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Alopeciapalooza anyone????

Have you guys heard of alopeciapalooza? Anyone going or considering going?...we are going again this year*last year was our first year* and it was soooo awesome! I really hope to see more of your smiling faces there in August!!!

Added by Colene Anderson on February 1, 2012 at 5:06pm — No Comments

Begining of my college essay (:

Katelyn Kelley



Alopecia is an auto immune system disease that there isn’t a lot of information about. The only symptom is losing your hair. Example the hair on your head or even all the hair on your body falls out. There is no known cause. And there isn’t much that you can do about it once you have it. You can go and get injections into your head were you are losing hair. But there is a chance that your hair will not respond to it and you keep losing it.…


Added by Katelyn Mariie on January 30, 2012 at 10:25pm — 6 Comments

Happy 4th Anniversary to me!

Four years ago today I took back my life by shaving my head smooth. In my first photos on my page, you can see what my hair looked like the night before, and what I looked like right after shaving.

Four years. I wish I knew on January 30, 2008 what I know now:

1. I am still me.

2. It's okay to be bald in public - people don't run away screaming at the sight of a bald woman.

3. I can still feel beautiful and feminine without any hair.

4. Life will go on and…


Added by Mary on January 30, 2012 at 7:11pm — 7 Comments

Where I'm buying my Turkish scarves (as seen in my YouTube video) these days

Women have asked me where I get the Turkish scarves that are lightweight cotton and have handmade edging. I demonstrated these in my video "Alternatives to Wearing a Wig". The person I bought the scarves in that video from in 2008 is no longer in business.

There are a number of sellers online, and I recently found a new supplier on eBay. She's a woman in Istanbul, Turkey, so the scarves took a little longer to reach me. But, the price was very reasonable compared to others I've bought…


Added by Mary on January 30, 2012 at 1:30pm — 1 Comment

Alopecia .. wrote this in September on Facebook..

I met a woman today who's grand daughter was just diagnosed with alopecia universalis. The same disease I've had for over twenty years. Her grand daughter is just six years old, and lost all of her hair over her entire body within weeks. She said they were able to get her a human hair wig from 'locks of love', but that the child is still pretty affected by her ailment. I advised her to just let her little grand daughter know that she was beautiful and incredible despite being bald. I told…


Added by Kat Jackson on January 29, 2012 at 9:19pm — 3 Comments

Peggy Knight Cool Solutions wig

Hi everyone,
I was wondering if anyone has worn the Peggy Knight Cool solutions wig and what you think of it. I am looking into this and any feedback would be great.
Thank you,

Added by Jill Casaldi on January 29, 2012 at 8:01pm — No Comments

Am lost.. an article for discovering the cause for alopecia areata - alopecia universalis

A Mouse Model of Clonal CD8+ T Lymphocyte-Mediated Alopecia Areata Progressing to Alopecia Universalis

Rajshekhar Alli*, Phuong Nguyen*, Kelli Boyd*,†, John P. Sundberg‡ and Terrence L. Geiger*

+ Author Affiliations

*Department of Pathology, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, TN 38105;

†Department of Pathology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37232; and

‡The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME 04609

Address correspondence and reprint requests…


Added by Julija on January 28, 2012 at 3:10pm — 17 Comments

Need New Wig

I feel I need a new wig I love the colour, the style etc just I know it's looking a bit past it's best. Not really sure what else I can do with it apart from exchange.

I'm not sure what to do next though, I love the fact it is human hair that I have more choices with it but I got it in a sale and doubt I'll find one so cheep. I have also had real difficulty finding a wig provider in my area that I have been happy with. (anyone who reads this and lives near Leeds and knows of a really GOOD… Continue

Added by KFlame on January 28, 2012 at 11:30am — 2 Comments

Trying to stay strong

I am 20 years old and have had alopecia areata since I was 4 years old. It never really affected me all that much until about 6 months ago, when the spots became harder and harder to cover with my existing hair, and more and more hair was falling out. I am currently almost bald, I have a few synthetic wigs but they are so itchy I would rather wear a hat. In less than a week I am shaving off what is left of my hair and getting a real hair wig. I know that I barely have any hair left but the…


Added by Kate on January 27, 2012 at 3:00pm — 8 Comments

It's coming back - WITH A VENGEANCE!

For the last 9 months I've been living in denial that my alopecia may be getting worse, progressing from Areata to totalis or universal (These are the 3 my Dr and many dermatologists have told me my case could progress to)

Maybe I should restart. I've been away because my lovely son has become mobile (crawling and assisted crawling) and most of my day is chasing him around, making sure cupboards are locked and what not. It's a wild ride! For those who have read my posts before and…


Added by Davis McConney-Goode on January 27, 2012 at 4:21am — 4 Comments

"Please Don't"

“Please Don’t”

Just for now,

Please don’t tell me that “its just hair” because it is much more than that.

