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Why is she bald?

Because she is….

Why, Sheila, why?

Well, why not?

It is not that serious.

It really isn’t that deep.

This is not a poem about losing hair.

This is a poem about being bold and beautiful.

This is a poem about living from the inside out.

If you do not understand, this is not the poem for you.

Perhaps there will be others.

For now, this is a poem for…


Added by sks on March 31, 2012 at 6:57am — 1 Comment

Wig trying

Another frustrating time trying on wigs in my local place that sells them. I always hate the way they are the staff I often wonder why I go yet there is no where else... I always hate how they pick wigs you may like before telling you the price tag. They also have not enough shades or a colour ring.... Sigh I'm going to have to risk on line I think and just hope I like the colour but at the moment I'm very deflated

Added by KFlame on March 31, 2012 at 5:00am — No Comments

I think it's kinda funny...

I just think it's funny that Alopecia comes up as misspelled every time I type it on the Alopecia World website...I'm constantly rechecking to make sure I've spelled it correctly....and alas....correct indeed.

Added by Gord Simpson on March 30, 2012 at 4:04pm — 1 Comment

Baby steps

Spent a good part of yesterday telling a few trusted friends and family members what’s going on with my hair and what I’m planning to do. I already knew I’d be able to rally up a nice circle of support. The challenge now is just doing the deed. This is when the fear and apprehension comes in. One of my friends offered to do it for me. Not sure if I want her to do so, just be there for support, or just do it alone.

I also spent a good part of the evening reading about others’ journeys.…


Added by sks on March 30, 2012 at 8:00am — 6 Comments

BBC documentary about adults living with alopecia

Following the success of the recent BBC Documentary My Life Without hair the BBC have contacted BeBold with an interest in producing a full length documentary about adults living with alopecia, a target audience 18-30.

In order to get this commissioned we are currently looking for about three individuals in the above age range who would like to take part.

For this to work we are looking for individuals with a really interesting story to tell. This will be a fantastic chance for…


Added by The Be Bold Team on March 30, 2012 at 7:00am — 11 Comments

Barbie's Bald Friend! At last!

Mattel to Introduce Bald Friend of Barbie

It's official! Mattel announced March 28 it will make a

doll for children experiencing hair loss, a quantity which will be

donated to the National Alopecia Areata Foundation, as well as to

children's hospitals through the California Hospitals

Association and CureSearch across the country. The Southern

California toy giant describes the upcoming doll as a "friend of

Barbie," and is expected to come with wigs, hats,…


Added by Tallgirl on March 29, 2012 at 10:59pm — 14 Comments

Let the journey begin!

So, I log into Facebook and see that a high school acquaintance has updated her profile picture. She’s bald and beautiful! She goes on to explain that she has Alopecia and has finally decided to cut her hair and embrace her condition. I found this so courageous and inspirational!

I have Alopecia and Hashimoto’s Disease which causes me to lose my hair. It eventually grows back but over the past three years the growth has been thinner and thinner. I thought about shaving my head back in…


Added by sks on March 29, 2012 at 3:20pm — No Comments

Why do people tease me?

"Hurry she is coming i dare you to!"


"Bodly boldy boldy blody"


I walk past and pretend i cant hear them but inside i want to fall onto the ground and just cry my eyes out.

Why, why dare someone to do that, im just like you i have feelings emotions and a heart that beats everyday to keep me alive, but everytime i hear that my beating heart stops and my confidence goes down and my feeling and emotions go up. It not fair to treat people…


Added by Caity b on March 29, 2012 at 3:00pm — 28 Comments

I need confidence

The older I get, the more it bothers me. I hold it all in. I wear hats and hoodies while I work as a bartender and manager of the bar I work at. As each day progresses I find the beauty within myself as I see others focus on my hat. When will the day come where I am free from these chains that I've put on myself? I limit my work aspirations - because I live in fear of being ridiculed and stared at for all the wrong reasons. As a kid I was loud, boisterous. As an adult I'm hiding more and…


Added by Emily Naples on March 29, 2012 at 10:30am — 2 Comments

Detroit Free Press release on Beauty Queen

My short film Beauty Queen premieres tonight at the DIA. I would love to see you there!

Added by Kelci on March 29, 2012 at 8:36am — No Comments

The day I shaved my head

this is the story I sent to Women Behaving Baldly. While writing it and be transported back to that day was difficult but I decided to share it here that maybe by chance you might find it inspiring or relate able.

