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Student with fear of heights will skydive to help alopecia sufferers

According to an article in The Bolton News:

"A UNIVERSITY student with a fear of heights has just signed up to jump from an aeroplane at 12,000 feet.

Twenty years-old Joe Slack from Westleigh is doing a sponsored skydive on May 11 to raise fund for the support group ( that has done such a lot to help his younger sister, Kim, who…


Added by Cheryl, Co-founder on April 10, 2013 at 1:36am — No Comments

People amaze me

Today I signed up for a gym membership and the only reason Im saying anything about it is because something funny happened. I was changing directions of the machine to do the other side of my body and this guy comes running over to help me. I had it under control and he said to me "How long have you been fighting the good fight." It took me a couple of seconds to figure out he thought I had Cancer. I responded but saying I don't have Cancer it's Alopecia and it fell out about a year and a…


Added by Sheena Tha Cody on April 9, 2013 at 10:00pm — 7 Comments

Love this quote. Don't know who said it, but I love it

Changes are part of life. Instead of fighting it, embrace it. Sometimes, it can be the best thing that ever happened. Just breathe, and keep moving forward.

Added by Sheena Tha Cody on April 9, 2013 at 10:00pm — 1 Comment

Final getting comfortable

It's been a long while since I've been on here last.

I just find myself on here when I need to talk about something no one else could understand. Now a days I've been writing in a journal but sometimes I wish I could get a response to what I write in it.

So I came back here. Here is the most comfortable place, the place I can be who I really am and people understand me. Dealing with this for such a long period of time you figure I'd be use to this by now. I mean I am but there are…


Added by Julie on April 9, 2013 at 9:00pm — No Comments

Mistaken for shaving for Cure for Cancer

Quite a few people have now stopped me in the street, asked me in shops or public places if I have shaved my head through choice for Cure for Cancer.. I hadn't even heard of it so it was a surprise at first but now I am ready for it! It still surprises me that people would think that a girl has gone bald by choice! Maybe some others have had the same experience?! I don't mind people asking at all really and so far it has been followed up with a positive comment like, "Oh well you suit it.." but… Continue

Added by Jules on April 7, 2013 at 5:17am — 8 Comments

Alopecia's crazy, come-and-go, asymmetrical, unpredictable nature is like _________________.

Fill in the blank. Get creative. I'll post the ones most appropriate and fun for this site. Sometimes, ya just gotta laugh when you are tired of the tears.

Mine: ...the reverse of parasitic mistletoe clumps that attack bare winter trees.

Added by Tallgirl on April 6, 2013 at 12:30am — 4 Comments

Swapped clippers for a razor

Tonight he clippers became useless. Hardly any hair patches to clipper down and even without the guard it is not short enough - crazy! So back to the razor.. unreal to think that 6 months ago I had an awesome short pixie cut.. ah we'll, make the most of that we got I guess!!

Added by Jules on April 5, 2013 at 7:14am — 2 Comments

Exercise hats 101

Hi Alopecia Friends:

For a long time, I have been searching for exercise hats to wear to cardio karate and yoga classes. Yesterday, I tested the CoolMax exercise hat and the Madison exercise hat. Both stayed on during my classes, including jumping jacks, bending down to touch my toes, and the downward dog yoga pose. I am not sure how well the hats will stay on when I do martial arts falls yet.

Basically, there are two kinds of exercise hats: beanies/turbans and bandana wraps.…


Added by Brandy on April 4, 2013 at 12:00pm — 4 Comments

One last try with medication

I have tried oral steriods, steroid injections, and topical foams since being diagnosed with Alopecia Totalis about 2 1/2 yrs ago. I had about 95% regrowth on my scalp after the combination of olux and rogaine, but no success with the first two items. But, within the year, all the growth fell out. I often wonder whether my hair would have grown without the aid of medication. Who knows. I am now Alopecia Universalis.

I have come to accept that this disease is highly unpredictable. Yet, I…


Added by Yellow Daisy on April 2, 2013 at 7:49pm — 10 Comments


I was diagnosised with AA about a month ago I started injections today, I feel so depressed and alone I feel ugly I hate looking at myself in the mirror I hate spending 20 extra mins to do my hair to use make to cover the patches or comb it a certain way to make them less visible every person I talk to I feel them staring at the patches on my head I feel like a monster I'm tired of everyone saying at least your a guy, like that's suppose to make me feel better like its okay for me to lose my… Continue

Added by Marcus on April 1, 2013 at 11:05pm — 2 Comments

Abandoned - nervous breakdown

I wrote in my prvious blog about what has and is happening to me. I received a few comments, but I have not heard back from anyone since which has saddened me very much.

These last days for me have been the worse of nightmares. My family has now abandoned/turned their back on me during my time of great need. I am all alone facing this now, my job is on the line. I do not know where to turn, or what to do. I have no one to talk to. I cannot stand to look at myself in the mirror. I am…


Added by suffering on April 1, 2013 at 9:45pm — 13 Comments

So sick of ...

