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Derm Update - There May Be Life on Mars


I just got home (literally) from visit #3 to my dermatologist. Before I get into the results, I have to say that "wow", what a mind-numbing morning. I think I get WAY too worked up over things. I was really dreading the visit today for fear of going there, then having the derm tell me that there's not really much results. That compounded with the recent small spots I've seen come in would just be a kick to the nads. I was so worked up, my blood pressure reading in the office… Continue

Added by John M. on September 23, 2009 at 12:30pm — 8 Comments

I feel like crap lately

what happened to me? for the most part of this year i have been so strong....... im losing it...... i feel ugly and icky constantly, i feel depressed and i am sick of feeling different.... my eyelashes are gone now... i have some regrowth but dont know if it will fill in, cause of course we all know that doctors dont know a damn thing with this stinkin disease.... so im losing my hair at the same time it is growing.......

and then i feel like im being a big baby, where did all my strength… Continue

Added by Lindsay on September 23, 2009 at 12:28pm — 7 Comments

Transition...Process of a New Awareness & Thinking!

Years of Alopecia Totalis.

Numerous Treatments.

Frustration & Tumultuous Adversity.

Regrowth, Pigmented White & Patchy!

No Discretion to Insult & Ridicule.

Years of Living in Accordance to Perception & Expectations.

To Satisfy, to Fulfill "THEIR" Desires.

To Entertain Needs, or Demands Of Others, Lame Insecurities.

Conforming to Others Wishes & Opinion.

All of the Above!


Added by MiNAH on September 23, 2009 at 6:41am — 2 Comments

in the big city.

its scary.

im shy.


need friends.

Added by Sarah on September 23, 2009 at 12:44am — 1 Comment

I CAN beat this!

I had an interesting, yet not surprising, thing happen to me while out for a fun night a couple of weeks ago. My husband and I had gone out to listen to a live band and have a few drinks and enjoy a cool breeze on the lake. I went with my bandana under a baseball hat combo and was really enjoying the music and night out. The band had finished it's first set and my husband got up to use the restroom while I sat at the table taking in the fresh air. I looked around and noticed a man walking… Continue

Added by Angie W. on September 22, 2009 at 3:07pm — 3 Comments

Sick of being bald

Hi everyone. I recently shaved what little hair I had left. I am not coping as well I would like. I am having fears that I will never meet anyone to share romance with. I feel like this because I don't believe that any guy is going to find me attractive once they realise I am bald. I know that there is more to relationships than looks and that it's what's on the inside that counts and anyone worth being with will think that too. However, I am attracted to people by their physical appearance… Continue

Added by kimberly dean on September 22, 2009 at 8:42am — 8 Comments

Ten Things I Love/Hate About AA

I am now about 10+ months into my life with AA. I've gone through the spectrum of emotions since finding my first "spot," but really feel like I've come to a point where I don't cry, panic, freak out with every new change. Although the landscape of my head is ever-changing, I'm finding it a little bit easier to accept. Not to say I don't have bad days-- and a few mini freak out days now and then-- but they are just no longer "horrible" days as they were in the beginning. I've learned a lot… Continue

Added by Kelly on September 22, 2009 at 4:37am — 13 Comments

I did it!

well i went for the haircut before the cruise. it's mostly shaven, with a high ponytail. at least that's the way i wear it. i will put up some pics of it down, which i did wear it like that on the cruise. i just think it looks a little to thin to wear down, and i was really suprised at how well it turned out. i'm happy to say i actually am really liking the haircut. i'm just really hoping that no more hair falls out, so i can at least keep the ponytail and bangs. i've gotten a little attached… Continue

Added by Amie on September 21, 2009 at 8:58pm — No Comments


I just want to say, after having AU for 2 yrs, I am sick and tired of doctors knowing nothing about it. I have gotten them once...and with other medications, my eyebrows are growing back. I also have hairs on my head now. This is the first thing that has worked for me in two years. I moved to the D.C area, and went to a Dr today for shots. He didnt want to do them because he says A) they dont last ( I KNOW this already...that have to be done once a month) and B) they will leave scars. So he… Continue

Added by Lee on September 21, 2009 at 4:44pm — 13 Comments


Since my last post I have regrown most of my hair, as you can see on my profile pic. There is only some missing above my ears and on the back of my neck. Even though I thought my dificult time was over, I had not really recovered emotionally yet.

