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Need a new profile layout?

Just found another site that provides free Ning templates that you can apply to your Alopecia World profile. It's simply called Ning Themes and provides African themes, beach themes, city themes, nature themes, and Rasta themes. Check it out here, especially its how-to section.

Added by Alopecia World on September 15, 2008 at 5:22pm — 1 Comment

Celebrities with alopecia

I just recently found out the Christopher Reeves (superman) dealt with alopecia beginning at age 16. I showed this info from the internet to my 9 year old son. I told him that he had good company with what he's going through as I personally think that Christopher Reeves was extremely good looking, talented, etc. My son was very intriged and I think he found it comforting to a degree. Do any of you know of any other celebrities (adults or children) who have alopecia?

Added by Margie on September 15, 2008 at 3:54pm — 7 Comments

Thyroid Problems

I know having alopecia makes it more likely that you will have other auto-immune diseases, thyroid problems being one of them. I was diagnosed with hashimoto's at the same time as alopecia 5 years ago. My TSH levels have always been fine and besides getting tire a lot faster than I should, I have had no problems with it until now. For the last weekish I've just felt like my thyroid is enlarged. It kinda feels like someone is constantly pushing on it or just pressure in my throat. Sometimes it… Continue

Added by Kristen Ridenhour on September 15, 2008 at 2:28pm — 5 Comments

I keep meeting her this way

I opened the door to my home late Friday night and saw the most beautiful woman in the world. She glistened as I fastened my appreciative gaze on her and thought to myself, “What a lucky man!” I walked in her direction because I needed to divest myself of the things that were in my hands, but as I approached her and noticed that she noticed me, I could feel the rhapsodic rhythm of love beating in my heart. She did not initiate our conversation. Rather, I did because I was so pleased to have her… Continue

Added by rj, Co-founder on September 15, 2008 at 3:00am — 5 Comments

Teenagers are Crazy

My wonderful teenage daughter is at it again. As we look for new a different style wigs to get, especially with the fall weather approaching, she has her sights set on a jet black long haired wig with red streaks in it. Just when I thought she has outgrown the 'goth' look she throughs me a curve ball. All but one of her wigs is some shade of blonde; the one that is not is hot pink with black roots. I guess I can't say much about the pink since at that time my own hair was pink. She just doen't… Continue

Added by Heather Marie Brown on September 15, 2008 at 2:34am — 3 Comments

I'm talking but do they listen?

Does this ever happen to you?

You are in a conversation with someone and all they want to do is hear themself talk.
I contribute my fair share to the conversation yet the person continues on with a rant without even a bother of listening or even hearing what I have said.

So Annoying....

Thanks for listening. LOL


PS I feel better now
PSS Dont let this happen to you

Added by JeffreySF on September 15, 2008 at 12:59am — 7 Comments

spencer [again!]

i just had my first date with psencer last nite!!! it was awesome! we went to the movies and saw 'traitor' it was confusing. i couldn't really pay attention tho. spencer kept whispering stuff to me and got like 3 inches from my face! and he said i was pretty!!! the lil terd! he didn't kiss me!!! gaah! y does he have to be so shy???

Added by Courtney on September 14, 2008 at 2:27pm — No Comments

omg was my mom right?

o.o weerd. i started eating alota sunflower seeds, and less milk. and weee. hair is growing back.

or is it just doing it by itself?


my first bald spot [which used to be only one inch, but covers almost half of my head now] has my natural haircolor growing in the middle.

all my other bald spots have soft white hair in them somewhere, except for the edges [around my ears and the bottom of the back of my head]

but i have enough hair to have a short mohawk.

i… Continue

Added by VanessaVandalism on September 14, 2008 at 1:59pm — 1 Comment

What do you think if there were more bald women in mainstream media?

In the past few months I've learned so much about various kinds of alopecia and the people it effects. I would love to see women more accepted in movies, news and entertainment that are bald. It's the artist in me speaking out, but hey. Why not?

Added by Leon Johnson on September 13, 2008 at 11:00am — 5 Comments

Over it!!

Ok so I'm not sure about anyone else but I'm so sick and tired of what comes out of the mouths of poeople who have no idea about Alopocia Areata!

I am new to this disease I've only had AA for about a year and a long terrible year. After shaving it all off and it growing back I'm now left with a cute bob, with a few new bald spots and thinning eyebrows.

