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selenium poisoning????

Has anyone been tested or treated for this??? My doctor found out that i have way to much selenium in my system but i have no idea how this happened , all the food that causes this i dont really eat enough to become toxic??? but it does cause au, so now im on a high protein diet with lots of vitamins... i just dont understand

Added by Donna Maree on September 15, 2010 at 10:59pm — 1 Comment

'What's so brave about being bald?'

How would you respond to the following quote by Gail Porter?

I've just come back from Vietnam where I did a trek for the Children's Trust, a charity for children with brain injuries and life-threatening injuries. So it does help you put things in perspective. Some magazine, which I won't name, put me up for bravery awards. What's so brave about being bald?…

Added by rj, Co-founder on September 15, 2010 at 10:00pm — 9 Comments

I have eyebrows!

So I went on Saturday and had my eyebrows tattooed on! I LOVE THEM!! Best thing I have done for myself in a while (besides shaving my head)!! It hurt, I'm not going to lie about that. I have 2 tattoos on my back and those sort of hurt, well the eyebrows, THEY HURT!! I had half of my left eyebrow missing (the tail as the tattoo artist called it) and on the right, a huge chunk of the thick part is missing. Well for some reason the area where the huge chunk is missing did NOT want to take the ink.… Continue

Added by Tamara on September 14, 2010 at 7:48am — 3 Comments

Off Topic.. Ex Boyfriends

This is completely off topic and doesn't have to do with hair but I have to write about this to get it off of my chest. I don't understand why ex-boyfriends want to stay in contact at times. I have heard several times that men & women can't be just friends especially if they have slept together & I believe it. One of my ex-boyfriend's and I broke up a little over a year ago (This was our second time of being together, I have known him for about 6 years). He wanted to stay friends after… Continue

Added by Alliegator on September 13, 2010 at 12:33pm — 4 Comments

Bald is bold, shiny is super!

Since I started shaving my head I have not only fallen in love with the look and feel, but I have become increadibly anal with getting the "perfect" shave. The first few times were kind of iffy, but from those experiences I have learned what works. Some of these tips may or may not help you, but it will put you on the right track.

My current routine consists of showering first thing in the morning. Using a loofa i lightly clean my scalp. I then let the warm water rinse my scalp for a… Continue

Added by Aaron on September 13, 2010 at 10:08am — 7 Comments

Today I am fabulous

Well its been a full week since the BIG Day. The day I shaved my head September 3. I must admit I never did feel the overwhelming sense of freedom that I heard about. The first couple of days I was still in shock but now I have a sense of comfort. I am comfortable wearing my wig, comfortable wearing scarfs and comfortable wearing nothing at all. Although I must admit I havent yet gone out in full public without something on my head yet. But I did sit getting my tatt done on the back of my neck… Continue

Added by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on September 11, 2010 at 1:00pm — 7 Comments

Wig salons in new jersey

Doe anyone know of any wig salons in New Jersey? I want an establishment that is going to be compassionate. Somewhere that will take the time to explain and explore the different options. I am looking for a place where i can be free to try on as many wigs as i'd like until i find the right one and also somewhere that offers a variety of options lace, human hair, synthetic etc.. Any posts would be greatly appreciated! Thanks. :)

Added by soniamarry on September 11, 2010 at 12:26pm — 1 Comment

Celebrating 14 years of acceptance

Fourteen years ago this Fall I shaved what was left of my hair and went out to dinner with two of my closest friends. It was a chilly night to be walking outside bald, but I didn't notice the cold. I felt so anxious to be seen in public for the first time without my hair that I couldn't think about much else. Fourteen years later, I still have Alopecia Areata and a bald head. I am happily married to a bald man (male pattern) and don't think as much about my hair. I am proud that I have the… Continue

Added by Lynn on September 11, 2010 at 11:30am — 3 Comments

Squeric ACID

AFter having Alopecia since 2000 . I started seeing this dermatoligist in NYC which started me on this treatment called Squaric Acid.. WHat it does deflect the immune system from attacking the hair follicles on my head and instead begin to attack the Acid that is applied on the hairless spots.

I have been on it for 2 months now and the doctor began to notice colorless hairs coming out.

I am using this Calosol cream on my face and eyebrows as well since i dont want that acid close to… Continue

Added by zack salam on September 11, 2010 at 1:00am — 1 Comment

What better way is there?

