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I keep finding more bald patches, the most I have had in years. I feel it's coming from last year when I had a very stressful time, nursing my beloved Grandad and Auntie in my home, who died from cancer.

But strangely I don't care, I have been through so much that hair loss seems so unimportant now. If anything I am using it like a badge of honour, yes I have seen through hell but I have survive. And if I loose all my hair. I will be fine, because over the last year I have found out who…


Added by Jo-Anne on July 13, 2013 at 5:29pm — 1 Comment

In need of support

It's days like these when I really need support. I don't really know what to do with myself. My family needs me, and they are constantly upset by my lack of contributions to the household. As a teenager, I'm sort of at the whim of the adults in my household, and they don't always understand what's going on. I have cried countless times today, and probably will again.

I was diagnosed with alopecia in May, and it has progressed to about 60% loss. I also have diffuse hairloss, and my…


Added by Madeline on July 12, 2013 at 8:00pm — 23 Comments

All of the Strands...a song produced for Australia Alopecia Areata Foundation

Hi everyone!

AAAF Song - Strands is now live!!

AAAF thanks Reuben and all members of the Redwood band for the generosity of time, expertise and continuous awareness programs. Enjoy the song.…


Added by Vesna Devcic on July 12, 2013 at 6:44pm — No Comments

Why so many people are losing their hair lately?

Why so many people are losing their hair lately?
Why I am losing will be mine?
I feel sad, not knowing what to do ...

Added by Lucy on July 11, 2013 at 3:30pm — 1 Comment

Locks Of Love retreat 2013

So, around last month, Locks Of Love called and invited my mother and I to the 5th annual Locks Of Love retreat held in West Palm Beach, Florida. My mother, of course, was thrilled, and said yes, we will be attending the retreat on June 27th. While my mom was excited, I was crawling with nerves. I was anxious to meet the other girls. But I'm glad I didn't back out because when my mother and I met at the Florida airport with the other moms and their daughters, all my nerves vanished. I met…


Added by Jackie on July 10, 2013 at 7:52pm — 2 Comments

DAY 62 - Have you heard of Olux-E???

So I finally met the new doc!

yes it's DAY 62...that's how long it took because the previous doc kept cancelling my appointments!

As you can imagine, lots can change in 62 days!

It's actually a bit strange...bitter-sweet almost.

The spot grew a little bit but I also see more fuzz. The entire area is covered with decent length fuzz. The size probably ranges from 0.2cm to 0.5cm. The edge of the patch grew first and has now turned into black fuzz to match my original…


Added by User306 on July 9, 2013 at 3:56pm — No Comments

Shedding hair sucks!

Anyone else tired of seeing hair collect all over your floor, bed, hairbrush? My hair has gotten to my lower back, but I still have large patches over the entire back and sides, with some smaller patches on top. So, of course, my long hair sheds and it becomes very obvious that there's hair everywhere. The worst is when cooking! I'm always scared someone will find a hair in their food and be disgusted.

Makes me want to shave it all off -- a thought that's been around for a few months.…


Added by okiegal on July 8, 2013 at 5:11pm — 5 Comments

A positive side to alopecia

So admittedly, there is very little good about having Alopecia and whatever happens, any positives that come out of it do not, in my eyes, outweigh the terrible burden of having no hair. However, I realised one of those positives today and feel the need to share it.

In fact the drama began yesterday, in the freezing cold, wet town of Queenstown, New Zealand. I’m here for a few days after nearly a year away from home. The morning had gone well, after a disappointing beginning whereby…


Added by Kate on July 8, 2013 at 3:30am — 22 Comments

My 6th anniversary with alopecia

Hi Folks,

Well...It's been 6 years today since I found that little bald patch on me...Picture it, July 5th 2007 I thought an ember of my independence had fallen upon me. But no it was Alopecia. i had never heard of it before.

It was pretty tough to lose all my hair within 3 months. I lost my identity and my self confidence.

I slowly started accepting what had happened after a year of turmoil.

How does a person deal with such a crises?

Luckily for me I found…


Added by JeffreySF on July 6, 2013 at 12:00am — 2 Comments

Celebrating the bald

This site is both empowering and triggering for me - while it's great to find my bald tribe, the amount of trauma/shame/worry people have about their alopecia is difficult to witness. I've been totally hair-free for the past 11 years, and it has been one of the BEST teachers of my life. I'd really love to find others who have made peace with, and even celebrate, their baldness (while always remember that looking different is hard, but not necessarily bad).

Added by Brenna on July 4, 2013 at 6:00pm — 3 Comments

Answers regarding recent scalp issues

I have posted recently about my scalp issues, with my scalp swelling in random patterns, looking like a sunburn and feeling like my head was on fire.

