All Blog Posts (5,825)

No more eyelashes!

When I was two years old I lost all of my hair including my eyelashes.

By the time I was in elementary school I got pink eye ALL the time because bacteria could get in my eyes due to the fact that I didn't have eyelashes. So, after several cases of pink eye, my body decided that I needed my eyelashes and they grew back.

16 years later.. I guess my body decided I don't need them anymore because guess what? As of today (November 23rd, 2010) my last eyelash just fell… Continue

Added by Erika Vincent on November 23, 2010 at 11:34pm — 4 Comments

Blog Number One.

Haven't done this in....ever perhaps?

Crazy year and FINALLY settled in Syracuse, NY, which btw is FANTASTIC when I'm from southwest Florida. *shrug* What can I say, I left because the weather there sucks. Its too damn cold down there! =P

I've been here since the 2nd of the month, still kinda adjusting to not knowing anyone out here besides my big brother, or knowing where anything is. I've never been one to cover my head(too vain for the tanline I guess) but I'm learning… Continue

Added by Kira on November 23, 2010 at 11:21pm — No Comments


With Thanksgiving coming up soon, I wanted to write about what I am thankful for in my life. I am very thankful that I have all my limbs and they function properly. I have a friend who broke her hip at age 26 and she is on a long road to recovery, and I think that could have been me. I am thankful that I still have both my parents and two step-parents. My parents are very supportive and I am lucky to have them in my life. I am thankful to have my job until January. I will be getting laid off… Continue

Added by Alliegator on November 22, 2010 at 10:27am — 2 Comments

4 years and still in denial.

I am still struggling with coming to terms with having alopecia in general (after 4years),and now I'm struggling to accept (specifically),AU. I had AT at first (maybe before spring/and in 09) and this past spring/summer all of a sudden, no eyelashes,eyebrows,no hair on my head or the rest of my body. It came as a big shock because I had been using Shumuel Gonen's hair up treatment ( herbal gels). I asked him to send me another order of it and he said no, that I wasn't using the products… Continue

Added by Alexis on November 22, 2010 at 1:00am — 10 Comments

Should I stop with the steroid shots?

HI i am new to the website and would like some advice on whether i should stop with the shots to my scalp.I have had 6 treatments and have some peach fuzz but my hair is still falling out is normal? will it continue to fall out even though i am getting the shots? Is it worth it to go through the pain or should i let the alopecia run its course i have lost a lot of hair still have a little at the back and sides thinking about shaving it off but i am terrified dont know what to do… Continue

Added by clare majka on November 21, 2010 at 8:31am — 8 Comments

Join our group - 'Be the Change'

Are you a teenager living with alopecia? Then perhaps you will consider joining our new group "BE THE CHANGE". A group to empower individuals and raise self - awareness in teenagers and young adults. Though this is a London based group you do not need to be in London to join and connect with other like minded individuals. This group is all about you the individual and your asperations and most importantly living your best life! Look forward to seeing you there...

Added by Jack Gs Mum on November 19, 2010 at 4:36am — No Comments

Life is funny

Life is funny sometimes ( who am I kidding, its funny most times ) As I was going thru my nightly ritual before bed, you know the stuff....teeth brushed, face washed, I was looking at my reflection and thinking "WOW I am happy." 2 1/5 months ago I took back control of my hair loss and shaved it off. Wow has really been only that long?? Since that day, for the most part, I have been happy. For the first time in the 27 years of having alopecia I not bothered by it. Yah sure there are days where I… Continue

Added by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on November 19, 2010 at 1:03am — 2 Comments

Join the newly formed 'Single Parents with Alopecia' group!

If you are a single parent diagnosed or treated for Alopecia, who has school aged children, join the Single Parents With Alopecia Group to hear others stories, share your own, vent, seek emotional support, get or give tips & advise, encourage others, make friends, or at the very least realize you're not alone.

If you plan on joining, you may choose to reply to this blog so others on this site will know!

The body follows the mind,



Added by Elizabeth on November 18, 2010 at 8:00pm — No Comments

Trying to cope

Well I have tried to avoid being open about my disease because I am so ashamed of it. But then I decided today to do a google search for alopecia and stumbled across this website and decided to join. I can't find a pyschiatrist that is seeing new patients so I guess this will have to do for now because I am going insane. I think I just need to write and get all the horrible things spinning through my head out "on paper".

I first discovered what my dermatologist at the time called "a… Continue

Added by Erin on November 18, 2010 at 3:58pm — 12 Comments

Faces of Beauty

Today, 11/18/10, my picture is featured on Faces of Beauty. Faces of Beauty is on a mission to celebrate the incredible and unique beauty in all of us. The hope is that Face of Beauty will help start a revolution of men, women and children learning to love themselves just as they are! Do YOU believe that you are truly beautiful? Join the movement! Since I obviously don't know how to add the link to the website,… Continue

Added by Angie W. on November 18, 2010 at 3:30pm — 2 Comments

Hello, I need help!

