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A new me

I just started rocking my bald head this past summer and 'm still not as comfatable with it. This seems to be the biggest thing to get used too. I still pass mirrors and double back saying is this really me? I get so many stares that it has made me feel like something is wrong wiht me. I try to tell myself I'm not defined by my hair or should I say the lack of my hair but it has really taken a toll on my self esteem. Will I ever get over this??

Added by Annette Burrus on February 19, 2011 at 10:25pm — 5 Comments

Inspirational life story! :)

"The only thing holding myself back from my dreams was myself."

I came into this world expecting to be just like anyone else, and I never thought something so small, such as having alopecia areata could even for a moment make me think all of my dreams weren’t possible. At the beginning of my journey this seemed mountainous, and something I never thought I would ever be able to overcome. I let it hold me back in life, by making me believe that I would never be married, have a… Continue

Added by Lindsay Walter on February 19, 2011 at 8:30pm — 7 Comments

Wig Watch 2011

So after a lengthy delay, I got my hair buzzed last night. The non-bald portions had gotten way too long, so my fro was full of "dents". {Yes, it was kind of hilarious to see.} I asked her to take it as low as possible fully aware that I had the bald spots. I assured her it was okay. She really didn't want to do it until I told her I had a wig on standby. I also told her that I'm eventually going to shave it all anyway because the bald part isn't growing back. She asked why ... I told her… Continue

Added by Angie P on February 19, 2011 at 2:25pm — 9 Comments


Acceptance is the biggest step. It would be easier if we did not need the acceptance of those we love. My husband is one of the people I fear will not accept my baldness. Next week what's left of my hair will be taken own - I can't wait. I ordered a wig in advance to see if even like wearing wigs. Mostly I believe I'll be rocking my bald head with some funky scarves or hats when I feel like it.

My husband replies: "as long as you're ok with it, its ok" but never answers me… Continue

Added by Lili Añel (aka Eulalia) on February 18, 2011 at 1:22pm — 7 Comments

So this really is painful

I am new to this website and have been browsing through the blogs and am amazed at how many beautiful strong people there are dealing with this monster called alopecia--I am 27 yrs old and just started really dealing with alopecia this past year. I always had a widened parting on my head but after a family loss early last year the parting became huge--so much that no matter the hair style, spray color or headband would hide it. I went to a local spot to see what to do and they provided me with… Continue

Added by Mi on February 18, 2011 at 12:00pm — 8 Comments

First wig week down...many to go

Well, I have made it thru my work week with my first wig. It is better today than it has been the past couple days. It was more itchy for a little while there, but today has started off good. I have gotten alot of compliments this week, alot of surprise reactions when I tell them I have a wig, and alot of looks like they want to ask or they are trying to figure it out.

If someone asks me about it, then I am telling them. If it is someone that I am friends with, I tell them. Other… Continue

Added by Julie G on February 18, 2011 at 9:35am — 8 Comments

I think I just found my meaning

My mum hates the fact I'm bald. She's embarassed by it.

I was in Sydney for a few days with my drama class and had the best time in my scarves, not my wig. My friends dont mind talking about my alopecia and I felt - and, dare i say it, looked :P - great. Whenever we were just around in the hotel, I didn't wear anything, aound the girls at least, and everyone was fine with it.

It made me realise how much pressure I feel from my mum to wear my hair.

It's currently… Continue

Added by Georgia Gardner on February 18, 2011 at 5:45am — 7 Comments


Hehe, I'm so excited - I'm getting married! The date is set for 6th August 2011 and I can't wait.

I already have my dress, however I'm struggleing for ideas on what to do with my head! I don't wear a wig and have nothing to attach a veil to but I feel like I need something purely for decoration, any ideas?

Does anyone have any pictures of their special days?

Thanks for any help x

Added by Emily Horsley on February 18, 2011 at 5:28am — 2 Comments

Hope my baby has hair

I can't help but worry! I have been pretty strong through out this whole alopecia deal, but if my baby boy has to go through it, thats gonna kill me!! I secretly wanted a girl for this reason only...because Im afraid that if they dont have hair, a girl can wear wigs, ect. I know a boy can too, but it seems harder to hide with a boy. It's not something that I think about everyday, not stressing too much, but it lingers in my mind. If it happens, Ill be as strong as possible, but Ill feel so bad… Continue

Added by Lee on February 18, 2011 at 12:36am — 6 Comments


First of all, I want to thank you all for your comments on my post "Tired". I am calling to schedule my first wig appointment to try some on to see how they feel. I am seriously thinking about cutting off what remains of my hair too. I also have an appointment with my doctor to check my hormone levels. I have had a mild thyroid problem for years and when my current doctor took me off my meds, my hair started falling out more rapidly. I will see how things go after next week.

