All Blog Posts (5,825)

Releasing Toxins

I'm REALLY trying to be positive!! I REALLY want to move forward!! I know I am more than my hair!! I HAVE done this before!! I WILL do it again!! I just need to get all this SHIT out!! I'm not sure how to make a LONG story short!! But I'll try.

In March 2007 I started to lose my hair. By August I had lost SO much I HAD to buy a wig. In the meantime I had seen SIX different doctors!! Each had their own opinion, each ran tests ... NOTHING was working!! However when my OB/GYN put me on… Continue

Added by Celeste Edwards on October 2, 2008 at 5:29pm — 2 Comments

More Pictures - New Wig

My mom and I purchased this wig at Hair for You Salon. I am not sure who the designer is because the tag was removed when Linda was altering it to fit my head. She also cut it so that it had a cute style. It is a little shorter in the back and comes down longer in the front. It fits really well (since she cut it to fit my head) and is really fun. Yay for new hair :)…


Added by Rachel on October 2, 2008 at 4:41pm — 7 Comments

discovering me

ok, this is my first day on this site. for the last couple of months i have lost my hair and my entire identity. how can that be? i am a really strong and indenpendant person, so why do i feel like my identity is gone? now i feel really shallow. i have been reading the different groups and reading about my new friends struggles and everyone seems so put together and comfortable with what we are going through. i feel like i am in a dark hole and can't get out. the whole wig experience was a… Continue

Added by Jenn on October 2, 2008 at 4:34pm — 3 Comments

Cali by Tony of Beverly - After Fitted to my head

Here is the before picture of the Cali wig I have been wearing.

Here it is, after it was trimmed and altered to fit my little pea head. It looks and fits so much better.

Added by Rachel on October 2, 2008 at 4:33pm — No Comments

Pictures - Eyebrow stencils and Bobbi Brown Gel Eyeliner

As promised...

First, here are a few pictures of my naked face...

And my hair spot - in a bald spot :)

Here's the 'thin' eyebrow stencil and the 'sepia ink' gel eyeliner…


Added by Rachel on October 2, 2008 at 4:28pm — 2 Comments

My New Drinking friends !!! And getting my own back on a nightmare date......

Well these are two funny storys to tell you all, I went out two weekends ago with my good friend Martin to a pub called The Halfway House in Sutton Coldfield Birmingham England, i have been going to this pub since my hair fell out and everyone treats me really well in there (except Gary Bolton) and ive had some of my best nights out here, Well me and Martin were at the bar and i noticed a hugh heffiner lookalike at the bar (playboy man) and begin talking to him he was about 67 but extremley… Continue

Added by claire on October 2, 2008 at 4:00pm — 9 Comments


I went to my doctor the other day for just a routine check up. It was my first time seeing her and I mainly went just so I would have a primary doctor if/when I do get sick (I don't trust the doctors at my university). Anyways, I don't wear a wig so she obviously knew I didn't have hair. She is familiar with alopecia so wasn't surprised when I said I had it. I told her it fell out about 5 years ago and within about 3 weeks. She kept asking me if I was happy living with no hair. I said yes,… Continue

Added by Kristen Ridenhour on October 1, 2008 at 11:18pm — 3 Comments

Well after not being able to hide my bald spots anymore, I have scheduled an appt for a wig soon enough I will be sporting a new look! My biggest fear is the questions and reations I wil…

Well after not being able to hide my bald spots anymore, I have scheduled an appt for a wig soon enough I will be sporting a new look! My biggest fear is the questions and reations I will receive when I go back to work, should I tell them it's a wig because of alopecia or just play along as if it was my hair? Continue

Added by Esther on October 1, 2008 at 8:12pm — No Comments


Michaela is lying in bed shouting questions down and she wants to know if it is normal for her hairs to be breaking and the the small spiky bit is falling out, why is this so and not the hair just falling out?

any answers most appreciated

Added by Warren on October 1, 2008 at 4:00pm — 1 Comment

Many thanks

Thank you all for the kind words and invites, Michaela and I are doing well she is hopefully going to meet up with a young girl this weekend who has Alopecia and been living with it for some time now so she can get an idea as to how it has affected her life.

Will let you know how it all goes...

Added by Warren on October 1, 2008 at 2:50pm — No Comments

More squaric acid

Yesterday I went to the derm. for my usual....Still have one bare patch near my forehead that did not respond to the last round of squaric acid. So, yesterday I got some injections and more squaric acid applied. Yup, it's already itchy....except this time I have the prescription strength clobetasol propionate I don't scratch the stuffings out of myself this time.

