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Brittany's Wig

Hello Everyone - Brittany got a new wig today, her very first wig and I just wante to share it with you all!!! The pictures are posted in my profile!

Added by Tracy on April 16, 2009 at 1:35pm — No Comments

Me!!! haha


well i grew up with mostly guy friends i guess you could say i was a "tom boy". And i don't think i wud be as strong as am today if i didnt have them at that early age. They always stuck up for me and taught me how to fight bak but i also do a bit of martial arts now anyways. We all played rugby together in the same club and it our primary school even though it was banded. i was staying at my mates daniels house every weekend since i was 6 and he wud always hav his step bros… Continue

Added by ✖Sadistic Lullaby✖ on April 16, 2009 at 8:29am — No Comments

Authors on Alopecia World

The following list of books were written by members of Alopecia World. Please click the title of each book to learn more about it and to purchase a copy.

If you have an updated profile on and would like your book listed here,…


Added by Alopecia World on April 16, 2009 at 7:30am — No Comments

Did the hokey pokey to my head...with the derm's needle

Went to a new dermatologist yesterday. She was great. A good listener, and was able to answer questions...much better experience than the first derm. She looked at my many(yes there are several patches in my head now ...AWESOME!!!) patches and saw hair growing back in a few of them...yeay!!! She suggested that she inject steroid around the newer patches and some that were just starting sprouts. I agreed to it, and about 30 (maybe more) needle pokes later, done. Here's how it felt;

1)… Continue

Added by Jennifer Krahn on April 15, 2009 at 3:40pm — 6 Comments

west coast love & east coast stress

so i did decide to go on that vacation last month! i spent two weeks in las vegas and california.

i am completely in love. you lucky westerners! something about it just completely lifted my soul off the ground.

im moving out there. to n.las vegas. (dont get me wrong, i want cali!)


i've taken the necessary steps to get some loans.

and it's all workin out.

gonna drive my big fat twenty year old cadillac across country, wish me luck!

going on a whim for an… Continue

Added by tat on April 15, 2009 at 12:30pm — 1 Comment

the patch gets a friend.

friday night i found my second patch. this one on the right side (stage right) of my head. smaller than the first, about the size of quarter, as opposed to being lime size like patch 1. i suppose i'll have to give them proper names now that there is more than i cried a bit then got incredibly moody. then picked a fight with the husband. kicked the cat (just kidding... my cats are enormous, i would injure myself kicking them). then i got wasted with my family. good times. not the most… Continue

Added by Jodi on April 15, 2009 at 12:55am — 14 Comments


I just want to thank everyone on alopecia world. I have not felt this beautiful in a very long time.

Soo, thank you all!!!!

With love, hope and compassion,

Camille Rose

Added by Camille Reinecker on April 14, 2009 at 9:50pm — 3 Comments

Kenalog injections

Just wondering if anyone else has had more hair loss after kenalog injection. Had injection done last Thursday. Now I have more hair falling out of the spot then I did before, and allot of scalp pain.

Added by Katie on April 14, 2009 at 9:08pm — No Comments

Men's Rogaine

Wanted to know if anyone has used Men's Rogaine extra strenght. Went to the derm. and was told to use Betamethasone Lotion twice a day, and Rogain. Bought a box, and I would say it is not cheap.Wondering why the label says NOT for use by women.Sure hope that the derm. know what she is talking about! Would appreciate any comments.

Added by Katie on April 14, 2009 at 7:22pm — 2 Comments

Follow Up with Dr. Lovely Mc Needles

I saw my lovely Dermatologist today and she shot up my eyebrows with the Kenalog injections. She said to pick an area on each brow and add the Lumigan to see if it helps in filling out the area between appointents- "it can't hurt" -as the Lumigan is really a serendipitous (is that a word?) use of the Lumigan product anyway..

So lots of "ouchies" today- I must say I would rather be hammer fisted once in the groin as a consolation to the multiple ouchies, but I can't be a wuss! If it… Continue

Added by Craig S on April 14, 2009 at 4:18pm — 2 Comments


As I move on down path of being AU I try to keep up to date on the various Alopecia Websites and I was pleased to read about one young lady who had AU showing lots of re growth. It is amazing that she has so much hair again and I hope that she gets all of it back and it stays with her for ever. What I hope for more than that though is that she is not let down by the dreaded Alopecia. She seems so happy with her re growth and I really hope that she is not hurt by a turn in fortune. We all know… Continue

Added by Ray on April 14, 2009 at 1:02pm — 3 Comments

Update- back from the specialist

Well I finally had the appointment with the Good Doctors at Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto- it is a teaching hospital and part of the University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine.

