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Eyebrows re-touched...

Had my eyebrows re-touched yesterday. Had them done darker since they are tending to fade a lot faster.

I got the courage to ask about eyeliner. Dawn showed me how it would be done by drawing with eyeliner pencil and have to say it was very uncomfortable. I don't wear eyeliner that close to the inside of my eye.

But wearing eyeliner is becoming more uncomfortable and it runs into my eyes and then I can't see.

I got to see Ken on the 21st in Vegas and we spent… Continue

Added by Tnabugg on March 26, 2009 at 12:15am — 1 Comment

Messing with my emotions

So the past 4 months have been such a roller coaster of emotions. I have been so upset that I have to go through this with so many important things coming up in my life, like my wedding. Then I feel blessed that it is not something more serious to my health. Lately I have been feeling better and starting to accept my hair loss, and almost having faith that it is growing back. I have stopped all medical treatments after being put on prednisone and absolutely hating it. I am letting my body do… Continue

Added by ErinMichele on March 25, 2009 at 8:59pm — 4 Comments

A funny bit on 30 Rock

We all could use a laugh, right? This isn't strictly about alopecia areata, but...close enough.

A few nights ago, the TV show 30 Rock the self-obsessed actress, Jenna (played by Jane Krakowski) was donating her hair in order to gain some much-needed publicity. They showed her on the Today show being interviewed by Meredith Viera. Viera asks her about donating her hair to Locks of Love. Jenna responds that Locks of Love wouldn't accept her hair because it's "way too processed for sick… Continue

Added by Mary on March 25, 2009 at 3:36pm — 6 Comments

box of rocks, box of chocolates, it's all good

you know even in the worst of the situations, something always good comes out of it, whether we are bald for the rest of our lives or our hair grows back, the words i have always stuck by "everything happens for a reason" well i believe me getting AA is a real good learning process, i have studied a lot on it since i got it and i keep educating myself, my dermatologist asked me if i was in the medical profession when i came in the first time cause i knew so much, i think i impressed myself just… Continue

Added by Paul on March 25, 2009 at 3:00pm — 4 Comments

Pregnancy... 24 weeks and hair is regrowing

I've had no hair for about a year now. My hair started to fall out after I was pregnant with my son who was born in december 2006. In the summer of 2007 I had really big, hairless patches on my head and in mai 2008 I was completely bald. My eyebrows are gone and I've got almost no body hair!

Before I got pregnant I had white, thin fuzzy hair on the top of my head. I sometimes dyed my hair darker which made me feel better since it looked like I had more hair. Now I'm 24 weeks… Continue

Added by Zoe on March 25, 2009 at 9:29am — 5 Comments

Wigs, Eye brows and eyelashes??

I'm becoming more and more curious about what it would feel like to be able to tackle the world as a person with hair, rather than without.. I have done some research on wigs, and have found a company called whitecliffe in manchester uk, they seem to have a product that is very tempting and seems to have some good reports, they have a a website if anyone wishes to take a look.. ( just type in whitecliffe wigs manchester). I guess i will also need some eyelashes and eyebrows too, ( wish they… Continue

Added by stefan williams on March 25, 2009 at 6:29am — No Comments

Finding out I had alopecia areata

I can remember when I was 9, My mom was brushing my hair She looked at me and ask Kayla has anyone been pulling your hair at school I replied

No mom why would you ask that she looked at me and said. I think we should see a doctor and see whats going on I went to the family doctor he said umm let's see he took a look and said nothing to worry about I was like great then 3 months passed I noticed a bald spot on top of my head I said mom this isn't normal so I went back and they sent me to a… Continue

Added by Kayla Adkins on March 24, 2009 at 5:14pm — 4 Comments

A day of many firsts

I held another support group meeting on the first day of spring, March 20th. It was nice to see some old faces and even some new ones. Although we were a little tight on space, it didn't seem to matter too much as everyone seemed quite comfortable with each other. All of my youngest members came, one who's head looks just like mine and is the biggest sweetheart, one who's hair has actually come back in and refuses to let his mom cut it and our junior role model who's video we watched of her… Continue

Added by Carol on March 24, 2009 at 3:14pm — 5 Comments

Eyebrow and eyelash products

Any suggestions for eyebrow and eyelash products that look great without going to tatoos? Looking for products other than pencils and powders. Thanks, Nanci

Added by Andrea Wasserman on March 24, 2009 at 1:05pm — 1 Comment

and so it goes...

It happened again, and why am I surprised? I'm currently collecting data for my dissertation and last week was faced with difficulties that are not research-related but alopecia-related. Something research supervisors can't really prepare you for...

