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Would like to help

Hello everyone.

I'm 65 years old and have had Alopecia Totalis since I was a child. It's lovely to see how you support each other through your Alopecia. I had nobody with my condition to talk to as I grew up. My family has always been wonderful but they didn't really understand how I felt. My hair has regrown but I worry about my grandaughters getting it because my father told me that my great grandfather was completely bald at a very young age (I don't suppose they knew what it was then).… Continue

Added by Jean Noble on October 19, 2009 at 11:52pm — 2 Comments

Attitude is Everything!

Hi everyone. I attended a cancer research fundraiser this weekend and a cancer survivor read a wonderful quote from Charles Swindoll. I thought I would share it with everyone because I really believe that how we choose to handle the cards we are dealt makes all the difference in the world. Here is the the full text of Charles Swindoll"s "Attitude."


by: Charles Swindoll

The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on… Continue

Added by Kelly on October 19, 2009 at 2:15pm — 3 Comments

More lashes goin!

hi everyone i hope ur all well,

well im still chuffed i have some white hair on my head and white eyebrows but gutted as im still losin my eyelashes, my left eye is losin the top and has lost them bottom, im goin to have semi permanant eyeliner done but cant afford it just now, especially xmas comin up, i use eyeliner to try make my eyes not look so pale but it keeps comin off quickly and while im at work i can always put this on, does anyone have any other ideas to keep my eyes lookin gd,… Continue

Added by lynne on October 18, 2009 at 4:41pm — 3 Comments

I thought I was alone in this - apparently I am not! : )

I have been dealing with Alopecia for ten years. In those ten years I have not met a single person who is struggling with this condition. Just recently I decided to reveal my Alopecia secret and I feel so relieved. I found this website through Facebook and was truly amazed. Thank you Alopecia World - it is obvious you are helping many.

Added by Caley Vangelis on October 17, 2009 at 11:34am — 8 Comments

New to Alopecia world.

Hello all, Im new to Alopecia world. My names Nick im looking to meet new people with alopecia. Ive never talked with someone else who has it. So if you have any suggestions on the best ways/places/groups to meet people here ill take 'em. Thanks

Added by Nick Janda on October 17, 2009 at 2:59am — No Comments

That's the wrong door!

I was walking into a public restroom at McDonald's and a lady across the room shouts, "That's the wrong door!" I immediately look at the sign on the door with a lady's icon. It was so hard for me not to laugh. I turned around, with my pearl earrings, gave her a smile and walked into the restroom. Sometimes you just have to laugh.

Added by Jill on October 16, 2009 at 7:00pm — 6 Comments

School Pictures

After much discussion with my husband we decided to have Haley's picture taken without anything to cover her head. I was totally fine with this but was rather surprised that he suggested it. I guess that he is accepting it better as time goes by. I can't wait to see how the pictures turned out.

Added by Ellie on October 16, 2009 at 6:00pm — 2 Comments

another update

well i guess it would be safe to say that my condition is going into AU, eyebrows are almost gone, eyelashes are on there way out and everywhere else is starting to go, but i have still kept the positive the whole time, i look at it this way i have no more "bad hair days", more like "no hair days" which is cool, on the non-alopecia side i have been attempting to get back into my rhythm of going to concerts only been to 2 so far this year, but my record for 1 year is 15 concerts, which is a lot… Continue

Added by Paul on October 16, 2009 at 12:42am — 2 Comments

Got Kenalog shot and 2 rounds of scalp shots and still shedding!!

Hey guys! Just wondering if any one ever experienced getting the shots in the scalp and butt and still having massive shedding?! Last year when I got the shots, the shedding stopped like right away after I received them. I at least slowed down way more then. This time, I have already gotten 2 rounds of the scalp shots and one shot in the butt and still tons and tons of shedding! It is driving me crazy literally! What the hell is going on?! Has this happened to anyone else. Does it just stop… Continue

Added by Melissa Harris on October 15, 2009 at 11:33pm — 3 Comments

My nails too!?

Has anyone had any problems with their nails once diagnosed with AA? If so what and how did you manage it?

