May 2010 Blog Posts (70)

Two very different heads of HAIR

I have no one left in my family except for my sister.

So what better person to share my pain about my alopecia right?

I shared my pain with her, she offered her support in which I thought was wonderful, until I decide to check out my facebook page and here were photos of her bragging about her long up to the butt hair, many photos of wind blowing the hair,hair up, hair down you name it , it was there.

I felt very hurt, I could MAYBE take it better from a stranger but my… Continue

Added by Lisa-Lynn Marini on May 31, 2010 at 12:30pm — 7 Comments

Shaving my head

Hi to all.

WOW WOW is about as much as i can say. I've been shaving my head for the last 3months and before i know about the headblade and products i used shaving gel and a normal razor. I posted a question a few weeks ago and a got a response to get a headblade. So being South-africa a thought this is it i will order one from over seas. to my supprise there is a company in SA that does this wonderful product. I contact them and last week received my headblade (the MD came all the… Continue

Added by Michelle on May 31, 2010 at 4:15am — 2 Comments

New to Alopecia World but not new to Alopecia


I have never before joined a site like this but I am encouraged to see how beautiful and open so many of you are about having no hair and flaunting it! I hope to be there someday! I am a Mom of two beautiful kids a wife to a loving husband, hair or no hair, and a career woman. I have had AA my whole life but never noticeable to the outside as it was always in places that could be covered and always grew back. After the birth of my first child it became AT and I struggled so much… Continue

Added by Kim Burns on May 30, 2010 at 7:42pm — 11 Comments

My life with alopecia on youtube :)

do you guys wanna see me live my life normally ? :)

I have universalis alopecia but i have a wig and tattooed eyebrows! I live a normal everyday life without anyone knowing i have alopecia ( except my friends obviouslyy ;) they all know about it and support me! )

Anyways, yeahh im 16years old, almost 17 and me and my best friend started posting videos on youtube!! :)

you can follow us while we were packpacking around europe!! :)

we only posted 1 video yet, buut ALOT more are… Continue

Added by emilie on May 29, 2010 at 9:27pm — No Comments

I am pitiful

The last time I posted anything on here was almost a year ago. Almost a year later i'm still afraid to go out without my wig on. I purchased a couple of turbans and I did wear one to dinner last weekend but I was totally self conscious and nervous the entire time. Why is this so hard for me? I look at all the beautiful carefree pictures of other members and can't help thinking "what is wrong with me". I think if I could go to work for a week with a hat or scarve and no wig I can eventually get… Continue

Added by Roslyn on May 28, 2010 at 9:06pm — 12 Comments

In sickness and in health

Sitting outside yesterday evening watching my children play with their friends, my mind starts to wander and I find myself full of 'What if's".

, Scared of one of my IF"S I decided to just come out and ask my husband,"What IF I turn bald within time, how will you feel towards me? I almost lost my finger when i asked that,I thought he'd either change the topic or just avoid to answer me all together.

instead I got a hug and he said," in sickness and in health." He went on to explain… Continue

Added by Lisa-Lynn Marini on May 28, 2010 at 4:10pm — 3 Comments

Kick in the teeth!

Never mentioned this before, but i got dumped a month after this started after 4 years, and whilst my ex was 6 months about kicking a guy when hes down!!! very shallow person!!!

Added by Shane Beard on May 28, 2010 at 3:52pm — 2 Comments

The trials and tribulations

Sometimes there is nothing left to do but laugh.

The story so far...

Hair falling out

= sadness

= search for solution

Enter minoxidil

= tiny hairs on head

but more hair on face... sigh

More hair falling out

= more sadness

= more searching for solution

Enter Toppik

= some camouflage


solution 1 + 2

= Tiny but mighty beard/sideburn/ freaky… Continue

Added by Scaredandhopeful on May 28, 2010 at 3:09am — 3 Comments

No One Knows!

I got up this morning to the usual routine,coffee,getting kids off to school, went upstairs and showered, fixed up my extensions I have added in to hide my many spots.

Things were good, I had to take my son to the dr's this morning, and as I was waiting my turn in line ,a pretty girl walks by with her long hair waving everywhere and all of a sudden I found myself fighting to keep the tears back so no one would see ,especially my son.

I stand there thinking to myself , God please tell… Continue

Added by Lisa-Lynn Marini on May 27, 2010 at 11:19am — 5 Comments

The first wig experience

So did I find a wig?

Unfortunately not. Nothing was exactly right.

So what did I find?

