All Blog Posts (5,825)

Should I Shave?

I have been pondering shaving my head for quite some time. I have chronic telogen effluvium and have been shedding excessively for the past year. At first, I believed the dermatologist, the OB and the endocrinologist when they said my hair would stop shedding. They said it was from the 'hormonal shock' to my system from stopping birth control pills 3 months before this started. It sounded good and I found research to support them, so I waited. However, my hair didn't stop shedding after the… Continue

Added by Laurie on January 21, 2009 at 11:00am — 4 Comments

Free at Last!

I shaved my head because I was tired of looking at one hair falling out at a tim. I was tired of assessing how big the pateches were or were not getting. I was tired of worrying about if my bald spots were showing. Look out, World! I have a bald spot showing! It's called my scalp. LOL. It took longer than I thought (a friend and my husband both helped) and my hair held on like a pit bull. But we won at last. I feel so much better. I have a wig I… Continue

Added by Nants the Rebellion Dog on January 20, 2009 at 7:58pm — 10 Comments

Wigs, Wigs, and more Wigs! (Questions)

Hi all!

Since I have female pattern baldness, I might get to a stage where my natural hair is no longer attractive and I will want to wear a wig. If and when it gets to that point, I would ideally like to shave my head first, against my mom's tears and grandma's begging and pleading. (It royally sucks that they're so unsupportive of me getting this crap out of my life. At least grandma supports the wigs, though she still tells me to promise I wouldn't do the big… Continue

Added by Alexandra on January 20, 2009 at 5:00pm — 7 Comments

No Coverage?? This seems silly!

So, after i became excited about deciding to shave my head - I immediately started to inquire about insurance coverage...only to become frustrated with it!!

My employment benefits will not cover anything. I called up social assistance to see if they help out...they don't. They gave me a number for "assistive" something ( I can't remember it now)...they don't cover wigs at all. I have been looking all over for some sort of relief, but can't find anything.

Canada must have something for… Continue

Added by Christie on January 20, 2009 at 2:49pm — 3 Comments

Stage Makeup

So I'm taking this online course about stage makeup. I did my first assigned look yesterday and I wanted to post the picture here, but I can find the danged files. (Does this have something to do with the pink lemonade I spilled in my laptop two nights ago? - Probably). At any rate before they disappeared I made a slide show and it's at my youtube account if anyone wants to check them out.

Also I don't know if I mentioned this but I am renting a house that is for sale. It sucks because the… Continue

Added by Carmella on January 20, 2009 at 2:29pm — No Comments

how to take care of a wig

Well, I just got my first synthetic wig-- does anyone have any tips for keeping it looking like new? How often do you wash it, how to keep it from frizzing, etc.

Added by ken on January 19, 2009 at 6:37pm — 3 Comments

New for the New year?

Well not exactly. I'm still lazy, but maybe just a little less. I haven't been exercising daily as I'd planned and we failed at 30 days of no spending, but we're going to give that another try. I quit my job, for fear of being sued by a psychopath (no literally a pyschopath who is sue happy) I know that she'd lose, but I don't want to explain at every interview why I went to court. I've got to get another job. I'm very behind on my school work this term. I apologize for not being around as… Continue

Added by Carmella on January 19, 2009 at 1:19pm — No Comments

Its progressed

So, 3 nice new noticable patchs are now gone on my face, the original patch which was treated with corti shots has fallen back out. I havent noticed any new success from using Zinc, Biotin, supplements for the past 2 months now. A connection I can make with my alopecia is it seems to occur when times of extreme emtional/stress occur. When that happens, the alopecia attacks and it seems to love the facial hair alot. So now Im shaving my face and my head.....yikes.

Added by Eddie N. Padilla on January 19, 2009 at 2:46am — 1 Comment

The One Flaw In Women

The One Flaw In Women

By the time the Lord made woman,

He was into his sixth day of working overtime.

An angel appeared and said,

"Why are you spending so much time on this one?"

And the Lord answered, "Have you seen my spec sheet on her?

She has to be completely washable, but not plastic,

have over 200 movable parts, all replaceable

and able to run on diet coke and leftovers,

have a lap that can hold four children at one time,

have a kiss… Continue

Added by Lori Black on January 17, 2009 at 11:24am — 1 Comment


Quirks And All

16 Jan 2009

"We love because he first loved us." I John 4:19 (NIV)

We have lived in our house for just a few months, and the quirks are starting to show. One of the burners on the stove doesn't work on the low setting. A piece of tile on the counter top is not glued in all the way. Several of the outlets in the bonus room were wired wrong, which means sometimes the electricity in that room works, and sometimes it doesn't. And sometimes, if someone turns… Continue

Added by Lori Black on January 16, 2009 at 11:18am — No Comments

Getting my hair back

One good thing about alopecia totalis, you get really excited when your hair is growing back, and mine is. The fuzz that I used to have has gotten longer and i have started growing hair on the sides of my head, the place where I first started losing my hair. Everything at school is getting better for me now that I think by the time I go into 8th grade I'll have all of my hair back and at a normal length (I'm in sixth grade). So I'm very happy. YAAAAAA!!!!