Added by Margeaux on October 15, 2009 at 4:30pm — 5 Comments

Just wanted to share this with you all

A friend of mine, whom I lived with over the summer, recently left to move onto other things. She left me a card with some beautiful words in it that I thought some of you guys might like to hear.

"I've never had a friend who was bald before, and it takes some getting used to. What I didn't realize is how beautiful being bald is. It's like taking away all that extra stuff we don't need and leaving behind only what is truly ourselves. I cannot even grasp how hard it must be at times… Continue

Added by Karina Louise on October 15, 2009 at 4:20pm — 5 Comments

Locks of Love

Well and update on Jordyn..we made the plaster mold of her head to send off to Rhonda at Locks of Love..She received her plastic mold to fit on her yesterday..she was so to send it off. And let the wig making begin..I can't tell you how excited Jordyn is that she has the opportunity to have this wig from the locks of love..It is a fabulous organization..Jordyn has very high self esteem anyways and really doesnt let much bother her this just makes it a little better. We have seen… Continue

Added by Jess (Jordyn's Mom) on October 15, 2009 at 10:11am — 1 Comment

so i got an idea on how we can make this chat box work

ok so here is my idea, i figure since a lot of people check to see if anyone is in chat( in which a majority of us may check periodically) well i figure if u wanna chat with someone in chat send them a message(to there inbox) asking if they would like to chat, Me, well i'm always up for a good chat so if any of u wanna chat( if u see me online) im totally game for it, ask me whatever u want, im an honest guy and will give u an honest lets get to know each… Continue

Added by Paul on October 15, 2009 at 12:06am — 1 Comment


Here's something funny; I just went to see my dermy today and as per usual, a student doc is sent in first. She actually wanted me to point out where I have hair missing on my head. She looked surprised when I said that it's missing everywhere, all over my body. Now that's the true test of a good wig, when a resident can't tell that it's not your own hair! She even had to look closer to see that I had no eyelashes.

Added by Brandy Snap on October 14, 2009 at 6:00pm — 2 Comments

Kenalog shots and blindness?!

Hey all! I was wondering if anyone has experienced any negative eye issues/blindness with receiving the Kenalog shots in the scalp? I have heard that some people have become blind for these shots in the scalp!! I got some more shots this Monday and my eyes feel like they are burning a little bit but otherwise they are ok. Please give me any feedback if you know someone that has experienced eye issues or not! If you have not had any eye issues with the shots, let me know as well!… Continue

Added by Melissa Harris on October 14, 2009 at 2:09pm — 2 Comments

Any suggestions about starting a support group?

I am thinking of starting an Alopecia support group in my area. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to go about starting one? What materials do I need for the first meeting? How long should the meetings be? Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks.

Added by Sharon Loden on October 14, 2009 at 9:59am — 3 Comments

Night time headwear

hi evryone!
hope this will be of use to members,this is my first cold spell with no hair.
i decided to browse the internet and found this amazing site that supplies night time headwear,
its called hope you have fun looking @ this if you need a warm head like myself at night time.
regards karen.

Added by karen on October 14, 2009 at 5:54am — 3 Comments

Any advice please :)

Hey all.

Do any of you have experience with virtuesse hair replacement for women or with continental wigs? Looking into my options other than vacuum pieces. My biggest problem I am finding is the bangs. Bangs look horrific on me! I usually keep my hair completely off my forehead like my profile picture. Thanks for everyone's help!

Love to all!

Added by Donna DeHoog on October 13, 2009 at 8:52pm — 1 Comment

Anyone else experiencing technical problems on this website?

Is anyone else experiencing this problem: I go to read a blog or someone's comment on my profile and it kicks me back to the AW home page. Is it me or is this happening to anyone else?

Added by Kelly on October 13, 2009 at 8:06pm — 9 Comments

One more regrowth question...sorry

thank you to everyone who responded to my previous post. just one more question for you (sorry)....when hair does start to regrow, can it be seen right away or does it start as barely visible to the naked eye, kinda like soft facial hair that you can only see if you look in a mirror with the right light?????

Does that fine hair stay on our heads after we lose it all or is this the very early stages of regrowth??? thanks everyone, sorry for the tedious questions....

Added by Kathleen on October 13, 2009 at 6:40pm — No Comments

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