Featured Blog Posts – June 2009 Archive (81)


Today I went to the local shop that supplies wigs for cancer patients. It was a big step because I have come to accept that this is now my reality. I think the hardest part is knowing it is inevitable that I will lose the rest of my hair but wanting to hold on. I feel guilty sometimes because I hate what is happening, but I know my reality could be so much worse. I try to stay positive and remember that. I believe that repeating good statements and keeping a good attitude does become what you… Continue

Added by Becky on June 30, 2009 at 10:30pm — 2 Comments


carnival is coming up in my town. its a big event every1 is there. i love going on rides and talking to carnies( some are really nice!) i see everbody there and im horrified!!!! i cant go on rides, at least i dont think i can, because my bandana will fall off. thats got me down but im more scared about people asking me about my hair and worst of all im scared of someone pulling my bandana off(it has happened before)!!! i wont were my wig because i dont were it i perfer bandanas but can anyone… Continue

Added by Nikki Mans on June 30, 2009 at 8:11pm — 5 Comments


wat is it with people fuking staring all the time, i have noticed it alot more this last 2weeks, it really does my head in, if they really wanna look why dont they look away wen i look at them, but no they keep bloody staring, hate it, i always stare bak at them but they r still so rude and keep staring,

i hope people dont do that when i have a wig as i'll get really angry and upset, i know people say to ignore them but its so hard wen ur tryin ur best to get on as normal and people treat… Continue

Added by lynne on June 30, 2009 at 5:49pm — 3 Comments

Wanting my family to be proud of me and not be a shut in

My boys are 18, 22, 24. I am 42. Yep, I was a young mom.

Last night I went out without my wig for the first time in 17 years. I am for the most part a shut in.

I have hidden myself from the world because of my shame.

I get panic attacks when I go outside.

But I have got better.

In the past I could only get out if it was about my sons. Doctors and so on.

Now that two live on there own i am scared. I am scared I will be a complete shut in when the youngest moves… Continue

Added by Char on June 28, 2009 at 4:05pm — 6 Comments

I'm Still Ok.

Hello everyone, I thought I would post a new blog since I got a couple of emails asking me if everything was ok with me since I haven't posted or commented lately.

I am happy to say that everything is perfectly ok with me. I still have a bald head and I am still having fun with it! The thing that has kept me from posting is my Fibromyalgia. With this disease I get what is referred to as "Fibro Fog"... this means that it's hard for me to concentrate and finish a project, even as small as… Continue

Added by Kristen Viveros on June 28, 2009 at 9:41am — No Comments


So, yesterday I went to Math class knowing that I had a substitute teacher. He was really nice at first and then he started on picking on people to answer questions. He then points to me and goes "what is this young man?" I sit in a section of girls. And I didn't feel like dressing up to go to class, I never do, it's math class for Christ sake! So anyways, everyone in the class goes "huh? what?" like who is he talking to, because everyone knows I'm a girl. So I go, "Me? I'm a girl." And he… Continue

Added by suzie on June 26, 2009 at 4:14pm — 2 Comments

most horrible day ever

well today was one of the most awful days for me .. my neighbor is 18 she's really pretty has long hair shes just beautiful..

I love her to death but she's telling everyone omg look at Kayla she's lost most of her hair who would want to be around

someone who looks like her.. well now I wonder how people are going to look at me? after all that ... the way I see it is

you shouldnt judge a book by look at it's cover because its whats inside that really matters ya know

I ask God… Continue

Added by Kayla Adkins on June 26, 2009 at 1:43pm — 8 Comments

Shampoo & Biotin?

I am trying to figure out what kind of shampoo would be good to use...I still have three big spots and they are getting bigger! I have tried to start using milder shampoos but it dont seem to help at all? Also I have been taking Biotin 5000...Does anyone know if that will help? I have a little bit of hair coming in on one spot..but the others are still smooth as ever! When I start feeling frustrated and sad...I get on here and just read and it makes me feel better!

Added by Misty Boggs on June 26, 2009 at 3:13am — 2 Comments

Kenalog injections

Has any one gotten kenalog shots in the scalp for alopecia areata? If so did you notice MORE spots after getting the shots? I got the shots about 2 weeks ago and now I have 2 new spots

Added by Katie on June 25, 2009 at 1:13am — 7 Comments

Latisse for eyelashes

Hi everyone,
Has anyone tried Latisse for eyelashes? My eyedoctor is thinking this will help Lauren, who is loosing her eyelashes again. What do you think, any recommendations? Thanks very much-Nancy

