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An update on Merari's new Wig!!

Here is an update on how Merari's first wig consultation went VERY WELL!! Thank God.

Phew :-) ....because we were very nervous at first and were unsure what to expect. We had many question and some concerns, as you can image. The consultant was very kind and was able to answer all the questions. The most important thing to us was that Merari find a wonderful wig that she would love to wear.The other concern was the cost. We wanted Merari to have a nice and natural… Continue

Added by Merari's Page on January 3, 2009 at 7:32pm — 3 Comments


Hello to all my friends here at Alopecia World.

I hope this new year is finding you well.

I'm writing about acceptance tonight. As you may know the slogan at Alopecia World is "Where acceptance is all there is. This holds esspecially true to me. I have been accepting me my entire life. Not only me but accepting of everyone.

I have had alopecia for just under a year and a half.

My first 6 months with this condition was awful. I didn't know what was happening to… Continue

Added by JeffreySF on January 3, 2009 at 3:14pm — 6 Comments

Hair Don'ts

This is not the first time my hair has caused me trouble. That happened with my best friend, Libby Wyatt. She was just my age and lived down the street from me. I remember we had matching red shoes...little Mary Janes with a t-strap and 3 petal cut-uts at the toe. I still have a pair of that type of they have high heels and are more maroon than red, but everytime they come back into fashion I buy a pair! I don't know where she is today...or if she's still buying those shoes as… Continue

Added by Nants the Rebellion Dog on January 3, 2009 at 3:12pm — No Comments

today is a reeeeealy bad day

Hey. Just having a really bad day. I bought a topper and planned to start wearing it over the holidays. To this point I have been able to cover my hair loss patches although you can tell my hair is thinning (it's been about a year of steady thinning and small patches. I have Lichen Planopilaris (scarring alopecia). Well, I had a stylist thin it and she did it too much. Now it sort of looks like a chia pet in spots. No wearing that on Monday to work! Anyway, I've been crying all day and the… Continue

Added by Karen on January 3, 2009 at 2:06pm — No Comments

So Proud

The other day I called Bradyn over to put her foam on her spots before bed. She looked at me and said " I will do it myself". She put the foam on her hands ( I know that its supposed to go either right on the spot or in the cap so it wont melt but shes five Im not going to push the issue) and puts the foam everywhere where she has had hair loss. I was so proud of the fact that here she is at 5 and is taking control of her treatment. :)

Added by Mandy ( Bradyn's Mom) on January 3, 2009 at 2:01pm — 3 Comments

Sometimes LOL is inappropriate

Like earlier when I posted a blog about my husband not being motivated to take control of his life and being skeptical that he's going to succeed and I 'LOLed' it off. Well I just published his second video on youtube (I never watch them first and he does one take no edit) It's worse that I thought, the man is practically giving up. How do I motivate that? How do I stay motivated myself at the same time?

Added by Carmella on January 3, 2009 at 1:53am — 2 Comments

another spot

i found another spot today so i don't really want to write much - i feel very powerless that's basically it -i am angry and sad and i feel powerless- some part of me is trying to make this ok- some things outside of this are ok in my life- other things suck - just like this - but this hurts so much -

it just seems like no one understands - if i hear from one more person that at least i don't have cancer or didn't lose my arm or leg i think i am going to freak out-

Added by dollydreadful on January 2, 2009 at 11:57pm — 1 Comment


Heyy i was just wondering if anybody has read twilite???? I just finished the series and I LOVED IT!!!! I am soo waiting for the movie!!! And for the fifth book.....i hope.....keep your fingers crossed:)

Added by Maygen on January 2, 2009 at 9:00pm — 13 Comments

Hopes for 2009

OK - I haven't been on AW for a while now, mainly for two reasons. The first is mainly due to the fact that I can't seem to come here without having some perv think my bald head is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Although it's great that someone thinks I'm drop dead gorgeous, they don't seem to get the idea that one day my hair may come back and they will no longer find me attractive. Besides, since when was love all about being physically attracted to someone, there's gotta be more than… Continue

Added by Carol on January 2, 2009 at 8:41pm — 5 Comments

Super Excitement!!

I know I know I haven't been around a lot lately ... I'm going to make an honest effort to try harder in 2009. I'm SO SO excited for this new year - I feel energized. Plus I'm ready to reveal my exciting stuff.... *drum roll*. I have convinced my husband to really dedicate to weight loss *claps*. In fact we've even started a youtube channel that will track our progress. I'm thrilled that he's agreed to this, because making a public announcement of your goals is proven to increase success rate.… Continue

Added by Carmella on January 2, 2009 at 4:11pm — No Comments


Hello, everybody

I'ld write here something regulary, when I've time.

