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Insensitive comments

I have been wearing the bald head for about 1 month. It still takes a lot of courage to face the looks every day. 7 out of 10 comments from people are they like the way I look or the way my hair is cut. The other times I have received comments said is jokingly fashion "You need to change your shampoo", or"Who scalped you?". I am trying to become not so "thinned skinned" about the comments. It is hard. I normally reply quickly with "you must be jealous" or "you have jokes today". I can imagine… Continue

Added by Ericka on July 26, 2011 at 8:35pm — 7 Comments

Feeling beautiful :))

Today I was amazed when I went to my psychologist for the first time and we spoke and I told her of my alopecia, it was sooo nice that she knew what it was and she just looked at me and said, why are you covering your beauty? I love your hair peice but you are soo pretty i'm sure you'd look stunning if you had no hair, you know what? my heart just melted i've never had anyone tell me this before and this woman I just only met. I for the first time left and felt soo wonderful about myself and… Continue

Added by Lisa-Lynn Marini on July 26, 2011 at 7:50pm — 3 Comments

Longing for a cure - Defeated by alopecia

It is amazing how many emails and messages I get about other organizations dealing with alopecia. My canned response has always been, "We are stronger together then we are apart." I mean this, I am not just saying it to be politically correct. When I founded CAP I did so because I wanted more for my daughter then what was out there. The oldest and largest is NAAF and was the only thing I could fine in 2003. They had the annual conference but that was all until they incorporated Charlie's… Continue

Added by Children's Alopecia Project on July 26, 2011 at 6:00pm — 3 Comments

Interesting experience

I was in Florida for vacation with family this past weekend. We rented a condo by the beach. We decided on Saturday to have a shrimp boil. We had to go grocery shopping for everything to make it. My Mom and Aunt were going to the store to get everything. At first, they were just going to go by themselves. I wanted to make a dessert so then they decided to have me go along also.

We went to the register to check out. We had bought a 24 pack of water, and the employee asked us to hold… Continue

Added by Alliegator on July 26, 2011 at 10:30am — 9 Comments

Can we really alter genetics?

A well-known gal on TV, who is known for her great looks and famous family (mostly names starting with K) just found out she has psoriasis. Here's what was said about it in a news story:

It’s largely believed to be genetic and related to the immune system.

“I’ve heard of it before, because my mom has always had it. She didn’t have red flaky dots all over,” K said.

A type of white blood cell called a T cell fights off infections in the body. T cells attack…

Added by Tallgirl on July 25, 2011 at 5:30pm — 1 Comment


So only three months ago I had a small patch, the size of a quarter missing from the back of my head. I was undergoing extreme emotional stress at work and when I went to the doctor, she expressed her concerns that this stress has triggered my hair loss and that I have Alopecia areata. A few weeks go by and more and more hair starts falling out. I finally get an appointment with the dermatologist and by this time the patch size has tripled and expanded to other parts of my head. I have started… Continue

Added by Missyannemissy on July 24, 2011 at 6:00pm — 8 Comments

Advocacy vs. Acceptance: Why the Two ARE NOT Mutually Exclusive

If you know me, then you knew it was just a matter of time before I put my $0.02 cents in on this subject.

I have been on various alopecia support websites and communities from the beginning. I have blogged, discussed, emailed, phoned, written about, given speeches to, and chatted with thousands of people over the 29 years that alopecia has been in my life. Not once during that time have I sugar-coated what I thought of alopecia, how I felt about my looks, or my level of acceptance… Continue

Added by kastababy on July 24, 2011 at 1:09pm — 4 Comments

Have a little compassion

I have heard from people with Alopecia that we need to be strong. Stop being so weak minded and move on. It may be easier for those who have had to deal with this condition for most or all of their lives. Of course they have adjusted and moved on. For some, Alopecia is all they know. Let's have a little compassion for those that have went their whole lives with a full head of hair and then lost it within a few short months. In my eyes there is no comparison. I consider myself to be an extremely… Continue

Added by Michelle on July 23, 2011 at 9:00pm — 17 Comments

"Teach Your Children Well; An Alopecian In The World, Still

I went on vacation. I was lucky. My Aunt put together a family reunion cruise. A cruise to Bermuda. A 5-day cruise. I roomed with my twin sister, which is an extra bonus - sister time together.

This was my first cruise. We boarded and went through customs, and met up in the dining room for lunch. It was served buffet style. I've never seen so much food in my life. I was sitting at the table as all of the family met up.

A table next to us, a large family with about 4… Continue

Added by Lili Añel (aka Eulalia) on July 23, 2011 at 3:33pm — 2 Comments

Soap Actress Amy Gibson On Supermarket Tabloid Cover - Bald!

The tabloid in question is U.S. publication "Globe".

Noticed it at the grocery store today. It is a small picture but since bald women are not generally on the cover of magazines it kind of popped out at me.

There is a blurb inside about her wig business on a section talking about soap actors and "where they are now."

