Featured Blog Posts – December 2012 Archive (14)

Mommy is special

I have a 4 year old and a 10 year old. My 4 year old wonderful little boy is having difficulty understanding why Mommy is different than everyone else. He keeps asking "when are you going to grow hair, real hair like mine?" "Why do you wear wigs?" I've tried explaining that mommy is special and I will never have hair like his. Anyone have any advice on this? He seems to be bothered that I am different. I want him to see that everyone is unique in their own way and that it is okay. He is only…


Added by Cindy on December 31, 2012 at 3:00pm — 5 Comments



I'm new to this site and have not yet discovered how it all works. I will probably have a hard time finding this post lol. I've been experiencing hairloss for about 7 years now and was in denial maybe wishing it would grow back and well... it hasn't! Ugh It's frustrating. My hair was one of my best physical qualities, I had soo much hair, beautiful ringlet natural healthy shiny curls now I look at myself in the mirror and can't believe it. Its to a point where I can't cover it with…


Added by Nina on December 30, 2012 at 9:00pm — 8 Comments

Going on holidays in January. What about the swimming?

So my husband and l are going golfing in Mexico in January and this year l am bald. I started to go bald in May so this is my first trip with Alopecia. Does anyone know if there is a wig available that cab be scorn for swimming SOS l don't draw attention?
Advice would really be appreciated.
Calista from Canada

Added by Cal on December 30, 2012 at 5:00pm — 3 Comments


Going through a rough spot with all of this, a year ago my alopecia was so bad that I shaved my head because there wasn't a lot left on my head. it took a lot but then I rocked it, I loved being bald after a few months and was very comfortable with it. I moved to another province to be with my boyfriend, whoo had been with me since before this started. which I felt was better because he seen me through the thick and thin of it all and was there for me. we didn't have a good relationship, but…


Added by Erika on December 28, 2012 at 2:30pm — 4 Comments

My AA story

Hi Just thought I would share my experience of having AA.

I have had AA since I was 15 (almost 18 years) and found that confidence is a major part of how people view you and you in turn view yourself.

I was 16, and shy and not very confident and in collegue (was actually in class at the time) when I felt that first bald patch in my head, as my Dad has AU, so I knew what it was. After going to the doctor's, I went back to college and told everyone in the class about it. I got…


Added by Jo-Anne on December 26, 2012 at 2:30am — 2 Comments


hey all,
I need a little help on plucking up the courage to go see the doctor about treatment for Alopecia Totalis. The reason im nervous is, if the doctor wont look into it for me anyone got any courage tips for me?
Donna x

Added by Donna on December 25, 2012 at 7:00pm — 5 Comments

Just had to laugh!

My sweet daughter Braylyn was diagnosed with Alopecia this year. She is the captian of the Cheer squad and Captain of the volleyball team. Very athletic and out going. And believe me she has not let having alopcia stop her from doing anything. And for that I am very thankful. She had a great set of friends and after educating the school all has been great. We have not had not one person bit of negativity. Until today. Braylyn came home from the school and girl that she goes to school with…


Added by Traci Hayes on December 18, 2012 at 5:37pm — 4 Comments

An alopecian in the world: Opening my eyes

I've been busy; been in the world as an alopecian; a woman with alopecia. A woman who was laid off August 2008 when the law firm I worked at closed their doors, due to their own greed, but that's another story.

I felt lucky. I felt lucky because I felt relieved; no more worries that my spots would show; I was a clean slate, a bald head. I felt comfortable. I was most worried about my audience. I'm a musician, a singer/songwriter. I have presented myself with hair pretty much my whole…


Added by Lili Añel (aka Eulalia) on December 17, 2012 at 10:30pm — 10 Comments

Purchasing a new human hair wig

Does anyone have experience with wigsbuy.com? I have researched hundreds of sites looking for an affordable human hair wig and I am so confused as to which one is right for me.

Added by Jess on December 17, 2012 at 5:00pm — 15 Comments

Just wondering!

Is it bad of me to pray that my daughter get her eye lashes and eye brows back? Of course I would love for her to be able to regrow her scalp hair, I really just want her be able to do put on her make up in the morning without worry. She is 14 and I know she misses that part of her life.

Added by Traci Hayes on December 17, 2012 at 2:30pm — 4 Comments

What causes alopecia?

everybody pls answer so we get a general idea.
Why do you think you ended up with alopecia?
stress? genetic? something else? u don't know?

Added by s on December 14, 2012 at 7:21am — 2 Comments

Other women's reaction to my alopecia

So a couple of women came along as visitors to my Toastmaster's meeting the second time in a row. At this meeting I was wearing a new wig and both of them commented on my new look...actually the style is pretty much the style I always wear but the colour was much darker...so I said matter of factly that I was wearing my new wig and explained I had alopecia. They both said they would never know it was a wig and that if I didn't tell anyone no one would know. Just then the meeting was called…


Added by Pat on December 14, 2012 at 2:02am — 16 Comments

New here, questions, opinions please. :)

Hi There,

I joined a couple of months ago and have been kind of quietly checking things out but now feel comfortable to post here. Here's my story in a nutshell.

I noticed a small spot around my crown in April of this year and within 6 or 7 weeks it was about the size of a lemon(weird comparsion? lol). While I knew deep down it was AA as I was a hairstylist for a handful of years and know all about conditions of the scalp, I needed a disgnosis. Low and behold it was AA. I got…


Added by Katelyn on December 4, 2012 at 4:24pm — 10 Comments

Alopecia wristband

I just finished ordering the "I heart someone with Alopecia wristbands. I think it's a very good way to show your support if you know someone close to you that has Alopecia. Wearing the band allows me to teach people about what Alopecia is because everyone seems so curious about what my wrist band stands for. Click Here to get the wristbands!


Added by Tim Valentine on December 3, 2012 at 8:00pm — 6 Comments

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