All Blog Posts (5,825)

My story

Hello. My name is Justin Dawson. I am 15 years old & have had Alopecia for about 1 year and 4 months now. It all started in mid February of 2011. I was in my room texting some friends while chatting with my little brother, Brendan. You know how when you are texting, you look with your head down most of the time? Well, that's what I was doing. My brother Brendan pointed out a very small circular bald spot on the crown of my head. I looked in the mirror, but it was too inadequate to see. I…


Added by Justin Dawson on June 7, 2012 at 8:30pm — 7 Comments

Hair dresser with no hair

Today was the first day i didn't wear my wig at all at work. Sometimes i'm running late and its not brushed so i'll wait til i get to work to fix it and then put it on. Sometimes i'll just get way to hot and have to take it off. Today i just didn't feel like wearing it. I had a pretty dress on, pretty feather earrings, clear even skin and colorful pretty eye shadow. It was a pretty busy day at the salon i work at and only one person brought it up without me saying something first. He did it…


Added by Sheena Tha Cody on June 6, 2012 at 12:52am — 5 Comments

My first blog- what it feels like to have alopecia


I am generally a very happy person with a great outlook on life... but I at times I get really down as everyone here does.. so I wrote a bit of a poetic piece to describe the pain ..

What it is like to have alopecia

Losing your hair, losing your femininity

Losing your normality

Years of teasing and feeling like you are being stared at

Having to realise that you will always feel ‘fake’

Hiding behind your wig, fake eyelashes and crayoned…


Added by S alopecia on June 4, 2012 at 8:01pm — 17 Comments

Realising what has happend to me alopeca barbae now to alopeca areta on my head

well where can i start firstly i would like to say this to everyone who suffers from this immune condition i feel for you and tottally understand i started as a small patch on my face then started a few more patches i have seen regrowth through using elcon a steroid cream but the side affects are great still using it i have had this for like 9 months now and just noticed about 3 weeks ago a small bald patch on the back of my head so far there has been a lil bit growth there all i can do is…


Added by karlo02 on June 4, 2012 at 4:30am — No Comments

Disappointing day @ work

During a break, someone told a manager that they noticed dog fur/hair on clothes, & it made them feel uncomfortabale (concerned about it getting everywhere). Maybe I'm being self-conscious, but I'm wondering if it's really the baldness that bothered them. I mean, why would they not tell me but tell a manager? I haven't bewn wearing a hat/wig/scarf or anything lately because I haven't felt liek I needed to.

Added by Angie on June 3, 2012 at 3:03am — 6 Comments

8 mile run x

hey everyone
i did a eight mile run on the 26th of may 2012 and i did a eight mile run it was fun and i raised over £800 all the money has gone to alopecia uks charity

Added by ilovethewayiam on May 31, 2012 at 2:46pm — No Comments

Who are you?

I had an interesting moment over the weekend. My daughter and I ran a 5K in my hometown. Her question was simple, yet lead to a more meaningful conversation about Alopecia. Her question, "Dad, why did you start running?"

My running life began at age 10, much like my daughter (who is now 15). In my hometown, I am known for running a lot and running fast. It wasn't always so. In fact, like many of you, I discovered at a very young age that I had Alopecia (age 5) and soon discovered the…


Added by Tim Irvine on May 30, 2012 at 12:00pm — 3 Comments

Well at least you will save money not having hair...NOT!

I am sure you all have heard this comment by someone trying to get us Alopecians to see the bright side of not having hair. Well I dont know about the rest of you but this has been very expensive for me.

I was only diagnosed 4 months ago and lost my hair rather rapidly. I went from buying every scarf & hat i could find to hide the bald spots on the top of my head, only to find in a matter of weeks I needed a full wig.

I buy hats, scarfs,glues, combs, full wigs, halo wigs…


Added by Klo on May 29, 2012 at 10:00pm — 13 Comments

The coolest thing happened to me the other day!

I have had AU since January of this year. I was wearing a wig or wraps most of the time because I felt self concious but I recently decided to go around everywhere without anything. It was scary but I am so glad I did. I was out with my husband, who is also bald. We make a funny pair. A woman that worked/owned the restaraunt came over to us and asked me very nicely if I had alopecia or cancer. I said I had alopecia and she says, "Me too," and pulled off her wig right there!! I was shocked…


Added by kathie on May 29, 2012 at 9:43pm — 11 Comments

This might save your hair!