So to get back to my story, I've decided to stop treatment it was really working and now not so much. I was talking to my neighbor… Continue

Added by Jessica on September 12, 2008 at 6:15pm — 7 Comments

'til death do we part

What started out as a good day hit the skids shortly after I crested the door way. The flash of the answering machine caught my attention. Nothing unusual there. Probably the usual hang up calls from telemarketers. Not today.

“T”...only a select group of old friends know me by that moniker. The speech was slurred. I knew the voice straight off and could tell that he had crawled inside a bottle before making the call. “What the blankity blank do you want?”, a comment I apparently… Continue

Added by Tony on September 12, 2008 at 6:19am — 2 Comments

Im curious. Has anyone tried this?

Hi everyone.

I wonder if anyone tried this?


Added by Roger on September 12, 2008 at 5:10am — No Comments

What I'm going to do - even if it can't change things

So I ready this article earlier about Dale Platts (Thanks for bringing it to my attention Angela). This was the link I saw

but I found it on BBC news with a video too and found it to be even more touching in motion with audio.

At any rate my children (now in third and fourth grade) are getting questions about their mom at school now. I explained this story to… Continue

Added by Carmella on September 11, 2008 at 7:09pm — 2 Comments

Alopecia PSA Project. Want to raise awareness?

Hey AW,

My name is Annette and I am studying TV Production at Cal State Northridge in Los Angeles. I have had Alopecia for 8 years now and my idea to make a PSA to support Alopecia was picked as a class project. This project means the word to me because it can help so many Alopecians that don't know that there are support systems out there. The scheduled shooting day is Friday, Sept. 26 from 3pm-7ish. Please if you are in the Los Angeles area and want to help respond or email me @…

Added by Annette Duran on September 11, 2008 at 5:22pm — No Comments

Alopecia Awareness Month

OK so September is Alopecia awareness month and in the past I would just tell my friends and family and just kinda spread the word. But this year I am a senior in College that has about 6,000 students at it. I am recognized all over campus and even outside of it, everyone knows "the girl in the black bandana." So this year my good friend is the editor in chief of the newspaper and I was thinking of writing an article spreading the word and explaining to my fellow students and faculty what I… Continue

Added by Catherine on September 11, 2008 at 2:02pm — 2 Comments

Non Alopecian Thoughts

Sorry about the scattered nature of this (it's late and I'm not really sure why I'm still awake). I've had some thoughts over the past few days regarding supporting my sister with alopecia.

At times my sister is sure she is going to go completely bald. I say to her that even though it definitely could happen - she could go bald - there is also the chance that she will not. If she does, we'll get her a great wig - if that's what she wants. It's all about her. She doesn't have to… Continue

Added by Jols on September 11, 2008 at 10:27am — 5 Comments

Meeting new people

well i'll be the first one to admit that when it comes to meeting new people, i am horrible. well i met this girl online and then i met her in person the other day, and today was the second time we hung out, and she is amazing, and i got to meet some of her friends who act crazy fun. its nice to be around people who are not always about there image. having alopecia i have always been the one with the shyness about my hair "the little that i do have" and tonight i got to break free from the mold… Continue

Added by ☆Joseph Giallombardo☆ on September 11, 2008 at 12:04am — 2 Comments

Trying to Catch My Breath...

I realize I haven’t been on here in a long time. I think the last time I added a blog was mid July. I seemed to have lost track of everything, so I’ve spent the last few minutes catching up with all the posts by people on here for the most part.

As for me, the rest of my summer was spent pretty much working. I finished coaching the summer soccer season with a dozen girls, all under 12, who all became little sisters to me. Even if I seemed like I didn’t I really enjoyed it. It was… Continue

Added by Drew on September 10, 2008 at 11:16pm — 3 Comments

Big Step

I am so proud of my daughter that I cannot even begin to express the joy. She has a serious boyfriend and has been afraid to tell him about her Alopecia. Today she told him that she suffers from it and that she wears wigs because of the many bald spots that she has and he was like "oh that's all? I thought it was something serious." She was so afraid that he would not accept her after finding out but was truly surprised that he likes her for her.

Added by Heather Marie Brown on September 10, 2008 at 9:00pm — 4 Comments

Old Habits

I had one of those days yesterday. Nothing bad, just too many distractions. Somewhere along the line, my mind kicked into autopilot. The hour was late and much to my relief, the day was nearly over. A hot, steamy shower would help wash away the remains of the day. Instinctively, I reached for the shampoo only to have my hand run smoothly across my head. I have no hair to wash. Strange how old habits die hard…

Added by Tony on September 10, 2008 at 6:29am — 5 Comments

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