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Independence Day...

Saturday was my day of Independence, after having AA for more than 40 years, I decided to shave my head bald, thus freeing myself from wigs, weaves and haircovers. The feeling was exhilarating, it was a celebration of all that I am, especially, a "free bird". My 4 daughters, my son, 3 grand daughters and 2 son-in-laws were all a part of the celebration, each taking a turn to cut strands of hair from my head before my son, shaved it bald. I will post before and after pictures shortly. My bald… Continue

Added by Linda on July 6, 2008 at 2:03am — 7 Comments

What is Alopecia World to you?

Alopecia World member Willow recently wrote us and gave our beloved community a wonderful compliment. She wrote, "I think your web(site) is a miracle to some people, a helping hand to some, but it's an extended family to us all."

We are grateful beyond words that Alopecia World has come to mean so much to so many people. Not just the more than 1,200 amazing individuals who are now registered members, but also the thousands of…


Added by Alopecia World on July 6, 2008 at 1:00am — 16 Comments

New Hair - YEAH!!

I have recently discovered some little white hairs on the top off my head and had it confirmed by my brother - i am always a bit wary that it is my imagination and that i am seeing things - I promised myself i would try not to get excited by it because as we all know this can be short lived so while i am preparing to find it gone i am still hoping that it will grow longer and then turn into proper hair, so much so i felt i had to blog this. However i know this may be a bit silly my arm and leg… Continue

Added by Emma on July 5, 2008 at 7:00am — 2 Comments

Down - but getting optimistic

So, I recently broke up with, for a second time, the man whom I thought was 'the one' - this time ... I completely blame myself. I won't go into details, but I acted atrociously and now follows the shame and the guilt that should.

Along with these feelings, of course, comes the kick you when you're down 'alopecia is a terrible thing to have' thoughts - you know - the feelings you get when you don't want to inflict your appearance on other people, and you can't seem to drag yourself… Continue

Added by Dominique on July 4, 2008 at 8:13pm — 1 Comment

Bad Karma?

So I often joke that my alopecia is a result of bad karma. "I must have been someone terrible in a past life.." But I don't really feel that way.

Now I'm starting to wonder, if maybe I really was a bad person! Yesterday afternoon a buzz started through the hospital I work at about money missing from bank accounts. The whole thing was very mysterious and there were no real details. One person heard $12,000 went missing in an hour, another heard $12,000 was missing from contracters… Continue

Added by Erin on July 4, 2008 at 10:13am — 1 Comment


well steroid creams and various ointments haven't really worked for me. i couldn't get steroid injections because my AA is quite severe. however i'm still hopeful even though my eyebrows are disappearing as well as the eyelashes because i'm booked for PUVA light therapy very soon. worth a try ehh?! :) x

Added by Nick on July 3, 2008 at 7:02pm — 7 Comments


SO IM LOGGING OFF TO GRIEVE OVER HER,....................................................................

Added by claire on July 2, 2008 at 4:00pm — 4 Comments


hey iam happy the way iam and i dont care how iam..and iam going to stay random for ever ^_^ muahaha

Added by Max on July 2, 2008 at 1:55am — 2 Comments

No, I'm not Superwoman!!

This weekend, I woke up on Saturday to see that both of my eyebrows were gone.

Just like that -- no shedding, no unusual thinning (other than that caused by my perpetually underactive thyroid) -- just gone -- and it has upset me in a way I never could have expected.

I'm used to losing my hair; I even take somewhat of a fatalistic approach to the whole alopecia thing. I'm even used to the spots that appear like nomads on the rest of my body and used to losing my eyelashes.… Continue

Added by kastababy on July 1, 2008 at 9:33pm — 9 Comments

Discharged from my consultant!!!!!!!!!!

The weekend was pretty poor really. Daughter trouble! How they can make life difficult! Who would think that a 16 year old girl who is loved and looked after so well could cause so a bad weekend but she did!

Regardless of the problems it was going to be a low key weekend really apart from a concert in Manchester on Saturday evening. I had shaved my head on Friday morning and then left it for the full weekend as I was going to see my consultant on the Monday morning. By Monday morning… Continue

Added by Ray on July 1, 2008 at 1:00pm — 1 Comment

Dancing in the rain

The steam rose from my second cup of coffee as I sat at the table composing the day’s “to do” list. The day was far too new for the sun to have risen. Nevertheless, the skies were bright with the anger of the approaching storm and the house echoed with the resounding claps of thunder. The door from my youngest daughter’s room swung open and out strode my sleepy eyed princess into the kitchen. Fourteen going on 30, still a child but not. The thunder, her nemesis from childhood, had rocked her… Continue

Added by Tony on June 30, 2008 at 11:55am — 2 Comments

Sunday morning inspiration -- Please pass it on!!!