I'ld try to talk english, but you know I'm not good in English as Dutch(what I talk)

I don't remember me the feeling of right hair, only on pictures I saw that I had beautiful hair

I remember wel, when I choose a wig in Brussels, with my parents, grandmother, an uncle and a aunnt.

It was funny and rared together. Funny, I was a little girl and found it like I was now go to shopping. and rared,… Continue

Added by Evelien on January 2, 2009 at 1:47pm — 3 Comments

A Madwoman

The last few nights I've been having vivid dreams in which my hair (slowly disappearing) takes some dramatic way of falling out. Each time it's different, but each time it's horrible. It has been bumming me out, so I decided to be prepared. I went to Ebay last night and bought (actually, bid on auctions in their last seconds) two short dark, brown wigs, not unlike my current hair cut. They were REALLY cheap ($20 each delivered to my doorstep). I really have no intention of wearing them, but I… Continue

Added by Nants the Rebellion Dog on January 2, 2009 at 1:15pm — No Comments

Wigs for strenuous exercise?

My life has been finally calm and I have been using the time to just relax. University is done until my exchange and I passed all of my classes. The other day I took a huge leap and cut off my 30cm long pony tail of hair. I'm saving it to see what wig color will match best. So right now I have a really funny haircut... as all my mom did was cut the pony tail off from the highest part of my head.

But I have a real dilemma... I play soccer competitively and I do not know how to cover… Continue

Added by Christine on January 2, 2009 at 12:39am — 3 Comments

Starting 2009

Here's me starting off 2009 with a growing bald patch. This patch was already treated with squaric acid and injections a month or so ago....but it looks like some more hairs have fallen out. And there's another small patch I have up near my forehead that seems to be growing. Ugh.

I'm going for a haircut and color tomorrow and hopefully we'll be able to blend the bald patches in....again. *sigh*

What a wild goose… Continue

Added by Georgie on January 1, 2009 at 11:39pm — 2 Comments

Happy New Year all!!

Hi guys, it's Carmella, remember me? I'm the bald one with the sassy attitude ... oh right - I don't stand out that way here ... hehehehe. I'm the one who thinks that sunglasses = love, in that case. I've got a lot going on right now and have for a while. I have some really exciting news but I'm not quite ready to release it yet so patience please. Thank you all so much for staying my friends and not giving up on me when I went AWOL. I appreciate all your lovely comments and messages even when… Continue

Added by Carmella on January 1, 2009 at 5:05pm — 1 Comment

Groovy Twenty Oh Nine!

Kelowna isn't really what i thought it was going to be... but I'm here nonetheless. I'm actually debating about moving on in a couple of weeks if work doesn't pan out here. I'm a little short on rent and won't be seeing anything coming in til at least next Friday so... oh well - life goes on.

I was trying to put together an entertainment magazine but it's hard getting people in this city interested in advertising in it... plus I seem to be the only one who goes out all the time! heh heh. I… Continue

Added by Nathan Paul Prince on January 1, 2009 at 4:22pm — 1 Comment

New Year 2009 Gift of Bounty

The morning sun crept over the Three Sisters peak of the Gabilan Mountains and shone down on a glorious New Year's Day gift for Quicksilver Farm: Two Navajo Churro lambs stood heathy and strong next to their mother. One is pure white, which is good if it's a female because I need more white wool for the fabulous rugs I'm crafting, and the other is Three Grey Hills, which means it has what looks like a white skullcap on an all-black body. (Perhaps it has alopecia under the cap?)

These… Continue

Added by Nants the Rebellion Dog on January 1, 2009 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Happy new yea everyone

I hope you all have a wonderful new year and lots and lots of happiness.

Added by janet on January 1, 2009 at 2:47pm — No Comments

Wishing you the best year of your life

Happy New Year! :-)

We hope you will continue to fulfill your dreams, pursue your passions, strengthen existing relationships and welcome new ones.

We also thank you for your unique contribution to Alopecia World and encourage you to make an even greater impact on our beloved community in 2009.

With great expectations and appreciation,

richard jones (rj) & Cheryl Carvery
Founders, Alopecia World

Added by Alopecia World on January 1, 2009 at 10:30am — 3 Comments

My New Year Resolution

As today marks the first day of the new year I thought I would continue with a New Year tradition - the making of a New Year resolution. In the past I have not kept my resolutions and I think that the lack of reasonability is to blame. My cure this year is to make one that I am actually capable of keeping. I resolve to teach all that I come in contact with in the New Year about Alopecia Areata. My goal is to change the stigma that a bald woman is either crazy or has cancer. I want to use my… Continue

Added by Val on January 1, 2009 at 10:03am — 2 Comments

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