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MY HAIR IS GROWING!!!!! this is my super excited post!!!!!! i'm JUST SO EXCITED!!!!!!!

it started about a month ago and it was a little shaky for a while. i had a ridiculous looking mohwak style for a while, but it's started to even itself out. i'm just SO incredibly thrilled.

pictures to come...

Added by Reen on March 21, 2009 at 1:05am — No Comments

you know the kind of bad dream: you show up to school naked or your teeth crack and tumble out of your mouth or you like realize all of your hair has fallen out and you are bald? Yeah.

you know the kind of bad dream: you show up to school naked or your teeth crack and tumble out of your mouth or you like realize all of your hair has fallen out and you are bald? Yeah. The last one...So last week I notice a 2 inch bald spot on the back of my head. I don't know when it started or how it got so big with out me noticing but when I ran my fingers through my hair after the gym on Wed they hit a smooth patch... WHAT?! Confirmed by some yoga moves with a compact in the employee… Continue

Added by Jodi on March 19, 2009 at 10:30pm — 12 Comments


So I have definitely neglected this site lately. I don’t even remember the last time I spent more than 5 minutes on this site. For a while I was spending at least an hour a day on here. It not that I don’t like this site or anything, I still love it and think its great support. It’s just my life has been changing so fast and I haven’t had a chance to even stop and catch my breath.

In the last few months I have moved to a different part of the state (just for the school year, but its… Continue

Added by Drew on March 18, 2009 at 7:42pm — 4 Comments

Just because I wear a wig does not mean I have self-esteem issues

Today I was with my cousin and I went with her to take her 5 year old son to get a haircut. I'm sitting in a chair reading a magazine waiting for them to be finished when an older lady (70's) comes up to me and says, "Excuse me. Do you mind if I tell you something?" I look up from my magazine to see what she wants to tell me. She tells me, "You have very pretty hair." I wear a wig, as I'm sure this lady could tell. I replied with a polite thank you as I look back at my magazine. The lady then… Continue

Added by Jill on March 18, 2009 at 6:13pm — 7 Comments

I need some help

I just watched a documentary called the Beautiful Truth and it really spoke to me. There is this therapy called the Gerson therapy which has cured many cancer patients and other illnesses through eating only fruits and vegetables. There is more to it and if I get some people to help me i'll figure out all the details. I came up with an idea of seeing if this same therapy would work with Alopecia. I'll create a plan and ask anyone who liked to help me this experiment and to post their results.… Continue

Added by Mackenzie on March 18, 2009 at 6:12pm — 1 Comment

Get a Life!

I've been going contest crazy lately! Looking for a new job in this economy with a bad wig is a tough job and can be rather depressing some days. I've been working part time still but only 15 to 20 hours a week which doesn't exactly give me much cash flow. I've got that Doritos commercial on the go but I don't think it will be winning any prizes anytime soon, unfortunately we no longer live in a world where creative ideas are enough, the technology has to match so this amateur ain't gonna cut… Continue

Added by Carol on March 18, 2009 at 5:22pm — No Comments

RE: Also Curious about this!

Hi all! Ok, so maybe some people get alopecia once and never get it again, I would like to talk to one, but, has any one ever experienced dental issues or infections with the Alopecia? I have had some cavities in both wisdom teeth that I haven't taken care of for a while,I know thats bad, but they haven't really hurt or bothered me. I'm wondering if that can trigger the Alopecia?? Anyone heard of this or had the same thing happen around the same time?? Also, I did notice that when I'm gone from… Continue

Added by Melissa Harris on March 17, 2009 at 10:43pm — 3 Comments

Why I am Here

The baldness was with me from the start of my youth. I feared total hair loss at my twenties. Hair was falling out day by day. But the head remained hairy. In the end of thirties, the bald spots became large. I lost more and more hair from the front side. But it is in the start of forties that the hair fall became more active and a small patch appeared on the back side too. It is spreading. But the hair fall is now slowed in rate.

What is in hair. People alarm watching their hair falls. If… Continue

Added by Ajithkumar on March 17, 2009 at 9:49pm — No Comments

alopecia areata

Hi All,
I was wondering if any one would share there experience with alopecia areata with me. Feel like I am the only person who has this terrible disease.

Added by Katie on March 17, 2009 at 4:57pm — 4 Comments

RE: Question for everyone!

Hi there, I have a question for everyone on here. Did everyone that had re-growth have Alopecia again and again after?? If, so how long of a period and how much hair loss?? I'm curious because I'm reading that if you get it once, you will get it again almost for sure. Is there anyone that only got it once and never again?? Looking for some answers! Thanks!


