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Has anyone had success with a clean diet? Does anyone know what causes alopecia? Is it auto immune and do you get multiple of them? I'm so scared!! Any advice would be great.

Has anyone had success with a clean diet? Does anyone know what causes alopecia? Is it auto immune and do you get multiple of them? I'm so scared!! Any advice would be great.

Added by Nat on February 16, 2016 at 9:56pm — 4 Comments

My story

Hi. My name is Hannah. I've had alopecia since I was 6 years old, so 11 years now. That first year, I lost EVERYTHING... No eyebrows, no eyelashes, no hair. We decided to do wigs for a while. But I HATED the wig I had. It was itchy, hot, would move around, and looked completely fake. Well on it's own, my hair started to come back in. A completely different color than before. I had blond hair when it fell out and now I had Brown hair coming back in. Around age 12, I had super thin hair because… Continue

Added by Hannah on February 12, 2016 at 6:08pm — 6 Comments

Prednisolone info

So I've recently started taking Prednisolone tablets again (the last time I took it was back in mid 2014) and was just wondering if anyone knew the time it took to take effect. The last time my AA was much worse (barely had any eyebrows and had quite a few noticeable patches) and by the end of the treatment I had full regrowth. 

This time around, my AA is in a much better place (but still not the greatest) and I'm starting to get worried as I'm two weeks into the treatment and only…


Added by Jack on February 6, 2016 at 7:00am — 18 Comments


I hope this question isn't far fetched but I've started wearing toppers and it makes my scalp so sore. I feel it pulling at my hair all day and aside from how it looks, I'm thinking about the discomfort. My question is are they supposed to hurt and pull? Surely there is a less painful way to conceal diffuse hair loss. Any input would be great.

Added by ataloss42 on February 5, 2016 at 10:41pm — 7 Comments

Need help! So many questions regarding wigs

Hi. I have recently lost my hair over 4 months. Its not coming back. I am distraught. I am having a very rough time wearing wigs esp. synthetic. I purchased a human hair wig and its pouring rain today. I was afraid to wear it outdoors. I wore a bandana and I look awful. This is pushing me over the edge. How do you cope with this? It broke my heart to take off my hair last night and put on a stand. This is making me want to die. I cannot go bare as I have scarring and its not for me. On th?e…


Added by Dianna 845 on February 3, 2016 at 5:00pm — 34 Comments

Alopecia Areata

Ive gotten alopecia for the past year and I went to a dermatologist 3 months ago, she prescribed some oral meds for 10 days and also shampoo and a spray, these here worked very little.  I have a follow up appt in 2 days and she is supposed to do steroid injections now, does anyone know if these here will work?  Ive never had this and a year ago it started with a small circle behind my head, now its two large ones and 4 small ones on my beard.  I don't want to waste my time and money on some…


Added by alexgarcia on January 28, 2016 at 8:00pm — 2 Comments

Low Dose Naltrexone May Help So Many

My 7 year old daughter will be starting LDN this week.  This drug does wonders for autoimmune conditions by blocking endorphins through the night.  The body then releases an overabundance of endorphins the following day to compensate. The endorphins heal inflamation (of course anyone with alopecia is inflammed.  C Reactive protien blood test will confirm this) and balance the immune system, targeting the true problem, rather than a temporary toxic drug.  There are no side effects, not…


Added by pterese on January 27, 2016 at 11:44pm — 2 Comments

Just catching up

First I'd like to say Happy New Year ( I know I'm like a month late) I haven't added a blog post in a while and I thought I would go ahead and get it over with.

Everything has been great with me lately I'm doing amazing in school, I have started hanging out with better people and I like who I am and who I am growing up to be. I'm going to turn 18 soon and that’s such a big step and I cant wait. I have started taking biotin vitamins and in the last few weeks my nails have strengthened…


Added by McKenzie Anne on January 23, 2016 at 3:00pm — 1 Comment


Hi everyone, if feels so weird typing right now but, I just wanted to vent about my condition. I have alopecia universalis and I HATE having this condition. I know that may be typical of everyone else that has this condition but, again, I'm venting. I've had alopecia since I was about 21/22. It has been a devastating journey. I've told myself a thousand times It doesn't matter if you have hair or not you are still beautiful and then other times I walk past myself in the mirror and I can't…


Added by rshakiyla on January 22, 2016 at 7:56pm — 4 Comments

Taking charge

I have decide to take charge.

Although I have no control of what hair is going to fall out I do have control of what I can do about it.

I realize that no matter what I will be beautiful .

This Wednesday I am going to start taking control of my hair. I am not going to shave my head but I am going to cut my hair super short and change my style of hair all together. I feel like this is the next step and that this will make me feel better about the whole situation. I am not…


Added by Brie on January 18, 2016 at 9:30pm — 9 Comments

Will I have alopecian babies?

