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I just can't take it

I was diagnosed with alopecia last May and since then I have been losing more and more hair until now where I only have one patch left. I'm a senior in high school this year, which is supposed to be one of the best years of your life, but I feel like it's been the worst. Everywhere I go I always get second glances because of the scarf I have to wear. I've gotten all of the snide comments like "Are you a dude, cause your wearing a dude rag." or "You look like a gangster or maybe a terrorist"…


Added by Sarah on October 20, 2013 at 2:30pm — 5 Comments

Do you ever resent people with hair?

Do you ever resent people with hair?  I lost my hair after chemo and it never came back.  I thought I had accepted the loss, telling myself I was alive and that if never having hair was the price for being alive it was no big deal. But more often lately I see people I know who have gone through chemo and their hair is coming back and mine did not. It is getting harder and harder not to resent them.

I have read the postings about others accepting their loss and I know there are other…


Added by rfharp on October 20, 2013 at 10:30am — 32 Comments

Alopecia and my testimony

I have had Alopecia Areata since I was five or six and I turned thirteen on August twenty-ninth, twenty-thirteen. I know how hard it can be, I used to have really thick long hair, I still have pretty thick hair, that is where I actually have hair. I shaved my head at the beginning of August, through my Alopecia I have learned to just be myself and smile through the pain. I believe Alopecia is not meant to discourage and break us but to uplift and strengthen us, I know that our Heavenly…


Added by Jessica Hoschouer on October 18, 2013 at 7:00pm — 4 Comments

Is it a fetish or mere fascination? It may pay to find out

I met the bald woman of my dreams on in the spring of 2007, and I can't tell you how grateful I am that she didn't summarily dismiss me as some creepy dude who simply had a bald fetish.

When I saw her photos on MySpace at the time, I thought she was as fine as they come and I let her know it. Yes, I knew she was bald due to alopecia areata because that was one of the first things her profile stated and she was bald in all her photos. However, it didn't matter one bit: She…


Added by rj, Co-founder on October 18, 2013 at 4:00pm — 28 Comments

No words to describe

I have had aleopecia for 2 months now and i am still having trouble my hair was well it was my hair it was important I use to to have thick hair and now I don't. I use to love too take a shower but now I dread it knowing that washing my hair makes my hair fall out. Or brushing it. Now when ever I go out side I have to have my hair up because I can't afford a wig. I have the love of my family and friends and I know they love me but they don't know what it's like being 20 and going bald. My… Continue

Added by Addy on October 18, 2013 at 12:42am — 3 Comments

I know how you feel

I know how you feel. After 20 years some days I still feel like an alien. Tired of people looking at my wig while talking to me and treating me different than people with hair. This condition keeps me paranoid and depressed.

Added by Shelly on October 17, 2013 at 8:00pm — 1 Comment

Wig falling off ;)

Has anyone's wig slipped off or almost slipped off in public?
I sweat a lot (Hyperhydrosis ) and my hair gets drenched under my wigs and am always adjusting it. I sweat to much for tape and clips don't grab on to my thin hair.
Any suggestions?

Added by Stephanie on October 17, 2013 at 3:35pm — 7 Comments

Here we go again!

Hi everyone, after a few years with Alopecia, my hair decided to grow again,at first I didn't get my hopes up as this has happened before and after a few weeks it disappears again. Well this time it grew for a few months, I really was getting used to having hair again, every day I would look in the mirror admire it and also my eyebrows. Well yesterday I woke up to see hair on my pillow, when I touched my head I had a handful of hair, now I have several very large bald patches and I have also…


Added by sylvia moneypenny on October 17, 2013 at 11:00am — No Comments


During the past ten years, there is one thing that I have learned about alopecia: change. When my alopecia first started, it was one perfectly round patch about the size of a quarter. That changed to multiple spots, which all grew back in. And then came back. And then went away in different locations, including most of one eyebrow. I lost my sidewalls about five years ago, and never gained those back. Then, the big blow came, universalis. No eyelashes, both eyebrows,body hair, and all my…


Added by Bonnie on October 15, 2013 at 6:45am — 2 Comments

Bhringraj (eclipta alba).... daughter's naturopath suggested applying this topically...has anyone tried it?

