February 2014 Blog Posts (18)

Want to find love? Start with yourself

Hello, Alopecia World,

I never thought that I would be going through this, never in my life did I expect this. I recently turned 22 and I have been dealing with AA for over 11 years! It has been the most hardest and spirit draining thing I ever had to encounter. I am telling the truth I cried myself to sleep at night, and it hurt me to look at other women running their fingers through their hair....I was so weak from crying that I couldn't believe that I was still alive the next day!…


Added by Nikki Boyd on February 28, 2014 at 2:30pm — 1 Comment

Metaformin treatment for AA? Anyone else?

So went to a specialist that deals primarily with woman with hairloss. So this derm said that because of my age (43) and this being new to me that it has to do with hormones (tho my tests all came back normal) and Is putting me on Metaformin which helps with autoimmune!!!! And I only thought it was for diabetics!!! Guess I'll give it a shot. Anyone out there try this road yet?? Would love to know the results.

Added by Elena on February 27, 2014 at 1:00pm — No Comments

My AA and mercury poisoning?

I have been reading some recent posts of members of this site who are watching their hair grow back--congratulations! It is a great feeling to see progress. I had my first major attack of AA in 2007 and lost about 70% of my hair. I wore a wig for a few months, and then it grew back pretty rapidly, and I was able to ditch the wig and add in extensions to even out the short areas.

During the summer/fall of 2007, I went to every doctor I could think of and had all sorts of blood work…


Added by Susan McAdams on February 26, 2014 at 7:00pm — 4 Comments

My story

I need some advice I have now been suffering from alopecia for 3 years my condition has been up and down. But now im at a serious state my hair wont stop falling out and its getting to the point where im going to have none left. I'm scared of losing all my hair and being bold at the age of 16 I just need some advice on what to do and if there are any treatments out there that can help me. Most of the time I just feel like locking my self away and but I know I have to put on a fake smile and…


Added by Jade Smith on February 26, 2014 at 3:47pm — 5 Comments

Need a friend

I would really just like someone to talk to about this.

Added by Laura on February 22, 2014 at 2:39am — 7 Comments

New here

Hello everyone and how are you guys doing? I would first like to say how happy I am to know that there is others out there who understand what I am going throu..  I still havent came to grips with it yet..ever day my hair is thinning and I have spots all over my head and I am just not happy... not sure what to say but will be back later not good at this yet

Added by Laura on February 22, 2014 at 2:00am — No Comments

Anyone hear about this A-Cell PRP treatment?

What do you think?

Added by Joseph Perry on February 16, 2014 at 9:00pm — 3 Comments

Gluten related to alopeica?

So I just read somewhere that gluten allergies are linked to alopecia in some cases. Has anyone one else had any experience with this where your hair actually grew back once you went gluten free? I have some other stomach problems where that may indicate a gluten allergy so I was considering going gluten free for a while. But if my hair grows back that would definitely be a plus.

Added by lauren on February 16, 2014 at 4:13pm — 10 Comments

Request for assistance - education survey

Good evening Alopecia World!

First, I hope that everyone in the path of the Southern #Snowmageddon is safe and warm, along with their loved ones!

Second, I have a request to make of our community:

One of the great things about being a part of such a wonderful community as ours is the breadth of life experience our members bring to not only our journey with alopecia, but also our professional and our personal lives.  At this time, I am asking for the membership to share a…


Added by kastababy on February 13, 2014 at 12:30am — No Comments


I'm new to this site, but not to this condition. I've been dealing with this solo for at least 20 years. I am feeling so relieved and excited right now. Just knowing I'm not the only one. I have suffered in silence so very long. As I look back, I wonder how I've made it. Finally....I can BREATHE! I'm so thrilled to have been awakened from this dream or should I say nightmare. Sad to say, but when I look around; I don't see anyone who looks like ME! Thanks for giving me a place to share my…


Added by Jordan on February 11, 2014 at 6:09am — No Comments

A breakthrough in my 'wig theory'

Just had a epiphany a few hours ago on how I feel about wigs and 'needing' (in some people's opinions) to wear them. 

     It is like putting the fact that I DON"T have hair in my face. When I wear a wig it HURTS. Like when your boyfriend broke up with you and you have to see other couples together and blissful, It just frustrates and angers you. Not so much jealousy as longing gets stirred up in me when I don a wig. It is not pleasant. I wish people could understand this, people…


Added by Laura Adams on February 11, 2014 at 6:00am — 1 Comment

Don't let alopecia define you - let it be the thing that sets you free!

When I found my first bald patch, I was devastated. As if I wasn't struggling enough, now I was losing my hair? 

In hindsight, it's no wonder I developed Alopecia. At the time, I was working 50+ hour weeks as a Sous Chef and running myself into the ground. I was freshly broken up from the guy I'd thought was ''the one'', dealing with the recent death of my beloved Dad, didn't have a place to live, was struggling with an eating disorder which had resurfaced amongst the stress, and was…


Added by thinlizzyfairy on February 11, 2014 at 6:00am — 14 Comments

My hair growing back

Well, last May I started losing my hair and over the last 7 months, probably lost 80%. The only hair left was above my nape. I had long thick hair, so it was a bloody shock. What I've learnt from this Alopecia World is, if your hair grows back, some people say you don't need this website.I needed this website for those 7 months and still need it now, although my hair is now growing back. I am a changed person. All my life I had long thick hair. I have hair growing back, but I will look…


Added by Me on February 7, 2014 at 5:00pm — 20 Comments

My story

Added by Lacy Jane Gratton on February 7, 2014 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Intimacy and owning my body

Some of my most liberated sexual experiences have come from owning my beauty as a bald woman and partnering with people who appreciate how much I appreciate myself. Honestly, I think I learned to love myself more by the blessing of my current boyfriend who first offered to shave my head for me and then teach me how to do it myself. It's quite a special feeling for him to rub my head, especially when I'm sad…or when he's just adoring me.

I definitely don't let just anyone touch my…


Added by Ann on February 3, 2014 at 8:30pm — No Comments

Follea Gripper matting

I just recently bought a Follea Gripper, which matts terribly underneath, has anyone else experienced this same problem? Does anyone know why this is happening and how to resolve the problem? Thank You!

Added by Dot on February 3, 2014 at 1:00pm — No Comments


What ever it is I have is hereditary a big bald spot on top and two one on each side of my head. I Weare human hair wigs I glue them to my head I have to get I just right to where it looks real to my own hair. My concern now is my kids I pray I have not passed this on to them and that they either have my dad's side or my husband's dad's side hair line.

Added by miss65feet on February 2, 2014 at 8:00am — No Comments

Finally, I am free!

I have been struggling for so long.. And the biggest struggle has been not admitting to myself that I was struggling with my bald head.

I have been wearing wigs for 12-13 years now.

I have been waking up struggling with the fact that I thought I was the one that wanted to wear wigs everyday to school and work.

I have been working so hard convincing myself that I am the girl with ALOT of hair, when I have been ignoring the beautiful girl with no hair.

I have been…


Added by Jennifer M on February 1, 2014 at 7:30pm — No Comments

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