It has been a while since I have been on the site. The holidays and school took me away for a while but things have settled down again and I intend to do a lot more posts on Alopecia World in the coming months.

I have much news to share, where shall I start. . . .

It was a wonderful holiday season for me, one of the best in years. I had a house full of people for about two weeks straight and I loved every moment of it. Anyone that knows me knows that I love the holidays…


Added by Kristie "IronDoll" Howard on January 18, 2016 at 4:30pm — 23 Comments

Should I stop the injections?

I have been getting Kenalog 10 ( injections of steroids) for about the past 5 months. I go every month on the exact day. I have notice only in spot hair growth, however every time I go I also notice 2-3 new bold spots and some older ones just spreading. I get sick every time I get the injections ( head hurts, nausea, dizzy) I just cry, not to mention the side effect of the dents in the skull ( Atrophy) . I started to get panic attacks and major anxiety that led me to the ER. I am now taking…


Added by cathy on January 18, 2016 at 10:50am — 34 Comments

C Reactive Protein Test and Inflammation


I am wondering if anyone has taken this blood test and what your numbers were.  It is a test for inflammation.  My daughter was a 12.4. Normal is a 0.0 to a 4.4.  Clearly she has silent inflammation, a very dangerous condition that is becoming chronic for her.  After many blood tests, this is the only abnormality showing up.  I believe the inflammation is causing the autoimmunity.  I an curious if anyone else is having this experience.  The name of the test is the C…


Added by pterese on January 13, 2016 at 9:03pm — 1 Comment

New way of living:)

Hi everyone,

I am from Australia Melbourne, 30 years old.

i decided to write on this blog to talk about my progress.. i have had alopecia since august 2015. The sizes of my patches vary and i am lucky that i can hide them well. however my hair is thinning so not sure how long that will last. anyways! I had a miscarriage in september and beleive that stress was the factor and the trigger of alopecia..

After the miscarriage i went to…


Added by Ranoushka on January 11, 2016 at 8:06pm — 4 Comments

C Reactive Protein Test

Hello,  We are in the process of bloodwork.  It has been a year and I refuse to accept that my daughter will never have hair again.  

Throughout our journey I have recently had much bloodwork done.  My daughter's results showed extreme infammation in her body.  Her C reactive Protien was a 12.2.  This confirms that she is indeed inflammed.  Silent inflammation of course if very bad news for long term health: cancer, stroke, diabetes, on and on.  

We are doing an…


Added by pterese on January 10, 2016 at 4:12pm — 4 Comments


Hey has anyone tried acupuncture and found positive results back?? I've been doing it for a month now, so I'm just curious..

Added by LaurenMae on January 10, 2016 at 3:00am — 1 Comment

Advice on Immunosuppressants

I'm 18 years old and have been suffering from Alopecia for about 3 years. I still have a full head of hair (except for a patch on my right temple) but I have struggled to keep my eyebrows intact for the duration of the 3 years. I also am unable to grow any facial hair anymore and have very little body hair. My dermatologist recently gave me a prescription for a medication called Mycophenolate Sandoz (Mycophenolate Mofetil 500mg). I've taken oral immunosuppressants before (cortisone tablets…


Added by Jack on January 9, 2016 at 8:48pm — 2 Comments

Don't hug me

Or rather... Don't hug me unless you're just actually giving a hug for the sake of giving a hug or if you're someone I love.

I love giving hugs and getting hugs. I meet a new friend? They get a hug. I see my family? They get a hug. Even my mom's co-workers got hugs.

But what I don't like are pity hugs. It always seems to shock me what people will say to me when they ask: "Can I give you a hug?"

Stupidly I always fall for it. Because I like hugs. I like the warmth and the…


Added by Storm-Arashi on January 7, 2016 at 6:00pm — 12 Comments

Hello world!

Hello everyone,

How is everyone doing? No I'm facing a difficulty. I don't know what I want to study(That's right no complaining about my alopecia! Despite having alopecia universalis everything is great.)! Right now I'm in my last year for my IT Degree. Ofcourse I will finish this. I just don't know what I should do after I finish.

I could work for awhile, but taking a break from studying sounds like a bad idea..

I was thinking about physiotherapy. I love the humanbody…


Added by Fabs on January 6, 2016 at 5:00pm — 2 Comments

Least harmful hair dye/color treatment

I really would like to dye my hair to get rid of my grays. The last time i dyed it was about a year ago. Since then my hair worsened and then repaired itself for the most part as far as my alopecia is concerned, but I don't want to hurt the progress with harmful dyes. Any suggestions?

P.S. I'm sorry if I sound vain, but I hate the gray! I know I can't be the only one who thinks this way, right?

Added by Cher0 on January 6, 2016 at 4:18pm — 6 Comments

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