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Bald at last!

Here's something interesting... before I shaved my head, I had thought that the moment that I finally did it, I would come scurrying over to Alopecia World and post pictures and try to get support from everyone. But something strange happened... I found I didn't need the support.

With the advice of my mom, I did the head shave in steps. First, I got my mom to cut off my pony tail (I saved it so I could match my wig to it) and lived with that short hair for a week or so. I went to… Continue

Added by Christine on January 27, 2009 at 12:30am — 13 Comments

People are so ignorant

So I went out on Saturday night with some girlfriends. We had dinner and then went to go see a band we like. I'm having a good time minding my own business following my friend through the crowd to the dance floor when someone pulled my hair. (By the way I wear a wig) This was no accident, it was obvious someone grabbed a handful and jerked my head backwards. I immediately turn around to two guys standing behind me and asked, "Who did that and what is your @#*%ing problem?" They are both… Continue

Added by Jill on January 26, 2009 at 11:54pm — 10 Comments

Still Bald and All is Well

I am a member of many organizations and sit on the board of several non-profits in my community. I am taking the time at each meeting to discuss my...well...baldness. Everyone loves my wig, and so comments are always made about my "great new hair." That's the perfect time to mention that while it IS my hair (bought and paid for, thank you very much) it isn't exactly MY hair in the true sense of the phrase.

I explain what alopecia is, what little is known about its origins, treatments… Continue

Added by Nants the Rebellion Dog on January 26, 2009 at 3:12pm — 1 Comment


So I went out to the bar with my husband to listen to his friends band. The band was ok, the venue was crappy so I couldn't really understand the lyrics, but hey. I only drank two beers the whole time we were there and we went to bed shortly after getting home. It was a pretty relaxing night.

Then I woke up about 5:45 in the morning with a feeling like a flaming knife was lodged in my throat. This used to happen when I went to a bar, because smoking was permitted in Oregon until January… Continue

Added by Carmella on January 26, 2009 at 12:30pm — 2 Comments

Afraid to face reality

A while back I was wondering about getting a wig instead of getting a weave again. Well, I got the weave again still cant wrap my mind around the wig. I am thinking that this will be my last time getting the weave and I will start to wear scarves because I really really really dont want to wear a wig.

The last time I looked in the mirror I saw that my hair line in the front looks splotchy like really small dots of scalp instead of hair so I guess I am losing more.

I was sure… Continue

Added by Tamara Dixon on January 25, 2009 at 4:15pm — 5 Comments

23 january 2009


Two children and one adult were killed Friday after a man with a painted face launched a knife attack at a children's daycare center in Belgium.

Police look at a hearse parked in front of the childcare centre in Dendermonde where the attack took place.

Officials said two adults and 10 children, some of whom were in a critical condition, were being treated in hospital following the attack in… Continue

Added by Evelien on January 25, 2009 at 11:00am — No Comments

Tibetan folk tale: The Story of the Bald-Headed Man

One time, when the world was young and men and women were ill because an evil spirit possessed them, there lived a man and his wife who were very poor. A devil came and took possession of each of them and made them both sick. As they were not rich, they could not invite a holy lama to read prayers for them, so invited a lay-brother in his stead. After a while, the man who was reading began to get very hungry. It was the custom to give the priests the best of food, but this man and his wife had… Continue

Added by rj, Co-founder on January 25, 2009 at 7:00am — No Comments

Bad day - over for the moment.

I work tonight so I don't know why I'm up, just to see how everyone is doing I suppose. I'll catch a nap here in a minute. Thanks to everyone for their ever - sweet comments and support. Love you guys.
Have a beautiful weekend.

Added by Carmella on January 23, 2009 at 5:51pm — 2 Comments

A New Day has Dawned in America!

I watched the Presidential Inauguration today, and how do I best describe the myriad of emotions that I've felt on this most historic of days?

It is a bittersweet day for me, because the father, grandmother, and great-aunt that I adored so much were not here to witness history being made. How I wish I could have sat with them, especially my grandmother and her sister, who lived through Jim Crow, segregation, and the Civil Rights Movement, and been able to talk to them, and see their… Continue

Added by kastababy on January 23, 2009 at 2:02pm — 4 Comments

Please share with me your experiences with the steroid pills....can't think of what they are called.

Maygen started taking steroid pills that are suppose to surpress the immune system so that her hair will stop falling out and regrowth can occure. So far she has been on them for a week. She is still loosing hair. Hmmm....I do see regrowth, but it was there before she started the pills. She was using the steroid topical cream. I would just like to here the good, the bad, and ugly about these pills.

Added by Maygensmom on January 23, 2009 at 11:45am — 6 Comments

New privacy options on Alopecia World

Dear Member,

Starting today, you have the option of setting your Alopecia World profile to private.