Please don’t tell me that “hopefully it will grow back” because that doesn’t matter right now.

Please don’t tell me I look pretty without, because I do not believe you.

Please don’t tell me that “you thought you noticed something different about me”, because I'm already self-conscience enough.

Please don’t tell me you knew I was wearing hair that’s not my…


Added by samantha on January 26, 2012 at 11:30am — 14 Comments

Hi everyone, my name is Richelleim 28 and have had Alopecia for the last 7yrs, all droped out after having my 1st child, i also had it when i was 13 and got my 1st period but it grew back with in six…

Hi everyone,

my name is Richelle

im 28 and have had Alopecia for the last 7yrs, all droped out after having my 1st child, i also had it when i was 13 and got my 1st period but it grew back with in six mouths.

i am wanting to know if any one watched My Embarassing bodys on tv last week, there was this lady on who has od had Alopecia, she was givin this product called Minoxidil and she had a lot of regrowth.

this got me excited and i decided to find out if it was avaible in NZ…


Added by Richelle Munro on January 25, 2012 at 6:47pm — 3 Comments

Cynthia Nixon goes bald for role - and looks YOUNGER!

Here's a link to an interview with the newly-bald actress(for a play about a cancer patient, of course):

I've been told before that I look younger as a bald woman. This confirms that possibility to me. I think she looks WAY younger.

She looks so "normal" to me....too bad she doesn't to most people. We just need more of us bald ladies OUT there.

Added by Mary on January 25, 2012 at 12:00pm — 3 Comments


TODAY I presented my senior project on Alopecia. It went so great :D I'm so happy of how well I did. I thought it would be a disaster. BUT it was AMAZING :D No more stressing out on this project anymore. Thanks to those who helped me out too :) Oh man I just wanna celebrate I never thought I could do something like this in my entire life. I feel like a whole new person. haha
That's all, hope you all are having a great day :D

Added by Julie on January 24, 2012 at 6:55pm — 5 Comments

Anyone tried the Low Level Laser????

A local doctor is doing a study on thinning hair and alopecia with the low level laser. I have a consult today. Was wondering if anyone has any experience with this??????

Added by Anita Donath on January 23, 2012 at 10:01am — 2 Comments

Well Hello.

Hi. I'm Shelly. I am 45 years old and live in the middle of the United States. I love to travel. I like to make stuff. My favorite thing is to sit outside and read in the sun.

I started losing my hair in my early 30s when my daughter was young. I started thinking the hair around my temples was getting really thin. Then I found a blad spot. After a while there were more bald spots than hair and I couldn't really pretend it was normal anymore. I kind of felt like I had the…


Added by shelly on January 22, 2012 at 5:02pm — 1 Comment

I'm back! A 2012 update

Hey AW!

I've been absent for awhile, but I'm back and wanted to share with you all, and to meet all of the newcomers since I've been gone! I graduated from college last March with a double major in literary journalism and global cultures, and was chosen to be the commencement speaker at my university in June. After leaving Irvine, I moved to the east coast in Aug for my first post-grad internship. Since then, I've interned at NPR and am now currently interning at MSNBC in New…


Added by traci on January 21, 2012 at 3:21pm — 1 Comment

Alopecia Manifesto

Here's mine. What's yours?

Okay. I have had to finally admit to myself, my mirror, my family, my friends and any loved ones that I am an alopecian. Now, it is known. It was always in my genes, waiting to be triggered. It doesn't matter if it is one small spot or over my whole body; it IS THERE, and I will always have these genes. So, until/unless a remedy is found in my lifetime, I am free to do what an alopecian needs to do, including:

AVOID wind, swimming and some activities…


Added by Tallgirl on January 21, 2012 at 12:34am — 8 Comments

im 14 and i have lost all of my hair. it was all a shock at first, it only took a month for it to come out and not long after all my eyelashes and eyebrows came out. it was hard to hide it from every…

im 14 and i have lost all of my hair. it was all a shock at first, it only took a month for it to come out and not long after all my eyelashes and eyebrows came out. it was hard to hide it from everyone at school, it wasnt long before people started to ask questions and call me names, it use to bother me at first but now im coming to terms with the fact that im me and i like the way i am,i use to wear a hat to school untill a week ago when i disided it was time for me to wear a wig. When…


Added by paige on January 20, 2012 at 5:55pm — 2 Comments

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