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my newest song just wrote it tonight

follow me to a place where we can be free

forever young please baby come with me

you never told me how you see the sun

without you i would be nothing to everyone

i know that your hurting inside

but its nothing to hide

dont let this be the last

just forget bout the past

and live each day for me

dont close your eyes

dont ever let go

cuz without you i'd die

dont let your dad every put you down

if he does i… Continue

Added by Brandi Badzinski on November 5, 2010 at 10:50pm — No Comments

What is NAAF Alopecia Areata Conference? Well...

For those of you that I have heard ask this week, I am copying this information from the National Alopecia Areata Foundation profile on Facebook as it was written:

For the last 24 years, the National Alopecia Areata Foundation has put on a four day conference that has changed the lives of the thousands of attendees. The conferences are for people of all ages who have alopecia areata or care about someone who does. It provides the attendee with the information that they need,… Continue

Added by Diana Carter on November 5, 2010 at 12:18pm — No Comments



Every time

I come to this sight I can't believe how many new members have joined!! There truly are alot of us out there!! And everyone is so very funny loving and creative, it warms ny heart to know you all are out there. Went to a wig shop here in Detroit area and the good Lord blessed me with meeting another fellow alopecian. Very beautiful woman. We exchanged #'s and so forth. I wish I could become friends in person with all of you!! I would love to get a… Continue

Added by Sherry Stalnaker on November 5, 2010 at 7:53am — 1 Comment

Girl grows her hair back!

Hi everyone,

I live in Australia, and one of our current affairs programs tonight, had this story about a 9 year old girl, with Alopecia Totalis Universalis who has had success with growing her hair back after 3 years of no hair. It may not work for everyone, as they state in the article, but if just one person could benefit then it is all worthwhile. Here is the link to the article:… Continue

Added by Shana Bebeklis on November 5, 2010 at 7:19am — 16 Comments

very upset with wigs please give ideas.

I finally broke down and bought two wig off line. I have AA and up to 10 spots on my head. Well the wigs i bought are awful. So I am asking what is a good wig to buy that doesnt look like a mop on my head, price is a big issue money is very tight. Thank you.

Added by Kimberly Duncan on November 3, 2010 at 6:19pm — 3 Comments

New style

so since I got a new hair piece on NHS (£158, compared with the £400 one I had last year that my parents paid for). The old one was looking a bit outdated so I got a fringe put in it, but the girl at the salon had to cut a small fringe into my own hair to thicken it up and make it look more natural.

I love the look but its making my head so greasy and hot, and im worried the front clip will make my hairline really thin. Its a pain because before i was tying my hair up all the time to… Continue

Added by Rachel on November 3, 2010 at 2:26pm — 6 Comments

another song i wrote


you told me

your done for

i dont want to hear

your done for

you can tell me why you are crying

i need you more than you need you

i can see that your really running

can i ask where your gonna run to

and if you think your living as a ghost now

not quite heavens ugly angel

we all feel like we are breaking inside

and i wont let you hurt tonight

stay awake

stay awake, survive

i've got sixteen starts that… Continue

Added by Brandi Badzinski on November 3, 2010 at 2:06pm — 2 Comments

Seasonal alopecia?

Hi friends! I have a totally random thought. Has anyone noticed any connection with hair loss and seasons? I have a few patches right now and noticed that this is the 3rd fall in a row that this has happened. It seems that I only lose hair in the fall. Has anyone else noticed this? Am I crazy? :)

Added by Rachel on November 3, 2010 at 12:00pm — 6 Comments

I love you just the way you are!

Finally, I was sitting at home and my daughter said, “Mommy you don’t have to come to my school with a hat on or a scarf. I love you just the way you are.” WHAT?!?! I said okay, had a long day and I knew she would NEVER EVER want me to be bald around her school. The next morning I get on the bus and train bald. I am getting off the train I say are you sure you want me to be bald around your school?

I pulled my hat out of my pocket to see if she would like me to put it on. She said NO… Continue

Added by Sam Sam on November 2, 2010 at 4:09pm — 8 Comments

When filing a claim for alopecia...hoping this helps others!

Today was supposed to be my next injection treatment, but since the insurance company denied my treatments, calling them "cosmetic surgery" I am on hold with them (the insurance company). I feel like I could swallow my own throat, my panic attacks have been through the roof since dealing with this insurance stuff. I don't know if I can take any more. I have spoken to the lady at my dermatologist's office twice, and gotten nowhere with her...she is a hateful lady, and obvious she does her… Continue

Added by Diana Carter on November 2, 2010 at 3:59pm — 3 Comments

A song that I wrote about 3 years ago and I just finished it


its so hard to feel

when you dont know whats real

i wanted you to see

how much you mean to me

people are always fading

the homeless are always begging

i am always falling down

i cant stand on my own

i waited for you to come around

there is no sound

no one can heal my broken heart

now that its falling apart

im losing everything i came to be

baby why cant you see

i need someway to fix what… Continue

Added by Brandi Badzinski on November 2, 2010 at 9:03am — 4 Comments

Conventional beauty standards be damned!