Unbelievable peace of mind. The road ahead is long and I'm so far away from being where I want to be but today I felt I turned my attention to the right road.

The wrong road is where I am currently, driving full speed, it is where I feel ashamed about the hair loss, where I feel like it is all my fault somehow, like I did something wrong. That I will somehow be judged as less than… Continue

Added by Scaredandhopeful on May 27, 2010 at 3:44am — 4 Comments

Gruss Gott from Bavaria

Hello, everyone, I am new to Alopecia World and relatively new to the world of Alopecia. I started losing my hair last September ('09) and finally shaved my head in December ('09) when I was tired of sweeping the bathroom floor everyday. If it is true that God knows every hair on your head then I feel really sorry for him and he should take up better hobbies!

Probably like everyone else, I had a few bouts of spotty alopecia that my friends always blamed on my stylist for cutting me… Continue

Added by Melanie Maurey on May 26, 2010 at 2:47pm — 4 Comments

The way ahead

Faking it till I make it.

That is my way out of this depressive I find myself wallowing in. I have been inspired by any on this site but most recently by Mish you is optimism personified. I want a piece of cake she is eating. A large slice of that cake :)

I am sick to death of letting 200 hundered bit of dead keratin wafting around me rule my day. I am more than my hair, I have so much to give this world, but if I let the hair be the focus then I will fail. I am going to… Continue

Added by Scaredandhopeful on May 26, 2010 at 7:09am — 5 Comments

The Dermatologist

Well, it's three months today since I discovered my baldy patch, and this week I finally had my appointment with the dermatologist. She was very nice, measured the patch (it's 4.5cm x 5cm for the record), checked through my head to see if there were any more (there aren't) and prescribed me something called synalar gel, which I am to apply thinly every night before I go to bed. I am not sure if it will do anything, or if I am even bothered; it'll either grow back or it won't!

My main… Continue

Added by Nicola Jones on May 26, 2010 at 5:40am — 1 Comment

Dotty's Inspirational/Motivational Reflection

"When faced with a tough choice, pause for a moment and think what your Mother would say about your decision."

Added by Dotty on May 26, 2010 at 1:04am — No Comments

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Today I decided to have the big chop. To stop hanging onto the straggly few long hairs I had hanging sadly down my back and proactively face this thing called Alopecia. It was very liberating to see the hair falling and know it was at MY hand and I was in control.

So, feeling fantastic, with a lovely red bandanna covering the balding spot I went off to fetch my kids (7, 5 and 21 months) from school. They each had a friend to play, so in my car, I had 6 kids and my daughter (7) says… Continue

Added by Michelle L on May 25, 2010 at 8:57am — 5 Comments

24th may 2010

i know only have 1 and a half eyebrows!! and my lovely long lashes are going too, Grrrrrrrrr oh well still got my health, bring it on, you wont break me!

Added by Shane Beard on May 24, 2010 at 10:44am — No Comments

Dotty's Inspirational/Motivational Reflection

"One day in retrospect the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful."

Added by Dotty on May 23, 2010 at 7:26pm — No Comments

Behaved badly

well i was out on friday nite with friends havin a great time but got really drunk, this guy was chattin me up outside after pub closed but then tried chattin my friend up to, i cant remember much about it but he was slaggin me off my friend said he was slaggin my hair, (wig) still dont know wat he said but it must have bn bad as i punched him in the face, i never ever fight infact i cant even watch fights but to take a reaction like this is totally out of character for me, i do feel quite… Continue

Added by lynne on May 23, 2010 at 3:01pm — 11 Comments

I Am At My Breaking Point, [Forget] Life

Sadness... swiftly pierces through my flesh and rips away at my insides. I am so consumed with the internal pain that has taken up a permanent residence deep within the core of my being. The mask i wear that displays a warm smile is beginning to shatter, and the broken insecure woman within is starting to resurface. She is angry, she is hurt, and she is crying out for help...or at least some form of peace. In my mind, i am a prisoner in the coldest cell you could ever imagine. This place is so… Continue

Added by Danielle Pace on May 23, 2010 at 1:54pm — 9 Comments

Mum's hands

This was a poem written to me by my wonderful daughter, not about alopecia, but other traumatic events in my family. My interpretation is below the poem. I share it because my daughter is so special to me and through her own terrible experiences has gained insight into my family's pattern of disfunction.

The edges perceived

A shaded circumference

Round staged lives

An inherited image

Seen stagnant and solid

Made mortal and mean

Through matriarchal… Continue

Added by Pat on May 23, 2010 at 11:42am — No Comments

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