Featured Blog Posts – November 2012 Archive (13)

Another perspective

Just a thought to share with fellow Hairloss sufferers. I aiming this post mainly at those of you who are struggling to come to terms with your Hairloss. Maybe it's just happened suddenly... You're in shock, as expected. Maybe you lost your hair many years ago or it has progressively worsened as time has past and you simply cannot come to terms with your condition. Hairloss is so upsetting and knocks your confidence especially when you haven't got the answers... Why has this happened to me? How… Continue

Added by Mama Parsinc on November 30, 2012 at 5:12pm — 2 Comments

Everyone please watch this video!

She is just amazing. It brings tears to my eyes every time I watch it.

Added by Megan Bry on November 29, 2012 at 8:30pm — 56 Comments

12 year anniversary

Today marks 12 years from the day that I found my first bald spot. I distinctly remember being 14 and my mother was blowdrying my hair when she found the dime sized patch.

A year followed of doctor's dismissals, then creams, then cortisone injections before I quit all treatments. By Nov 27 the following year I was nearly bald and began wearing a wig within a month. I was completely bald all over within the new year.

I have never had regrowth beyond maybe a tiny patch that lasts…


Added by Casey on November 27, 2012 at 11:30am — 4 Comments

Why so much emphasis on hair and not other style changes?

Every winter I change my hair extensions out and wear a wig. With my puny hair, I feel it is best to give it a rest from extensions, and also at the ranch my own hair with extensions does not hold well in the wind and rain.

I love my wigs, but every year it is the same process of getting used to the comments others make about my new hair. Some people are very kind, others not so much. I have learned from past experience that this goes with the territory.

I can't help but wonder why…


Added by chris for hair on November 26, 2012 at 11:00am — 8 Comments

New to this site.

Just discovered this site and decided to join. I am a 56 yr old male and lost my hair 4 yrs ago when my Dad died. I tried all the injections and acid treatments and steroids with obviously no effects. The good thing about the alopecia is that when I got it I was depressed about losing my Dad and during this time I quit doing the things I loved and got heavy and depressed. One day when getting out of the shower I looked in the mirror and saw a fat, bald guy and I got pissed. I thought I can't…


Added by tim s. on November 18, 2012 at 10:22am — 7 Comments

Does anyone know anybody with alopecia that has signed with a modeling agency?

My daughter, who has Alopecia Universalis, has been trying to get a modeling contract. Does anyone know anybody who has Alopecia and signed? If so, I'd like to know...

Added by Gabrielle Villagomez on November 15, 2012 at 9:00pm — 3 Comments

Cortisone injections. Should I go for it? Please comment :)

I have tried pretty much every cream out there to try and get my hair back and the one that i'm using now doesn't seem to be doing much either, I've almost given up! The last option that i really have is multiple cortisone injections into my scalp. I don't know much about them and would much appreciate any information or feedback on them...are they painful? I'm not very good with needles but i'll try anything! PLEASE comment if you have any experience with them or even just a bit of info!…


Added by ☆Emily☆ on November 14, 2012 at 6:00pm — 14 Comments

How to be attractive

From an online article:

How to Have an Attractive Personality

By an eHow Contributor

Being attractive does not start with outer beauty as many people think. Approachable people often garner attention because of their attitude and demeanor, not their clothing or good looks. With an attractive personality, one can get positive attention from people regardless of physical attractiveness.

1. Exude confidence. By projecting a confident and self-assured…


Added by Tallgirl on November 14, 2012 at 1:30pm — 1 Comment

A pink shirt oughta cover the pain

Years ago I was in a changing room at a gym and a woman walked in and thought I was man because I was not wearing a wig to cover my alopecia and had my back to her. When I turned around she could obviously see that I was a woman, but I still felt shame after I saw the look on her face and she apologized for mistaking me for a man.

That was very painful experience for…


Added by Cheryl, Co-founder on November 13, 2012 at 1:59am — 4 Comments

Using my head

Last week I was grocery shopping and, when I went to check out, a woman approached me to say she thought I was beautiful and that she wished she could do what I do. She went on to explain that she lost most of her hair due to alopecia. I told her I was familiar with alopecia and, in fact, have it myself. She was fearful of what others might say if they knew about her condition, but she really liked my look.

She was wearing a wig and said she normally wears one, so I suggested she…


Added by Cheryl, Co-founder on November 13, 2012 at 12:51am — 13 Comments

Living with alopecia

I am somewhat recently divorced after a 25 year relationship. I've had alopecia for about 9 years. I recently went on a couple dates. When I showed him I was actually bald, he said to me the next day that it "weirded" him out. I was so hurt, I've been crying for 2 days. How do you get the courage to put yourself "out there"?

Added by christy murphy on November 9, 2012 at 7:00pm — 7 Comments

"I would rather her not"

Today at work it was my turn next for a haircut. So i walked up to the desk and Lindsey said, "OK mam your going to be with Sheena today." Before i could say, "ok come on back." The women looked at Lindsey and said," i would rather her not. in a very rude and disgusted tone." I have never cut this women's hair before or met her for that matter. I honestly think she didn't want me cutting her hair

because I'm bald. Like she was afraid she was going to catch it or something. The thing…


Added by Sheena Tha Cody on November 9, 2012 at 6:30pm — 7 Comments

Strange areas of growth

I have had Alopecia for 10 years now. This small area of my chin and upper lip are the only areas I can grow any hair! So weird that it forms a perfect patch.

Anyone else have strange areas of growth like this? Lets all share and have fun with this!…


Added by Craig on November 1, 2012 at 2:30pm — 8 Comments

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