The last few days have been quite stressful for me.. and one morning I woke with part of my upper left eyelashes missing. I'm not sure what this means. Will my hair fall out again? Will I lose my lashes? I've read many personal accounts… Continue

Added by Amber Lounder on September 21, 2009 at 12:29pm — 3 Comments

Derm visit no.2 (2 months on)

After having some of my worst days recently since I was cursed* with this condition where I don't think I could have felt any lower, I had my follow up visit to the NHS dermatologist this morning...

It was a different doctor from last time (which surprised me) and we went through the usual checklist of questions...

- family history (yes my mum had a small patch of hairloss almost 60 years ago that never reoccurred)

- stress factors in leading up to the initial hairloss… Continue

Added by Robert on September 21, 2009 at 8:30am — 6 Comments

Conscious Decision

It wasn't a Choice in the End.

I would be so "HURT" with the World, for expecting me to live uncomfortable.

Being told to"COVER UP" as though it offended them.

Because they couldn't Deal with their own "Insecurities".

Unable to Accept my Appearance and "My Facade" expecting me to "ABIDE"

As though it were them, who had my Problem!

Like I, was somehow the Freak of Sorts.

The Attitude was Undeniably…

Added by MiNAH on September 20, 2009 at 7:22pm — 3 Comments

A tattoo is coming

so next saturday im getting my tattoo... im nervous but excited. i am really looking forward to loving my head more and wanting to show ppl my tattoo on my head.

its a simple design, black and i cant wait to put up a photo.

its gonna hurt! wish me luck!

Added by Alison on September 19, 2009 at 9:34am — 3 Comments

your bald.

do you have alopecia?

he says no.

Added by Sarah on September 18, 2009 at 8:25pm — No Comments

Hair replacement question

Has anyone ever heard of Farrell Hair can find them at Has anyone on here used them?



Added by Donna DeHoog on September 18, 2009 at 4:55pm — 2 Comments

Don't ever give up

Hey Gang,

Just wanted to share some good news with you all.

At our NAAF support group this past wed night we had 2 members present who grew all there hair back over the summer. Yay!!! That makes 3 in our group now.

Hope everyone is having a great day.


Added by JeffreySF on September 18, 2009 at 3:36pm — 13 Comments

Doctor's appt tomorrow

its 2am and I can't sleep, the house is quiet and my dd if fast asleep with no worries. She has a dr. appt at 4:30pm tomorrow at which time I will be wishing that I could sleep, I'm sure. I want them to do blood work so we can learn as much as possible but yet I don't because I HATE HATE HATE having to hold her down and… Continue

Added by Shay and my girl Kaleigh :) on September 18, 2009 at 2:32am — 11 Comments


Today I wore my hair my way. No barrettes. No side part.

I wore it parted down the middle.

My last patch showed up around Easter, above my forehead, right in the middle. It was about 2 inches wide. I was forced to part my hair severely on the side and use a barrette to hold it down. When the white hairs started growing was a challenge as usual, since they don't lay flat.....or respond to anything you do to them. But, I endured. The white hairs are now 2.5 inches… Continue

Added by Georgie on September 18, 2009 at 12:27am — 4 Comments

i cry

for all to see.

Added by Sarah on September 17, 2009 at 2:11am — No Comments

I finally did it!

I ordered my wig!!! I had my consultation a month ago, and finally called her yesterday to order it. It should be here in 6-8 weeks. It was $1000.00 so it should be a nice one!! I have a friend that wears the same one I ordered and it looks so good on her, so keeping my fingers crossed!! I'm really nervous to walk out my front door wearing a wig for the first time. My head is full of extensions anyways, so its really no difference! We are planning to go to Australia in november for our… Continue

Added by Jennifer on September 16, 2009 at 7:13pm — 2 Comments

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