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Dotty's Daily Inspirational/Motivational Reflection

Added by Dotty on March 26, 2008 at 7:33am — No Comments

Dotty's Daily Inspirational/Motivational Reflection

Added by Dotty on March 25, 2008 at 7:13pm — No Comments

Young Adults

Hey if you are over 18 and 30 or under and going to the conferencein Louisville. Sign-up for the young adults session on friday yours truely will be facilitating . So sign up now. And for those of you that are over thirty that i have met here no worries we will meet you all too.

Added by Jennifer on March 25, 2008 at 1:10am — 3 Comments

Dotty's Daily Inspirational/Motivational Reflection

Added by Dotty on March 24, 2008 at 10:30am — No Comments

Global Warming in Prince George Day

So this morning I woke up with a little rain, then beautiful radiant sun shine for a few hours, a bit of hail fell out of the sky for a little while, then beautiful rays of sun shine, then a sprinkle of snow for a little while, and a hot sunset... last night the building was humming off its foundation with hardcore wind... and now the lights are clearly twinkling over the City as folks get ready for bed... Such is life in Prince George, British columbia! Tomorrow morning I expect a bank of fog… Continue

Added by Nathan Paul Prince on March 24, 2008 at 12:19am — No Comments

Luckiest woman alive!!

At the age of 23 I already of a great life,I'm bald and beautiful to my handsome fiancé Jacob,we have a beautiful son Mason,we're still working our way up financially but our bills are paid and we always have some extra cash for something extra.I get to be a stay at home mom which is the best job ever,I get to see my son grow up.My fiancé is supportive and tells me I'm beautiful all of the time,I really feel I have a charmed life.I still have other hopes and dreams but right now I am just… Continue

Added by Sarah McIntosh on March 23, 2008 at 8:30pm — 6 Comments

Taking a Moment to Play

My hands are shaking as I try to type this blog post. Not because I'm upset or scared about anything, but because I'm elated. I've just finished an impromptu dance party with my girls, and I'm exhausted. I was surfing this site, and decided to let my playlist run through all 16 songs. The three of us turned it up loud, crammed into the tiny computer room, and danced ourselves silly. I'm so glad that we had time to be crazy together! I'm so glad that I took the time to be crazy with… Continue

Added by Janna on March 23, 2008 at 12:13am — 6 Comments

Expert explains scarring and non-scarring alopecia

Scarring Alopecia


Added by rj, Co-founder on March 22, 2008 at 4:30am — No Comments

Have you hear about Rio Hair? It happened in the USA back in the early 90's...

My first encounter with Alopecia was back in 1993 when I was dying my hair and perming my hair like crazy. And I got a brillant idea to try this crap I saw on a late night info-mercial about a hair care product call “Rio Hair”, it was suppose to be an all natural product to relax curly hair. Yeah well, silly me bought into that “infomercial” and purchased a kit. I put this “all natural stuff from Brazil” in my hair and guess what happened...

The spots started a few days later and I… Continue

Added by Yvonne~Yhoney on March 22, 2008 at 3:00am — 4 Comments

Thanks to Support Groups

Yahoo Group-alopeciaareatasupportgroup

MSN group- AlopeciaAreataSupportCommunity

Myspace Group-

I wish these groups had been around when I was first diagnosed in


The support I have found here as well as the information you all

add- All I can say is that ALL of… Continue

Added by Billie on March 21, 2008 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Random Stuff about Me


I'm currently sitting at work - on what should be a wonderfully long easter weekend - however - I am instead spending my time in an un-airconditioned office, waiting for some people to complete their work so I can do mine. Yay.

Lol - enough of the complaining - it has however given me the time to make my first blog post ever.