The older I get, the more like my father I become -- and that's not a bad thing at all!! One thing in common that I notice that I have with Daddy is that Disney movies make me cry -- they're guaranteed tear-jerkers, no matter what movie it is (yes, even Fantasia!!)

At the end of Meet the Robinsons, there is a quote from Walt Disney that I found to be very inspiring, and SO appropriate for the members of this community. I'm going to share it with you, and feel free to… Continue

Added by kastababy on June 29, 2008 at 10:38am — 3 Comments

Is it just me?

It seems like I'm so comfortable being the bald girl... my self image completely identifies with that, but it's every other tiny little thing that is driving me nuts. That little mole, the width of my fingers, my second toe is longer than my first, HEY is one breast smaller than the other? If there is anything wrong I can find it ... "drop ten pounds CAR - no better make it 20, LOVE - CAR". I think I'm starting to lose it.
Hope you're all far less crazy than I am

Added by Carmella on June 28, 2008 at 8:30pm — 1 Comment

The White Hairs Are Coming In with bumps...

Ok, now that I have owned the clean dome look I have a situation that just deiced to start happening on my head. Well it's really on the sides of my head, I am starting to grow a lot of the white wirers gray hairs that are becoming very curly the longer I let them grow, but are also causing bumps to appear with them as they grow. This is making it harder for me to shave with my bic, afraid of cutting the bumps and having something else other than smooth skin. Oh and I have black hairs growing… Continue

Added by Yvonne~Yhoney on June 28, 2008 at 4:00pm — 3 Comments

NAAF and Alopecia World-class members

This year, I was honored to attend my first NAAF annual conference. Of course, I owe the privilege to the phenomenal woman of my dreams, my lovely fiancée Cheryl Carvery. She has attended and participated in the conference for 17 years, and this was the first time she asked her mate to accompany her. I'm delighted that I did because, not only was the conference itself great, but it simply made each of my days there to meet and…


Added by Alopecia World on June 28, 2008 at 11:00am — 4 Comments

I'm going away for 4 weeks.


Im going to india for 3 weeks then Queenstown for 1 week to ski. So if I don't reply to messages etc I am sorry. I will do so when i get back around the 28th of july.


Anna. x

Added by Fitzy on June 27, 2008 at 8:15pm — 3 Comments

Second Opinion.

Ok I know that a second opinion is not going to come out as the doc saying it’s all just a bad dream that is not such thing as Alopecia. But I have decided to get a second opinion because of the first derm we went to. The nerve of some people, this derm as so SO rude you wouldn’t believe it. Our first visit was no help at all, the doc walked in and said "yep its alopecia. looked at me and said I just wanted you to know that because she is under the age of 18 and she has alopecia there is a 100%… Continue

Added by Jennifer and Alieena on June 26, 2008 at 2:57pm — 8 Comments

It happened again.

I went to the store to return a movie to one of those movie vending machines and I saw her again. She was coming out with her kids and S.O. and I was getting out of the car (that my S.O. was driving with the kids in the back). I wanted to say something or wave, but I just smiled. Time seemed to move too slow and both families appeared to be staring into the bizaro world of each other.


Added by Carmella on June 26, 2008 at 12:28am — 2 Comments

Check out my hats!!!!


I have had these bald patches made to sell in my ebay store, "Alopecia Accessories and Things." There are six sayings and 12 different hats to choose from. They will be custom made to order. I hope they are a good seller. I just love them. I have been wearing a different one each day and I have gotten lots of great compliments. I thought I would post a pic here and… Continue

Added by Dotty on June 25, 2008 at 10:20pm — 4 Comments


It's only been 3 days of wearing a wig to work and I'm already sick of it! LOL. I mean...I like it and it makes me feel pretty...but geesh! It's one thing to wear it for a couple hours out to the bar or out with's quite another to wear it around allllll day at work! 11 hours is a long time! For a wig, mine is VERY comfortable. Fits perfect without slippage and it's pretty light. But after wearing it for 11's a long time! It gets pretty toasty in here and my head… Continue

Added by Mandy on June 25, 2008 at 3:59pm — 5 Comments

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