All Blog Posts (5,824)

I'll let my head speak for itself

I had an interesting thing happen to me last night. I was out with my partner, Phil, and an old friend of mine, and we started talking about relationships. My partner and I started the conversation by talking about how we argue often and can both be difficult people at times - he has his reasons, I have mine. Then my friend joined in and started telling Phil that there's no way that I can be that difficult, because a) I come from a really supportive family, and b) I've never had to deal with… Continue

Added by Emily on March 14, 2008 at 11:30am — 13 Comments

The car ride from hell!!!

Ok, so I was in a car wreck last week and tore up the front end of my brand new PT Cruiser and I found out in the process when I got arrested that my drivers license was suspended (plus I was riding dirty with expired tags -- not my fault; the bank in Georgia wouldn't send me my title to TN so I could get my tags here.) Now I've been forced to take a day off to ride to Atlanta with my sister (who is a police officer, go figure :) ) to get my tags and get my license reinstated. She is only… Continue

Added by kastababy on March 14, 2008 at 9:28am — 6 Comments

So Refreshing!

Hello new friends! This morning I woke up and felt very thankful for all the love and support I get from family and friends!!!

This site is so positive and it really makes me feel like I'm part of a community that I can really identify with. :-D

I especially like the fact that we aren't shy about our hair loss and in many cases enriches our lives. I've only ever gone bald around my house and private backyard, and can't think if there's even one picture of my with… Continue

Added by Orbit on March 14, 2008 at 8:47am — 5 Comments

work sucks

ok well been an allright 3 days. fixing to move the rig tho and thats alot of work but i still have all my fingers and toes............if it takes me awhile to respond to comments its beacuse i cant get online you guys

Added by brian kirchman on March 14, 2008 at 8:09am — No Comments


I haven't so many beautiful bald people like this ever!!!! This is a big deal to me because people, especially in my own family would have me believe that I should be ashamed of what has happened to me, or my appearance for that matter. I would never forget when a relative said to me, "how can you be bald and be a stylist? I wouldn't let you touch my head!". but I didn't let that jerk the benefit of beliving anything he had to say and I'm glad I wasn't wrong! Just seeing you all makes me feel… Continue

Added by Porcia on March 12, 2008 at 8:27pm — 11 Comments

March Boy 2008

I am still getting used to living in Prince George. I live in an awesome apartment, though am behind on my rent until at least Friday, I've had my ups and downs, had people steal a lot of stuff rom me in the past couple of years due to my overwhelming good nature, contributed a lot to local area businesses with websites and awesome presentations, I ran for Mayor, been elected President to a great First Nation society that is helping children, and met my aunts and uncles who've been pointing me… Continue

Added by Nathan Paul Prince on March 12, 2008 at 4:19am — 1 Comment

The beauty myth (Video)

Added by rj, Co-founder on March 11, 2008 at 11:00pm — 1 Comment

My Story

So I figured I'd write a quick blog detailing my history with Alopecia since I didn't feel like writing all that in the "about me" section.

Alopecia runs in my family. My younger sister developed AA when she was 4, had a couple bald spots and then it all grew back. She's now 23 and hasn't lost any hair since. I first lost my hair at age 12 right before I began 7th grade and in a matter of 6 months went from AA to AU. I was completely bald till somewhere towards the end of 9th grade. I was… Continue

Added by Alexandra on March 11, 2008 at 10:52pm — 1 Comment

More about me!!!

I'm a walking contradiction of sorts. When I was growing up, I was very comfortable with my alopecia, and got to the point that I would voluntarily shave my hair because I liked the weightlessness and comfort of not having to do my hair every day. However, I have noticed that especially in the last 3 years that I range more from occasional bouts of self-pity to just being all out enraged about the fact that I am 30 years old and I am still dealing with alopecia. Every time I start a new job, or… Continue

Added by kastababy on March 11, 2008 at 10:22pm — 3 Comments


So, we received the finally clips and wig tape for my daughter's wig. Now, we are just waiting until tomorrow to get her wig styled. She is so excited, and so am I. It took a lot to decide on the wig route, and now that it's here we are barely able to sit still. I think this route is going to be great, because regardless of what happens, she can feel confident in her wig, until she is ready to take it off. I hope that that day comes where she is not intimidated by others, or her self. I think… Continue

Added by Miranda on March 11, 2008 at 11:57am — 2 Comments

Does Music Soothe the Savage Beast??

