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First wig consultation today


It didn't go exactly as planned.

I absolutely loved this place, the guy helping me, and hair he had...but definitely not his prices. He measured me, got the color I wanted, I was actually feeling ok for once about all this...then slapped me with a $4,000 bill. I caught my breath, then told him I had to hold off. I couldn't even sell my car for that if I wanted. =/

My insurance offered to pay for $100 worth of it which really doesn't help. As discouraged as it made me, I… Continue

Added by Lindsay on February 5, 2011 at 9:20pm — 8 Comments

My Hairstory

Once I had this head of hair.

It had curls and waves

And required no care.

“How Lucky you are,” I was often told.

To have such hair,

Lovely to behold.

One day my thick hair felt thinner and light.

On closer look there were patches,

With no hair in sight.

My hair! My hair!

Where did it go? What did I do?

This is not fair!

I tried to stop it, to keep there.

I had shots and treatments.

I’d do anything to… Continue

Added by Brenda B on February 5, 2011 at 10:35am — 2 Comments

Recently diagnosed with AA and depressed

Hi ladies and gentlemen I'm Sarah I'm a 24 y/o single mum of one. I've been recently been diagnosed with AA so far I've found 2 patches on my head I've not come to terms with AA yet and like many of you might say it may take some time in getting use to. I've been so depressed since Tuesday(when my doc said I've got AA) I don't know if I'm coming or going I have told my friends on Facebook and I've had some good words my daughter's dad has been helping me to come to terms with it and he's the… Continue

Added by Sarah Niker-Fleming on February 5, 2011 at 6:45am — 7 Comments

Trying to get a grip on AA

Hi everyone, I am new to the Alopecia world and was diagnosied last June with Alopecia Areata. It was such a shock when my daughter noticed the patch about the size of a quarter on the left side of my head...there were tears and alot of fears. Some weeks later after batteling with my GP I got to see a derm, within minutes he had me diagnosed with AA, but by this time that small quarter patch was nearly the left side of my head...and a few other small patches. I did the basic treatment with… Continue

Added by Jill Wolfe on February 3, 2011 at 2:17pm — 3 Comments

A turning point?

I wore my hair down (as in not in a ponytail with tons of hairspray and grips) to the office the other day, and with no hair piece. I had to scrape back the top a bit and grip that back so it offered a bit more cover on the back. I was really worried as it felt so thin on the back, but my colleague (who has seen my hairloss from the worst period) assured me it was fine.

I've also booked in to a normal hair salon to have my haircut before my holiday to Tenerife, rather than going and… Continue

Added by Rachel on February 3, 2011 at 1:25pm — No Comments

New, scared and need YOUR opinion

Hi Ladies (and men)-

My name is Jennifer and I’ve recently been diagnosed with androgenic alopecia. I just turned 30, I’m single, and horrified. I’ve noticed my hair falling out off and on for about 5 years now. I figured it was stress since the shedding seemed to coincide with major stressors in my life (several moves to different states, grad school, family problems etc). The last 6 months it’s gotten significantly worse, my scalp is showing and I’m obsessed with wearing my hair in… Continue

Added by Jennifer Schlueter on February 3, 2011 at 1:42am — 5 Comments


I have been in several realtinships since my alopecia took all my hair. I was always worried that no one would love me because of how I looked. Many of the relationships I was in left me feeling less than confident. No man ever really made me feel beautiful. For the longest time I thought that my alopecia would stop me from finding true love, a man I could stay with and who would make me feel beautiful when he looked at me. My mother was in the hospital and her nurse has alopecia. I never met… Continue

Added by Natasha Gehrke on February 2, 2011 at 1:52am — 10 Comments

Hardest thing I've ever been through

Alopecia started for me last year,at the age of 31. I had long blond hair and it started to fall out. I found handfuls of it on my clothes,on my hands when i washed it, cloged up drains,and i had bald spots that were getting bigger and bigger.Eventually i started wearing a hat cuz of the spots and hair started growing back while the other was falling out so i had new hair when the last bit fell out. So now i wear a knit hat but i have some new hair on the back , top and sides. I have lost my… Continue

Added by Amanda kay o'neal on February 1, 2011 at 12:30pm — 11 Comments


hey everyone my name is Kaeleigh and i've been with my boyfriend Joe for 4 years now and he lives with me. This July he turned 21 and has never had or heard of anyone in his family with alopecia, to be honest we both have never even heard of it. Come November.. December 2010 his beard had a bold spot right in the middle of his chin and then come January 2011 he got his hair cut and it looked like the barber butchered the back of his head but as the days went on the top of his head started… Continue

Added by Kaeleigh Bialko on February 1, 2011 at 11:00am — 5 Comments

May I tell your stories?

Students in their final year of high school in Australia sit the HSC. Drama students are required to present an individual project In my case, a performance.

