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Things Alopecians Like #9

No more coat zipper drama. No hair, no worries.

Added by Jill on January 9, 2009 at 9:30am — 1 Comment

Grown back and I feel the best I have felt in Many years

[ Draft ]I Have a happy story. After months of antidepressants and scalp pain dandruff major hairloss. I have conquered. I had some metabolic test done through my chiropractor.He discover I was full of candida albicans a fungal over growth. Makes sense I craved sugary foods all the time and was tired and lacked energy. I now are on about 7 different minerals Zinc,Tin,Chromium,Iron,selenium,Lauric Acid........this is the biggy that made the difference to my hair, and magnesium. I am just about… Continue

Added by Kathy Maidens on January 8, 2009 at 10:07pm — 1 Comment

Feels like my head is spinning

School, Work, Jury duty, Family, Friends and Intraweb? My word I've been busy and had a serious lack of sleep too! Everything is going OK so far though. Hope everyone else is enjoying their new year. I better go work out before the shower as I've missed two days in a row due to lack of time/sleep.

Added by Carmella on January 8, 2009 at 9:26pm — 2 Comments

I'm new to this!

My hair started to fall out in the summer. I remember being in the shower, washing my hair and all of a sudden I was holding a hair ball the size of a tennis ball. I freaked out. Later looking through my hair I didn't have any bald patches but I had lost about a third of my hair. Now I have lost all my hair lines (about 2inches all the way round). I have been to the doctors but they don't help. I sometimes wish It would all fall out, as I feel I am floating inbetween some one with hair and… Continue

Added by Tracey on January 8, 2009 at 5:50pm — 1 Comment

Kids Hair Club VS. Locks of Love

Can someone share with me their experiences with each of these programs.

Added by Maygensmom on January 8, 2009 at 2:38pm — 8 Comments

Upset by Family's Reactions

I have been toying with the idea of shaving my head and getting this hair loss crap out of my life for quite some time now. I've always confided in my family, so naturally I told them that I am considering shaving my head. I wasn't expecting them to jump for joy, but I really wasn't expecting the reactions I got from them either.

My mom cried. At first she was crying because I lost a large clump of hair in the shower. Then I told her that I want to shave my head and she cried even… Continue

Added by Alexandra on January 8, 2009 at 12:48pm — 13 Comments

Halloween Hair

Here is the story of a Bad Hair Day. It was Halloween, and my husband was taking my daughter around the neighborhood, leaving me to answer the door and shovel sugar to the monsters, princesses, and other assorted Trick or Treaters.

Most of the kids travel in packs, but towards the end of the nights' visitations a single girl, around 12 or so, rang the bell.

"Trick or Treat!"

She took a piece of candy, smiled at me brightly and said, "Hey, that's a great fright… Continue

Added by Nants the Rebellion Dog on January 7, 2009 at 11:27pm — 2 Comments

Biopsy Day / Life Update

Hi everyone!

So today I had my scalp biopsy. I went in fearing how badly the procedure would hurt. My mom went in afraid of how much hair they would remove. Frankly, I didn't give a flying fig about that, just as long as I can get an answer as to what type of hair loss I have. (They only took about 5 - 7 hairs from the root, and it didn't hurt at all!)

The doctor who performed my biopsy examined my hair loss and told me right off the bat that I don't have Alopecia Areata or Totalis or… Continue

Added by Alexandra on January 6, 2009 at 9:12pm — 2 Comments

Back At Work With New Hair

Well my year off with my daughter who I adopted from China is over.......I went back to work on Monday and I have to say YUCK.........It means the end of that period in my life which I will never repeat again. This time last year we only had a picture of our little girl who we named Lauren. We had information such as weight etc and age but that was it so the sky was the limit. We were stressed beyond belief because we had to figure out how to pack as little clothes for us as possible and as… Continue

Added by Lori M on January 6, 2009 at 9:00pm — 4 Comments

Reprint from Pinnacles Newspaper Column Last Weekend


Whoa, doggies. It’s finally the end of 2008. I have to say, I’m not sorry to see this year go. What I am sorry to see go is my hair.

I am in the two percent of the population who has alopecia. “What is that?” you might ask. Alopecia is an auto-immune disorder of unknown origin which causes one’s body to think its hair follicles are a foreign body and begin launching scud missiles to destroy the enemy. It is not hereditary, it is not contagious. It… Continue

Added by Nants the Rebellion Dog on January 6, 2009 at 7:12pm — 1 Comment


Yesterday, I woke up in a white world. It was outside minus 4and today, it was minus 6. In some place in Blegium there it was minus 14. The coldest winter in 12 years.