I am so sick of my mom treating me like I am sick. I moved back in with my parents for a bit after college and now I'm ready to leave, but she constantly shoots me down whenever I mention. When I ask her why, she tells me it is because I am "sick." I cannot figure out how to explain to her that no I am not "sick." I have an autoimmune condition and that if this is making me "sick" then I'll be sick for the rest of my life?

It's irritating. No matter how hard I try to explain to her…


Added by MaddiiBoo on April 1, 2013 at 10:24am — 9 Comments

First time here!

Hi... diagnosed with Alopecia when I was 5 then by age 12 i had lost every piece of hair on my body and scalp. I did not have any regrowth till age 17 and only then it was only my scalp! I will be 28 in 28 days and to this day i stil have no hair on my body anywhere.Just on my scalp and I have about 65% of that. no faciacl hair either. I understand how turamatizing the situation for a young girl to have hair then none! But today i can Thank Jesus for Alopecia it has made me a very strong…


Added by tiffany muela on April 1, 2013 at 5:57am — No Comments

Interview with Randall Wolcott bacterial biofilm wound care specialist /inflamitory deseases directly related to bacteria/Marshall Protocol gains support

Hello every one, there is very promising news on the horizon in the microbiology world concerning Lform and biofilm form bacterial overgrowth within the human body and its direct correlation to inflamitory autoimunual diseases of all types. The studies show unmistaken connections between inflamitory diseases in the human body and internal biofilm bacteria that resides within the body gone undetected by current testing. Biofilm and Lform bacteria are the cause of all autoimmunal diseases the…


Added by George Ortiz on March 31, 2013 at 10:27am — No Comments

Interview with Randall Wolcott bacterial biofilm wound care specialist /inflamitory deseases directly related to bacteria/Marshall Protocol gaining support

Hello every one, there is very promising news on the horizon in the microbiology world concerning Lform and biofilm form bacterial overgrowth within the human body and its direct correlation to inflamitory autoimunual diseases of all types. The studies show unmistaken connections between inflamitory diseases in the human body and internal biofilm bacteria that resides within the body gone undetected by current testing. Biofilm and Lform bacteria are the cause of all autoimmunal diseases the…


Added by George Ortiz on March 31, 2013 at 10:24am — No Comments

In the recording studio

My band, Zilliox, is finally in my studio recording our original stuff. I've added a rough mix of one of our songs("Rush I Need") to my profile page. It's sort of trip-hoppy, retro, techno. I co-write/produce the tunes and sing lead. Hope you enjoy it.

Added by Marie on March 31, 2013 at 4:30am — 1 Comment

Allergy symptoms

Now that my eyelashes, eyebrows, and body hair is all falling out, I have been experiencing severe itching, watery eyes, redness, burning skin and body pain. Has anyone out there experienced this? And if so, what has alleviated your symptoms? Has anyone seen any kind of specialist if they have had or have these symptoms. I am so miserable right now. Allergy pills do not help, I feel like I'm overdosing on benadryl. It's hard.

I've been to my primary physician, I'm a Medical Assistant at…


Added by christy murphy on March 30, 2013 at 9:52am — 5 Comments

Mini Rant :)

Alopecia is a bit of a bitch :) I'm not so bothered about having no hair on my head any more, or my eye brows, and TOTALLY cool with no leg hair (I really should wear skirts more often)

BUT why does the hair have to grow in stupid places where I don't want it. I actually feel a bit manky today and it is due to unwanted hair I will have to sort out ASAP. It comes everywhere I don't want it, toes, arm pits, bikini line/area, even my chin has the odd one here and there at times, lady…


Added by KFlame on March 30, 2013 at 6:20am — 7 Comments

My life changed about 3 weeks ago

My life changed about 3 weeks ago when I came down with some sort of contact dermatitis throughout my neck and scalp. The dermatologist put me on prednisone for 7 days. Then I was diagnosed with AA about 2 weeks ago when a large amount of hair came out from one spot at the back of my scalp on the left side. I felt it all pull away in the shower and it was a very weird feeling. I got cortisone injections in that spot and my dermatologist also prescribed a topical solution called Clobetasol to…


Added by Barbara on March 29, 2013 at 2:30pm — 1 Comment

Hair growing back as a side effect of new RAW food lifestyle

Well last year I was gifted another autoimmune disease called Rheumatoid Arthritis. I spent all year wracked in pain and downing all kinds of medication given to me by prescription. I was sick of feeling sorry for myself so I decided to do some deep research on nutrition. For a whole year because I knew this was not what I wanted for my life. I researched cancer cures, and other diseased body cures and all of them came down to better eating. Not JUST better eating but eating real whole RAW…


Added by Felicia on March 29, 2013 at 12:42pm — 8 Comments

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