I saw a new dermatologist and he sent me for a RAST test. This is a blood test that determines food allergies. It turns out I am allergic to wheat. Funny, when my doctor gave me the result he said the test determined I was "slightly allergic to wheat". My response was "how does one determine slightly"? Sort of like being a little bit…


Added by Lili Añel (aka Eulalia) on July 3, 2013 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Cytokines and alopecia

All Autoimmune disorders(Alopecia etc) have a dysfunctional cytokine reaction component to it

For the purposes of inhibiting ACE and reducing cytokines, the following foods and compounds seem to be the best choices:

• Green tea (ACE inhibitor, reduces cytokines)

• Black tea (ACE inhibitor, reduces cytokines)

• Quercetin (possible ACE inhibitor, reduces cytokines)

• Pomegranate juice (ACE inhibitor)

• Red wine (ACE inhibitor)

• Turmeric (reduces…


Added by Mike Staffieri RHN on June 28, 2013 at 11:00am — No Comments

Good doctor in the USA?

Hi everybody,
I live in Italy, but I will go to the USA in september to attend a conference (I am a PhD candidate in anthropology).
I have gone to many doctors here, but nothing worked except a corisonic treatment that intoxicated me, many years ago. Do you know if there is any GOOD doctor I could go to in the USA? An expert in Alopecia, obviously.
I will go to Dallas, Washington DC and NYC... Thank you

Added by Cat on June 26, 2013 at 3:30am — 2 Comments

NAAF 2013 St Louis

Hello Friends,

Another year has passed. We're on on are way to St Louis for NAAF 2013.
This is my 6th Conference since my diagnosis of alopecia in 2007. I am so grateful for all the support from all of you!!!

Hope to see and meet many of you in person!!!


Added by JeffreySF on June 26, 2013 at 2:50am — 2 Comments


So, I'm tired putting myself out there when it comes to dating! Men in LA are so shallow, you know in life somebody should like me for who I am! it just makes me sick how this guy I met he asked me, and I told him on third date and showed him my head, and he ran but the funny thing he said it didn't matter, its what's in the inside. Sorry Jermey you are shallow and think you are perfect when all you are is fake!

Added by Toni on June 25, 2013 at 12:31pm — 4 Comments


Started steroid injection last Tuesday. For first time in 15 that I have been on and off them, I slept for 2 days, I feel panicy and emotional. Anyone else had this after only one treatment?? Feel like I am going crazy. This had never happened before

Added by Jo-Anne on June 25, 2013 at 11:28am — 2 Comments

My alopecia story!


In 1998, when I was in 4th grade, my mom noticed a small patch of hair loss while she was brushing my hair one morning. She told my dad (a physician) about it, and he decided to take me to a dermatologist. The doctor told my parents that I had alopecia areata, gave me the steroid injections (every 8 year old's nightmare), told me to apply a cream (looking back, I believe it was an irritant) and come back every few weeks.

I don't remember my initial…


Added by okiegal on June 25, 2013 at 4:00am — 4 Comments

Tired of the roller coaster ride

I was diagnosed with Alopecia Areata in September of 2012, 3 weeks after I transferred to a new college with a grueling schedule. I had only loosely heard the term "alopecia" but never paid attention to what it was. My hair was my favorite feature, and I have been happily dying it an array of colors for over 10 years. I had been behaving myself and had only highlighted the crown once in the year leading up to my hair loss. I don't heat style. I don't pull my hair out in my sleep or anything.…


Added by Sierra D on June 24, 2013 at 5:00pm — 4 Comments

Newbie feeling very sad

Hi I was told about this wonderful site by my friend who's cousin has AA, I have 4 boys and my youngest daughter is 3 has been confirmed as having AA ..... I'm so sad for her she on the other hand is totally unaware of anything !! But I feel like I need to get rid of her repunzal dolls DVDs anything that's going to make her feel that she needs to have long hair to be beautiful :( the thing I'm struggling with the most is the not knowing how bad it will get ? Will she loose everything or forever… Continue

Added by Claire Eadie on June 24, 2013 at 4:34pm — 30 Comments


Hello everyone i was wondering if anyone on here has lupus as well. I've been gettinf lots of tests done and doctors have mentioned lupus but since there's not specific test for it there's no way of being sure. The symptom questions have been asked many times and i don't seem to br experiencing many. But now when i feel some of the things i'm not sure if it's all just in my heas now. What were your early symptoms?

Added by Vane on June 24, 2013 at 1:32pm — 9 Comments

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