not as wide. My AGA must… Continue

Added by Alliegator on June 17, 2011 at 1:00pm — 3 Comments

Nothing...nothing but compliments!

Okay, Ye Doubters! In the last two weeks I got the last of my white AT fuzzy hair shaved off, wore it like that in public places and among friends, took personal photos like that, and went out with no wig under my hat. I even took the hat off at my doctor appointment today. Responses? Nothing in public, compliments from friends, doctor (new) asked if I had had cancer (he didn't look at my file), and a strange lady complimented me on the hat...which was decades old, faded, and had crazy colored… Continue

Added by Tallgirl on June 16, 2011 at 11:00pm — 7 Comments


This is a funny story:

I was at the grocery checkout when a gentleman on staff came up to me and said "survivor?" I looked at him and said "survivor?" then we just looked at each other... you see I was preparing for my father's birthday celebration and I was so focused on getting everything that I needed that I never considered my baldness. As I'm looking at him all I could think of was Survivor the reality show! and what did that have to do with me? He didn't know me and I don't… Continue

Added by Susan P aka DGADBS on June 16, 2011 at 12:54pm — 2 Comments


Hey! I know this is kinda short notice...but in you live in North the Raleigh Area there is going to be a support group meeting on Thursday June 16th at 7:00 p.m at 7478 Creedmoor Road! This includes any type of hair loss...not just Alopecia! :) This group will hopefully encourage people to get through this struggle and give everyone strength! Hope to see you there

Added by Heather on June 15, 2011 at 10:50am — No Comments

things and stuff, with occasional poignant thought.

I've been away for a while. Busy, with all of those things and stuff, but thought I'd pop in and beam an update into the yonder.

I attended HairExpo2011 this long weekend with the lovely ladies (and men) of the Australian Alopecia Areata Foundation - I've been calling it the AAAF (pronounced "arf" :P ). It was fantastic! I met some of the nicest people, got to spread the good word about alopecia, and hugged some total strangers. A little exhausting, but awesome. It was also the first… Continue

Added by Georgia Gardner on June 15, 2011 at 7:35am — 3 Comments

My first blog... Alopecia WING!

Well I have had an eventful year... GCSE year has caused me much greef because they arn't just Grades they are my ticket to moving out of my messed up home and moving in to one which i can finally say is my own... My family is completly messed up, involved abuse, death, liars and mental illness.

This year has been the probably one of the worst I have ever been through and then the diagnoses of Alopecia to top it all off! I know so many people go through it but i still feel isolated like… Continue

Added by Autumn Leaves on June 14, 2011 at 9:30pm — 21 Comments

Received my "Codi" today.

I'm not so sure if I like it or not...the color is fine (toasted brown) but I just don't know about the cut, very long in the front. It's also super static & looks like it's glued to my forehead. I sprayed in some conditioner & hope that'll help. I'll post a picture soon!

Added by Sophia on June 13, 2011 at 4:54pm — No Comments

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