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What to do... What to do...

So now I'm facing my first Dr appt where I know they're going to say "Alopecia" so right now I'm weighing my options. Mu hair, as is, is utterly useless, and as pro-bald as I am, I'm not quite sure I'm ready, so perhaps I could start with a Mia Farrow cut for a while and still use the caps/scarves... Or I could take the plunge. Most people say how liberating it is. The bald spots aren't that big but my hair is so curly and tenacious that they're hard to cover up. I thought it would be funny to… Continue

Added by Amelia33 on August 10, 2013 at 8:46am — 3 Comments

Time to make a difference

I am so beyond sitting back and watching my life go by. I am so beyond not achieving my goals and not living my dreams. It is time to make a change, time to give birth to a difference. A different way of living. Living a more healthy life, a balanced life. We all have challenges that we feel are boulders in our path but these challenges are opportunities to build strength. It is time to pick up the boulder, walk around the boulder or climb over the boulder. It is time to make a difference in…


Added by Ra NetchemUahment on August 9, 2013 at 5:46pm — 1 Comment

I feel like a dog

Shed shed shed!! Every time I move my head I rain hair. It's grossing me out. I had to switch pillows last night because my pillow case got too hairy (hey it was 3am and wasn't going to look for another pillow case...)

4 days until I see the Dr.... This is so irritating both figuratively and literally.

Added by Amelia33 on August 9, 2013 at 8:30am — 4 Comments

I cured my alopecia areata!

Yup, sure did. Mine is Lupus based, but it still may work for most people. It has to do with the thyroid not processing Biotin and Iodine properly. Had to shave my head for a year, then in a few weeks after taking Biotin and Iodine, it all came back. Kelp is a safer source for Iodine than Potassium Iodide, which you can overdose on if you take too much too long. A few of the expensive mega vitamins in the health food stores also may have enough. You can take a lot of biotin over the normal… Continue

Added by Rob on August 8, 2013 at 3:20pm — 3 Comments

Just started with hair loss

HI there.I am a 26 year old and have been losing massive chunks of hair since the last six months.I feel so terrible about it and am having low self esteem issues.I also have this constant fear of my hubby not fining me attractive enough for him.It just consumes all my thoughts with negativity,leaving me grumpy ,moody and pissed all the time.

I just hate going out,am always worried about my scalp showing(through my carefully maneuvered hairdos)and just hate having my pictures taken.I…


Added by sup on August 8, 2013 at 4:21am — 5 Comments

What are your quips?

I am just starting to get to the point where I'm wearing caps in public, and I'm not ruling out shaving my head in the future. One person said that I should have some quips ready for "comments" strangers will say or ask. I was wondering what your guys' examples were? :)

Added by Amelia33 on August 5, 2013 at 12:58pm — 1 Comment


Have been a member of a dating site for a while now.Since I have put a picture on with my grade 4 hair a man on there has insulted me saidy hair vile and why am i in to self harm. I feel so sad doctor said i have to accept my hair prob wont get better as have suffered since 2007. Im single who will want me.

Added by Karin Fitzgerald on August 2, 2013 at 6:51pm — 6 Comments

International Alopecia Day is Saturday, August 3, 2013!

International Alopecia Day ® is – Saturday, August 3, 2013! Be a part of this year’s YouTube video slide show of International Alopecia Day around the world!

International Alopecia Day began several years ago. My idea was for there to be a day when people with Alopecia Areata could celebrate who we are, and perhaps try going out in public bald for the first time in the company of others with Alopecia. The more cities and countries we have participating each year, the more IAD will…


Added by Mary on August 2, 2013 at 12:00pm — 20 Comments

Question for full lace wig wearers. How frequently do you take shower with your wig on?

How frequently do you take shower with your wig on?

I also don't know where should i post this, on forum or in my blog, so i post in both places.

Added by Nik4 on August 1, 2013 at 2:25pm — 1 Comment

Maddie's story

Our local night news just featured Maddie Woytovich (you may know her from the Children's Alopecia Project), in a very positive and inspiring piece. They also mentioned the crowdsourcing effort that is going on in getting a children's book, inspired by her experience with alopecia [universalis], printed. If it's okay I'm going to put the link that that they mentioned in the piece here, so you can check out the book yourself.

For those of you who haven't seen Maddie talk about her…


Added by Jayran on July 30, 2013 at 11:00pm — No Comments

Will my bald spots still show if i shave my head completely and go over it with a razor?