The day that I shaved my head is still a fresh memory, even though its been 19 months (September 3, 2010). It wasn’t a day I planned to shave my head, in fact I woke that morning with the resound thought that I most definitely was not going to shave my head.

That day…


Added by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on March 28, 2012 at 10:00pm — 1 Comment

Hoping not to jinx it

Hello all,

It's been awhile since I've been on here...I have been growing my hair back since Feb 2011 and finally am just below chin length. It's kind of crazy that I'm not surprised when I look in the mirror anymore (it was quite the transition when I first put away my wig and attempted a pixie cut).

I guess I'm just scared-

I'm afraid to change anything- my diet, my shampoo, medications...anything that could cause a relapse.

I'm so spoiled with my hair now, but…


Added by Jennifer on March 27, 2012 at 5:19pm — 5 Comments

My 5 year old son, diagnosed with alopecia, now has a full head of hair!

I just want to share the story of my son, who was 5 years old when he was diagnosed with alopecia. I first noticed a spot on the top of his head about the size of a nickel. I made an appointment with his developmental pediatrician in Vancouver, Washington, to find out what the issue was. At the appointment, I was referred to a pediatric dermatologist who specializes in alopecia patients that are young children. When I went to her, she said that the dianosis was alopecia, and by this time, my…


Added by alopeciamom on March 27, 2012 at 11:26am — 5 Comments

New short film about AA - "Beauty Queen"

Has anyone heard anything about this project?

There are several YouTubes about the making of it at Michigan State University. Here's one that shows one of the screenwriters who is apparently a woman with AA:

Added by Mary on March 26, 2012 at 7:15pm — 9 Comments

New to all of this

I was diagnosed with Alopecia about a month ago. I noticed a small spot when on the left side of my head when my hair was up. With further investigation many more spots were found.

When the spots were discovered, I was concerned and went immediately to a clinic where I was told it was not a serious medical issue, simply (yup simply) a cosmetic one. Of course upon hearing that there was no serious medical issue I, along with my family, were relieved but the more I thought about it the…


Added by Carrie on March 25, 2012 at 10:00pm — 4 Comments

Anger management

Getting ready to move to Dallas Texas and out of the 2 emotions there truly are love and fear. And I am scared out of my wits about entering back into my old stomping ground where I grew up and lost my hair and is a big city. I feel all of my defenses coming up, protection mode ie: fight mode. Anxiety. Rapid heart. Also just about three weeks ago quit my antidepressents too which was a good thing for me. I will be moving in one week. Feeling like I need to bend over and breathe into a brown…


Added by Kristine on March 25, 2012 at 12:30am — 3 Comments

Crying...with inspiration

For those in UK, I am just watching ‘The Voice’ a tv program about talent singing, judged only on their voice (judges have their backs to the stage and only if they choose them to go through do they turn around)… a lady has alopecia has just bravely walked on stage proud as anything and overcome so much, it made me cry…

First time I have ever cried watching one of these shows, I felt her so much. Bless her and good luck to her and it shows that how people judge so much on looks and that…


Added by KFlame on March 24, 2012 at 3:30pm — 4 Comments

Nearly forgot

It's a warm day today and my wig covered head is feeling warm and somewhat sweaty. ;) sorry for bluntness. Anyhow I was sat in the pub thinking boy I feel warm and nearly wipped off my wig to cool down as I'd normal at home before I realised where I was and it made me smile thinking I wonder how people will react if I did. The guys on a near by table verious people around... I was almost tempted to see lol but I'm not that brave yet.

Added by KFlame on March 23, 2012 at 2:00pm — 2 Comments

Deployment + Stress = More spots :(

So it's been a while since I've been here. My old spots were growing back and hair loss seemed to slow down. Life was nice.

Yesterday my husband (he's a Marine) deployed overseas for 7+ months. I thought I was taking it nicely, I got my crying out and done yesterday, and today I woke up with a positive attitude, but sure enough life just waits till I'm down to kick me a bit lower. I put my hair up to get some cleaning done around the house and bammm! there it is a biggo bald spot in…


Added by Zayuri Sams on March 22, 2012 at 5:55pm — 2 Comments

Hope for Male Pattern Baldness!

Scientists identify protein responsible for male pattern

baldness. Mar 21, 2012 2:00 PM EDT. (page 1 of 4) View Entire Story.

Researchers ...

I heard this on the news today. Online, it is right above a story that says protein drinks for muscle-building may have caused the 30% increase…


Added by Tallgirl on March 21, 2012 at 6:49pm — No Comments

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