I heard of this site from my friend (and leader of the Queensland Alopecia Areata Support Associate) Angela, and thought - wow - I must… Continue

Added by Dominique on March 21, 2008 at 2:37am — 2 Comments

I am getting my eyebrows and Lashline Tattooed :)

I am so excited!!! I am going to New York this Monday March 24,2008 to get my eyebrows and lashline tattooed on!! I have been living with Alopecia Universalis for 3 years and I am tired of penciling on my eyebrows and lashline every morning. This is going to be such a huge lifestyle change for me!! I plan on taking a ton of pictures so that I will be able to show you all exactley what the process is like for me! The man who I am going to have do the tattoos is a professional make up artist… Continue

Added by Nicole on March 20, 2008 at 11:00am — 5 Comments

You have such beautiful hair.

Not to long ago I went with my fiance to get his hair cut,the hairdresser making polite conversation noticed that I was sitting near where the had place Jacob(my fiance) sitting.Being nice she including me in her conversation she was making with Jacob when she looks at me and says, it's so nice to finally see a woman in a salon who knows how to take proper care of her hair.Looking at her a little stumped for words I just smiled and said thank you and tried to move the conversation along.A few… Continue

Added by Sarah McIntosh on March 20, 2008 at 12:30am — 5 Comments

Something not hair-related!!

I'm a very happy person right now!!! Why, do you ask?? Because today I conducted my first training class at work!!! I have always been an unofficial trainer of sorts on every job that I have had. I have mentored new employees and taught them the most detail-oriented, efficient way to do the job that I am in and I have always done an excellent job of it. However, today was the first day that the training department actually asked me to conduct a training class on an application that we use… Continue

Added by kastababy on March 19, 2008 at 9:32pm — 4 Comments

A message for you shallow people

Added by rj, Co-founder on March 19, 2008 at 1:00pm — No Comments

A quick overview of my early experience with alopecia

My name is Nicole and I have been living with alopecia since 2005. It started falling out in the Spring of ‘05 and by December of ‘05 I was completely bald and all my eyelashes and eyebrows had fallen out. I was devastated. I had grown up as “the girl with a ton of hair” my mom had always joked I had enough hair for ten people. So when my hair started falling out I felt like I was losing a huge part of myself. I remember when I developed several bald spots and had lost about 70% of my hair…


Added by Nicole on March 19, 2008 at 12:30pm — 11 Comments

How/When My Alopecia started (a long one...)

Hello My Shining Ones :-)

I also just posted a video that shares some of this same *long* story....if you'd rather watch than read :-)

In my first blog I said I would share "how/when" my Alopecia started as the story has unraveled itself to me slowly over the years! When I was 7 or 8 years old I realized I was somehow meant to "travel the world, meet my brothers and sisters and spread the message of love." Yes, perhaps an odd thought for a child, but it was something that… Continue

Added by Laura Duksta on March 18, 2008 at 8:14pm — No Comments

Just some thoughts

So as I put in my about me I am 23 years old, I got or developed or whatever you want to call it , AU when I was 15.. within a few months it was all gone, thinning evenly all over my head and soon to follow my eyelashes, eybrows and everything quit growing. Anyway the day I was actually diagnosed with Alopecia I bawled, cried and cried forever, I loved my hair, I was a 15 year old girl so of course I did! Anyway after that first day I got better and better and accepted it more and more,… Continue

Added by Erin on March 16, 2008 at 2:30am — 8 Comments

Enough all ready...!!!

It's been three days and she isn't liking her wig much anymore. It is really bothering her that the hair is always in her face. She wants the hair but it's just too much for her. She can't get past that. I don't know what to do. I want to protect her, and I love her with out it, but she is uncomfortable in her own skin, and behind this mess of hair. She was crying to me today when she put it on after I washed it, again. She misses being able to put hair ties in her hair, and wearing a pony… Continue

Added by Miranda on March 16, 2008 at 12:00am — 7 Comments

Della's Wig.

To my surprise she loves it, and I miss her. I was so used to seeing her face. I posted her new pictures. I think it is too thick. HAHA first I complain about her not having enough hair and now it's too much. I am a picky, picky person.

Added by Miranda on March 14, 2008 at 1:05pm — No Comments

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