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Brow help

HI everyone
I have had AT since I was 17. My lashes are my own, and my brows come and go, right now I have them on 1 side. I'm not very good at "doing " my brows. Any tips or good products to use?

Added by Leslee on June 15, 2009 at 7:02pm — 7 Comments

peach fuzz

met with my dermotologist again last friday for my third intramuscular kenalog (steriod) shot. i have dense, dark regrowth in all three of my current bare spots with the exception of one dime size portion of the largest spot which insists on remaining hairless. it's good i suppose. i'm relieved. i'm also trying to remind myself that it may or may not be permanent. the intramuscular steriod shots appear to be responsible. stay tuned.

Added by Jodi on June 15, 2009 at 6:52pm — 6 Comments

"You shaved your head again, didn't you?"

I am so sick of everyone making comments about my head! I just had one of my good friends come over to pick up my daughter and take her fishing. As soon as she walked in the door she said "You shaved your head again, didn't you? I thought you was going to let it go". My response to her was, "Why does everybody keep making comments about my head? I am real tired of everybody saying something about my head every time they see me".

I am honestly sick of my family and friends constantly making… Continue

Added by Kristen Viveros on June 15, 2009 at 5:28pm — 12 Comments

I'm not grumpy today :)

I'm happy that I found this site. There really aren't words to express how great it feels to post a blog and have people understand how I feel. Alopecia is something that confuses doctors and everyone else seems to dismiss it.
Thanks to everyone on here for being so supportive.

Added by Kat on June 14, 2009 at 11:21pm — No Comments

A bit more strength

Well, I am new to speaking about my AA. When I lost all my hair from the ears up in 1996, I tried to keep a positive outlook and not feel sorry for myself. I found a great looking wig, in fact, my now ex-husband said he liked it better than my real hair. (That's not why he's my ex) It really wasn't bad. Only two of my co-workers knew it was a wig. After about 8 months of baldness, everything grew back. After that, through the years I had a spot here and there, but with sooo much hair, it was… Continue

Added by Bonnie Ajan on June 13, 2009 at 10:26pm — 1 Comment

Today I realized.

This morning when I woke up, the scalp was feeling very itchy. I was scratching it all over just before I went into the restroom to take a look in the mirror. When I got there I was not surprised to find three spots in addition to the infamous spot in the back. I didn't even think twice. I took the clippers and took off what was too long for my razor and then it was back to blade on scalp again, as I clean shaved the head to once again be completely bald. I took my shower to take my mind off of… Continue

Added by Kristen Viveros on June 13, 2009 at 10:00pm — 3 Comments

long time, no surf

well hey hey alopecia world! it's been so long since i've been on the site. i've been busy causing mischief in downtown, detroit!

happy to say that all my hair grew back! in every single spot. it looks a lot thinner now, but i really dont mind. i've just been wearing it up in a bandana anyhoo... i couldnt really wear my awesome wig in a pony tail, choo know? so im making up for pony tails lost.

so this was my cure from stress, honestly.

belly dancing,

smoking… Continue

Added by tat on June 13, 2009 at 5:19pm — 2 Comments

loosing eyelashes.....ugh....

this morning i woke up and i wasnt feeling very well, ugh....i looked in the mirror like i do every morning but i noticed something different.....a chunk of my eyelashes were missing....ugh....i called my husband into the room and told him to look, he told me that they were still there and they were just clumped together.....but i know he was saying it just to cheer me up and try and keep me strong about finding it out......ugh.........but i kept telling him they weren't there and now i'm… Continue

Added by Izzy on June 13, 2009 at 5:07pm — 5 Comments


i have some hair growin bak on my head which im hopin its comin bak for good, but just to have some growin is a great feelin, but can any1 tell me if wen hair is growin bak in it gets really itchy, my head is itchy all the time, and can hair grow bak on my head but still lose hair in other places, as my eyebrows have thinned out, still have my lashes so far, but confused how hair is growin on my head but fell out my eyebrows,

Added by lynne on June 13, 2009 at 3:54pm — 3 Comments

Treatments for eyebrows and eyelashes so far... new nutrition findings.

It has been quite a number of weeks since the last post and Ithought I would update my progress for those following this thread.

Well I discontinued the Lumigan for my eyelashes. The Dr. said to keep trying it, but I felt there was absolutely no change in the area at all. No fuzzies or anything so I elected to stop treatment.

On the happy side, my eyebrows have come in about 90% and they are thick and dark like I used to have before the Universalis kicked in. The Kenalog… Continue

Added by Craig S on June 13, 2009 at 2:30pm — 5 Comments

National Bald Out day is next month!

Sunday, July 19, 2009 is the National Bald Out!

Wherever you live, you can take part by organizing an event, getting together with other women with alopecia, and proudly going out in public without a wig or scarf.