When you do so, only members of Alopecia World or just the people on your friends list will be able to view your entire profile.

Please note that everyone, including non-members, will still be able to view your main profile photo, name, age, city, state and country. However, they will not be able to see the rest of your profile if you have made it accessible only to…


Added by Alopecia World on January 23, 2009 at 12:00am — No Comments

What a feelin!

I'm an artist, and twice a week I give charcoal classes. I begin with a still life subject , then I get in the spotlight and pose for 40 min or so. Yesterday, as I sat in a yoga pose on the floor in front of my students,I told them I was almost ready to go out bald. One lady suggested I take off my wig and pose for them like that. I wanted to very badly just to see how I would feel. So I checked if that was ok with everyone, and got a "Go for it" response.

Oop there it is .The… Continue

Added by Amber Lounder on January 22, 2009 at 11:00pm — 16 Comments

I Love Being Bald!

Okay, so it's only day 3 and I'm still floating on the pink cloud of empowerment. But I had fun in the shower today shaving my stubble instead of bemoaning the loss of hair. (I bought a Headshave and am slowly getting the hang of it.) Last night I went to my writer's group meeting and "flipped my wig" for them. I've sent pictures to lots of my family and closest friends and have gotten a really positive response. I love the feel of cool air on my head. I love my new wig but I love being without… Continue

Added by Nants the Rebellion Dog on January 22, 2009 at 3:39pm — 14 Comments

High iron levels, positive ANA, elevated prolactin levels?? Anybody?

Hello all. I have been checking in on this site for quite a while now and although I really admire the "Bald is Beautiful" idea,but I REALLY want my hair back! I am soooo NOT beautiful bald! I just dont have the face or confidence for it. Ive been trying to find out about autoimmune disorders and why they make your hair fall out but no one seems to know much about it at all. For example thyroid disease can cause alopecia........ so if your thyroid levels are corrected then shouldnt your hair… Continue

Added by GINA on January 22, 2009 at 1:21am — 5 Comments

Have you ever thought?

J.H.C.!!! I'm never going to make it. I'm incapable of securing sanity for anyone at this point. I'm angry and disappointed. I refuse to believe this is real. My family would rather I die or be a goddess - stupid baldness not giving me super powers.

I wish I could be saved - not by a religion but a prince -saved.

Am I the only one suffering in this moment the you will never do any better syndrome?



P.S. I wish I never had children to spare them… Continue

Added by Carmella on January 22, 2009 at 12:00am — 4 Comments


everyone is so friendly. hi to everyone.
i joined a.w. so i could learn more about alopecia, and how i may be able to help-through my work as a hairdresser. i was an assistant to a stylist who had a client with alopecia. she was really cool. i admired her attitude-nearly always sunny.

Added by tiffany wermund on January 21, 2009 at 10:13pm — 2 Comments

Five patches and counting...

So...I'm ordering my wig tonight. I found 3 more patches starting - which gives me a total of 5...that I know of.

Does anyone else experience a pain sensation at the site of a patch? My big spot hurts to touch it. And it seems itchy a lot.

Has anyone ordered from I found a wig on there that was very close to my normal hair style - and the price seems to be average.

I hope somebody can help me with this - as I plan to order within the next hour...

I can't wait… Continue

Added by Christie on January 21, 2009 at 5:54pm — 3 Comments


so im kinda new at this...

i was just disgnosed with alopecia arreta(sp?) last month. i'm about to be twenty on the 3rd.

haha, one day (about a month or so ago)i woke up and noticed a big chunk of my hair missing on the right side of my head..

"hmmm, what the hell?" i thought.

i didn't really care much. i mean yeah it was kinda big but nothing a sweet hair-part couldn't handle, you know?

so whatever... the only thing that REALLY bugged me was what caused it.

kind… Continue

Added by tat on January 21, 2009 at 5:12pm — 7 Comments

Thankfulness Prayer


> Please take a moment to relax your mind and humble your heart to focus

> on Christ. Allow God to be the only person on your mind while you read

> this prayer. If we can take the time to read long jokes, stories, etc,

> we should give the same respect to this prayer. Friends, who pray

> together, stay together.

> If you pray this prayer, change the number in the subject box before

> forwarding the message so people can SEE how many… Continue

Added by Lori Black on January 21, 2009 at 12:24pm — 1 Comment

Freedom Wig! - need advice

This is my first blog, don't really know how to write it!

Basically, I'm getting a Freedom wig. My first EVER wig, after having AT for 8 years! I've always either worn a bandana or for the last 4 years just gone with nothing at all on my head. But I've finally decided the time has come to get a wig, for various reasons. I've had my fitcap appointment and the cap fitted wonderfully, I love the colour of the hair sample and now I am patiently waiting for my new hair to arrive! Should… Continue

Added by Hayley Burton on January 21, 2009 at 11:01am — 1 Comment

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