I met with the Dermatology spcialists- a great Intern and Dr. Yeung. Basically they run a clinic for patients with Alopecia and use DPHP I think it's called..a chemical compound used to trigger hair regrowth in AA, AT and some AU patients.

In my case, I had too many negative factors to be a good… Continue

Added by Craig S on April 13, 2009 at 11:37pm — 4 Comments

Struggling with a decision.... looking for opinions.

I have Alopecia Areata, a very large patch on the side/back of my head, still hidden underneath my hair but BARELY and I think I have officially decided that I am going to shave it because I am wearing wigs right now anyways in the fear that someone will see my half bald head and I don't want the stares and questions and it makes me feel uncomfortable.

Anyways, I am a Shift manager at McDonalds and my owner is aware that I have alopecia, I should mention first of all that he is a… Continue

Added by Tenille Gee on April 13, 2009 at 8:49pm — 3 Comments


I am the mother of a beatiful, outgoing and amazing nine year boy who was born with alopecia. I have spent hours upon hours and traveled the country seeing specialist to learn how unique his situaiton truly is (only to become more frustrated). I have been told that it may be genetic, he was born bald and his hair only grows to that of the newborn stage (Anagen Stage). His hair is extremly fine and very blond, almost white, the very little that he has that is. It never grows more then the length… Continue

Added by Ohio on April 13, 2009 at 7:30pm — No Comments

Nathan in Montreal

After a three day trip across Canada with my uncle Marcel (he's from Riviere-du-Loup) driving through snow from Calgary, along the Trans Canada and coming down through Hearst, Ontario towards Laval, I'm happy to say I'm here in Montreal! Sweeet

I found some room mates on Craig's List and so far we all seem to be getting along superbly. One girl is leaving at the end of the month though so I'll see how that will affect rent, but other than that it's pretty groovy.

I spent a weekend in… Continue

Added by Nathan Paul Prince on April 13, 2009 at 5:53pm — No Comments

Easter update

Last month on my Birthday I decided to start seeing a Naturopath. I had spent a long time researching and confirming with my insurance until I finally found someone. She's wonderful. She listens, she cares, she spends time with me, she is looking at the whole Frankly, the time I've had to put in with her is worth it.

So, she confirmed that I do indeed fall into the Hashimoto Thyroid category....meaning that my thyroid is terribly unstable in it's low state. It explains… Continue

Added by Georgie on April 13, 2009 at 12:30am — No Comments

Injections: Cure or Needless Pain?

I remember back when I was about 8 or 9 my dermatologist telling my mother about receiving injections in my scalp. Even though my mother waited a while and discussed it over with me before agreeing with the treatment, nothing could've prepared me for these injections. Everyone is different and everyone don't have the same experiences that I may have had, but it was not a pleasant experience. I can't remember what the exact name of the medications were, but the results were not enough for me to… Continue

Added by Elaine on April 12, 2009 at 11:12pm — 4 Comments

A waddle to the finish line!!!

Just a few more weeks to go!! Baby is almost here, and I couldnt be more excited, and more scared at the same time. You would think that childbirth wouldnt be so scary the second time around...but it is. I am excited to be not prego any more...dont get me wrong I love the whole baby thing, but after 9months, IM DONE!! lol. It sucks that I found out about my alopecia when I first found out I was pregnant. It was a really big stress for the first few months......but since december, i havent… Continue

Added by May on April 12, 2009 at 11:03pm — 1 Comment


I hate alopecia. I go from extremes, where i'm ok with it and act like it's not a big deal, to where i cry myself to sleep, hating everygthing about it. I wish i just had patches, that'd be so great. I hate losing my lashes adn brows, and i hate having to wear a wig, and i hate being bald.

I hate it so so much. I really do. It just makes me so sad and feel so revolting and i look like a freak, I feel like a freak. I hate it.

And then to make it worse, everyone else around… Continue

Added by SportyAusGirl on April 12, 2009 at 9:55pm — 3 Comments

I finally did it...I shaved my head..

I finally cut my hair off and I feel great!! I still wear my lace wigs but I was just holding on to my hair when there was really no need to. PLease excuse the adhesive I was just about to apply my wig before taking the 1st photo!

Added by Royalty on April 12, 2009 at 5:00pm — 3 Comments

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