Featured Blog Posts – April 2012 Archive (31)

New member

Hello everyone my name is Nicole and I'm new to alopecia world

Added by nicole on April 30, 2012 at 4:00pm — 5 Comments

I really miss my beautiful long hair

A couple of days ago a friend from elementry school messaged me on facebook, hadnt talked to him in years. While we were talking he asked about my lack of hair. When i told him what my situation was he said," Wow really you always had such beautiful hair, i had no idea." makes me cry to think about it sometimes. I really miss my beautiful long hair and now that my eyebrows are gone and my eyelashes are going, it makes me really thankful that i didnt loose all my hair when i was in high…


Added by Sheena Tha Cody on April 30, 2012 at 12:30am — 5 Comments

Going bold and bald

Recently I had done an interview with the editor with the local newspaper. It was about my alopecia journey and my going boldly to the gym without having any head covering. I was thrilled to see it printed in the newspaper 2 weeks later ( its a weekly paper) and even more shocked to see my picture on the front page. A small pic, but still front page.…


Added by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on April 29, 2012 at 7:30pm — 15 Comments

In denial

Well i wrote a while back that my hair was falling out for a 2nd time and was praying it would eventually stop! Well its still coming out and ive lost alot now and have more patches, it is now getting difficult to hide it and im so paranoid when im out in the wind. i have been and picked a wig for just incase it gets worse but i really dont feel ready to do this again, i dont want to shave my hair off if it keeps falling out even know its better to, i dont want to wear a wig again, i dont…


Added by lynne on April 29, 2012 at 5:50pm — 8 Comments

How in the world do I open up to my friends about not having hair?

How in the world do I open up to my friends about not having hair?

Added by Natiasia Morales on April 29, 2012 at 12:30am — 1 Comment

Funky friend

Today I had a bit of a confidenceboost from one of my good friends and thought i'd like to to share it :)

I am at the moment still walking around with my natural hair but it is getting thinner and thinner each day, and so I will shave it in the not-so-distant future. As this eventuality gets closer and closer, I have been getting a bit worried about what to do in terms of head covering. I am fine with wigs, but not in hot weather, which made me wonder what to do about my holiday this…


Added by LN_DARK on April 27, 2012 at 11:30am — 1 Comment


I haven't been on here in foreverrr! I'm horrible. So here is a little update! My last blog was in September. I'm happy to say my hair is still growing! I'm not sure how long it is,but I'll post a pic soon. I have a few bald spots but they are small. I noticed itty bitty hairs where the one spot is. : ) I'm hoping my hair will stay in but right now I'm just enjoying having my hair again. I feel bad that I haven't been on here. My life has been crazy. Alot of things have happened and I…


Added by Mackenzie on April 27, 2012 at 12:31am — No Comments

Kids are funny

I work in a preschool and one day I was working with a group of 4 year olds. One of the boys at the table looks deep into my eyes and says "You don't have any eyelashes".(He is the first one to even notice after a year.) I said, "Nope, they all fell out". His response, "Did you make a wish?" I said, "Yup, I made several." Kids are too funny.

Added by Michelle on April 26, 2012 at 8:30pm — 1 Comment

I am me!

So, just wanted to share a little grievance with you all and then you can all tell me I'm over reacting - but it's really got my back up.

Toni Warne = fantastic singer currently on talent show 'The Voice'. She's beautiful, talented and by appearing bald and talking about her alopecia - she's raising awareness for our condition which is totally lordable. However, If one more person tells me she reminds them of me or vice versa, I think I may scream!!!! Just because we have no hair, I'm…


Added by Emily Horsley on April 26, 2012 at 12:12pm — 3 Comments

How damaged are our immune systems??

Hey all,

It's been a while. How y'all doing?

I've never really been interested in the medical side of alopecia. I've never bothered with any medications or injections so I've not done too much thinking on it.

At the moment, I'm doing a little research. Does anyone have some good information on how alopecia affects the fuction of the immune system? I mean, on its affectiveness against infections and viruses? I know that I tend to get sick a lot more than any of my friends,…


Added by Georgia Gardner on April 24, 2012 at 11:25pm — 1 Comment

Steroid shots

I was diagnosed about six weeks ago with Alopecia Areata. This disease is very new to me. I tried the steroid solution and it just irritated my skin. Yesterday (4/23) was my first time getting the steroid shots. I was given 7. So how many of you have tried the steroid shots? If these shots do not work I am considering getting a biopsy done just to see what is going on and making sure there are not any other auto immune disease effecting my system. Also what has everyone been trying for their…


Added by Erika on April 24, 2012 at 5:00pm — 13 Comments

Need some advice plz

As usual I wear many wigs due to many patches and having to keep shaving my head.
My question is this: I am a smoker the only one in my home while i am wearing a wig, does anyone know if its safe to put the wig outside to air out to keep the smoke odour out?

