I have had alopecia since I was 17. Now, at 36 I have thyroid issues that have never been detected until now. I have always suspected thryroid issues, but the tests they did never showed anything. Now that I have told my Dr. I am bald, he ordered further testing. Before they only tested the T3, T4, TSH (I think). Now they did a thyroglobulin test that came back high (315) and normal is 2-35 range.
I was wondering if any of you have or had thyroid problems. Could this be contributing…
ContinueAdded by Jackie on December 30, 2013 at 6:30pm — 5 Comments
I have developed Alopecia Universalis. I am the 1 in 1 of 200,000 people with this condition. But I don't feel special, unique, or one of a kind right now.
I want to be the little girl I once was with fluttering, long, dark eye lashes that framed my pretty eyes. The girl with the brown plaited side pony.
Why me? I ask myself that now and feel a sense of guilt perhaps. Guilt or lack of gratitude for the fact that at least I am not sick and if I am not dying and not in…
ContinueAdded by kimberly dean on December 30, 2013 at 8:00am — 1 Comment
Hello Everyone,
I see in the past there were people interested in getting a support group of sorts together for the Ottawa area. I'm here too and would be interested in chatting here with other Ottawans or getting together to see what everyone is doing for their alopecia. I have alopecia areata with about 90% hairloss. I shaved the rest off before the holidays, it was all just falling out anyway. I have been dealing with AA personally for about 10 yrs, but this is the most significant…
ContinueAdded by Vicki on December 27, 2013 at 2:00pm — No Comments
A poem by Brianna age 10
I have alopecia areata and it is not cancer.
When I found out I was healthy
it was the happiest answer.
I cried at first , knowing that I would have no hair.
Shortly after Christmas by head was completely bare.
No matter what I do, no matter what I say,
my hair might never grow back, all I can do is pray.
I know I look different to many of you,
But thank god for my…
Added by Jessica Hoschouer on December 25, 2013 at 2:30pm — 1 Comment
Ok so I am on here today to challenge you guys (that is everyone on here) for a New Year's resolution to challenge yourself to come to accept or continue to accept this you that is missing hair.
By this I mean embrace you alopecia and not care that you don't have hair, in fact try to show who you really are and that your looks don't matter it is your personality that truly matters.
Hope that this challenge helps you to be happier and to know that you are an amazing person in…
ContinueAdded by Jessica Hoschouer on December 24, 2013 at 10:30pm — No Comments
I am me, and I am ok.
These were the words that hung above my bed during my teenage years-- Always a reminder to me that I did not need to compete with my peers for acceptance because no matter what, being who I was would always be ok.
Self-esteem and confidence were two things I did not lack as a young woman. Until I was 32 years old. I was in the midst of finishing PA…
ContinueAdded by Jennifer on December 21, 2013 at 3:00pm — 3 Comments
Hi all, well a bald woman sat down with her daughter at the next table in a cafe this week and I went over and asked if she had alopecia...no she didn't, she had been treated for breast cancer. I always find when I do this the person has cancer! Anyway I explained that I thought she had alopecia as I did and she said oh my hair will grow back soon. I said fantastic, I've been bald for over 20 years and wigs don't bother me anymore. Her eyes opened wide. We chatted some more and she's tossing…
ContinueAdded by Pat on December 20, 2013 at 1:00am — 6 Comments
All opinions are welcome. :-)
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Added by Alopecia World on December 19, 2013 at 8:30am — 13 Comments
Ok, so, my last blog entry on here was the initial "Oh My Goodness!"
Showing her the blog post worked well for me as I didn't have to actually acknowledge it (not ready for that yet). She has tried to ask a question but I just had to say I didn't want to talk about it yet. I will do.... Just when I'm ready. Decided that I have dealt with it a couple times…
ContinueAdded by Luisa Maria on December 19, 2013 at 6:30am — No Comments
I just watched the Georgia in tears video and my heart is breaking. My own child is feeling exactly like her and only 8.
Last night she was sobbing because when she washed her hair handfuls came out.
How do I help her deal with her pain and not show her I hurt for her too.
This morning she asks to go see the doctors again for a nice wig. We will go I just hope they have good ones cause she…
ContinueAdded by Janine on December 19, 2013 at 6:00am — No Comments
I do not know why, but I have this one roll of double-sided tape. I have not worn a wig in over 15 years, but this tape has been traveling with me. I have moved three times since I stopped wearing hairpieces, including from Canada to the USA, and each time I pack and bring this roll of double-sided tape with me. I have no idea why I don’t throw it away. Perhaps it’s…
Added by Cheryl, Co-founder on December 18, 2013 at 5:04am — 7 Comments
I'm new to the site and all I see are these negative post. This is my first post welcoming myself to the site. Hello everyone
Added by joshua on December 17, 2013 at 11:00am — 3 Comments
Where is the gift receipt?!
My alopecia has been in hiding for a while now, which gave me enough time to form a relationship. Now, 9 months into said relationship, I have the familiar signs that she's back to play. I don't know how to tell my gf that I'm loosing my hair. She knows in the past it happened, but she doesn't understand it. I don't think she realizes what a monster I become once me and Josie (my wig) have to start hanging out together again.
No idea how to tell her…
ContinueAdded by Luisa Maria on December 17, 2013 at 6:30am — 8 Comments
I have a baby who is almost a month old and it has been an experience. The most amazing and unexpected thing is that being pregnant with him actually kick started the growth of hair on my body! Its not exactly all over but growth is taking place. I think it is because of the hormone changes that took place in my body that made it happen. I'm happy about the changes and hope it continues and just a message to all the women out there with alopecia, don't try this unless you really want to.
Added by ria on December 16, 2013 at 1:37pm — 2 Comments
hi everyone,,,,,i have recently shifted to Malaysia near Kualalumpur...I am looking for a hair wig,,,I am afraid to order online as I need to try and buy,,,anyone from KL can guide me from where should I buy,,,Please input your suggestions as I am in a great need of hair wig..
Added by Shelly on December 16, 2013 at 4:30am — No Comments
Going to see a Naturpath today. Hoping to get some help with maybe diet? Been reading a lot about "leaky gut" syndrome and the part it plays in auto immune disorders.
Added by Connor013 on December 11, 2013 at 9:11am — 1 Comment
In the past month i have had a lot of Hair loss. On my legs its not growing in like always. When i wash my hair I have hand full every morning, it is getting very thin. Just waiting for the doc to do more testing it is taking forever
Added by Angie on December 10, 2013 at 2:30pm — 3 Comments
My daughter, 14 years old, has now completed 120 days of her new diet. No milk, no wheat, no sugar, just nutricious food, vitamins and good bacterias for her gut. She was about 2/3 bald,and is now growing hairs, all over her head. We followed the program of Rob Swiersky on "healing alopecia.com". His idea is that alopecia has its cause from the gut. I think Rob knows a lot about alopecia. He,himself, recovered from alopecia by changing his diet.
Good luck! Important…
ContinueAdded by Liv on December 9, 2013 at 4:24am — 3 Comments
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