Featured Blog Posts – September 2008 Archive (70)

When Life Hands You Lemons ....

Make Lemonade … Right!! Well, I am So sick of drinking lemonade I could PUKE!! Please bare with me, this could get long..I just need to vent! And what better place than with women that have walked in my shoes.

I’m really not looking for sympathy; more like answers or someone that has gone through a similar experience. Some of you might have seen my post on the Thyroid thread a few weeks ago. At the time I was dealing with my “issues” pretty well. Unfortunately, things have changed… Continue

Added by Celeste Edwards on September 30, 2008 at 12:39am — 4 Comments

My first blog post!

This will be a GREAT place for me to vent, dispense advice and put in writing all of my musings and ponderings. Feel free to leave comments!

Today is about my current musings and ponderings:

I read a quote once that "those who mind, don't matter - and those who matter, don't mind". Not only does this apply to alopecia, but to many other facets of our life, whether it is our personality quirks, past indiscretions or current situations. It helps to reflect on this truth when… Continue

Added by Andie on September 29, 2008 at 1:21pm — 2 Comments

My New EyeBrows

I finally got them!!! It was so nerve racking! The following day, every time I looked in the mirrior all I saw was EYEBROWS, HELLO!!!!!! I cried all day. I hated them! Then yesterday, I started to get used to them a little more and I definetly fell better now. They are a big scab right now, so they are still too dark. But, as soon as the scab goes anf they lighten, I'm sure I wil be happy. Its actually nice to look in the mirror and see myself with eyebrows on after a shower, usually there is… Continue

Added by Jennifer on September 29, 2008 at 10:17am — 7 Comments

Karen and New Life Hair + eyebrow/lash recommendations

Last week, Karen Peterik from New Life Hair came to my house to talk about the Vacuum Sealed Freedom Wigs. She was amazing. Talking with her was really great. She was so helpful. We decided to hold off for a little while. I am still starting out with this whole process (5+ weeks) and am having patches of regrowth. I am still having new patches develop, but some new regrowth. But, those hairpieces were AMAZING! So light and natural. I could not beleive… Continue

Added by Rachel on September 28, 2008 at 4:00pm — 2 Comments

My story

I grew up in a loving family with two parents who exuded love everywhere we went and two brothers who eventually grew up to be my mentors, my champions and my best friends.

We were rather poor, but my brothers and I never doubted for a second that our parents loved us and were proud of us. And their love for us was never more clear than when we needed them. My brothers were quite accident prone and spent a lot of our childhood in emergency rooms with sliced open hands or broken… Continue

Added by Stephanie on September 28, 2008 at 3:56pm — 4 Comments

About Nicky

Nicholas Peyton (Nicky) was born in June 2001, he is the youngest of 5 children. Nicky had beautiful dark brown hair, and smiled almost instantly. He was a healthy newborn. When he was 2 weeks old he was put in the hospital with a high fever, it lasted several days, we never did know what it was. Nicky began loosing his hair. I was not alarmed because my other two sons lost thier hair as babies to. Nicky had GERD (reflux) really bad, they switch his formula several times. His hair quickly grew… Continue

Added by Carrie & Nicky Johnson on September 28, 2008 at 10:30am — 3 Comments

Tattoo on Eyebrows and Eyeliner!

I know so many people have posted about this subject before but here I go..lol

I want to get both tattooed on because I know the chances of my hair coming back is very slim. I was told to wait to get it on because you are still growing until about 22 years of age. Well I am 19 and I have decided to wait on the eyebrows but I want to get the eyeliner done soon.

I get tired of my eyeliner always running and having to worry about itching my eye and the eyeliner coming off. I… Continue

Added by Brianne on September 26, 2008 at 5:10pm — 11 Comments

Ready for Liberation

I REALLY want to get off of this rollercoaster ride (constant shedding) and shave my head. My family and friends do not understand. They just see what looks like normal hair (admittedly alot thinner) and think I am overreacting. My question to them is, "how long do I have to suffer before I can liberate myself"? I know they mean well, but they are all really starting to hurt me. My best friend actually laughed at me when I told her I was thinking about shaving my head. She thinks I should… Continue

Added by Laurie on September 26, 2008 at 1:42pm — 9 Comments

Hair Again

I am now experiencing a really weird feeling. I now have hair again.

I cannot believe that it has all come back. I have not shaved my head for a month now and I have more hair than I would have thought possible in such a short period of time.

The last time I shaved was on the Saturday evening of the August bank holiday. I shaved at about 1800 hours as I was going to our friends’ 25th Wedding Anniversary party. As always with a big night out I wanted a really close shave… Continue

Added by Ray on September 26, 2008 at 1:00pm — 8 Comments

Alicia's new hair!

