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maybe someone can help!!

Thank you everyone for such positive welcomes:) its nice to know there is so much support.
I have not lost all of my hair yet, I have AA, but my eyebrows and eyelashes are falling out now too. I am tired of the shots and am looking for a chinese remedy like tea to help it. I have heard a few stories of Alopeicia fully recovered. If anyone can help please let me know what has worked for you.

Added by zenaida telfair on January 13, 2009 at 6:11pm — No Comments

What did you get for Christmas?????

Happy New Year to you all!!!!

I hope that everyone had a great festive break and that Santa brought you all lots of goodies. As for me, I got lots of goodies including a full on attack of Alopecia. As you may know from my recent posts, near to the end of November I had developed a patch on my left hand side just above my ear and on the right hand side my hair line was rising above the ear but I had left it for a while to see how things developed.

I should have shaved my… Continue

Added by Ray on January 13, 2009 at 10:30am — No Comments

wig to give away to a loving home

i'm giving away my second wig.

i've had it since i was 16 or 17..

its beautiful, it was to be longer but i got it cut and styled by a wig maker.

heres a pic of it today

it is synthetic, red/brown, i dont know the brand as back then i didnt ask i just wore haha

i am willing to send it anywhere in the world, just comment and tell me why you want it.

heres the colour close up… Continue

Added by Alison on January 13, 2009 at 6:29am — No Comments

My New Spring Wig

What do you think?


Added by JeffreySF on January 12, 2009 at 10:45pm — 13 Comments

Wig Arrived!

My first wig came today. It is Sassy by Revlon and the color is Autumn Glow. I followed the recommendations from my friends here at Alopecia World and they did my right! It is a mono cap, synthetic, and it was well under $200 from Wilshire Wigs. I must admit it's redder than it looked on my monitor, but I absolutely ADORE it. It fits perfectly and needs no thinning or trim. In fact, it is almost identical to the cut I have right now, only the… Continue

Added by Nants the Rebellion Dog on January 12, 2009 at 8:11pm — 5 Comments

Joseph Paris Salon in NYC????

Has anyone every heard of Joseph Paris or Hair rx? I am not sure how I found this website, but I sent away for literature and the owner Mr. Joseph Paris called me himself. He has two websites. and The pictures of the pieces that he creates are amazing. I have never seen such natural looking hair lines ever. I would love any feedback that you can provide if anyone knows about him and his pieces.

Thanks in advance for your… Continue

Added by RENEE on January 12, 2009 at 7:33pm — 2 Comments

Here goes...

So...December 10th is when it started...

It's now January 12th, and I have finally been given the diagnoses of having AA. The patch started out about the size of a dime...

Now it's about 2.5 inches around, at the top of my head. I haven't noticed any other spots.

I am now using the steriod topical cream. Has anyone had success with this?

I have considered shaving my head - because I'm really tired of obessing over how many hairs will fall out at one time.

I'm feeling… Continue

Added by Christie on January 12, 2009 at 2:21pm — 7 Comments


So I am always so busy with work and etc that I never have time to come on here. I'm so glad I did, since I came on here my stress levels about my alopecia have gone down. Right now I have a cream that I rubbing on the spot each day and it seems to be making the hair grow back but I am still being prepared for another one coming or it coming back. It's a scary feeling when it is so unpredictable. I hope everyone is having a great week! Thanks for all the… Continue

Added by Karissa on January 12, 2009 at 11:44am — No Comments

Policy update: Advertising on Alopecia World

Effective immediately, all businesses must receive written authorization from Alopecia World before posting or uploading any advertisement or promotional material, including marketing videos and products photos, to Alopecia World.

In addition, businesses may not use any feature of Alopecia World to spam its members.

This policy does not prohibit members of Alopecia World from continuing to mention, discuss, recommend, or debate commercial products and services in the larger…


Added by Alopecia World on January 12, 2009 at 11:30am — No Comments

Alopecia Universalis - Do you have any other disease or condition?

Hi I am new to this - I recently in Oct was diagnosed with AU (self-diagnosed as all my docs were useless) I had AA when I was about 10 and had cortisone shots back then and had full hair growth and never any issues until now at 39!!! I never thought it would come back and did not know any better and certainly did not know it could be AU - but I am dealing with it pretty good, the hardest part is the eyebrows and eyelashes.... but what I am trying to find out from anybody with the same thing if… Continue

Added by Diana on January 11, 2009 at 7:38pm — 28 Comments

Things Alopecians Like #10

"Freedom from "frizz" drama! No matter rain, wind, humidity, etc..."

