All Blog Posts (5,825)

Family Jewels

As I was watching Family Jewels tonight, with Gene and Shannon going thru marriage boot camp. The counselor asked Gene does he love himself enough to forgive his father. This brought back thoughts when I was so angry at my own father that the thought of him would actually cause me to feel rage, that I could actually cause physical harm to him. I saw red.

The counselor made a significant point....If you want to live a balanced life, free of bitterness you have to learn to forgive. You… Continue

Added by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on October 18, 2011 at 8:30pm — 3 Comments

Smile. It looks good on you

Beyond all the painful things in life there's something that makes you smile. Well for me there is. My family. My friends make me smile and happy too but they're are all the way back in NYC & sometimes you just need people that's here, that's actually face to face. Even though, me and my family have our ups and downs we love each other. I love spending time with them because they make me forget about all the bad stuff in life. They make me feel okay. I don't worry around them because I know… Continue

Added by x3Awesome'TTx3 on October 18, 2011 at 7:30pm — 5 Comments

Click & read below :)

Hey guys! So I want to say thank you to everyone who read my blogs and wrote such heartfelt comments :) For anyone who didnt read my blogs feel free to check it out and tell me what you think! However, I have read some comments that said im a good writier & thats one of the things I want to be when I grow up. A writier so if you have time please feel free to check out my tumblr page filled with blogs written by me. If you think I have a gift comment if you think im wasting my time comment.… Continue

Added by x3Awesome'TTx3 on October 18, 2011 at 2:00pm — 3 Comments

Latest 2011 Research

National Alopecia Areata Foundation: Research | National Alopecia › Home ›

This registry will be the base of any future clinical trials to develop a treatment for alopecia areata. >> ...

National Alopecia Areata

The National Alopecia Areata Foundation supports research to find a cure or ...


2011-2012 Research Grants National… Continue

Added by Tallgirl on October 18, 2011 at 12:13pm — No Comments

Alopecia universalis virus in my case

Hi i have alopecia universalis 7 months now,first it started with itchy face going dry than scalp with yellowish round skin that become itchy and than scaly red skin on scalp and eyebrows and dry red rash form of circle on cheeks.Year later burning sensation showed up as well and needle poking sensation in eyebrows around mouth but this i notice to happen when i was sweating,and like bugs crawling sensation in my head..Have anyone had this symptoms? rash, scaly skin yellowish skin? Well i named… Continue

Added by Disaster on October 18, 2011 at 3:30am — 1 Comment

My name is Teisha, and I have alopecia

7th grade I got 10 shots in my head to see why my hair was coming out. Late September, they find out why. Alopecia areata. That's what they said I have. Alopecia areata is a hair disease that makes your hair come out & leave bald spots sometimes on your head. But that's not what I say to people when they say "why do you wear a wig?" I said "My mom put a perm in my hair when I was in 4th grade & she told me not to go swimming but I didn't listen to her & there was chlorine in the… Continue

Added by x3Awesome'TTx3 on October 18, 2011 at 12:00am — 13 Comments

Another illustration of why bald works for me

I performed in San Diego and Laguna Beach, California last weekend with a wonderful Bulgarian band now touring the country - "Bulgarika". Drumming is hard work, and at times I got hot - sweat running off my scalp hot - and took off my scarf. Then I'd get cooled down at times and put it back on.

From my perspective, if I had a wig on, I would just feel SO weird if I took it off and on. One moment I'd have hair, then next not! This happened to me a lot when I was trying to wear wigs… Continue

Added by Mary on October 17, 2011 at 6:32pm — 12 Comments

The four seasons

My hair resembles the four seasons i.e. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. It falls and grows back in a cycle. It swings with my mood. I am happy when it grows back and depress when it falls. However, I have decided not to let my hair controls my life anymore. With the right and positive attitude, everybody can be beautiful. This is what we called 'aura'. If we plant a mango seed, it will grow into a mango tree. The same goes for any kind of seed. With the positive 'aura' and inner beauty, with… Continue

Added by 3mee on October 16, 2011 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Some news

probably people already read this, just there might be hope for us with the autoimmune disease:) Hope they get deeper into these studies and create a solution for alopecia

Added by Calipso on October 16, 2011 at 9:00am — No Comments

Head shave tomorrow!

Had enough! Stupid stupid hair, not worth all the stress and getting all depressed, so off with it!

Dramatic I know, but if it makes me feel better about myself.