Added by carolyn on October 14, 2013 at 10:32pm — No Comments


So I have had this page for some time now and Ive just been reading other people's blog's, to see if I am doing something wrong. I've been researching this condition just recently. I've actually had Alopecia all my life but nobody ever told me thayt it would progress. All my life I've seen doctors and they say you have Alopecia never the type or that it would be a chance I would lose all my hair since I was born with it. I had beautiful hair and long I would always get a few patches here and… Continue

Added by Chantel Crook on October 12, 2013 at 1:01am — 11 Comments

Financial aid for teenagers with alopecia


I have a wig boutique in Toronto and a I am often asked this question: Is there any financial help for alopecian teenagers still in school?

If anyone can help please contact me.

I would love to help and advise these teenagers.


Added by GABI'S WIGS on October 11, 2013 at 6:30am — No Comments

My alopecia


My name is Islem, i'm from TUNISIA, i'm 26 years old, i would like to share my story for a long time ago but i didn't have the courage to publish it. Actually I leaved alopecia world for a while and now I’m back. So here we go..

2000 : I was diagnosed by Thyroid problems, it’s okay I take my medication and everything going well.

June 2001 : I had alopecia since i was 14, i admit that at that age i didn't really know what's going on with my hair I thought it was just a…


Added by Melsi on October 10, 2013 at 6:30pm — 7 Comments


Every now and again, I'll feel like purging. I find some curious soul and satisfy their curiosity by divulging my deepest alopecia secret. Been completely bald for 3 quarters of my life. Lost all my hair smack dead at the start of puberty, in that same rude and dusruptive way that alopecia tends to do. They stare into my eyes in awe waiting for my tear glands to fill up - but I'll never give them the satisfaction. Next they may say something completely thoughtless and unfeeling like "you're… Continue

Added by Jackie on October 8, 2013 at 10:03pm — 2 Comments

My Utah Studies teacher

I found out the coolest thing today!!! My Utah Studies teacher Mrs. Winn used to have a form of Alopecia. She asked me about my hair today so we had a little conversation about my Alopecia and how she used to have it. I brought up Alec my Alopecia Buddy because he is in her first period class with my friend Emily (I have it eighth period) so yeah I just thought it would be fun and cool to tell you guys!!!

Added by Jessica Hoschouer on October 7, 2013 at 5:15pm — No Comments

There IS INDEED hope. Sadbe worked for me

Dear all,

I have suffered from AA for around 3 years, developing into a mixture of AA and AU over time. At some point, I mostly had no hair on my head, and several patches all around.

In June I started treatment with SADBE and I have to say that my hair has gone back in full (no eyelashes though, as the medicine that I take is not good for the eyes). I am not sure how long the effects will last, but I can guarantee that I look now exactly the same as before suffering from…


Added by griambau on October 7, 2013 at 1:30am — 5 Comments

Relationships and AA


I was just do you know when it is the right
time to tell a person you are interested in dating about
your "oddity" I met this guy..and I've seen him a few times but he hasn't a clue I'm completely bald.. I have AT (so far)...I feel like I'm being a fraud and dishonest:/ It's very emotionally draining..

Added by Sara on October 6, 2013 at 8:30pm — 4 Comments

Worried and would love some support

about five years ago i was diagnosed with alopecia areata and had about 3 bald spots that were completely hidable. I was going through a really stressful time in life and i completely associated my bald spots to that. it went away and the spots grew back completely(i also was a lot less stressed out) got back to my breezy self. it came back about two years after that a little bit worse(also at a time of stress, when i had just gotten pregnant) but that too grew back completely. now, after i…


Added by fw on October 6, 2013 at 11:00am — 3 Comments

Don't know if I should be happy or disappointed

I've not had to shave my legs in years, even when my alopecia started to get 'worse' the hair was that sparse I simply plucked them.. But for a number of years now I have not even really had to do anything with them as no hairs came. This is one advantage of alopecia.

But this morning I happened to notice this one long hair on my lower leg (got long as I never need to look) so I quickly plucked. Looking closely I saw a few more, and I can't help but wonder, would I love to have hair to… Continue

Added by KFlame on October 6, 2013 at 4:42am — 1 Comment

20 Years Later - My experience with Alopecia

I turned 31 this past summer and it seems like just yesterday I was in 5th grade. 20 years ago was the year that changed my life and set me on a collision course with God!

I was sitting in Mrs. Thorburn’s class in Brookings School. Mrs. Thorburn was an incredible teacher who didn’t put up with nonsense and we got along great because I loved to be the class clown! She was my favorite teacher in 5th grade and that year turned out to be a year I would never forget.

I had semi-long…


Added by Alex Gomez on October 4, 2013 at 10:21am — 1 Comment

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