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Hair Hair Hair!

Hello, my name is Laura! OK I don't have Alopecia but I do know what it's like to be judged for not having any hair. I suffer with bi polar and during one of my erratic episodes I shaved all my hair off. I had a lot of mean things said about me but I want you all to be proud of yourself.... in this video of me on youtube

It tells you all you should be proud of being… Continue

Added by Laura on July 3, 2011 at 6:37pm — 1 Comment NOT boost your immune system!

Several months ago, I decided to start taking Zinc for my Alopecia Areata, thinking it was a good thing to boost my immune system. After probably a couple of weeks on the Zinc, I began to wonder if this was a good thing to do, or not. Well, at this years NAAF conference, what I began to suspect was confirmed. DO NOT take Zinc, or anything else to boost your immune system!!! Your immune system is attacking your hair follicles, thus, boosting your immune system only aids in what is causing your… Continue

Added by Diana Carter on July 2, 2011 at 1:35pm — 8 Comments

Shaving head!!

well i've decided to buy me a very good razor and some shaving cream to get rid of the stubs today, am tired of the itching under the wig and am going to my inlaws today with a wig on , I know i'll be itching like crazy, maybe I should tell them I have head lice or something so we could leave faster,,,lmao
But I am lookng forward to getting my head smooth instead of living with stubs, it's either hair or NO HAIR right?
so I may as well say bye bye to the stubs

Added by Lisa-Lynn Marini on July 2, 2011 at 10:47am — No Comments

2011 NAAF conference, changed my life

Nerves and excitement consumed me the days leading up to finally boarding a plane from Detroit to L.A. I knew I was going to finally meet people who have Alopecia, I had no idea how amazing this was going to be... I arrived there a day and a half prior to the conference starting so I could do some sight seeing.. yes.. I am a typical tourist.. My husband and I had a blast touring the walk of fame.. sunset.. the pier.. the observatory... totally different world from Detroit. The day came to check… Continue

Added by christine policicchio on July 1, 2011 at 11:30am — 16 Comments

How do I just do it?

So I've been bald for 5 yrs now and I went from wearing baseball caps to turbans to now a wig and something I struggle with every summer is I just wanna go swimming with nothing on my head I wanna be able to take my son's to a pool with nothing on my head, so all I wanna know is how does one get enough nerve to do it. I feel naked when I have nothing on my head, and I only do it around people Im comfortable around, and I wanna to be able to do it in public, and Im scared to, idk why. When I… Continue

Added by Debbie on July 1, 2011 at 9:39am — 14 Comments

My bald head

I can't tell you how nice it feels to have a long day in the heat with a head full of hair ( wig) and come home to take it off!!
I sure do appreciate that while others have no way of doing that with their own hair and feel the nice breeze on a sexy bald head!!!
God Bless all of us who are bald we don't realize the pros about it very often but I just realized that pro today!! and let me tell you,,,, it feels damn nice!!

Added by Lisa-Lynn Marini on June 30, 2011 at 7:30pm — 13 Comments

Human Hair Wig - It's a love-hate relationship

Hi Everyone,

Hope you are all doing well...coping well with this most incovenient and expensive condition. I haven't been on here in a while. I am hoping to get some new tips and tricks :) I am still new to this and am grateful that everytime I blog on here I obtain a whole bunch of useful advice!

Over the past few months I got way too frustrated with synthetic I bit the bullet and purchased a human hair wig. I was excited...couldn't wait to get it in the mail. A… Continue

Added by Beverly on June 29, 2011 at 10:00am — 6 Comments

Need advice on a stubby head please!

I had mentioned before I have a stubby head except for the sides of my head , the stubs have been that way for a year now, doctors say its as good as its gonna get, and I still don't understand why that is, even though I know it is caused by my white cell count, but here's the thing, I'm always itchy leaving my head scabby whenever I wear wigs with a cap under it.

I try shaving it to releive the itch, I use soap and I can't seem to shave it right making everything worst and cutting myself… Continue

Added by Lisa-Lynn Marini on June 29, 2011 at 8:29am — 9 Comments

The Journey

I was reading a magazine today and came across this poem by Mary Oliver. Im not a poetry reader much but this spoke to me and I wanted to share it with you......


One day you finally knew what you had to do, and began, though the voices around you kept shouting their bad advice

— though the whole house began to tremble

and you felt the old tug at your ankles.



Added by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on June 28, 2011 at 9:04pm — 5 Comments


Since I was a little tyke - playing slot cars , digging up the yard with my TONKAS or just lighting the woods on fire behind the house , there was only ONE exclusive BALD guy in Hollywood.

Ladies and Gents .... it was Telly Savalas .

Strong , Charismatic , Independant and Aint takin CRAP from no one !

Smart mouthed , razor sharp wit and always I mean always a TOOTSIE POP on board.

