March 2009 Blog Posts (103)

Don't look down!!!

I sent out a few resumes yesterday and already today I got a call for an interview which I also had today. I have to say the interview went quite well, my resume apparently indicates that I'm an interesting person and I was in his top 25 out of hundreds which he chose. At the end of the interview he told me he was impressed and all in all I'm quite confidant that I will hear from him again.

I did wear my wig to the interview and was somewhat self conscious about it before and after… Continue

Added by Carol on March 31, 2009 at 10:05pm — 2 Comments

I am BLESSED!! All thats wrong with me is that I am losing my hair.

I have been reading a lot of posts with people who are having a really hard time lately with low mood and dealing with people questioning them and stuff. I want to tell you all about recent experiences in my life.

One month ago, my boss had a beautiful baby girl. She was born, perfect, happy healthy baby girl. Within 24 hours the nurses discovered something was wrong. They did blood work and discovered her blood sugars were Dangerously high. After further investigation, they realized… Continue

Added by Tenille Gee on March 31, 2009 at 9:41pm — 4 Comments

Stop the Insanity...ARGHH

Alright what you must.

I'm tired of the burning, the itching and the amount of hair I'm losing all over. I just want it to end. Either stop shedding or grow...this is getting frustrating. I'm going to be shopping for wigs this week and some hats and scarves. I'm ready to buzz it off although everyone keeps telling me to wait a bit longer and enjoy what I have. I get that...just stop coming out then.

I'm prepared for God's plan with or without's the process that's… Continue

Added by Jennifer Krahn on March 31, 2009 at 6:14pm — 5 Comments

Ok, now on to wigs

Has anyone tried the vaccum wigs and are they any good? Has anyone ordered human hair wigs over the internet and been pleased with there hairpiece? Can you recommend any sites that have great human hair at reasonable prices. I have gotten 2 wigs from a specialty hair salon and they are very pricey. Ordering wigs over the internet is a little bewildering. Suggestions please! Thanks!

Added by Andrea Wasserman on March 31, 2009 at 3:52pm — 3 Comments

False Eyebrows

Thank you everyone that wrote to me about false eyelbrows. I ordered them from and my daughter was absolutley thrilled!!! They were amazing and looked totally real. I kept marveling at how great they looked on and I highly recommend them. Thanks for helping put a smile on my daughters face. Nanci

Added by Andrea Wasserman on March 31, 2009 at 2:33pm — No Comments

Conference is booked...Houston here I come!

So it's official, I'll be going to my first NAAF conference this year. I'm excited. I booked everything this past weekend while I was home. So how about it? Who else is going to be there?

The only thing I'm not 100% thrilled about is going by my self. I can't really see anyone else in my family giving up time from work though, so I better be meeting some of you guys down there and hanging out.

But yeah overall I'm excited and can't wait. Especially since college is so… Continue

Added by Drew on March 31, 2009 at 1:30am — 6 Comments

Just getting started

Within the last two weeks I have finally started to wear the wig that I bought a year ago to work, my thought was once I start wearing it I can never go back. Most of the people at work didn't even notice that it was a wig, I finally decided because I was getting so many wonderful comments to tell people that it was a wig because they were wondering how I had straightened my hair and a few saying they wanted their hair to look like that... I laughed and said, well, I bought it at The Bay...… Continue

Added by Tenille Gee on March 30, 2009 at 10:52pm — 6 Comments

How it all started...

On Feburary 21, 2009, I woked up that day and started brushing my hair and a clump of hair came out. I realized that something must be very wrong, but didn't think much of it. Then I shampooed my hair, after I was done, my whole bath tub was filled with my hair. I ran down to my kitchen, and started to cry infront of my parents. It was such a scary experience, because since I was very little, I was very conscious about my hair. Like brushing my hair 100 times a day to make it silky and… Continue

Added by Carol Yuen on March 30, 2009 at 8:45pm — 6 Comments


Anyone used a skin concealer on a shaved head to mask up the dreaded circles with any success.
Please let me know cos i'm getting so desperate.