I got the idea of this blog from RJ -- he has a really cool playlist on his page, if anyone likes to check it out. I love music. There are some really great songs out there that just move my spirit and send chills down my spine with the emotion and power that they make me feel. Like RJ, I love old school slow jams, but I am a REAL eclectic type person, and my idea of some real good slow jams includes some awesome tracks by the Eagles, Patsy Cline, Pink Floyd, the Police, Madonna, you name it.… Continue

Added by kastababy on March 10, 2008 at 10:26pm — No Comments

More interesting than your alopecia

When I think of my fiancée, Cheryl Carvery, I don’t think of alopecia areata.

I think of a friend that sticks closer than any sibling; a compassionate person whose heart and life are wide open to other alopecians and who volunteers at a veterans’ hospital; a fun and inquisitive person who loves to travel and workout; a phenomenal woman who showers me with such sweet affection that I call it “addictive love.”



Added by rj, Co-founder on March 10, 2008 at 8:00pm — 1 Comment

Kindergarten is approaching...

It's March rigth now, and my twins are going to begin Knidergarten in August. I'm a stay at home mom, so they don't have a class or close peers right now, and I am completely nervous about Della beginning kindergarten. I don't want her to be teased. I have thought hard a trough about a wig, and finally we have decided to get her one, for the time being anyways. We do the styling on Thursday, and she is really excited, I am just not sure if I can handle it. All of the care and maintenance of a… Continue

Added by Miranda on March 10, 2008 at 4:21pm — 3 Comments

what beautiful people!

I had started writing a long, in depth exploration of several issues I have been thinking about since I joined Alopecia World over the weekend. My plan was to post it here, and for it to be insightful and interesting. It was going to include a social and psychological commentary on identity, beauty, and acceptance (or the struggle for it). I have the blog entry saved, and hope to rework it and post it at some point. I think it has potential :). was simply taking too long to get out on… Continue

Added by Emily on March 10, 2008 at 11:27am — 6 Comments

The Day

5 years later, I can still remember every moment of the day I had my head shaved. From walking into the salon... watching it happen, getting that first look on the street and finally going home to my wife.
It was the start of my acceptance and the end of the old me. It was a great day and a horrible day.
The people that were there for me will never be forgotten.

Added by Dave Mitchell on March 10, 2008 at 1:59am — No Comments

I do not like Old Men!!!!!

Ok so I was having a great day at work today till this stupid old man ruined it for like 2 minutes. I was working at a Festival and he walked up wants to know how to win our prizes. As I looked up and answered him hw step back and say very loud so all my co worker couls here. Oh i thought you were and man. You shouldn't cut your hair like that people might think you are a lesbian. And then still wanted me to give him free stuff!!!!!! Can you believe that???? As soon as he left all my cowrkers… Continue

Added by Jennifer on March 10, 2008 at 1:58am — 7 Comments

back to work

well i head out for work tommarow ill be there for 2 weeks i usually cant get online much at work but ill try as much as i can

Added by brian kirchman on March 10, 2008 at 12:41am — No Comments

Learning from My Children

Tonight, while putting Nnea to sleep, she asked me to stay and cuddle for a minute 'on her pillow'. I thought I'd share our conversation...

"Mom, can you stay a yiddle bit?"

"No, Sweetie. You need to go to sleep now."

"Pease? Just one cuddle on my pillow???" (??? denotes this little high pitched thing she does at the end of her questions)

"Alright. Just for a minute..."

"Sanks, Mom." Nnea then starts to caress my face and cheeks. She says… Continue

Added by Janna on March 8, 2008 at 10:00pm — 8 Comments

I FOUND A HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok wow so im pretty sure its not a new hair i think its one that just refuses to go away.......cant mention where but its in a place easyly over looked......that dude is a soldier....hell yea you cant take him out AA what now. hes holding strong.......thats my so proud.....(tear)

Added by brian kirchman on March 8, 2008 at 9:52pm — 2 Comments

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