I'm Irish and pretty pale and I'm about to shave my head but i am curious to know if my spots will still show anyway. If so then what's the point? Aren't most of us trying to conceal it?
Need answers please.

Added by Connor013 on July 30, 2013 at 9:44pm — 6 Comments

Why am I losing so much hair?


This is my first time posting on here. Hope I do it right. I'm stressing! Was diagnosed with Alopecia Aerota in May of this year. Then in June, my family doctor checked my thyroid. TSH level was .086. Was sent to an Endo and my TSH level was checked again in July and it came up to 1.18. Also, in April my gyno checked my thyroid and it was 2.04. My question is about my hair. It is coming out in handfuls!! How do I know if it is due to my Alopecia (possible diffused alopecia at…


Added by kristy bettes on July 26, 2013 at 8:00pm — 3 Comments

Pushing the envelope

Its always scary to take a leap of faith and sometimes you will stumble and fall, but when you make the landing and find yourself in a different place than you were before, that makes it worthwhile!

Other people are going to amaze you and disappoint you equally. I have been bullied to my face and shown pity because people assume I have cancer just as much as I have been called beautiful and brave.

You never know how people are going to react to you so instead of depending on…


Added by Diana Linde on July 25, 2013 at 8:30pm — 1 Comment

Gene cause found?

Autoimmune Research Breakthrough

The National Alopecia Areata Foundation (NAAF) applauds the National

Institutes of Health's (NIH) announcement that NIH

scientists and their colleagues have discovered that a gene called

BACH2 could likely play a significant part in the development of

autoimmune diseases. In a study of mice, researchers at the

National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the National Institute of

Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases…


Added by Tallgirl on July 25, 2013 at 11:56am — 6 Comments

RLT therapy or change in diet?

Hi! I was diagnosed with alopecia areata last september right before my son's (minor) surgery. The doctors said it was probably stress and that it would be "totally fine" after steroid injections... it wasn't fine. It spread to about the size of a ritz cracker, right on the crown of my head, then I got another one right next to it. They responded well to the treatments, but 2 more spots showed up, and again, I went to get steroid injections. They seem to work for me, which I honestly am…


Added by maulis86 on July 25, 2013 at 12:36am — 27 Comments

Being a bald goddess at Comic-Con

A friend offered me a 4-day ticket to Comic-Con this year, so I decided to make a costume I've thought about doing ever since I lost my hair in 2008 - the bald and sexy "Ilia" from the 1979 Star Trek movie. She spent most of the movie in a skimpy costume and is the only bald leading lady I think Hollywood has ever featured. For those who haven't seen the movie, here's a nifty 10-minute version of the whole movie SPOILER ALERT...this gives it all away:…


Added by Mary on July 23, 2013 at 5:00pm — 7 Comments


Well, I went swimming with my head under the water for the first time since I got AU almost four years ago! I had my wig on with the usual two pieces of tape, one at the forehead and one on the nape of my neck. I was on a backpacking trip and at one of the lakes I decided to give it a try. It stayed on just fine. I was able to brush my fingers through the wig while I was under the water to rinse it out a bit. I sat on the shore in the sun and after a bit the wig was dry and I just brushed it…


Added by Brenda on July 22, 2013 at 10:56pm — 3 Comments

Had my hair tattoo done. Looks amazing

This company called scalp aesthetics changed my life. It looks like I have hair now. It was the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. I have a hairline now and look like a new man

Added by John Thomas on July 22, 2013 at 9:42pm — 3 Comments

Wig help

Hi all,

I am wondering if anyone has any thoughts on wigs - synthetic vs. human hair? Although I have was diagnosed almost 5 years ago I have lost 95% of the hair on my head in the last 3 months. So I have had to dive into this part of things. I bought a synthetic wig and I wanted to make it look like "my hair" so I got a long one. In less than a month it was 'clumped' and I couldn't brush it. The place I bought it replaced it but within 2 weeks it started again and I had to have it…


Added by Stephanie on July 22, 2013 at 3:43am — 6 Comments

Vacuum wigs. Are they any good?

Hi guys!
Was just wondering about vacuum wigs, i currently wear a regular human hair wig but it would be really great if I had something that allowed me not to feel so cautious of it falling off! Does anyone have good/bad experiences with vacuum wigs or just information on them that they could share?
Much appreciated :) x

Added by ☆Emily☆ on July 21, 2013 at 7:30pm — 6 Comments

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