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Back in track

After 20hrs of flying here and there im finally home. Louisville-Philly-London-Stockholm....what a trip...but all I can was worth it.

The conference and the people was amazing.


Added by Roger on June 25, 2008 at 1:12pm — 1 Comment


omg you guys! i just loved kentucky! i am completly bald, but i wear a locks of love hair piece so i "fit in" but now i might not wear it as much, u guys really opend up my heart, and anybody who has myspace add me! my name is kellsie, my URL is add me with a message of i have alopecia, or i am a friend/ family member of someone who has alopecia

this is me and cody at the confeance in minnianpoils, i don't have any… Continue

Added by Kellsie Anne on June 24, 2008 at 5:37pm — 1 Comment

Louisville 2008

Thanks everyone I met at the NAAF conference in Louisville.

Take care everyone.


Added by Roger on June 24, 2008 at 3:32pm — 2 Comments

Louisville, Kentucky

Dear all, since this site is about diversity, below, you'll find my impressions about the NAAF conference, first in French, which is my first language and after in English.


Louisville, Kentucky. Pour la majorité des gens, cette ville, ce n'est qu' une ville quelconque aux États-Unis. Pour moi, cette ville est l'endroit où, pour la première fois, j'ai eu le sentiment de faire partie de la majorité. Pour la toute première fois, ma pelade ne… Continue

Added by Diane on June 24, 2008 at 2:25pm — 12 Comments


My oldest daughter graduated from high school this weekend. I’m so very proud of her. My Mom sat next to me during the ceremony. At one point, Mom reminded me that she and my Dad were married a little more than 6 months after their high school graduation. I swallowed hard, realizing my first born, the little girl who snuggled in my arms as I read her fairy tails before bed, was now all grown up.

The ceremony was filled with pomp and circumstance. Most of the speeches were no more to… Continue

Added by Tony on June 24, 2008 at 7:09am — 3 Comments

More wigs, please

I'm getting so much into wigs and I look online for the craziest things. I wish I could afford at least one more wig. Yesterday I got one wig from Ebay with really long hair. That might be the new style for my wedding in august.

When I go to the wigs store I'm in the best mood and I want to try on all different kinds and styles. Short hair, long hair, curly hair etc. The sad thing about it is that all other people who come into a wig store are not in a good mood. They all have… Continue

Added by Zoe on June 24, 2008 at 3:30am — 2 Comments

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Added by Alopecia World on June 23, 2008 at 12:30pm — 2 Comments

ATTN Louisville and sothern IN alopicians

I have updated our website and am currently working on bringing it up to date, anyone has any suggestions that want to see on it let me know. Julia could you send me some of your pictures so I can put on the site.



Added by Kelly Fineman on June 23, 2008 at 9:29am — 2 Comments

most thoughts

for most of you, you kn0w what i mean by giving up love. i mean all the time i was growing up i always felt that in the back of my mind that no guy could ever love me because i was bald, there was just something about people with no hair. and im sure some of you feel that way. by the time i turned 20 years old, i was giving up even though i was still so young, it seemed relentless. thats when i got with jerry, the love of my life. me and jerry had already known each other for a couple of years,… Continue

Added by jen on June 23, 2008 at 3:43am — 1 Comment

I did it! I shaved my head!!

Well it's done! And I'm 100% confident that I made the right choice. I feel like 20 lbs lighter!!! LOL. It's just so hard to describe but I feel soooo good! I've left the fringe in front like I said I would. Not gonna lie...I'll probably end up shaving that too real soon cuz I just feel so comfortable shaved. A night like this really lets you know who your true friends are. I love you all so much.

Shave… Continue

Added by Mandy on June 22, 2008 at 3:30am — 8 Comments

Dating Whilst bald, part two............... AND A NEW UPDATE....

Well i went on a date with a bald guy called scott and i have to say after my experience with Adam i was very aprehensive, but i have to say this was a really nice evening, he didnt have a problem being with a bald girl and it was a great night.

we laughed all evening and after my male friends Rupert and Pete coming over a mistaking him for a previous date (Nigel), he took it with great humour...................