Added by Shannon M on January 15, 2009 at 7:10pm — 4 Comments

A life of tourture...

Hey, im Kevin and i just wanted to share my story of alopecia, dont want to waste anyones time so...yea just doing this as a release i cant do anything with this on my mind and i doubt this is gunna get it off but i have homework to do and i cant get it done sitting here crying so... yea.

Alright im 16 bout to get a second go around with the beast formaly known as AT alopecia totalis.....weeeee.

So i got my first bald spot in the 6th grade ya know its watever who cares im an… Continue

Added by Kevin on January 15, 2009 at 3:59pm — 8 Comments

Going, going, gone!!!

Well...It's official, I have decided to shave my head. This decision was made after I noticed my second patch starting last night.

I know that some people would suggest I keep my hair and wait - but I have allowed my hair loss to consume me and my emotions. I still have yet to fully come to terms with this challenge - But honestly, do most people slowly peel off a bandaid that's sitting snuggly on your skin, or do you quickly rip it off? I prefer not to let this AA control me. I don't want… Continue

Added by Christie on January 15, 2009 at 7:30am — 3 Comments

9 1/2 months

Where has the time gone? A quick check of the calendar revealed 9 ½ months has passed since the first telltale spot appeared on my head. A month later, I had shaved my head rather than fight with the every growing contingent of hairless areas.

9 ½ months, the same amount of time for a child to come forth into this world. Enough time for my oldest DD to graduate from high school and set off on her own for college…for my youngest daughter to transform from a giggling 8th grader to a… Continue

Added by Tony on January 15, 2009 at 7:13am — 1 Comment

My journey with AA - nearly three months in

It's been a while since I last wrote and a lot has happened really. Had a great Christmas, ate too much and laughed lots. I then spent two weeks camping in the sunny Hawkes Bay. During my two weeks away I had no Enar treatment, I'm not sure if it was helping slow down the hair loss or not but man did my hair loss have a major come back. Standing in a low pressure camp site shower covered in your own hair trying to rinse it off is a pretty depressing state of affairs and caused a few teary… Continue

Added by Karen on January 14, 2009 at 3:23pm — 1 Comment

solar keratosis


I have had alopecia for over 40 years now (diagnosed at the age of 5) and looks like all those years without sunscreen, not really covering up has taken its toll. I have been recently diagnosed with AK (Actinic/solar kerotosis), essentially pre cancerous skin marks on my scalp. Fortunately the prognosis is good, but the treatmentn is a little bit scary depending upon what websites you visit. The treatment is to apply EFFUDEX (5-FLUORO URACIL). cream for several weeks. Essentially the… Continue

Added by FRAZ on January 14, 2009 at 3:04pm — 1 Comment

another 3 monthes

so i went back to my doctor to get another set of needles poked into my head its been three monthes since the last time. she says its growing in fine . though for me it feels like its taking forever. my mom still things i got if becuase i dont eat right or take vitamins. which is a bit irritating. so i like to walk arounf the house with my bald spot all out like friar tuck style, and irritate her back. ( shes very emotional about my hair 0_o)

after getting the needles the first time… Continue

Added by Amanda on January 14, 2009 at 12:03pm — No Comments

Support is overwhelming here!

Well, I have been on this site for about 2 days now - and I must say...the support is very impressive!

The past two days have been a little better, mentally. You know, all the sites say that Alopecia does not cause any medical issues, except emotional or mental, and man...they weren't kidding eh?

I guess what they say is true..."The things that do not kill us, will only make us stronger"...How so very true.

I had struggles, many struggles before the AA started - which could be a… Continue

Added by Christie on January 14, 2009 at 8:20am — 2 Comments

Virtuesse Hair System

I was wondering if anyone has heard of or has a Virtuesse Hair System. It is almost like a prosthesis in that it does not come off, but every three months you go and get new hair. I went and was fitted for one today, just have to let them know what I decide. I still have some hair so it would have to be shaved. I'm really nervous about the decision, just don't really know what to do. What if I hate it or something.
Hope someone has some input to this. Thanks.

Added by Jamie on January 13, 2009 at 8:41pm — 9 Comments

Alopecia Book Review

I've never read any alopecia specific books before, that is until I got my copy of "Metamorphosis" by Julia Crittendon. Of course my portion of the book was excellent LOL But seriously, it was one of those things I could have writen a hundred times over and never been completely satisfied with. It was wonderful to hear about everyone's battle and recovery, if you will, over alopecia. It is a very inspiring and motivational book and I encourage anyone with alopecia to give it a… Continue

Added by Carol on January 13, 2009 at 7:22pm — No Comments

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