Join the National Bald Out group on Alopecia Worldto share ideas for NBO events, find out what's happening where you live, or start a discussion to organize a gathering:

Watch and share…


Added by Alopecia World on June 13, 2009 at 2:00pm — 1 Comment


im so happy i got a wig!!!! it is itchy and really puffy but i styled it to look really nice and almost looks completely real!!! gosh im so happy!! and im also more happy that my hair is coming back!! i use nixon shampoo and it totally works and some of my hair is like a quarter inch long already!!!! it is so exciting everything is making me happy today:) and im actually glad i got alopecia it is making me stronger and it will give me a good story to tell people when i get older and got all my… Continue

Added by Nikki Mans on June 13, 2009 at 10:51am — No Comments

Random stuff

I went out last night and had a great time- took myself to a local tea house and did their Friday night tea tasting. I sat at the bar across from a mirror, which at first thought was a bad idea, but I now see it wasnt. I have been becoming increasingly(as if I wasnt enough already!) self conscious about losing my eyebrows, my alopecia has turned from areata to totalis this time, I am losing hair everywhere, not just my head and a few places on my arms and legs.

The loss of my… Continue

Added by Christine Peck on June 13, 2009 at 9:20am — 8 Comments

The ReGrowth

Its been about 8 months now since I lost all of my hair...I never want to relive those moments again.Hair falling out all over the place.Crying every night and depressed all day.Just running my fingers threw my hair i'd get a hand full.Around the third month my hair started to return.Every visit to the dermo was an emotional one.I kept thinking "why is this happening to me?". I feel everyday its gets a little longer and a little healthier and my dermo says hes surprised at how fast its growing… Continue

Added by Simone La Sure-Clark on June 13, 2009 at 12:52am — 5 Comments


Hola Amigos,

The San Francisco Alopecians are having a little get-together Sat night 6/13 at 6PM.
If you didn't hear about it you have now. Come on by for a sip and a snack.

Tommy's Mexican Restaurant. Geary Blvd SFO. Between 23rd & 24th Avenues.


Added by JeffreySF on June 12, 2009 at 8:33pm — 2 Comments

Because I Have Alopecia, Something Wonderful Happened

After all the anger and tears and depression that I've come through to be where I am, something amazing and positive happened as a direct result of my losing all my hair!

I have a friend who is battling cancer, and she's having a very tough time physically and emotionally. She's undergoing chemo, and recently lost her beautiful hair. I had given her several of my Turkish scarves, but today when I called her, she started crying and asked me if I have a wig she could borrow. She's lost… Continue

Added by Mary on June 12, 2009 at 4:20pm — 5 Comments

August 11 : (

ugh... On august 11 my life is going to change!!!! I have one person in my life who keeps me completely sane and now he going to leave for deployment!!! If life isn't hard enough dealing with au and now I have to deal with this...Sometimes I just think life isn't that fair to me!!! I don't know what to do I feel like my heart is breaking. He is the one at nights when I'm upset are sick holds me and says everything will be ok!!! Now that he is about to leave for Afghanistan, I'm scared, I'm… Continue

Added by Izzy on June 12, 2009 at 3:47pm — 3 Comments

Two Foot Teen - A Touching Story

I watched a really touching story last night regarding a teenage girl of 16 who lives in Najpur, India. Joyti Amge suffers from a condition similar to a Dwarf syndrome. She was born weighing only 3 pounds and now at the age of 16 she is only a mere 9 pounds and is 23 inches tall.

What touched me the most about the story is that Joyti is such a happy girl. She smiles and laughs alot. She has a positive attitude towards life. She mentions that at the age of 3 she knew that she was… Continue

Added by Salmezan on June 12, 2009 at 1:03pm — 2 Comments


After getting Alieena out of the bath last night, I started to dry her hair and to my surprise on the top of her head to the side along the biggest patch edge, there is new hair growing, and as well as on the big patch on the side behind her ear. I dont know if its the spray we are useing or what but I will get the name of it tonight and post it for everyone along with a picture of the regrowth. Yes I am probably over excited and I know that it might not grow back in that it might just fall out… Continue

Added by Jennifer and Alieena on June 12, 2009 at 10:11am — No Comments

Interesting to read others feel the same as me. Really miss eyelashes and brows, and haven't yet come to accept "bald is beautiful"! Don't like being bald but my wig (a quality number) feels too hair…

Interesting to read others feel the same as me. Really miss eyelashes and brows, and haven't yet come to accept "bald is beautiful"! Don't like being bald but my wig (a quality number) feels too hairy! However, rest of body can stay bald forever, love that. Hair started falling out after stressful incident, and happened very quickly. Anyone else lost their hair to stress/shock that they can pinpoint? Continue

Added by Cheryl Lemmon on June 12, 2009 at 3:38am — 7 Comments

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