Sometimes I feel like shaving my head just out of spite!

Yeah, I have cicatricial alopecia that has left some interesting "spaces" in my TWA, so I guess I have a good enough "reason" to shave, but I don't really need to yet.

What really gets me going is the experiences that ladies here are sharing. What gives anyone the right to denigrate a person for something they have ABSOLUTELY no control over? The hurt that has been experienced over this is maddening to… Continue

Added by Angie P on November 1, 2010 at 5:46pm — 6 Comments

Why I'll never again be upset when people assume I have cancer: Experiences as a bald woman in Indonesia

This is a bit long, but please read and share it if you have ever felt upset at being mistaken for a cancer patient, and/or if you are travelling to other parts of the world as a bald woman.

I've just returned from 5 and a half weeks in the beautiful country of Indonesia with my husband. The purpose of our trip was scuba diving - Indonesia has some of the finest diving in the world - and we'd never been there. In 23 days of diving at several locations, I did 71 dives. The underwater… Continue

Added by Mary on October 31, 2010 at 6:30pm — 14 Comments

Building a roof update

Last night was our first missionary meeting. From January 19 to 29, 2011 I will be heading to Nebaj, Guatemala. I had been asked by a coworker prior to the meeting why I would go to another country to help people when there are people here that need help. After the meeting I now know how to answer that question - because they need it more! The rivers are apparently filled with waste from a very primitive sewage system and there is garbage everywhere because the only dump is in Guatemala city… Continue

Added by Carol on October 28, 2010 at 9:00pm — 2 Comments

Falling back out

So my head has started itching more since I've been letting my hair grow in and I just went to scratch the back of my head and found that 2 of the spots where I had re-growth, are completely bald again :( I've been Ok with being bald, I haven't cried once. But I think now its just getting REALLY ridiculous. It teases me with beautiful re-growth, only to make it to like an inch and then start falling out again. I told myself not to get excited about it, I should learn to listen to myself a… Continue

Added by Tamara on October 28, 2010 at 11:05am — 10 Comments


Just want to shout out to see if anyone has any tricks for keeping tangles away. Especially the underneath of the back. It's so frustrating. The only trick I have so far is to load up on mousse so it's so crunchy it just sticks to itself.

Added by Lynn on October 27, 2010 at 7:07pm — 7 Comments

Losing my sense of security

If you have never been the victim of a robbery or burglary, I pray you never have to experience it. I on the other hand, have to re-live the fear I experienced when I was robbed on my job 11 years ago. This time, it's a lot closer to home, literally -- on Friday morning between 9:30am and 12:30pm my house was robbed. They took all of my electronics, but were very neat about how they did it, indicating that someone who knew my routines and had access to my house committed the crime. The robbers… Continue

Added by kastababy on October 26, 2010 at 2:40am — 5 Comments

Trying a "True to Life" Synthetic wig by Raquel Welch...

I just ordered a new wig from I never order synthetic but I'm saving for a vacuum wig, so I'm trying to save money... I ordered a Raquel Welch Synthetic Tru2Life wig. I hope it holds up...

Added by lyndsey tolson on October 25, 2010 at 12:57pm — No Comments

To boost or not to boost

I guess I was just wondering if anyone else has been confused with regards to boosting their immune system and whether or not this can impact on alopecia.

Alopecia is a auto immune system disorder so would boosting your immune system make it worse? However typical unhealthy behaviour and traits are linked with lowering immune response -smoking, consuming junk food, no exercise etc.

I read that if you boost your immune system that autoimmune disorders would actually benefit… Continue

Added by carl on October 24, 2010 at 8:21pm — 3 Comments

Building a roof

I just registered with Missionary Ventures Canada to head over to Guatemala in January for 10 days. The purpose of the trip is to help finish constructing a church and putting a roof on it. I'll be working hard and paying for a portion of the trip myself however there will be a fair deal of fund-raising going on. Everything happens for a reason and I think that God has a plan for each and everyone of us. Today God combined the idea of my missionary venture and my alopecia, he was even gracious… Continue

Added by Carol on October 24, 2010 at 2:52pm — No Comments

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