as our chicago weather is starting to cool off, i am wearing a bit more clothes that i have during summer. I guess since my molting in the spring had progressed to full blown AU, i realize that my skin has gotten soooo terribly sensitive as fabric rubs against it. has anybody else felt this strange sensation? It is almost like my body down layed a cushion between my skin and my clothes and now it is all gone!!!!!!!! EGADSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! I really feel like a plucked chicken!
Added by brenda kay on August 31, 2009 at 5:49pm —
I dug this amusing link my boyfriend sent me:
"Bald Dollar Bills" by a Russian artist.
Maybe you will get a kick out of it, too!
Of course, I assume that the artist was probably trying, in Neo-Cold-War fashion, to mock the US, by "defacing" our esteemed American leaders with negative connotations about baldness ... but the take-home…
Added by Audrey on August 31, 2009 at 5:30pm —
1 Comment
That is an honest question and I really would like to hear the answers from everyone. Ponder it for a moment and let me know what you come up with. I have had Alopecia for 10 years, the last 6 of which have been with Alopecia Universalis. In 2008, I finally got to a place where I feel like I have accepted my ultra petite bald head and this condition. I can look in the mirror again and feel connected to the woman staring back at me. At one point, I disconnected from her and deemed her a…
Added by Sandra Dubose-Gibson on August 31, 2009 at 1:58pm —
Today i feel like just sleeping all day! I hate getting up taking a shower and running my hands through my hair and coming out with clumps upon clumps of hair falling out! I can't comb my hair or else it just rips out! I also can't really do anything else with my hair but wear it up in a pony tail and put a thick head band on. Sometimes when I am talking to people in class or in public i see there eyes wandering up (or down cuz im really short) to my head and i can tell what they are looking…
Added by Ann Laurie on August 31, 2009 at 7:47am —
Sundays are my favorite day of the week! I came home this morning from work to find that a water pipe had busted under the house yet again. So I fill up the kitchen sink before he cuts the water off. First I bathe Kaleigh then get her out and start to let the water out. Panic sets in for a split second as I realize if I let the water out there will be none for me and I need to shower before church so I grab the sink stopper and plug the hole. As I'm climbing in the kitchen sink to take my turn…
Added by Shay and my girl Kaleigh :) on August 30, 2009 at 7:24pm —
1 Comment
Added by kenny on August 30, 2009 at 5:21pm —
Hi all,
I'm new to this forum. I've been suffering from AA since early teenage years. It wasn't obvious to the rest of the world until about 3 years ago when it became more difficult to hide it due to lots of thinning on top on my head (hair at the back & sides is fine). Eventually I've started wearing a small integrated hair piece to hide the thinning on top of my head and give fullness to rest of hair. It's been ok so far and when styled properly it looks really great (got lots…
Added by CML on August 30, 2009 at 3:30pm —
ive always wanted to know whats its like to have hair, ive always wanted to know what its like to get up in the morning and brush my hair and get angry because it didnt go right, ive always wanted to what people call normal, i would love to walk down the street without getting people staring at me, without people laughing at me or making the little comments, but ive learnt to face reality, and say to my self that its never going to happen, i was given this condition, and ive taken it as a…
Added by Kimberley on August 29, 2009 at 6:16pm —
We are back from the beach. We had a great time. We are now getting ready for the school year.
Added by Ellie on August 29, 2009 at 2:00pm —
1 Comment
I shaved it (Head). Now I am flying nude. I know to a lot of you it's nothing new but to my wife it is horrible. I will take a pic of my new doo tomorrow and post. I have a total of 6 bald patches on my head measuring from 1" to 1/4" and my beard is almost gone from the middle of my jaws to the tip of my chin. Fun stuff.
Added by BR Horton on August 29, 2009 at 12:00am —
1 Comment
so with my groom bumping the wedding date up by three months I'm feeling stressed. I should be focusing on finding a venue (why is everything so expensive) but instead I'm thinking about what to do for hair. I'm not in love with the wig that i have but can't afford to pay another $400 for a new one. Ryan would be just as happy if i walked down the isle without hair by my grandmother would probably drop dead on the spot. I've already had to sit and listen to her go on and on about how awful it…
Added by mandy p on August 28, 2009 at 8:00pm —

do you all think this looks okay....I mean real??
Added by Casee on August 28, 2009 at 4:59pm —
I grew up being ridiculed for being one of the few white kids in my neighborhood, and when I moved to Wisconsin I fit in by color standards but stood out because my alopecia had finally taken complete control and took away the hair that made me so special. For most of my life despite the random spots I was always told that I had the most beautiful hair because it was thick, curly, and red. When I moved to what I now consider home I felt like I had lost myself. I started freshman year in a…
Added by Natasha Gehrke on August 28, 2009 at 4:09am —
Hello Everyone, I am looking for some make-up advise, we, my husband & I are attending the wedding of a friend, with the triple digit heat here, 108 today, 106 tomorrow which happens to be the event day.
I have no plans to wear Carol (my wig), I have gone ah natural before to dinner but this is my first big event going ah natural. I experimented this afternoon with makeup which I hope does not melt off, oh I feel for the bride, the thought of a gown in this heat, ug.
Back to…
Added by Pamela Rosse on August 27, 2009 at 10:33pm —
I would like to know how a parent can help a 15 year old girl deal with alopecia. She seems to really struggle lately and I wonder being a step parent what is the best thing for me to do.
Added by Art Lux on August 27, 2009 at 8:20pm —
For the past year or so I have not worn a wig. Instead I have mainly chosen to wear head scarves in public . . . and in the past I have also gone completely bald. Over the years I have gone through a continuous inner struggle with this issue, whether to just go bald, where a wig or a head-covering . . . and I wonder how many others face this same issue and/or feel similarly about it. Sometimes I enjoy wearing a wig, playing with different looks can be fun and there are times . . . especially…
Added by Sarah Parks-Pittman on August 27, 2009 at 2:46pm —
Nicky went back to public school this year. He started 3rd grade on Monday. I went in with him today and we did a little 5-10 minute presentation all about Alopecia. I was very nervous standing up in front of 70+ 3rd graders as I'm sure Nicky was too. But we got through it and it really seemed to help. When I took questions one little girl asked me if she could catch it from Nicky, another asked if he would die, once I went back and explained that he was otherwise very healthy and not…
Added by Carrie & Nicky Johnson on August 27, 2009 at 2:43pm —
1 Comment
Guess I'm not really looking for answers at this point, just coming to accept that we will never know what tomorrow holds. We do have a new bald spot and some more thinning hair. So far, this has all been in the same area, very close to each other. I'm having dreams now, that she is bald and I fall apart. I guess thats my fear, not the baldness but that I fall apart and can't give her the support she needs. I'm to the point now of asking myself how I can turn this into a minsitry. Not that I…
Added by Shay and my girl Kaleigh :) on August 27, 2009 at 10:18am —
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I have been in the chatroom a few times, but never at the same time as anyone else. If anyone would like to form a chat group, where we could meet and chat at the same time that would be cool. Let me know.
Added by Thomas on August 27, 2009 at 1:00am —
i brought my first lace wig for about $400 and a wig store in the mall. when i comb the wig the hair falls out, someone told me this isn't suppose to happen... is this true??
Added by alyssa on August 26, 2009 at 5:46pm —