September is Alopecia Awareness Month and, as it gets underway, I must confess that I still haven't found a better way to promote alopecia awareness and acceptance than by showing my love for my alopecic and adorable wife everywhere we go.… Continue

Added by rj, Co-founder on September 11, 2010 at 1:00am — 3 Comments

A change in perspective, for a few days

Hi all,

I haven't been on AW or online much lately. I need to get into the habit of checking in at least once a week or so; it seems such a waste of a good resource and lovely people to NOT do so.

I was recently called back in to the radiologist's office because of a suspicious mammogram (TMI? Sorry.) After more imaging, an ultrasound, and finally a biopsy, I rec'd the good news that I don't have cancer. My first thought was "losing my hair wouldn't be so bad; I can handle… Continue

Added by Lori on September 10, 2010 at 4:03pm — 5 Comments

My son

I am so heart broken Is there anyone else in Michigan that have Alopecia? I dont feel so. I live with alopecia and so does my son He is fiveteen and in high school. I just feel so alone and i also feel really bad for my son. Please send me encouraging words my way

Added by Tonya Jaehnig on September 9, 2010 at 10:15pm — 5 Comments

Having alopecia, what kind of work do you do?

Do you find it easier or harder having alopecia and this job?

Do you wear a wig or scarf to work. or go bald?

Do you wish you could find a different job that was more supportive of AA?

Does your employer support you or do they even know?

Just curious...I guess over time it gets easier to wear a wig everyday once you get used to it.

Added by Elizabeth on September 9, 2010 at 9:53pm — 8 Comments

Three years with AU

I can't beleive it's been three years already! I remember when I lost all of my hair, the depression, anger, and sorrow I felt. I cried and cried for weeks. I didn't think I deserved it, I even questioned if there was a god. How could god let this happen? This group and another have helped so much! I am back to my old self. Of course I get down in the dumps sometimes, but I have a guy that loves me, a family that loves me, my music and my friends, thats all I really need!

Moving to another… Continue

Added by Lee on September 9, 2010 at 3:35am — 3 Comments

A picture

I finally added this photo to my facebook page, i have nothing to hide to share with all you beautiful people.

Added by Mjay on September 8, 2010 at 10:57pm — 5 Comments

I did it

Not only did I post my pic on my facebook page last night but I went to work bald today!!!!!!! I went out to lunch with co-workers and even renewed my drivers license all without hair. I felt so good about myself today.

Added by Roslyn on September 8, 2010 at 5:53pm — 12 Comments

Decision Made...Head Shaved!!!

I shaved my head on Tuesday night September 7th. There was no hesitation and the experience was positive. I had the night off from work, but went to work just to see some reaction. All positive comments or no comments. Afterwards, I went to Super Walmart to walk around. I did not get any 'stares' and if I did I was too far on cloud nine to notice. I love it! Now if I can master the maintenance stages of shaving every other day (maybe even every day if necessary) and finding a good sunscreen,… Continue

Added by Sheila Pinder on September 8, 2010 at 3:27pm — No Comments

Judith Jamison looks fabulous!

I don't know if she has Alopecia or not. In most of the pics I've seen of her over the years, she has a low cut. But right now she is working the bald look. I think she looks great.

She was honored yesterday at the White House.

Another pic of her.

Added by Angie P on September 8, 2010 at 12:57pm — No Comments

No big deal - continued

...Now to continue with my previous post, No big deal - hair is just an accessory in life

I took my daughter to the doctor last week and she confirmed that the thinning on the back of her head is too symetrical to be anything other than alopecia. She has a 1.5 inch band of hair missing at the nape of her neck, which looks like it might extend up towards her temple area on both sides of her head - this would be similar to when I had this stage and the dermatologist called it 'ophasis'… Continue

Added by Sandi Walmsley on September 7, 2010 at 11:17pm — 1 Comment

Will this Blog go through about being molested and having alopecia?

Hi AW Family!

This is my 3rd time trying to post this:

It may seem like I'm texting you bcz that's how short I plan to be...

Hopefully, when you find this you are in a good fram of mind and take the time to respond.

This is very important to me...I could be wrong...I'm definitaly not saying I'm right, but here goes MY

BLUNT QUESTION: Were any of you molested?

Our appearances in this sexy world magnifies the imortance of image.… Continue

Added by Elizabeth on September 7, 2010 at 8:13pm — 4 Comments

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