My other patches are growing in with their usual whitish's only a matter of time again when another… Continue

Added by Georgie on October 1, 2008 at 2:18pm — No Comments

the same procedure as every day...

the same procedure, as every day..

i woke up in the morning, still a bit

tired and lazy.. went to the bathroom,

looking into the mirror.. and, when

trying to do something-nice with my hair,

always the same..

then, back to my bedroom, and the same,

as nearly-every day.. i find some hair on

my bed.. i mean, when sleeping, i don´t

think, i tear it off from my head, so it must

have been dropping-off even while i´m sleeping..

my-god.. one day,… Continue

Added by SylviaBonin2008 on October 1, 2008 at 5:05am — No Comments

Tattooed Eyebrows – Hair Strokes or Not

I am thinking about getting my eyebrows tattooed on and I meet with a person at a salon where I live. I liked her a lot and her portfolio she showed me looked great. The one thing I asked her about was hair stroke tattooed eyebrows. She said that she does not do the hair stroke technique for permanent tattooed eyebrows. Does anyone have any information on the hair stroke technique? The lady I meet was really nice and I liked her portfolio but I just want to get any information before I do this.… Continue

Added by Sarah S on September 30, 2008 at 11:37pm — 3 Comments


haha im going out with justin! he asked me out today. he's in eighth grade. on the emerald team. he treats me well. he isn't a perv like tj. ok so heres out it went:

justin comes and sits with me on the bus.

justin:hey want some nerds?


he gives me the box and i pour a handul out.

justin:so. u wanna go out?


he laffs

justin:u wanna go out?

me:ur asking me out?




so he gets out… Continue

Added by Courtney on September 30, 2008 at 8:38pm — No Comments

Calosol 4H Recovery Ointment can be used for both Eyebrows and Beards

Hi has anyone used Calosol 4H Recovery Ointment can be used for both Eyebrows and Beards ???

Added by Laurence on September 30, 2008 at 8:17am — 1 Comment

Instead of a "diary" for what´s happening with me at this point of time...

Long time ago ...

I think, at least, it´s a quite-long time ago,

I have been struggling with various, "millions"

of problems.. growing-up, first love, passing my

exams at school...

But: All these so-called "problems" seem to disappear,

as soon as I look into the mirror.. my-god.. am i just

a little crazy, or is it true.. am I loosing my hair, already..?

What is, has been or could be "wrong" about my life, and the

way I live every new day? Do i… Continue

Added by SylviaBonin2008 on September 30, 2008 at 1:50am — 1 Comment

When Life Hands You Lemons ....

Make Lemonade … Right!! Well, I am So sick of drinking lemonade I could PUKE!! Please bare with me, this could get long..I just need to vent! And what better place than with women that have walked in my shoes.

I’m really not looking for sympathy; more like answers or someone that has gone through a similar experience. Some of you might have seen my post on the Thyroid thread a few weeks ago. At the time I was dealing with my “issues” pretty well. Unfortunately, things have changed… Continue

Added by Celeste Edwards on September 30, 2008 at 12:39am — 4 Comments


gaah TJ's mad at me. i told ashleigh that tj wanted to make out all the time and thats partly y i broke up w/ him. and it is. but tj tho i lied to him and now he's pissed. but either way i don't like keaton anymore. LOL omg im sooo boy-crazy. i like justin now. hes in 8th grade. he acts like he likes me but idk. today on the bus the driver took a sharp turn and i nearly fell out and justin grabbed my hand to help me up! he is sooo awesome! and hes on the wrestling team. and he's like just about… Continue

Added by Courtney on September 29, 2008 at 5:57pm — 1 Comment

Attention everyone near Chicago!!!!!!

I have found my new favorite woman. Her name is Linda DiFronzo. She owns Hair for You Salon in Arlington Heights, IL. If you remember, I was asking about what to do with wigs that were too big (because the petite wig selection is lacking!!). Well...let me introduce Linda. She owns her own salon that does everything! My mom thinks she is going to go to her to get her hair styled, colored, etc (she does not have alopecia). But, for the past… Continue

Added by Rachel on September 29, 2008 at 3:00pm — 2 Comments

My first blog post!

This will be a GREAT place for me to vent, dispense advice and put in writing all of my musings and ponderings. Feel free to leave comments!

Today is about my current musings and ponderings:

I read a quote once that "those who mind, don't matter - and those who matter, don't mind". Not only does this apply to alopecia, but to many other facets of our life, whether it is our personality quirks, past indiscretions or current situations. It helps to reflect on this truth when… Continue

Added by Andie on September 29, 2008 at 1:21pm — 2 Comments

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