But about yesterday, I came downstairs and my brother and mum has just been arrived at home. They're been wasted at the doctor.

The disease was parotitis epidemica (or" de bof " in dutch) a child disease. He saw a little bit pale (white)

The doctor said it like the flue(say it right). Just a little bit… Continue

Added by Evelien on January 6, 2009 at 10:30am — 1 Comment

The Case of the Missing Eyebrow

I totally suck at drawing on eyebrows - one is always thicker than the other, one is higher than the other, one is longer, or one is ridiculously stubby, etc. Most days I just don't bother, but for some reason I decided I cared this morning. Fast-forward to this afternoon at Macy's with Nan-naw (my grandmother). We are walking around and seem to be going in aimless circles attempting to find the intimates department and I keep noticing these really weird looks. Normally I love "wigging" people… Continue

Added by Val on January 6, 2009 at 12:23am — 18 Comments

New hair for 2009

Hey everyone! So I haven't been on here in forever and I'm sorry! I've been so busy through the holiday season that I haven't had a chance to get on here. I think also since I am so happy I just sort of tend to neglect the site sometimes - which is awful because this site was so helpful for me when I was first diagnosed and I want to be there for others, too. So even though I'm not on here as much I still want everyone to know that I will continue to check up on my site here and respond to… Continue

Added by Mandy on January 5, 2009 at 10:30pm — 9 Comments

Alopecians on Myspace

I started and am working on a myspace page for alopecia. The web address is feel free to take a look at it and let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions! Thanks!


Added by Lyndsey on January 5, 2009 at 6:01pm — 2 Comments

Did you see the H&R Block commercial and find it offensive????????

HI I was wondering if anyone seen the H&R Block commercial...It shows tax prepares pulling out their hair...It really bothered me..My daughter has Alopecia and she seen the commercial..she asked if they were making fun of people with Alopecia...Does that commercial bother anyone else........I found it on you tube to show you. H&R Block Commercial 2008 Cal: What's your secret, Johnson? Johnson: Secret?

Added by Maria, Mia's Mom on January 4, 2009 at 10:00pm — 11 Comments

hmm hair loss

Once upon a time, I was a beatiful blond girl. Everything about me was based on my appearance, and of course mostly my blond hair. I was always told that I would have a husband, a house, blah blah blah because I was so pretty. I went to school, got a degree but no . . . my whole life was based on my appearance, mostly my gorgeous locks. Every time some one new met me, it was all about the blue eyes and blond hair...then it was gone.

When my hair left, my companion left, my life… Continue

Added by Debbie on January 4, 2009 at 5:45pm — 2 Comments

Stretch the Cat

It has been said that grief is the good-bye you don't want to say. Last evening, my beloved cat came home with a huge hunk chewed out of his lower left quadrant. I knew immediately there was nothing to be done. Because of shock, he wasn't in any pain. So we let him lie on his favorite Persian rug. We scratched the back of his neck and the side of his ears, and told him we loved him. And we also told him it was okay to go, that he had done his job… Continue

Added by Nants the Rebellion Dog on January 4, 2009 at 3:39pm — 5 Comments

Hi again

Here on Alopecia World on my page, they're only pictures with my hair. And I wanne try something with a lot of daring.

I want take a picture of me without hair. I'll post it when it has taken.

I walked always round at home without wig, when there come visitors, then I run so quickly as I can upstairs. But when I go downstairs and I don't know that they're visitors. Then I 'm so sad on my brother, because it's mosly one of his friends are downstairs. If they other visitors, then my… Continue

Added by Evelien on January 4, 2009 at 12:09pm — 3 Comments

It's now easier to get around Alopecia World

Sample - New submenus on Alopecia World Submenus have been added to the navigation menu at the top of each page on Alopecia World, making it much easier for you to find your way around our beloved community.

Simply move your mouse over each navigation tab to see the additional choices.

You'll find new selections under the following tabs:

* My Stuff (all your personal options are now just a click away!)

* Members (check out the new search page!)

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* Photos (be sure to try the…


Added by Alopecia World on January 4, 2009 at 12:30am — No Comments

Ordered a Bohyme lace front wig

I had my first wig salon visit and oh my how expensive a good wig can be! The stylist recommended a $1500 european virgin hair wig for me but right now it's not an affordable option. What I did get to see is the french lace aka french top aka skin top aka invisible knots aka injected hair (so many names for the same thing). Anyway the french top is amazing, it's where they do a layer of lace, tie hair to it then pull the hair through another layer of lace so you don't see any knots and it gives… Continue

Added by NPC3 on January 3, 2009 at 11:11pm — 3 Comments

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