Featured Blog Posts – June 2008 Archive (25)

Dancing in the rain

The steam rose from my second cup of coffee as I sat at the table composing the day’s “to do” list. The day was far too new for the sun to have risen. Nevertheless, the skies were bright with the anger of the approaching storm and the house echoed with the resounding claps of thunder. The door from my youngest daughter’s room swung open and out strode my sleepy eyed princess into the kitchen. Fourteen going on 30, still a child but not. The thunder, her nemesis from childhood, had rocked her… Continue

Added by Tony on June 30, 2008 at 11:55am — 2 Comments

NAAF and Alopecia World-class members

This year, I was honored to attend my first NAAF annual conference. Of course, I owe the privilege to the phenomenal woman of my dreams, my lovely fiancée Cheryl Carvery. She has attended and participated in the conference for 17 years, and this was the first time she asked her mate to accompany her. I'm delighted that I did because, not only was the conference itself great, but it simply made each of my days there to meet and…


Added by Alopecia World on June 28, 2008 at 11:00am — 4 Comments

Second Opinion.

Ok I know that a second opinion is not going to come out as the doc saying it’s all just a bad dream that is not such thing as Alopecia. But I have decided to get a second opinion because of the first derm we went to. The nerve of some people, this derm as so SO rude you wouldn’t believe it. Our first visit was no help at all, the doc walked in and said "yep its alopecia. looked at me and said I just wanted you to know that because she is under the age of 18 and she has alopecia there is a 100%… Continue

Added by Jennifer and Alieena on June 26, 2008 at 2:57pm — 8 Comments

It happened again.

I went to the store to return a movie to one of those movie vending machines and I saw her again. She was coming out with her kids and S.O. and I was getting out of the car (that my S.O. was driving with the kids in the back). I wanted to say something or wave, but I just smiled. Time seemed to move too slow and both families appeared to be staring into the bizaro world of each other.


Added by Carmella on June 26, 2008 at 12:28am — 2 Comments


It's only been 3 days of wearing a wig to work and I'm already sick of it! LOL. I mean...I like it and it makes me feel pretty...but geesh! It's one thing to wear it for a couple hours out to the bar or out with friends...it's quite another to wear it around allllll day at work! 11 hours is a long time! For a wig, mine is VERY comfortable. Fits perfect without slippage and it's pretty light. But after wearing it for 11 hours...man...that's a long time! It gets pretty toasty in here and my head… Continue

Added by Mandy on June 25, 2008 at 3:59pm — 5 Comments

Louisville, Kentucky

Dear all, since this site is about diversity, below, you'll find my impressions about the NAAF conference, first in French, which is my first language and after in English.


Louisville, Kentucky. Pour la majorité des gens, cette ville, ce n'est qu' une ville quelconque aux États-Unis. Pour moi, cette ville est l'endroit où, pour la première fois, j'ai eu le sentiment de faire partie de la majorité. Pour la toute première fois, ma pelade ne… Continue

Added by Diane on June 24, 2008 at 2:25pm — 12 Comments

More wigs, please

I'm getting so much into wigs and I look online for the craziest things. I wish I could afford at least one more wig. Yesterday I got one wig from Ebay with really long hair. That might be the new style for my wedding in august.

When I go to the wigs store I'm in the best mood and I want to try on all different kinds and styles. Short hair, long hair, curly hair etc. The sad thing about it is that all other people who come into a wig store are not in a good mood. They all have… Continue

Added by Zoe on June 24, 2008 at 3:30am — 2 Comments

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Added by Alopecia World on June 23, 2008 at 12:30pm — 2 Comments

Question about working with kids

As I said in my previous blog, I am teaching gymnastics to kids this summer. It is kind of like a camp and there are mixture of different kids every week, some come back for more than one week. The kids are mostly between the ages of 7 and 10. I've gotten some questions about my hair, if I'm really bald, or if it will come back. I have no problem answering the kids questions when they ask. I tell them basically what alopecia is and that there is no certainty that I'll every have hair again.… Continue

Added by Kristen Ridenhour on June 20, 2008 at 4:48pm — 7 Comments

Question about Vacuum Wigs

Hi, I was thinking of getting a vacuum wig. I heard they fit secure and cannot be pulled off. Well that's what I hear anyway. I work at at special needs school, I work with 7th-8th grade children with severe behavioral problems, some with mental illness as well. My job can get pretty rough and physical and I was trying to find a wig that could not be pulled off or come off during a crisis. They love to go for the hair. Do you think that type of wig would hold up or is there something else out… Continue

Added by Denise on June 20, 2008 at 10:30am — 5 Comments


Week 2 since I shaved. Life goes on. What was once considered change is now the accepted norm. Yet, the thought still lingers…how much longer will this continue? The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche once penned "If we have our own why of life, we can bear almost any how." The ‘how’ is self evident…my ‘why’ is my two teenage children.