Added by Kenny j on March 30, 2009 at 3:42pm — No Comments

Alopecia grrrrs

Although I have bad hair days, my bad hair days consist of me wishing people were more accepting and tolerant rather than wishing my hair would grow back. As some of you may be aware of, I am looking for another job at the time and everyday that I go into my current job I hate it more and more. Everyday the balony grows and discrimination becomes more and more evident. I didn't get the sales job I was meant to have - everything I've done in my past, careerwise, has led me to that job. Their… Continue

Added by Carol on March 29, 2009 at 6:31pm — 8 Comments

Shaving your head

Had alopecia for about a year now not allover just large circles, Now tried shaving my head but all the circles i thought would blend in still show up, Been using headblade and traditional blades against the hair and with the hair.
any tips would be appreciated

Added by Kenny j on March 29, 2009 at 3:06pm — 1 Comment

Just a little update

I haven't been back to the derm. I got 2 rounds of injections in my 2nd spot, which is on the back of my head, and was putting the cream on daily, but then I got sick of it.

Both times I went to the derm it's not covered with my insurance, so I had to pay $115 bucks each time. Then I ran out of the cream sample she gave me, and just never went to fill the script.

It's growing, which I suppose is good, but I feel like I gave it a good enough head start, and I'm sick of… Continue

Added by Amy on March 29, 2009 at 11:59am — 3 Comments

Alternative Therapies?

I recently heard of Helminthic therapy for other autoimmune issues. I am wondering if anyone else has heard of it, and especially if anyone else has tried it specifically for hair loss. I am considering it more as a way to reduce chances of other related immune issues (no diagnosed issues besides Alopecia and Vitiligo). I wonder what if anything it will do regarding hairloss, as I am finally in the realm of Totalis, and I don't want spotty regrowth. I actually don't mind the scalp hair loss now… Continue

Added by J.B. on March 29, 2009 at 11:44am — 6 Comments

I am having a bad day.

Make that a bad few days. I dont know why, but this past week, it's really been a downer, and i just hate alopecia, and hate having it. and i hate that i'm bald and rapidly losing hair everywhere else. Hate it. I think before, i was ok about it, but now that i'm losing my lashes and brows, it's really hit home. I'd be ok just losing my head hair, but not my eyelashes adn brows. I just hate it.

So does everyone else have shitty days, and how do we get past it? I want to have more good… Continue

Added by SportyAusGirl on March 28, 2009 at 8:14pm — 18 Comments

new user

hi evryone im new to this site but have found it very helpfull, i have just lost all my hair and looking to meet new people who are suffering the same in in the united kingdom, and abroard,my nails have also broken and all split has anyone experienced this problem?

Added by karen on March 28, 2009 at 1:47pm — 4 Comments

Positive Alopecia Story (Small World)

My sister was out last night having dinner and drinks with her boss and other coworkers. (My sister works selling laser hair removal.) When a guy came over to their table to talk to them. She said someone brought up the conversation about laser hair removal and asked the guy if he was interested in having any hair removed. The guy responded by telling them he has AA and didn't have a need for hair removal. As he began to tell them what alopecia was my sister interupted him and said she knew… Continue

Added by Jill on March 28, 2009 at 12:07pm — 1 Comment

Things Alopecians Like #11

Jogging on a windy day = no problem

Added by Jill on March 28, 2009 at 8:30am — 1 Comment

My BDAY~~~~

hey everyone! it was my bday on the 26 of march. it rocked too. i had the best day at school and got a lot of stuff from family! My mom set up a whole cookout in the matter of 3-4 hrs...GO MOM! We were just gonna eat dinner at the house. But my dad called and said why not have a cookout. My gramma,step-grampa,aunt,uncle,and other gramma came. it was the best bday ever!!!!! instead of going out it was better to cookout!!!!! I loved my BDAY!!!!! It was awesome....all the thanks to… Continue

Added by Shana and Taylor on March 28, 2009 at 7:51am — 2 Comments

guess what i did today

today i decieded agianst the extensions and went out in the world with my bald back head. it was challenging and exciting. exciting because this is a big step for me in my decision in shaving my head. to be comfortable with me. to show the world this is me. i have alopecia, and feel free to stare, i would be curious too.

challenging because first i was unsure i kept playing with the little hair i had. than i stopped. took a deep breath and walked around being comfortable with who i… Continue

Added by lauren on March 28, 2009 at 1:12am — 3 Comments

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