On Friday, Sept. 19th we went to the Hairclub and received Alicia's new hair! It looks great! They did order her hair piece to have "wave" in it, which was probably not the best, since her hair is straight as a board! But, I can flat iron it and condition it and it still looks great! She loves it, which is the most important part! They were super nice at Hairclub and I would recommend them to anyone.

Alicia is starting to lose hair on the opposite side of her head from where the hair… Continue

Added by Buffy, Alicia's Mom on September 26, 2008 at 10:34am — 1 Comment

New groups in Alopecia World

We recently created several new support groups here on Alopecia World.

These groups are named after the most common forms of alopecia and are meant to provide alopecians who have the same condition with a way to connect, share information, and provide direct support to one another.

Here are some names of the new groups:

1) Alopecia Areata



Added by Alopecia World on September 26, 2008 at 1:00am — 1 Comment

Instant message members of Alopecia World

For the past few weeks, we have been testing a new instant messaging program on Alopecia World.

By all accounts, this simple program, called WHO-IM is working just fine. So, we're writing to let all members know about it.

It's located in the right column on every page in Alopecia World.

If you wish to chat with a member who's online AND has the program enabled, simply click the image or photo that represents that person.

To see a couple of other options, click…


Added by Alopecia World on September 25, 2008 at 12:00am — 4 Comments

Things Alopecians Like #6

A timeless hairstyle. Looking in a photo album 20 years from now, no one will ask, "What were you thinking with that hairstyle?"

Added by Jill on September 24, 2008 at 8:33am — 4 Comments

Love You Mean It

Hello fellow Alopecians,

I've been going through a rough patch this past week and I haven't been able to keep up on the here and now on the Big AW.

I was selected and chosen for jury duty. My service is now completed for another year,

A little piece of advice frome me to you...Don't drink & drive. You could hurt someone for starters and for seconds nobody looks good in orange. lol

I feel as I have neglected myself and my second family...that would be… Continue

Added by JeffreySF on September 24, 2008 at 1:10am — 7 Comments

One month (+ 7 days) since diagnosis

I just wanted to put up some more recent pictures of my head. As you can see, there isn't much left to my eyebrows or eyelashes. It has been a little over one month since we noticed the first small spots in the back and was diagnosed. Holy cow...this thing has moved quickly. I'm home now, back in Chicago, for some time until Galveston is back up and running since the hurricane. I have an appointment with my dermatologist here this week as a second opinion. I also am going to meet with a woman… Continue

Added by Rachel on September 23, 2008 at 2:06pm — 4 Comments

Committee needed for event in Delaware!

Hi everyone!

After attending the NAAF conference I was completely energized and excited to host an event for AA in Delaware... Finally!! I am thinking of holding a 5k run/walk at the Community Service Center that I now work for in Clayton, DE. It is absolutely beautiful with a river, and trees surrounding the walking trail.

I am wondering if there is anyone in the tri-state area or within reasonable distance that would be interested in being on the committee of this event.… Continue

Added by Kayla on September 23, 2008 at 1:30pm — 4 Comments

National AA Registry - Stage II

Back from the derm a little while ago. He basically said there wasn’t much he could do based upon the extent and the continued progression. No news there. The reason for the visit was completion of the documentation including the blood draw for the National AA Registry (NAAR). The doc wasn’t familiar with the registry or the requirements but everyone in the office (Dermatology Associates of Rochester) get a gold star in my book for effort. They asked to hold onto the paperwork, and let me tell… Continue

Added by Tony on September 23, 2008 at 12:09pm — 2 Comments

Conference in Europe?

Hi all.

At my first NAAF conference in USA this summer I was very impressed with NAAF and how they handled the conference.

I talked to a friend here in Sweden about it and I suggest to have a similar conference here in Europe for us europeans. I know its a lot work behind making it real.

What are you people from Europe think about that idea? Good or bad?


Added by Roger on September 23, 2008 at 10:13am — 2 Comments

Alopecia on Entourage

I was catching up on my Tivo's episodes of Entourgare (I know...not the most enlightened show) but they mentioned Alopecia twice in one episode. Not really anything about it but just that someone had it which I found strange unless they were obvioulsy trying to bring attention to it. It is awareness month...I was wondering if someone that works on or with the show is affected? I haven't been on this site in a while...Was there any mention of it here? Let me know if you heard… Continue

Added by Laura Duksta on September 22, 2008 at 4:36pm — 3 Comments

To the adults who have grown up with Alopecia

I haven't posted in a while but last night a topic that has been on the back of my mine have resurfaced again and I wanted to post this blog in order to get advice from all the people who have grown up with alopecia.

I guess the main question in a parent's mind in regards to their children having alopecia is, "what the future holds for them?" and what we as parents can do to make it better.

I realised that growing up with alopecia now is a lot different from growing up with… Continue

Added by Karen on September 21, 2008 at 9:23pm — 3 Comments

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