Added by Nancy Schmelzer on June 24, 2009 at 10:16pm — No Comments

does it get any better

hi there im new to this site but would love to make some new friends i lost all my hair at the beginning of this year and i have to say i was devastated i have a few wigs now and feel ok about them still have my of days though what i would give for a bad hair day does it get any eaiser

Added by sharon levers on June 24, 2009 at 5:33pm — 6 Comments


well every1, i have lots more hair comin in on my head, woo hoo, im so excited, its pure white and luv it, ha ha
i so hope its comin bak in to stay tho, i really miss my hair and want it bak so much,
i miss blow dryin straightenin and stylin it everyday, keep ur fingers x for me people, i will keep u updated with how its goin, bak to the dermatologist on the 6th of july so will see how things r goin then,

Added by lynne on June 24, 2009 at 5:17pm — 8 Comments

Am I still an Alopecian????????

ok, I have had Alopecia Universalis since August 2001....not a hair from head to toe! Last March 2008 I started methotrexate for my Rheumatoid Arthritis, and 6 months later (sept 08) my hair started growing back, I now have what looks like a cute pixie cut, and was able to stop wearing my wigs in April. I have to shave my legs again, I have almost all my body hair back except for under arms and bikini line( yeah) I have eyelashes (sparse) and eyebrows. I have on tiny spot of AA over my right… Continue

Added by Kim Culberson on June 24, 2009 at 3:23am — 19 Comments


So, what's the consensus on using Rogaine to help with regrowth???

My dermatologist recommended I get it because where my hair is growing back, I guess it's not as full as the rest of my hair, and just for regrowth in general. I have yet to purchase any due to financial poopiness, but I'm workin' on it.

Has anyone had fabulous and fulfilling experiences with it? Do I get the woman's Rogaine or is the Men's better? Is there crazy stuff in the Rogaine that's not so great for… Continue

Added by eva on June 23, 2009 at 3:56pm — 6 Comments

Houston is so Close

So again I havent had much of a chance to update on here much, I did throw up a few pictures of me teaching from this past semester at college and also some pictures out with my friends. I figured since my picture before had me with eyebrows I should change it, because I dont have them anymore.

So I keep finding or having people "tag" me in photos from the past. It's so much of a shock to see how much I've changed, and sometimes it makes it hard for me. I've tried to stay away from… Continue

Added by Drew on June 22, 2009 at 8:30pm — 5 Comments

Touching Tears

I'm not one to "blog" very much, but I feel this deserves proper attention. I had just received my sister's wedding invitation, and in lieu of gifts they each picked a charity. My sister picked the NAAF. Although I did know about this.... (and I cried when she told me)....... seeing it on the invitation just put a big ol knot in my throat ....... and yes, made me cry all over again. So, I thought I would share my sister's thoughtfulness with you all! Have a Wonderful Day!!! I am sooooooooo… Continue

Added by Jennifer B on June 22, 2009 at 3:25pm — 4 Comments

Hit an all time low!

This is only my second time on alopecia world, but I need support more that anything! I was looking at a photo of me

in February and I had most of my hair then , now 4 months later I only have a few strands left. I wear a hat every day, and am going to see about getting a wig this week but its the last thing I want to do. I hope it will improve my confindence as I am usually so outgoing and such a sociable person.

I hope hoping for that 'miracle' cure and the trichologist thinks it… Continue

Added by kathryn ccombs on June 22, 2009 at 9:37am — 4 Comments

just venting

Well I'm headed to work and my head is itching and has sore spots. I really don't know if thats normal. My spots are getting bigger and it is so frustrating that nothing is working! I am wondering if the cortisone shot are just a waste of my time. I have to go back in 2 weeks and get more! Well I guess I'll slip on my hat and head off to work!

Added by Misty Boggs on June 22, 2009 at 9:04am — 6 Comments


Reincarnation. A rebirth of sorts. Over the weekend, I got to reinvent myself, on the outside anyway, as I once again shaved my head rather than deal with the daily fall out. I know full well that what’s on the inside won’t change much except for that initial period of anxiety and awkwardness as I go out in public. The butterflies will pass in short order. Been there, done that, no t-shirt but lots of hats and bandanas.

The change in appearance presents its’ own opportunities. I’ll… Continue

Added by Tony on June 22, 2009 at 6:48am — 3 Comments

The Sisterhood Fraud

This seems to come up a lot here on the site (and in my life). Here's what I wrote in my personal blog recently. I thought it would be good to share with you all, to see your thoughts.

It happened again.

I am shopping at Macy’s when a curly-haired brunette catches my eye from across the circular clearance rack.


“No,” I hold her gaze. “Alopecia.”

“Ah. I know alopecia. Your hair will grow back.”

In my alopecia… Continue

Added by panuelo girl on June 21, 2009 at 3:13pm — 2 Comments

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