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Four Women Bond Over the Beauty in Their Baldness

I recently came across the below article in the New York Times:

"Four Women Bond Over the Beauty in Their Baldness"

A few Excerpts from the article:…


Added by Cheryl, Co-founder on April 7, 2016 at 12:08am — 1 Comment


i feel really alone, isolated & left out.

my almost 5 year relationship hurts me because I am always to hurt.

its so hard to let someone love you when you don't love yourself. 

i don't know what hurts more.

losing someone you love because of this


loving someone who let you lose yourself.

Added by Lishah on April 2, 2016 at 7:30pm — No Comments

Started Therapy

I've been seeing a psychiatrist for the past few weeks because I felt like I just had too. My anxiety picked up sometime last month, it became a physical thing to me & it's not always about my alopecia (so I think). Lately I've been getting anxious in my dreams, hearing my troubled thoughts as I sleep so when I wake up I'm still anxious and being anxious is all I could think about.

I understand its an internal thing, my subconsious, my stresses and worries, dreams of suicide,…


Added by Lishah on March 29, 2016 at 11:35am — No Comments


Has anyone gone to Mexico or the Dominican Republic to purchase the xeljanz?  The name of the pharmacy where the drug was filled.. Can you buy multiple packages of the xeljanz?  Thanks, margaret

Added by on March 28, 2016 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Kenacort injections

I have had alopecia universalis for over a year now. My hair did grow back but it fell again.

My earlier medication consisted of betason ( steroid) tablets, tenovate cream and protopic ointment.I also do occlusive phototherapy.

As the improvement is very less, my doctor now suggested I try kenacort injections 40mg once for 3 months.

Thoughts on the injection?

Added by Ithastogetbetter on March 25, 2016 at 8:30am — No Comments

Does alcohol affect alopecia?

I have alopecia universalis.

I wanted to know if drinking (i.e., the consumption) of alcohol on a regular basis prevents recovery. I couldn't find any definite answers online as to whether it makes the hair fall out or not.

Please do reply.


Added by Ithastogetbetter on March 25, 2016 at 8:30am — 7 Comments

A Clearer Head Defeats The Eggheads And Wins Big For Alopecia UK

EGGHEADS vs A CLEARER HEAD: Mission Accomplished with Bonus Miracle


This blog, written on 9th August 2105, will be published immediately after the show is…


Added by Sue Hampton on March 24, 2016 at 2:30pm — 1 Comment

Actress Viola Davis reveals battle with alopecia

According to an interview with Vulture that I found on, actress Viola Davis struggles with alopecia. 

Many have noted that there seems to be an error in the article: The fact that stress does not cause alopecia, but may trigger it.

Viola Davis is a natural beauty, but there was a time when the actress really struggled with revealing what was…


Added by Cheryl, Co-founder on March 23, 2016 at 1:00pm — 14 Comments

Fat cell transfer (stem cell) for hair growth for AGA

Has anyone had experience with fat cells harvested from your own body and injected into your scalp to arrest and promote hair growth?

I'm going for an interview Tuesday to see if I'm eligible to join this particular study. The study is in NYC.

Added by sabrinaann on March 20, 2016 at 12:00pm — 3 Comments

How does it work?

Everyone keeps telling me to be positive. It will be fine. Don't worry.

But what if doesn't get better? I can't wear a wig for the rest of my life.

I'll explain more on my situation in the next post.

It feels good to find other people going through the same thing!

Added by Ithastogetbetter on March 18, 2016 at 2:30am — 5 Comments

Here it is again!

Well, same story as last time as it is every time. It was the second week before Christmas. I ran my hand through my hair and there it is. The size of a dime, it grew and then 3 weeks later right after the new year, there was now 2. One larger than the other, like siblings. One trying to out do the other - then at the wonderful size of Almost Silver Dollars, I find a third sibling hiding at the back of my head......

Same as the other two- about the size of a dime - then the hair loss…


Added by kat533 on March 8, 2016 at 2:30am — 4 Comments

Anthralin Cream 2016

I am curious if anyone still gets anthralin cream prescibed, if it helps your hair regrowth, and side effects you have experienced.

Added by Beth on March 6, 2016 at 6:11pm — 2 Comments

It comes in waves

My level of acceptance toward the general ineptitude of my white blood cells is as inconsistent as my motivation to study.

More often than not, I could not give a fraction of a shit that my hair is basically absent. My reasoning there is mostly along the lines of "What would be different if I had it anyway?"

Looking pretty? Where does that get me? Friends? No. A job? No. A date? Maybe, but that's really not a priority at the moment due to my innate lack of skills in that…


Added by Cue Ball of Steel on March 3, 2016 at 1:00am — 11 Comments

Elevated ANA

Do any of you have elevated ANA? Mine started out mildly elevated and now is very high but I've been tested for several diseases and al negative .. I did however, notice when I attempted gluten free my ANA was at its lowest.. I went back to gluten and it has been consistently elevated .. I also had extremely low vitamin D and was under a ridiculous amount of stress and had just had major surgery 3-4 months before I lost my hair so I'm not quite sure which triggered it but was curious if any of… Continue

Added by Jcortez05 on February 29, 2016 at 8:54am — 7 Comments

How to find the courage to go out bald and stop hiding behind the wigs?

Hello fellow alopecians! Been stalking some of your pictures and sexy bald heads and I'm inspired to want to show the real me to the world too. Thing is I know that if (for example)I take the bus to work tomorrow without a wig I predict that there will be one or perhaps a few moments where I will feel very self-conscious. And that's what stops me. I want to know how some of you found the courage to finally step out and what steps did you take? How did you do it? Did you go drastically say "from… Continue

Added by Michelle on February 24, 2016 at 12:25am — 15 Comments

Healing naturally

This might be long but I am going to speak from my heart!

I was diagnosed two years ago (March 2014) after a bad breakup. I believe that stress is what triggered the disease to manifest. I went to my doctor and was completely unimpressed by her shoulder shrug response, "you just have one of those medical mysteries...I can give you steroid injections but it's no guarantee." I was already pretty health conscious at the time and said no thanks I will figure this out on my own. She gave…


Added by miss_melissad on February 23, 2016 at 11:30am — 2 Comments

Topical steroid experience?

So at the moment my Alopecia is very minimal and I was prescribed a topical steroid known as derma-smoothe... Has anyone tried this? If so what were the results? Did you experience any side affects? If so please specify?

Added by Cher0 on February 22, 2016 at 4:52pm — No Comments

That time again

I'm sort of lucky I feel. Firstly I was going to post how long it has been since I last posted.. but I realised I don't post as I don't often think about my Alopecia very much.

The only time I think about it is when it is time I look for a new wig... This one is a little past it's use by date and I'm generally bored of it. But the hardest thing is picking a new one... what style? What colour? How much will it cost etc.

This is a big decision and often feel I am wasting a lot of…


Added by KFlame on February 21, 2016 at 3:00pm — 4 Comments

Any luck with Dithro Cream

I would like to know if anyone has tried and had success with dithro cream?

Added by Yessi on February 18, 2016 at 12:24am — 1 Comment

Has anyone ever had an auto immune blood test???

Has anyone ever had an auto immune blood test???

Added by Nat on February 17, 2016 at 11:59pm — No Comments

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