Thanks Sandy!

Added by Jill on January 11, 2009 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Feeling scared

I think i have Alopecia like a 95% but i still haven't talked to a gp or a doctor about this and i'm trying to for these past weeks, growing up i've been very scared of what people think of me but now i've been having nervous breakdowns plus my family isn't sympathizing my brother laughs, my mum says nothing and my dad says previous things in his life which are sorta like this but is about easy things which dont change his physical apearence. I have gone through another patch before and my… Continue

Added by Nathan on January 11, 2009 at 9:03am — 4 Comments

1/10/09 where i'm at...itchy

I feel so messed up today. Thursday afternoon I went to see my dermatologist and she found 2 more small bald patches. We agreed to treat them with squaric acid and injections since so far, I've had regrowth every time. But, it's the side affects that are bothering me at the moment. The spots on my head were really itchy yesterday and as long as I don't touch them and get the cooling gel on quick, then everything there is ok. But it's my neck that has a rash on the side now. I haven't… Continue

Added by Georgie on January 11, 2009 at 12:00am — 1 Comment

Can things get any better than this?

Hello my little pretties,

Just when I am on top of the world someone always seems to be able to make it even better.
Gawd you guys are good.
I Love You Alopecia World!!!


Added by JeffreySF on January 10, 2009 at 9:37pm — 2 Comments

Discussing Alopecia

Hmmmm..... LOL.

I have had au since I was 5 years old. At least I think I was 5 years old. Could have been a bit later. I guess 5 years old is the last time I remember having hair. Well, a full head of nice hair anyway. I guess even at that age I was looking for the day when my hair would regrow and wasn't trying to remember the day it started to fall out.

Now I am 42. I grew up with an incredibly supportive and loving family. Working middle class. My parents loved me and… Continue

Added by Frank on January 10, 2009 at 5:30pm — 6 Comments

wigs in australia

at the moment i buy my wigs online. my fave right now is victoria by amore.

colour dark rust. the site i use is i've found them to be mostly reliable with only one mistake which they fixed pretty fast. i just feel a bit bad buying from directly outside of aus. but to tell u the truth wigs in aust are darn expensive. i went to sydney for our honeymoon and bought a wig and they wanted $500 for a wig that would have cost me $300 online. i fibbed and said i had flown all the way from… Continue

Added by Alison on January 10, 2009 at 6:55am — No Comments

On The Clearance Isle

To all ... stocking stuffers bring the most unusual gifts. The gifts are small in nature - don't cost much - and sometimes can be quite amusing! In mine this year I had several CDs that, as it turned out, came from the clearance isle at Wal Mart. Good enough! I love it actually. The music is from rock groups of long ago.

On my way home from work today, I opened one up and popped it in. Ahhh yes! The sound of music! Song 1, then 2, and on and on, and I remain amused at each one that… Continue

Added by David on January 10, 2009 at 12:25am — 3 Comments

Are them fightin’ words?

Catfight Cheryl and I were visiting friends several days ago when the husband sat down at his family’s computer and started watching this video of Cheryl trying on wigs.

When his wife saw Cheryl in the video, she immediately blurted out, “Wow, Cheryl! Is that you? Girl, have you ever thought about wearing wigs all the time!

The husband and I were taken aback and immediately called his wife’s attention…


Added by rj, Co-founder on January 10, 2009 at 12:00am — 14 Comments


Yes, I did it! I drew my own avatar, and I am very proud of it. I've been watching an AMV on youtube about using Turkish scarves (by Mary) and I found the solution to my next problem... the summer! Anyway, I got inspired and I drew my avatar. I like drawing anime fanarts and this avatar is in anime style as well. It is just an hobby, that relaxes me a lot. I just need my pc and my graphic tablet. Unfortunately here it appears very small, resized by the site...

it better looks like this:… Continue

Added by Teresa on January 9, 2009 at 7:45pm — 4 Comments

Need a stylist in Memphis/Nashville, TN area

Does anyone know of a good stylist in the Memphis or Nashville, TN area that can "cut in" a topper piece for me? I have a topper piece that I ordered, but I'm not having much luck finding a really good stylist that will "cut it in" (blend it with my hair) for me. Most are afraid to cut them:( Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks so much!

Added by Karen on January 9, 2009 at 6:36pm — No Comments

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