Any suggestions would be great ty:)

Added by Lisa-Lynn Marini on April 23, 2012 at 12:30pm — 6 Comments

AFP News: Japan study raises hopes of cure for baldness

TOKYO, April 19 — Japanese researchers have successfully grown hair on hairless mice by implanting follicles created from stem cells, they announced yesterday, sparking new hopes of a cure for baldness.

Handout picture taken on April 13, 2012 and released by the Tsuji Lab Research Institute for Science and Technology of the Tokyo University of Science shows a hairless mouse with black hair on its back at the laboratory in Noda, Chiba Prefecture. — AFP…


Added by Joshua on April 19, 2012 at 10:34am — 5 Comments

I hate injections

I went for my injections today. I should really be happy they work and not complain. And I should be proud of my self when the nurse says I am a pro/amazing. I wish I could tell her that on the outside I may seem tough but on the inside I feel lost/mad/angry/physical pain.... I come home and take a shower because maybe it will erase these feelings. I don't like these feelings, I don't want to feel angry at G-d and sad. I don't want my head to be sore for the rest of the night. I know…


Added by You can do it : ) on April 18, 2012 at 6:10pm — 9 Comments

The Question

It’s been fifteen days since I shaved my head.

I knew it was going to happen sooner or later. For some reason, I thought it was going to happen later. Well, yesterday I got “the question.”

I knew it was going to happen and I was still taken aback by it.

I guess it’s because the person who asked me wasn’t a friend. It wasn’t out of concern. She was just being nosy. I assume she was asking because I shaved my head because didn’t even mention my new look. She didn’t even…


Added by sks on April 15, 2012 at 12:56am — 4 Comments

Words of wisdom?

"To the Dalai Lama, suffering and adversity are the necessary conditions for developing patience and tolerance. These qualities are vital if we want to reduce negative emotions like hatred or anger. When things go well, we have less need to be patient and forgiving. It's only when we come across problems, when we suffer, that we truly learn these virtues. Once we internalize them, compassion flows naturally."

I read these words while reading The Wisdom of Forgiveness. One of the many…


Added by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on April 13, 2012 at 8:30pm — No Comments

So this happened at work today

Customer: Oh my gosh, you're so beautiful.

Me: Oh, thanks

Customer: But why aren't you wearing a wig?

Me: Umm what?

Customer: It's really deterring from your beauty. You could be truly beautiful if you wore a wig.

Me: I'm completely comfortable with who I am and don't feel the need to hide it by wearing a wig, thanks.

Customer: Oh you're just being stubborn.

Me: No, actually I've been bald since I was two years old and I like myself the way I…


Added by Erika Vincent on April 12, 2012 at 11:00pm — 29 Comments

My new wig is fabulous! :)

Well, I must say that I'm loving my new wig. My cousin went with me to pick one out at the beauty supply. I'm not really a "bangs" type of girl, but she asked me to try one on with auburn highlights and a "swoop" bang. I actually loved it! The nice thing about wearing wigs is that you don't have to worry about styling your hair...you just go with the flow...what sucks is what is underneath...I've been battling alopecia for the past 4 years. I manage to get it into remission for a while, and…


Added by Chari on April 12, 2012 at 10:59pm — 3 Comments

So this bald girl walks in for an interview...

Finally made it to Texas. All the way from Idaho and feels like I have moved into a different country. People drive here as if gold is at the next light. Freakin fast. Big change from in town speed of 25 mph.

When I moved here, I made the decision to wear the "Love me or leave me outfit". As is. No returns. The one that was always in the closet. Meaning going out without a scarf or hat. Come to find out, it's been my best outfit yet.

People stare. But this time instead of looking…


Added by Kristine on April 11, 2012 at 1:17am — 18 Comments

My life as a high school senior

has become extremely difficult. i'm stressed out over everything. i have a lot of pull in my school. as the national honor society president, yearbook editor, and lead & seed (anti drug and alcohol group) president, i always have a lot on my mind. and you know what, dealing with stress and the pressure of being perfect is what i'm best at. i can pull off every single deadline and meet every single requirement for any task. plus more. the only thing that can't handle it... is my hair.…


Added by jamie on April 8, 2012 at 9:30pm — 4 Comments

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