Hello All,

I'm in a sticky situation, let me explain: I'm not completely bald, i have hair, it will grow and the tons of bald patches will start to disappear but they never fully go away, they're always visible (which gives me false hope-just my luck) so, my hair is really short right now, it's starting to fall out again, it's messy, it itches, and it makes me feel so disappointed when it falls out. However, i don't want to shave it off, because i feel like maybe, possibly there could be a… Continue

Added by SutraHuh on November 17, 2010 at 9:16pm — 9 Comments

So miserable!

Hi guys, I have been trying to focus on school rather than on my hair seeing as finals are right around the corner...I am absolutely miserable about my hair, I think I have been in a state of denial for quite some time now...I am not sure I can find my way with this...I fly off the handle to friends and family without even wanting to and feel bad afterwards..I know there is nothing in this world they can do to help me, but I dont even know what I wanna hear anymore, I mean words that will even… Continue

Added by Trish on November 17, 2010 at 5:30pm — 15 Comments

Wish I knew what was wrong with my hair

Ever since I had my second child in 2001 I have told my family and doctors that my hair is thinner on the right side. It is a lot thinner around the hair line on that side. My family and doctor always told me that my hair was fine and I was imagining things. Well this summer I went through a little shedding period. Of course the shedding was mainly from the right side. How strange. Anyway I went to a derm who said that the hair was thinner on that side but it wasn' t bad. She said it was… Continue

Added by Kristi Kelly on November 16, 2010 at 10:51pm — 2 Comments

The Meaning of True Love

It is sharing and caring,

Giving and forgiving,

Loving and being loved,

Walking hand in hand,

Talking heart to heart,

Seeing through each other's eyes,

Laughing together,

Weeping together,

Praying together,

And always trusting

And believing

And thanking God

For each other...

For love that is shared

is a beautiful thing--

It enriches… Continue

Added by Dotty on November 16, 2010 at 7:45pm — No Comments

When do I know it's time to give up?

For the pas 2 years I have been getting the very painful kenalog steroid injections so that y hair can grow back. I have not lost all my hair just yet and I have been told by my doctor and his staff that I am one of the many lucky people who have this disease that still have this amount of hair. I have tried wearing wigs, at home treatments, taking vitamins, cutting my hair shorter to give it more volume and so on..... At time I wish that all my hair will finally fall out so I can finally… Continue

Added by ENEDID CASTILLO on November 16, 2010 at 7:37pm — 2 Comments

Dotty's Inspirational/Motivational Reflection


By ~ Joanne Baxter ~

When I'm an old lady, I'll live with my kids,

and make them so happy, just as they did.

I want to pay back all the joy they've provided,

returning each deed. Oh, they'll be so excited.

When I'm an old lady and live with my kids.

I'll write on the wall with reds, whites and blues,

and bounce on the furniture wearing my shoes.

I'll drink from the carton and then leave it out.

I'll… Continue

Added by Dotty on November 15, 2010 at 10:11pm — 1 Comment

Alopecia due to circulation continued....

1) RIP position is on the back not the sides or's a natural position...

2) Infant SIDS tells parents not to place their infant on their interferes with their breathing and circulation, leading to death.

3) The fetal position is being curled up on the side. This restricts circulation and blood flow.

4) Like a water hose is twisted or bent to increase water pressure, the body reacts the same way.

Laying on your stomach with your head turned to the… Continue

Added by Elizabeth on November 15, 2010 at 4:53pm — No Comments

"I like that hair cut"

So I know a lot of you get the cancer question a lot, but I keep getting the "I love your hair cut" and "wow, I would NEVER be that bold to cut off all my hair!" Well my hair was down to the middle of my back not too long ago, and if it was up to me, I wouldnt have this hair cut! A delivery driver just came to my work, NEVER seen him in my life, and the first thing he says is, "Hey...I like the hair cut". I guess I should feel good that people actually like me looking like Sinead O'Conner with… Continue

Added by Tamara on November 15, 2010 at 2:16pm — 13 Comments

Faking it

In August I was admitted into the hospital because my blood pressure was through the roof, while in the hospital my head began to itch uncontrollably in the same spot and I noticed that my hair was shedding all over my pillow. I did not think anything of it and until I noticed that my hair had fallen out in that same spot it was itching in all the way down to the scalp. Since then the hair in the top of my head has started to fall out and it constantly itches. I have never in my life been so… Continue

Added by LaShonda Brown on November 15, 2010 at 12:00pm — 5 Comments

About to crawl outta my skin!

I am not doing well at all. I woke up an hour ago because of my RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome), my legs twitching and moving. I can't sleep, & I am so exhausted. My nerves have felt like they are crawling all over me! I have been on medications for depression, anxiety, & panic disorder for some 16 years. I can't remember the last time I felt good. Started out a month ago with allergies to a cat, & the anxiety of helping out a young lady that ended up living in my home with her… Continue

Added by Diana Carter on November 15, 2010 at 8:45am — 6 Comments

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