Alright, firstly i must say that I'm really excited to be here. Because i want to share my story (on-going) with you..and i really REALLYYYY REALLYYYYY HOPE it might help you..somehow. Because i've been through HELL for the past 2 years.. it was worst last year. I've cried so much..and i practically spent every single day last year and half of this year, trying to figure out what caused my hair loss.. almost every minute,all i'd be thinking my hair..and hair alone. even if i got…


Added by Jamie on May 29, 2012 at 6:30am — 2 Comments


I just had mine tattooed this weekend, didn't hurt too bad but my eyes were swollen for three days.

I did a lot of research about a year before I got comfortable with a place,cost and recovery. I had mine done at Carrollton Spa, in Texas and it was $200.00 complete, with revisit after a month.

They come out very dark because of the bleeding, however after a few days it peels and you don't have to bother with them at all. Yea

I have found the price from $125.00 to… Continue

Added by Laurie Price on May 28, 2012 at 2:23pm — No Comments

Time to shave again!

I wrote a blog maybe not that long ago about my hair which had grown back few months earlier had started to fall out again. I am going on holiday on friday and have lots of patches but my hair is still falling out which is a pain and i dont want to be leaving hair in the pool ect. It looks like i have to shave it off but its a awful feeling that i have to do this again as its definatly back to square one!

I got my wig couple of weeks back and wore it once and hated it, I hate having to…


Added by lynne on May 27, 2012 at 3:00pm — 2 Comments

Update on steroid shots

So the last blog I posted I told you all about how I was recently diagnosed with Alopecia Areata. I tried the Saline Solution and it did not work, I then tried the 7 steroid shots into my head. Unfortunately it did not work for me. In fact it has only gotten worse. I still encourage others to try the shots. They were not that painful to me but I still say if you have not tried them yet defiantly do try. I was recently told to try tea tree oil. Have any of you tried it and had success? I also…


Added by Erika on May 26, 2012 at 10:00pm — 2 Comments

Just a little sad

Well I went shopping with my daughter the other day and all was well until....wait for it....a teenager laughed at me when I passed. I tried to ignore it and brush it off. Deep down inside it hurts and still does. So, since then I have been wearing a wig or covering up. Today, I put on my scarf and my daughter said why are you wearing that? Of course I came up with some lame excuse, but she lovingly said, you look better wearing nothing.

Just wanted to share with everyone, I'm still a…


Added by Angela on May 26, 2012 at 12:54pm — 15 Comments

Why do I have hair in the places I don't want it?

my boyfriend just said its a shame that your lip hair doesnt fall out cause i was saying i needed my lip waxed why is that the hair i want is gone and the hair i dont want is hanging on

Added by Sheena Tha Cody on May 22, 2012 at 10:30pm — 19 Comments

I wish I had a crystal ball

I wish I could look into the future and see if I will lose all my hair. I really want to know. Should I prepare for the bald me? Will it ever happen? Will I remain the same with the thin hair I have had for about five years? Will I get enoigh regrowth were possible to sustain my natural hair and style?

With all the steriod shots, my scalp is in rough shape with ridges and dents. Why can't I be the cool girl that has always worn funky wigs and therefore wouldn't seem out of the ordinary…


Added by Amanda on May 22, 2012 at 7:00pm — 4 Comments

When will I go without? I'm thinking...

I can't see me ever go bald yet i don't know society has me bound right now...

Added by Latina Sethman-Benthall on May 21, 2012 at 10:00pm — 3 Comments


After shaving what little was left of my hair off 4 months ago I have had some regrowth, some of it is growing back in really nicely but it is quite patchy and looks awful. For this summer I am in a marching band and there is no way that I will be able to wear a wig, we have cowboy hats but often during warm ups and rehearsals we do not wear these leaving me with nothing to wear on my head during these moments, in it's patchy awfulness I can't bear the thought of going without a wig or a…


Added by Kate on May 21, 2012 at 8:08pm — No Comments


Hi. This is my first post. I do have a tumblr, but I hope that this will be more personal because this is for people with alopecia. I wear a wig to school and when I go out, even though my friends are completely understanding of alopecia. I really don't mind though. It'll be awesome if any one can give me advice or message me.

Stay Strong,

Added by Jax on May 20, 2012 at 10:30pm — 1 Comment

As a Bald Woman . . .

I stand up straight and proud

I feel elegant and unique

I'm cool when other people are hot

I rock my large collection of earrings

I sometimes wear jewels or decorations on my head

I feel special

I feel ME

If you haven't tried going OUT in public bald and would like to, an opportunity is coming up soon. 2012's International Alopecia Day is Saturday, August 4! Join the…


Added by Mary on May 20, 2012 at 6:30pm — 14 Comments

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