I'm developing a career counseling group to motivate unmotivated high school students to engage in career exploration. During one of the group sessions last week while exploring each participants' individual strengths and characteristics,… Continue

Added by Emily on March 24, 2009 at 11:13am — 5 Comments



next week i'm going to make pictures of my bald had!!! for the first time.....

i'm very curious and afraid also!

xxx sandra.

Added by sanniesan on March 24, 2009 at 7:49am — No Comments

I want to go to the conference this year, but....

it would really mean a lot to me to have Todd go with me to Houston to the conference, yet I think it would be pushing him to do something before he's ready to do it. Don't get me wrong, he's doing great with my alopecia (even though he still wishes I would cover my head sometimes -- and he might just get his wish because summer is coming and I don't do sunburn!), but I think that seeing thousands of alopecians gathered in one spot will freak him out enough to regress him.

I'm not… Continue

Added by kastababy on March 23, 2009 at 8:51pm — 8 Comments


wow, even though i havent gotten a ton of comments the ones that i have gotten made me so happy. thanks so much. i showed my parents and they are happy i have found a way to express what i am going through.

i rly like the blog. i enjoy writing so much. even if no one reads this. ill have fun with it. i am currently hoping that after high school i will major in music and english. that is what i will focous on school and the college id like to go to. my gardes and having a good time… Continue

Added by lauren on March 23, 2009 at 5:01pm — No Comments

Letting people know...

Well this weekend went by without my breaking down again. Don't get me was very much on my mind. However, I chose to accept it. No other choice really. Sure I could moan and groan and cry about it, but where would that get me? There are a lot worse things out there. That's what I keep telling myself anyhow, to get through. :)

I told another co-worker today about it, while in earshot of someone who I always thought of as well, not so much heartless, but who didn't really… Continue

Added by Michelle on March 23, 2009 at 1:00pm — 1 Comment

recently diagnosed, a little over 2 weeks ago, trying to stay positive

well i guess i could say that this skin disorder has pushed my anxiety up in the last couple of weeks since i got diagnosed on march 6th, luckily my boss will let me wear a hat which is a good thing but i have to accept this myself as well, if i go totally bald the way i see it is hey 1 less thing to worry about, and bald is in from what people are telling me, so i guess it is not all bad, well here is a little more about myself, i'am a drummer, i like all types of music, concerts are my hobby(… Continue

Added by Paul on March 23, 2009 at 12:38am — 4 Comments

trying to stay strong

i can not get past this. i will try and stay positive. life goes on and things change. maybe this is only temporary. as i am a teen and our bodies change. i pray to god please please let my hair grow back and the others who are feeling the same.

im a nervous person so i need to find something to keep me calm.

music is something that i am so passionate about its almost ridiculous.

all i think about is " is it going to fall out?, please dont fall out!" im… Continue

Added by lauren on March 22, 2009 at 11:30pm — 4 Comments

Do you have Alopecia?

"Do you have Alopecia?" For the first time a stranger asked me this. Usually the question is "do you have cancer?" or something similar.

While loading groceries into my car, a van pulls up with the window down. I smiled at the two women in the car trying to figure out if I knew them. Then they asked the question and a wonderful conversation about alopecia followed. Their 7 year old granddaughter does not have hair. They took my picture to show the child.

A neat experience.

Added by Jill on March 22, 2009 at 10:20pm — 1 Comment

My story

My story began just over two months ago. I was getting ready to go out on a Saturday night, and noticed a bald patch on the right side of my head as I was drying my hair. I was a little freaked out, but read about it and asked a dermatologist friend who assured me it was Alopecia Areata and that it wasn't serious. He said given my age and no previous history of alopecia areata, that my prognosis was good. I made an appointment with a dermatologist to get the steroid injections.

I… Continue

Added by Paula on March 22, 2009 at 3:30pm — 7 Comments

Overwhelming....but coping...barely

Well I guess a little bit of history first. I first found out I had Alopecia when I was in my mid-twenties. I found out by my hairstylist telling me I had a little bald spot at the back of my head. She told me it was Alopecia. At the time, I was stressed out with finals at university. The second time I found some bald spots, I had ended it with my long-time boyfriend of 8 years (had cancalled our wedding three months before it was to occur). I am now in my third bout, and it's worse this time.… Continue

Added by Michelle on March 22, 2009 at 10:30am — 2 Comments

What blood tests are relevent for alopecia?

Hey Gang,

I havent been to the doctor in ages and have an appt on monday. i figure I may as well be tested for everything. What are you sugestions?
The last time everything was normal. My thought are:
Thiroid Function
Iron Level
Testosterone level
Liver and Kidney Function
Any others you can think of that are relevent would be appreciated.

Hope everyone is doing well.


Added by JeffreySF on March 22, 2009 at 2:51am — 5 Comments

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