Good times or bad, I need be a positive role model for my children. I dare not wax impatient for fear of the unintentional lesson provided.… Continue

Added by Tony on June 19, 2008 at 12:05pm — 2 Comments

Going out whilst bald

Well last week i went with my friends into Birmingham town centre minus my headscarf and we had a great night, everybody in the pub was staring at me as obviously you dont see a bald girl often but i let it go over my head and thought i will be bald and proud and thats what i did, i think that night helped me realise that i am still the same person just minus my hair and ive excepted that now..

Like everyone with alopecia i have my up days and down ones but being around people who care and… Continue

Added by claire on June 18, 2008 at 3:20pm — 6 Comments

Dating Whilst Bald part one ....

Well i have to say ive had some shocking experiences over the last few weeks whilst dating and i feel its only fair that i share them with you.

Well two weeks ago i went to a alopecia uk meeting at a local pub and met a man who was there with his friend and noticed that we were a group for hairloss so he came over and we began chatting (he had alopecia totalis), and i gave him my number and we agreed to speak later.

Over the next week e chatted on the phone for hours and agreed… Continue

Added by claire on June 18, 2008 at 2:00pm — 5 Comments

This is starting to get really real...and it's scary

I know we all have good days and bad days. Well this is one of my first real bad days. I've been able to stay very positive through this process but I think that was just because I could still hide by pulling my hair into a ponytail. This morning I was like 45 mins late to work all because I was having such a hard time getting my hair to cover my spots. I still succeeded, I suppose, but if anyone were to really look at my head they would see that one worst spot appearing through very thin.… Continue

Added by Mandy on June 18, 2008 at 1:59pm — 12 Comments

Expectations of a NAAF conference newbie

In just over a day from now, I will be attending NAAF's annual conference for the very first time in my life. Of course, I owe this honor to my fiancée and co-founder of Alopecia World, Cheryl Carvery, who has been living with alopecia areata for nearly 20 years. Since it is my pleasure to support Cheryl, and given my involvement with Alopecia World, I am excited to have the opportunity to attend this year's conference. However, this means that I am going to miss seeing my middle daughter's…


Added by rj, Co-founder on June 18, 2008 at 1:00am — 9 Comments

"You're taking this so well..."

I can’t count the amount of times I’ve heard those words. It seems like daily I have to explain to someone about the disease, which really isn’t that big of a deal as I pretty much have the whole explanation down. But I have had a wide variety of responses, some of which have been surprising including making a grown man who is the husband of one of my elementary teachers break down into tears.

The one response I keep getting though regardless of whether the person reacts in a… Continue

Added by Drew on June 17, 2008 at 10:35pm — 5 Comments

1st Wig Shopping Adventure

So I went wig shopping for the first time...it was actually pretty fun. Got to learn about different types of wigs and try on different hair. I didn't buy yet, because I wanted to sit on the info for a bit to make a decision. But I'm pretty sure I know what I'm gonna do. The purpose of this 1st wig is just to have one that looks as much like my natural hair as possible...have it at home so that when that day comes that I wake up and realize I can't pull off the ponytail anymore, I'll have the… Continue

Added by Mandy on June 13, 2008 at 11:31am — 10 Comments

7 days

Day 7 with the new hairless do. The response has been better than expected. Most have been complimentary; some have shown surprise; only the village idiot went someplace he shouldn’t…something about how I should tell folks my hair loss was due to chemo. I could hear the sighs and mutterings of those who were within earshot of the ignorant suggestion. Discretion being the better part of valor, I simply shook my head then walked away.

Yesterday was a tough day, marking the first time… Continue

Added by Tony on June 12, 2008 at 12:02pm — 3 Comments

Thinking about Shaving the rest? I did!

So as promised, here is my blog on shaving your head. I'm thinking about posting this on the forum too. Let me just start with some background info: I got so sick of thinking people were staring at the spots and tired of running my hand through my hair only to have 20+ hairs stuck in-between my fingers when I pulled them away. I also got sick of wearing a hat every single day and not going to functions that I couldn’t wear the hat at because I felt that the spots stood out more than I did as a… Continue

Added by Drew on June 11, 2008 at 11:36pm — 7 Comments

Dating at any Age and Stage.

Dating can be scary at any age.

I look back as a 16 year old girl on my first date. I was incredibly nervous as well as wondering what this boy I was in a car with alone was going to do because before then we had only been in group settings. My 3 brothers and 2 sisters had told me horror stories about what dates were all about. They loved to tease me as a child and this continued into my teen years.

After seeing clips of this video

( …


Added by Billie on June 10, 2008 at 5:00pm — 4 Comments

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