Thanks… Continue

Added by Anne Williams on February 17, 2011 at 12:53pm — 2 Comments

My first bald driver's license!

My driver's license is up for renewal, and I've been waiting until I could get a new photo that looks the way I've looked for 3 years - bald! Every time I had to show the old photo ID to someone, it depressed me to see myself with all the hair and my original eyebrows. And, people would look at the photo and just assume all the more that I have cancer.

So, this week I made an appointment and went in to have a new photo taken. They unexpectedly made me take the written test again, but… Continue

Added by Mary on February 16, 2011 at 5:22pm — 24 Comments


I have begun my investigation into the world of wigs. I will probably go to the local beauty shop that specializes in wigs and try some on with their wig expert. I sort of know what I want in a synthetic wig. I don't want to spend the money and time with a human hair wig (I want to invest my $$ in SCUBA gear).

I don't mind wearing a scarf or hat when I am working out. I usually wear either when I run on the treadmill and I wear a scarf under my bike helmet as a rule to soak up the… Continue

Added by Anne Williams on February 16, 2011 at 1:13pm — No Comments


This is the most blogging I have done since joining Alopecia World. I am getting very, very tired of carefully styling my hair to hide my "spots". I am a very active person. I run, bike, and I swim almost daily. That means that I have to "do" my hair every day. I am sick of it. I am thinking of getting a wig. Any words of wisdom?

Added by Anne Williams on February 15, 2011 at 9:00pm — 20 Comments


Has anybody heard about this product Viviscal? It is a supplement along with shampoo, conditioner, and a lotion. It is supposed to promote hair growth even for people with aa.

Added by Anne Williams on February 15, 2011 at 8:39pm — No Comments

The time has come

I have had alopecia areata since after the birth of my son some 20 years ago. I had the usual treatments, Rogaine before it was over-the-counter; the shots to my scalp. All worked for a short amount of time. I am a dark-brunette, bordering on "black" haired woman. I have taken to having my hair dyed blonde (single process, no bleaching) as you notice the spots less with lighter hair, it all blends. But its not working that well anymore.

I am a musician and in the public eye. I saw… Continue

Added by Lili Añel (aka Eulalia) on February 15, 2011 at 3:50pm — 4 Comments

Vacations can be freeing!

I have been in Maui now for 3 days with my husband, son and his girlfriend. I am blessed to have such a caring family -they have embraced my hairless head! I had a "fun" moment yesterday --in the rough surf, playing in the waves my bandana came off...after I let out a yelp I embraced the waves and sun on my bald head!! Break through moment for me. I have only had a shaven head since mid January (diagnosed with AA beginning of January). I am sure people were staring....oh well....I had a great… Continue

Added by Tracy on February 15, 2011 at 1:09pm — 5 Comments

Yikes--my first blog post!

I'm so glad that I found this website! It's so nice to know that there are others that understand what I'm going through. Alopecia areata is pretty new to me--I've had it for a year or so. I used to have thick hair, really thick to have such rapidly thinning hair and numerous bald spots is surprising or maybe ironic is a better word. And since it started out thick, I've been able to hide that I have AA. My family knows and a close friend (who is also my beautician). But, I've told… Continue

Added by Michelle on February 15, 2011 at 10:45am — 2 Comments


There is a movie coming out this year called "Happythankyoumoreplease". It is a drama from the Sundance Festival. I am so excited for it to come out because I like the actors in it. Also... because one of characters (Malin Akerman) in it has a form of Alopecia! I don't know if I have seen any other movies where a lead in a movie has a type of Alopecia. The woman wears turbans and doesn't have eyebrows in the movie. I think the movie will be an inspiration to me. I am excited to see if they talk… Continue

Added by Alliegator on February 15, 2011 at 10:08am — 8 Comments

Buzzing my hair and my first work day as the new me!

Well, I buzzed my hair to about 1/2 inch this weekend. My mom did it for me and we had tears of course, but it was very releasing for me. It was my way of saying goodbye to alopecia, goodbye to the depression and the sadness. I felt vulnerable for a minute then looked at myself in the mirror and said "damn I look hot" LOL! I showed my dad my buzzed do and he gave me a big hug and said there is nothing wrong with me. I am so glad that my parents were so supportive. And then I put my wig on(and… Continue

Added by Julie G on February 14, 2011 at 10:19am — 5 Comments


Hi everyone :)

I haven't written a blog for quite a while now, so here goes,
thought I would update you all... I have some regrowth! it's not everywhere (is it possible to go from areata, to totalis then back to areata?) that appears to be what is happening.. strange.

Take care xxx

Added by Lizzie on February 13, 2011 at 11:36am — 1 Comment

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