Hello, I am newly diagnosed with AA, it all started in Jan. 2014, I too have had long very thick and fast growing hair my whole life. But in Jan. it started to fall out, I was not concerned because secretly I have had lots of challenges with the thick hair. Feb., it still kept falling out, no bald patches just continuously falling out, lots and lots of hair in bathtub, on floor when styling. By March it was getting thin all over, hair changed its normal thick, somewhat coarse texture to…
ContinueAdded by hoofpick on April 29, 2014 at 1:30pm — 2 Comments
I'm posting this for my daughters, myself and anyone with alopecia :)
The first chunk of hair came out in my brush
The tender age of 14, my heart was crushed
How would I live without any hair?
If it all falls out, I wont go anywhere
Month after month, needles in my head
Weighted on my chest, an anvil of lead
Year after year it continued to spread
The pop of the needle, blood trickling down my head
The treatments weren't working anymore…
Added by Ashley on April 29, 2014 at 2:00am — 2 Comments
Here’s how my rights work…
I have the right to my own body,
to the expressions I make,
to the decision to smile or not to smile,
to flatter you or not flatter you.
I have the right to have hair or not and still be beautiful,
I have the right to make myself into a canvas-
of emotions, of color, or…
Added by Ann on April 27, 2014 at 12:30am — No Comments
Hello Friends,
I am new member on this site. I am suffering from Alopecia Universalis from last 7 years and have tried many treatments like steriods. Initially hair regrow but after reducing the medicine dose it starts falling again. Has anyone know about effective treatment for Alopecia Universalis especially available in india, then plz help me out !!
Added by Jass kaur on April 24, 2014 at 5:08am — 4 Comments
Added by lynne on April 21, 2014 at 3:48pm — 3 Comments
Hello everyone! I have au and I recently lost my eyebrows. I was using women rogaine but recently it stop working. Do any one knows how to draw eye brows that look semi natural? I'm not the most creative/arty person lol. Thanks!
Added by Sabrina on April 20, 2014 at 9:30am — 12 Comments
For me, all of my flaire ups of alopeica have happened directly after large stressful events in my life... and while I know it may not be the case for everyone, for me I believe that stress has a direct correlation with my alopeica.
I was doing some research on autoimmune disease and stress and found a few articles that described the relationship. One site said "recent reviews discuss the possible role of psychological stress, and of the major stress-related hormones, in the…
ContinueAdded by Julie on April 19, 2014 at 9:00pm — 2 Comments
Has anyone used the iGrow system? I'm going to a dermatologist Tuesday who advocates it. Looks interesting and I'm wondering if anyone has experience with it.
Added by MJ on April 19, 2014 at 3:30pm — 2 Comments
I have frontal fibrosing which has become very aggressive in the last 5 months. I am going to try these therapies. Does anyone have any experience with either therapy? I have to do something that has the best chance of working because it is going fast. Thank you for any help or information.
Added by Nancy79 on April 17, 2014 at 7:00pm — No Comments
Hi! Call me Liz. I am 22 years old and I have been diagnosed with alopecia areata. It started it out with mild loss of hair on my left eyebrow years ago. I never suspected it to be alopecia because I never knew alopecia existed. Nonetheless a few months ago I noticed a tiny bald spot on my left top eyelashes. Later I lost my bottom right eye lashes. I also found a bald spot at the back of my head, but I ignored it because it wasn't serious. Long story short I now have huge bald-ing spots…
ContinueAdded by wiz on April 17, 2014 at 12:00am — No Comments
I'm 20 years old and I have Alopecia universalis. my main purpose for making this blog is to help people get comfortable with their and to help myself get more comfortable with my alopecia and able to talk about it. I have accepted but im not so comfortable with explaining or talking about it and i think the love from you guys will help.
Added by ayanacalhoun on April 16, 2014 at 3:51pm — 1 Comment
New: OMG, can I find a hairstyle that is in fashion to hide this? Will anyone notice? I HAVE to have a wig that is the same color, texture and style as my old hair and looks like it is growing out of my head. I can't let a boy find out or touch my head! Arrrrrrgh...what about eyebrows, intimacy, wedding, children, wind, convertibles, sports, hanging upside down from trees and monkey-bars, sleepovers, swimming, coworkers, gossips, mean girls, overprotective worried relatives, gawkers, rude…
ContinueAdded by Tallgirl on April 15, 2014 at 1:30pm — 2 Comments
Hi All,
I haven't posted anything other then responding to posts in a while. A wonderful moment today has prompted this post. A reminder...51 years developed Alopecia Universalis 3 years ago. Last June I I went shopping for some make-up tips for my non-existant eye brows and eye lashes. I ended up at my local Shoppers Drug Mart (a chain here in Ontario). 3 cosmeticians spent several hours trying out different pencil/colours, etc. The experience was nothing but positive. I've…
ContinueHi all..
Can anyone help me with the following.
Got AA a couple of years back. 1 big egg sized (goose egg) on the back of my head and a tiny weeny patch on the top. All grew back with the help of a steroid and making my diet a lot better (cutting out sugar etc )
However at the same time I have developed eczema on the back of my neck and scalp, I have lost a lot of weight (which i quite like) and I am so tired all the time. Quite often feeling disorientated and anxious…
ContinueAdded by Hayley on April 9, 2014 at 11:30am — 2 Comments
So I have finally started exercising regularly and am wondering how others handle it. I hate how I feel sweating with a wig on. I am trying to look around for other options for covering but what have found few options. What are others doing? Any thoughts will be appreciated. Thanks!
Added by Stephanie on April 8, 2014 at 8:41pm — 7 Comments
I have been on this site for over a month yet I have not been on here that much this is why. In may of 2014 my hair started falling out right after I saw my physician for fatigue and my metabolism being shot. On May1st of 2013 she gave me a low does of synthroid I took it for 3 days on the third day my hair started falling out and I tossed it in the trash. Since then the hair has kept falling out and now my hair is grossly thin receding back to my ears and a bald patch in the front of my…
ContinueAdded by Dee on April 8, 2014 at 2:30am — No Comments
Hello everyone,
I am new here...in December of 2013 I found out that I have alopecia...and the worst one! Scarring Alopecia. I never had really thick hair but I had enough to cover my scalp. There were times when the hair would fall out more or less but it always grew back. The spring of 2012 was when I lost alot of hair, but the hair loss stopped and the hair grew back. A year later in the spring of 2013 it started falling out again and it never stopped. I spent many evening crying…
Added by Anna on April 7, 2014 at 11:00am — 2 Comments
Hello All,
Just thought I would pop in to write about this next stage I am moving into. I would love to hear peoples thoughts and experiences :)
I have been completely bald for over a year now and wear a wig everyday. The only folks who know I have alopecia are my close friends and family. I wear the same style/color wig everyday and never switch it up. I recently started feeling like I want to embrace the fun/flexible and beautiful world of wigs more and rock different…
ContinueAdded by KStew on April 5, 2014 at 7:30pm — 5 Comments
Just an update that it is now Day 24 of my medicine intake and positive improvements! My hair has considerably improved. The amount of hair coming out during showers seems to be 25% of the amount since the start of the treatment. It has been this way for about 5 days now. I am now waiting for hair growth to show after the 2 month mark....
The more I read about the effects of raw foods on my overall heath, the more convinced that it is not for everybody. You need…
ContinueAdded by beautybountiful on April 3, 2014 at 12:00pm — 1 Comment
Throwing a question out there....
Anyone else or has anyone heard of someone with Alopecia Totalis and have pancreatic cancer?
Added by Corrine on April 2, 2014 at 1:30am — 2 Comments
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