Take care everyone :) xx

Added by Lizzie on October 15, 2011 at 7:46pm — 6 Comments

Contemplating on a Freedom Wig

Hi all -

I don't believe i have ever posted here but i wanted to now and get feedback on Freedom Wigs. I have total baldness on my scalp, 1st time, and doubt it will come back from the look of things. I have had to wear wigs off and on over the last 4 yrs. I am to the point now where thinking about wearing my wig forever makes me depressed. It's a good one but i am constantly adjusting it, ha, sort of like a bra. I want to know as much as i can about the Freedom Wigs. I usually wear… Continue

Added by Leslie Mader on October 15, 2011 at 7:30pm — 2 Comments

"An inspirational story of finding hope and strength while living with an incurable disease"

So my story was added to my company's newsletter this month. I received it yesterday, as with everyone else that works for the three casinos of ABS. Two here in Edmonton, one in Calgary and one in Lethbridge. I pasted the story below but added a pic of the article aswell, since the writing is small and would be hard to read.

As many of you may not…


Added by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on October 15, 2011 at 11:30am — 5 Comments


I just watched Shrek again while teaching, and had the thought that many women and girls on AW are stressing like Fiona...afraid of what nightfall will reveal. Are we thinking that we will become ogres (or, Cinderellas) when the wig and make-up come off? What, or who, are we missing when so absorbed, besides our own true, raw selves? We may not be noticing REAL people while waiting for hair magic to happen. Personally I am getting used to my current incarnation at night. Who ever said I… Continue

Added by Tallgirl on October 14, 2011 at 7:33pm — 6 Comments

Looking for suggestions for "patchy" scalp

I'm looking for some advice. My alopecia started about 10 years ago. It started with a couple of one inch circles on the back of my head. I had cortisone injections and the hair grew back. It happened again 3 years later and again a couple years later. In April 2011 my hair started coming out all over. It looked terrible so I shaved my head. I can deal with being bald. My problem is I have some hair growth on the scalp which I continue to shave daily. My scalp looks patchy/spotted from the… Continue

Added by BOB on October 14, 2011 at 2:30pm — 2 Comments

Wigs for girls with curls

Does anyone have any experience buying curly/wavy wigs online? I find so many straight ones but not many nice spiral curly wigs. I have a loose spiral curl latin type hair like Salma Hayek and Mila Kunis (before they found their flat irons) Please share!! Anyone ever buy wigs from or Please let me know about the quality and how long they last. Thank you

Added by NYCGirlie on October 14, 2011 at 1:00pm — 1 Comment

Take a step in my shoes

Each day I wake up & beg my parents to let me stay home and they so no. I get dressed and head out the door. Wait at the bus stop and get on. There it is. Eyes and eyes staring at me cause im different. I enter school. This is where the nightmare begins. As I walk up stairs I try and stay out of everyone's way. Try not to make eye contact with anyone however still keep my head up high. I enter homeroom and go to the back and push my seat back so no one will see me. No matter how hard I try… Continue

Added by x3Awesome'TTx3 on October 12, 2011 at 3:30pm — 11 Comments

Cool costumes only alopecians can do for Halloween!

Hey everybody - If you have a bald head, think about the costume possibilities! Let's get out there this Halloween and win some costume contests (or, at least, scare the heck out of our neighbors' kids at the door).

I just bought some HORNS - they're not very big, about an inch and a half tall, but they look absolutely amazing sticking up out of the top of my smooth scalp. People with hair have to put them on their foreheads, but mine are going right on the top, a little to the… Continue

Added by Mary on October 11, 2011 at 7:00pm — 34 Comments

A little information on some cream that I'm using

I have been using this cream, that my friend gave Me from the Philippines because it worked for her, I been using it for 3 weeks, i can see that improvement is in the process.. I see more hair growing... I've been using other creams before and the shots but haven't worked for me, I just posted this , maybe in case someone would be interested to try it and maybe it would work for you to..well alright have a good day everyone

Added by christopher on October 11, 2011 at 7:00pm — 4 Comments

Please don't call me crazy

I have trichotillomania, and god I wish I could just pretend that I didnt.

It hurts so badly to finally admit that rather then this being done to you, its you doing it to yourself. and that there is nothing worse then losing friends over this.

I'm married, I love my husband and my one year old daughter. but its not enough, I want friends. but I'm alone.

I have to wear wigs, and I finally put myself in debt and decided to go to a hair restoration clinic to try and help me.… Continue

Added by Kayla on October 11, 2011 at 5:30pm — 13 Comments

Ten year reunion

So my 10 year highschool reunion was this past weekend and I didnt go. Well, at first I thought the things they had planned for the reunion were stupid, but then when I started seeing how many people were buying tickets I thought maybe it would be fun to go. But then I started thinking. How can I go see all these people I haven't seen in 10 years? The last time most of these people saw me I had a thick head of long blonde hair, and a 24 inch waste. I have had 2 kids now, and I love them more… Continue

Added by Brianne on October 11, 2011 at 9:46am — 6 Comments

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