As I see my smooth eggplant in the mirror .... I finally get what Telly was… Continue

Added by R0BB on June 28, 2011 at 4:41pm — 2 Comments


I was diagnosed with AA in July,2010. It progressed to AU in March 2011. After about 3 weeks of wearing false eyelashes , I developed a stye in one got serious enough for medication, now that eye is healed and my other eye has one. It has been a constant struggle to heal. I find myself constantly having to deal with debris in my eyes. Has anyone else had this problem? Is it common to have eye problems when dealing with no eye lashes? I am still trying to deal with this condition. First… Continue

Added by Kathy S on June 28, 2011 at 10:05am — 3 Comments

Once again

So my hair had started to come back and I was so excited, but now after a very stressful 2 weeks of withdrawals from taking Cymbalta my hair started falling out again. I had most of the sides come in, was still missing the top, but now the sides are going away again. Thinking very seriously about a Freedom Wig. I know they are expensive, but I need to bite the bullet. My one BIG concern is spending the money and then not being able to wear it. Here are my questions.

1. I live in Florida it… Continue

Added by zeida on June 27, 2011 at 9:34pm — 5 Comments


I posted a blog previously about a movie called "Happythankyoumoreplease". It is an Indie film so it was in limited release to movie theaters. I live in a large city so I figured it would show in my city. Unfortunately, I was wrong. I guess it only played in NY and LA. So it finally came out on DVD not too long ago, and I finally got to watch it this past weekend. I give it a thumbs up. It was a little better than expected. It had some laughs, and some of the other characters were charming/… Continue

Added by Alliegator on June 27, 2011 at 3:01pm — 3 Comments

Anxious to hear about latest research

What did you all hear at the conference last weekend?

Added by Tallgirl on June 27, 2011 at 11:30am — 10 Comments

Summertime musings

Well its officially summer in the River City. We have had fires everywhere for months (southern Georgia, neighboring Florida counties to the west and south). Even on some days when it was actually not too hot to don a wig I left it at home anyway, as I did not want to get that smoke smell in it.

Anyway, have a niece getting married soon. I already have me dress and hair (wig) picked out. I have always instinctively felt [pressured??? obligated??? i worry...] that for formal… Continue

Added by Laura Adams on June 26, 2011 at 3:41am — No Comments

Alopecia accepting guys are pretty awesome :)

So for those who don't know, my boyfriend of almost 3 years and I broke up back in Feb or March, because he couldn't accept me bald (I shaved the rest off in Sept '10). That hurt a lot, kind of temporarily damaging my self esteem. Well I've had this great guy friend that before I met my ex, I was kind of interested in more than a friend, but he didn't seem interested, and things just happened as they did. Well he asked me out on a date earlier this week, which was kind of shocking to me, but I… Continue

Added by Tamara on June 24, 2011 at 9:27am — 19 Comments

Well the inevitable is happening...and dealing with dating

I knew that when I stopped all my medications(which weren't really working in the first place) that I would just continue to lose hair. I just wouldn't think that it would be happening so quickly. I have noticed that my hair is thinning out even more on top and now more on the sides too. Not that it really bothers me now because I knew it was going to happen and I was preparing for it.

But it does go to show that I made my big step of buzzing my hair and getting my wig at just the… Continue

Added by Julie G on June 24, 2011 at 8:30am — 6 Comments

Red Dots in My Spots

Just curious if anyone else has dots in your bald patches? I got the injections 3 weeks ago and since that time I've had red raised dots, almost pimple-like, in my bald patches. They are worse in the patches where I got injections. In the new spots that cropped up and did not get injections, I also have a very mild case of red dots but not as pronounced. I wondered if anyone else experiences this? And if so, how do you get rid of them? I tried an acne wash which did nothing, and… Continue

Added by Violet on June 23, 2011 at 6:56pm — 1 Comment

Bl*&$y hair (or lack of it!)

Hi. I joined this forum a while back and have taken so much comfort from all the fabulous people who have refused to let alopecia hold them back.

As a bit of background I have always had fine wavy hair but alot of it. My Mum, all her 6 sisters and all my female cousins have really, really thick hair (not that I am jealous or anything!). My hair has thinned after each of my children (I have 3 fantastic kids ages 4, 8 and 10 who really are my reason for living) but not to the point that it… Continue

Added by Nicola on June 23, 2011 at 4:43pm — 2 Comments

Stop procrastinating!

This is something i've learned to do over the course of my therapy!!
I now walk around bald in front of my whole family, everyday unless I go out of course, i'm not ready for that just yet, but I am very comfy around my family and no longer ashamed to be bald around my family and it feels great, especially when the fresh air hits your nice baldy head :)

much happier me today :)

Added by Lisa-Lynn Marini on June 23, 2011 at 4:30pm — 10 Comments

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