Scott himself is bald (shaved), tall and looks like a strongman so as you… Continue

Added by claire on June 21, 2008 at 7:30am — 5 Comments

My new hair! Got my 1st wig today! :)

Wow...what a difference a bit of synthetic hair can do! I feel pretty again! Let me know what you think. The color matches my hair so close that seeing the 2 together, I couldn't tell where my hair started and the wig began. I'm going to have to get used to the bangs, but I do think they look pretty cute. I didn't shave my head today...the lady at the shop was too scared to do it. She really wanted me to think about it. While I understand what she was saying, I am still gonna shave it off this… Continue

Added by Mandy on June 20, 2008 at 4:56pm — 5 Comments

Question about working with kids

As I said in my previous blog, I am teaching gymnastics to kids this summer. It is kind of like a camp and there are mixture of different kids every week, some come back for more than one week. The kids are mostly between the ages of 7 and 10. I've gotten some questions about my hair, if I'm really bald, or if it will come back. I have no problem answering the kids questions when they ask. I tell them basically what alopecia is and that there is no certainty that I'll every have hair again.… Continue

Added by Kristen Ridenhour on June 20, 2008 at 4:48pm — 7 Comments

a little about me and why i try to help!!!

My name is Jessi Trenholm. I'm a 18 year old female who has been through a lot for only being's the story of my life:

When i was 10 my parents got divorced. My mother and sister and I moved in with my mothers boyfriend. He didn't like my attitude so he used to hit me alot (everytime i got smart or did something wrong.) I Lived with my mother and him up until i was 14. I was put in the hospital for my first suicide attempt at age 14. About a month after i got out the abuse… Continue

Added by Jessi on June 20, 2008 at 4:00pm — 2 Comments

Attitude & Learning

** I have to remind myself of this daily**

There once was a woman who woke up one morning,

looked in the mirror,

and noticed she had only three hairs on her head.

'Well,' she said, 'I think I'll braid my hair today.'

So she did and she had a wonderful day.

The next day she woke up,

looked in the mirror

and saw that she had only two hairs on her head.

'H-M-M,' she said,

'I think I'll part my hair down the… Continue

Added by Billie on June 20, 2008 at 3:24pm — 5 Comments

Question about Vacuum Wigs

Hi, I was thinking of getting a vacuum wig. I heard they fit secure and cannot be pulled off. Well that's what I hear anyway. I work at at special needs school, I work with 7th-8th grade children with severe behavioral problems, some with mental illness as well. My job can get pretty rough and physical and I was trying to find a wig that could not be pulled off or come off during a crisis. They love to go for the hair. Do you think that type of wig would hold up or is there something else out… Continue

Added by Denise on June 20, 2008 at 10:30am — 5 Comments

''''How should I be teaching my daughter then!!!!!''''

It has been over a year since my daughter has been diagnosed with Alopecia. Thinking back, I remember the sleepless nights, the crying, the refusing to eat anythiny and the asking of, 'Why is this happening to her and me.' I held these feelings for my her for many months after she was diagnosed and literally over night, I just suddenly changed.

I don't know what made me think like this but for some reason, I began to approached her alopecia in a different way and have been critized… Continue

Added by Karen on June 20, 2008 at 2:50am — 6 Comments

$70 a week care allowance for aussie alopecia sufferers.

I just had a txt from matthew (founder of princess charlotte alopecia foundation) and he told me one of the men who attended our ball from the government read a speech in parliament yesterday. He said that alopecia suffers are going to receive a $70 allowance per week to help out with wigs etc.

I have looked online but haven't seen any news about it yet. But for you aussies I would look out for some info and get in to contact with someone about it.

Hope nz follows… Continue

Added by Fitzy on June 19, 2008 at 9:36pm — 4 Comments

Calling all Fantasy Football Players!!!

You asked for it, and we delivered!!! Depending on response I may or may not create a second league for additional players, so please read and respond to this message in its entirety!!!

Okay everyone, for those of you who are interested, I have set up my fantasy league on Yahoo! Sports. This year's name is the Alopecian Atom Bombs (says she with a chuckle). If you want to join this league, please email me at so that I can send you the invite. Please do so… Continue

Added by kastababy on June 19, 2008 at 8:31pm — No Comments


Week 2 since I shaved. Life goes on. What was once considered change is now the accepted norm. Yet, the thought still lingers…how much longer will this continue? The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche once penned "If we have our own why of life, we can bear almost any how." The ‘how’ is self evident…my ‘why’ is my two teenage children.

Good times or bad, I need be a positive role model for my children. I dare not wax impatient for fear of the unintentional lesson provided.… Continue

Added by Tony on June 19, 2008 at 12:05pm — 2 Comments

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