Added by Melissa Harris on March 17, 2009 at 1:43pm — 2 Comments

I did it !!!!

Today was the day. After a long time of trying to hide it (everybody knows this....) and seen myself on pictures, I decided to shave ist all off!!!
Feels wonderful !!!!!!

Added by Michael on March 15, 2009 at 2:50pm — 14 Comments

How well do you really know me???

YOU fill in the blanks about ME even if you don't have any idea what they are and send it back to ME in a message. But first post a blank one out to all your friends so they can return the favor to you.

My name:

Who is the love of my life:

Where did we meet:

Take a stab at my middle name:

How long have you known me:

When is the last time that we saw each other:

Do I smoke:

Do I… Continue

Added by kastababy on March 15, 2009 at 12:06pm — No Comments

A note about the hair follicle & Malaysian democratic process...

Hi everyone,

I've updated my blog recently with two blogs of the Alopecia areata series. Namely, "should a Alopecia areata patient strengthen their immune system" since we have established that Alopecia areata is of autoimmune origin? Followed by "a note about the hair… Continue

Added by Joshua on March 14, 2009 at 10:30pm — 1 Comment


So im in track and i wear a bandana to protect my head from the sun.I was runing the 100 meter hurtles and as i was runing my bandana flew off in the middle of the race. I kept on runing for a couple of reasons 1 my coach would been like why did you stop 2 i was like in 2nd or 3rd place and i didnt know were my bandana went. no one said anything but it was still really embarrasing because there was a standuim full of people .

Added by lauren on March 14, 2009 at 7:51pm — 7 Comments

I do not have alopecia

Hi umm....this is Kelsey I do not have alopecia I just have a acount cuz i have a friend who does and I want 2 support her. Also by having her as a friend i no how hard it is cuz she is on her 2cd wig. So do not think I do not care cuz i DO.

Added by Kelsey on March 14, 2009 at 3:30pm — 6 Comments

Just Me!!

The thing that I like most about this site is that it provides a lot of support and answers to those who don't know. I used to have so many unanswered questions when I was in school. I used to wonder why me? Out of all these kids at school--why ME!! I remember things like how hot it was to wear a wig in the summer. The constant thought of "I hope nobody snatches my wig off." It really stopped me from participating in things like field trips because i didnt know what the kids would do once i got… Continue

Added by Elaine on March 13, 2009 at 10:55pm — 3 Comments

Positive images of women with hairloss in fashion.

I have never posted a blog before!!! The other day I got sent a catalogue from People Tree (this is a UK company which sells fairly traded and environmentally friendly clothes). I noticed some T-Shirts with prints on them of women with headscarves by a Japanese illustrator called Nao. There is no mention in the catalogue of why these designs have been chosen (and whether it has anything to do with alopecia or chemo) but I think they are lovely and a positive image of women with scarves, rather… Continue

Added by Jude on March 13, 2009 at 9:30am — No Comments

Hello.. I am new to this site. Just trying to find my way around. It is weird and yet refreshing to know that I am NOT the only out there who looks like me. I refuse to accept the fact that my hai…


I am new to this site. Just trying to find my way around.

It is weird and yet refreshing to know that I am NOT the only out there who looks like me.

I refuse to accept the fact that my hair is gone for good. I think if I did, I'd die.

Women are known for their hair.. a woman under the age of 70 is not supposed to be bald. A friend told me today that it is very common for women to go bald. Yea, I replied if there is a type of immune disorder or… Continue

Added by Tnabugg on March 13, 2009 at 8:54am — 5 Comments

Hair For Two

Hello all, I have a question....

Last Friday, after 4 tests, I found out that I am preggo :-)

My question is this...for any of you who had/have a "mild" case of AA like mine, what happened when you got pregnant? More growth? Less growth? Nothing?

Please let me know. Thanks!!

Added by Amy on March 12, 2009 at 9:53am — 4 Comments

Should i get a freedom wig?

Hi, im 14 years old and I have lost about half of my hair so far. Its still falling out in some areas, but i have some regrowth. Its not alot, but there is some. Every morning i put my hair up is a clip with some bobby pins and hairspray to hide my large bald area, but I hate being so concious about my hair all the time. I cant run without revealing it during gym. I just wanted some opinions if i should get a freedom wig or if i should just wait and see if the spot that is regrowing gets… Continue

Added by Meme on March 11, 2009 at 10:11pm — 5 Comments

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