Added by Donna on July 23, 2011 at 2:26pm — No Comments

always also difficult to live

in spite of time, I do not arrive at living with l' olopécie… the glance of people… the glance in the ice… that is too difficult… I am not me… with when the miracle… I want to retrogress, to even find me… soon I will have to turn over to work or to find another employment and I cannot plan to be surrounded like an animal, of malevolent glance… I work with the public, commen to make not to undergo this situation, to manage to look at people without seeing surprise or pity?

Added by coccinelle on July 23, 2011 at 10:37am — 1 Comment

Weight gain?? and Wigs

Ok so i've gained an extra 40 lbs i'm not complaining of my weight is I love seefood= I see food I eat !!
But my problem now is finding the right wig to go with my face.
I have the short one and I dislike it as it makes me look too pudgy, I have the curly one and I still look pudgy anyone have any ideas how I should go about what looks good and what doesn't?

Added by Lisa-Lynn Marini on July 22, 2011 at 5:14pm — 3 Comments

My first trip out au naturel

Hiya all...its been a while since I have written anything

I wanted to share with you, my AW family the next big step I took on my alopecia journey. The other day after work I went into a store without anything on my head. Normally I wear a scarf while at work and I remove it upon entering my jeep at the end of the day. Well this day I needed to pick up a few things at the drug store and instead of putting the scarf back on for a 10 minute trip inside, I kept it off. I was still… Continue

Added by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on July 22, 2011 at 12:20am — 9 Comments

Looking for guidance when I am so clueless!

Hello to all of the fabulous role models I so strive to become one day :)

This is most first post on the site, although I have read through some of yours whenever I need a pick me up. I am a 32 yr old woman who has alopecia areata for almost 2 years. I was blessed enough to have lived my life with hair, that I used to dye all types of colors and was constantly changing styles. This has been a very difficult 2 years, and although my husband has been the best possible support, there is only… Continue

Added by zoitsa theo on July 21, 2011 at 6:31am — 10 Comments

Run away from me?!

There's a line in the movie Eat, Pray, Love that really hit me. It is when Liz is walking away from a boat trip to a private island. After the Brazilian man says this, he follows with, "You are going away from the great possibilities of your own life." This was significant, because she had been searching for her life, and balance, throughout her whole three-country exploration of food, faith and personal peace.

It made me think of the chances one takes to follow dreams,… Continue

Added by Tallgirl on July 20, 2011 at 4:30pm — 11 Comments

Eyebrow pencil

This blog is directed more so towards my ladies than gents but gentlemen please feel free to chime in if you can help out!

For about a year now Ive been shading my eyebrows in. In October my eyebrow hair fell completely out so I have been drawing them on. because this is relatively new to me I have tried out several different eyebrow pencils and I have yet to find one that meets my needs. Do any of you have any suggestions as to what brand of eyebrow pencil i can use that would… Continue

Added by Montoya Grant on July 20, 2011 at 12:30pm — 14 Comments

To tip or not to tip?

I just purchased my second wig but this time from a full service salon. My previous wig was purchased at a place that only sold wigs and I didn't even feel like I had to tip when making my purchase (wouldn't have wanted to anyway caused I felt rushed and as though they were forcing styles on me not to my liking.)

Anyway, for the one I recently purchased, which was $800 ($300 more than the last one I bought), I tipped the guy $25 because I felt more inclined to since it was a full… Continue

Added by Nikki on July 20, 2011 at 11:30am — 3 Comments

Goin Pink for a Cause next week!

So I am very much involved in the Susan G. Komen 3Day for a Cure(Breast Cancer Foundation). I am a crew captain this year, which the crew are the people who work the event and keep it going for the 3 days. I am in charge of 24 people.

I had a get together this past weekend at my house and "came out" to everyone as they were seeing me in a wig that day, but during the event I will be in a hat or bandana so I don't die in the heat. I wanted to make sure to tell them ahead of time, 1)… Continue

Added by Julie G on July 20, 2011 at 9:27am — No Comments

Beauty Queen seeks teenage girl with Alopecia to play head double.

Michigan Creative Film Alliance seeks a teenage female with Alopecia Totalis or Universalis to be a head double for the film, Beauty Queen. The film will shoot the first two weeks of August. If you or anyone you know would be interested in the role please e-mail us at

For more information on Beauty Queen and the Michigan Creative Film Alliance please visit us at and… Continue

Added by Kelci on July 19, 2011 at 3:14pm — No Comments

On bullying

Recently, I was accused by another member of our community, who shall remain nameless, that I was a condescending, know it all bully. When I read her message that contained those words, I laughed it off because to be honest, if my tendency to say what I mean and mean what I say means that feelings get hurt and you choose to live life like an ostrich with its head in the sand, then guess what? Your loss.

I laughed it off because I've been the victim of bullying - and the last time I… Continue

Added by kastababy on July 19, 2011 at 10:00am — 11 Comments

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