I've never really publicly dealt with my alopecia and am in the process of designing a dramatic piece to deal about my own feelings and what it is to be an alopecian.

As part of this, I was wondering if anyone would be willing to tell me their alopecia story, or a story from their life relating to their alopecia. I wish to… Continue

Added by Georgia Gardner on February 1, 2011 at 12:00am — 6 Comments

Eyeshadow and Eyeliners that REALLY last...?!

I have spent so much money - I mean - SO MUCH MONEY on eyeliners, eyeshadows...all claiming to be long lasting, waterproof, stays on for friggen ever....BUT - none do. Do you guys find that too? I've ordered from Cheryn Int'l - From a company in Canada - from Aveda - From Makeup Forever to Maybelline ..NOTHING seems to stay on - is it just me or is it the way I'm putting it on? I've tried the indelible eyeliner and the only one that stays on - sort of from Target - called ELF...beside… Continue

Added by Rebecca Strobel on January 31, 2011 at 6:37pm — 7 Comments

Alopecians in Guatemala

I've been back in Canada for less than 48 hours and am feeling very overwhelmed! The type of life style lived in a 3rd world country is very different however in many ways the people are richer than we are. There is a general contentedness that is unexplainable. I was lucky to meet with several locals in Guatemala however there was one little fellow I met that… Continue

Added by Carol on January 31, 2011 at 4:00pm — 5 Comments

My new hair, and Clinic Del Mondo

This photo is of me wearing my "new hair". An awesome piece of new technology from an awesome man name Greg T Kirk who has teamed up with Clinic Del Mondo on the Gold Coast (QLD) to bring it to Australia. Essentially it's a thin membrane of some plastic substance, threaded with human hair, and glued to the scalp - lasting some 4-6 weeks. While Greg has worked with the technology for a few years in the States, it is completely new here.…


Added by Dominique on January 31, 2011 at 8:30am — 4 Comments

"Coming out"

Hi Friends,

I am writing this morning to announce that I "came out" to two girls from work yesterday. It started with a conversation a week or so ago where one of the girls I teach with said she was going to try to run a half marathon and asked if I would want to do it with her. I am not a runner but it hit a chord because I have been struggling with the idea of going to a gym or working out in a public place since my alopecia progressed.

I fear my eyebrow will wipe away… Continue

Added by Jocelyn on January 29, 2011 at 9:23am — 17 Comments

Is it normal?

My eyelashes on one eye fell out a couple months ago. They are finally growing back...slowly but they are so I am not complaining. I am just curious, is it normal that they are growing back snow white?

Added by Rachell on January 28, 2011 at 11:39pm — 4 Comments

Epsom Salt Baths

Does anyone soak in an Epsom Salt Bath? If so what benefits have you noticed?

Added by Elizabeth on January 28, 2011 at 12:57pm — 1 Comment

My wig fell off!

My wig fell off today. I got off the school shuttle and as I was walking ( and talking to my sister on the phone) I caught a branch and the wig flipped off. There were cars in front of me ( can we say embarrassing) I was in shock really so I stood their for a minute, and then I picked it up and went the other way...I put in my bag and kept my scarf on...the wig is wet ,idk if ill be able to wear it :-/ i didnt know whether to laugh or cry ( i did both btw lol! ) well just thought i… Continue

Added by Alexis on January 27, 2011 at 1:24pm — 13 Comments

Thinning out a wig, lessening the shine and what type of mesh is best

I went to my first wig consultation last weekend and have a few follow up questions I need some advice on:

1) they seemed to be sooooo much hair, I guess because I am just not used to having so much hair on my head. Can a synthetic wig be thinned out so that it looks a little more natural?

2) I noticed that some of the wigs I tried on were a little too shiny. I saw on a website that you can either use baby shower or wash it in fabric softener and water to get rid of some of the… Continue

Added by Julie G on January 26, 2011 at 8:01am — 2 Comments

Without thinking!

OK you guys I really need you today! I've been dating this decent man for seven years. He knows all about my AA and seemed to be fine with it. I asked him to become a friend to me here and he simply said no! His reason was because I was enough, why would he want to see more pics of people like me. IDIOT! I just wanted him to see how cool the pics were and how beautiful you guys looked. I'm beginning to see that people aren't always as comfortable as they seem, even family. I just decided not to… Continue

Added by T.J.R. on January 25, 2011 at 11:26am — No Comments

Life continues once again

Ha well i said i would tell yall bout my 5th and 6th grade years hah well after i left saks elementery i went to Alexandria high hah well im just a liitle ol 5th and 6th grader sourrounded by all these tall creepy looking high schoolers (btw hah im really country talkin so if ya cant really understand me im sorry hahah) as i said before people will be mean! no matter who you are or what you look like. there will always be those people out there who are out to put you done in order to bring… Continue

Added by Bre Cobb on January 25, 2011 at 8:00am — 2 Comments

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