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Am I strong?

For that matter, am I brave?

People seem to think I am. But in all honesty I don't know that I'm any different from the next person who just doesn't let things stop them. Especially the things that may seem impossible from the onset.

Maybe it's Faith - Faith in the knowledge that things just have a way of working out in the end.

But, for all my seeming to be strong and comfortable in my skin, I do have a few concerns. One in particular is me trying to wrap my head around…


Added by KimH1266 on June 3, 2013 at 1:38am — No Comments

T-shirts for seventh grade

Hey, its me again!!! Okay so first of all I am going to be going into seventh grade in August. Second I am seeking help on ideas or cute sayings about alopecia to put on some T-shirts me and my mom are making for school. We already have a few like " I'm to sexy for my hair that's why there is isn't any there" (Summer Hopper) and "God is good, God is fair to some he gave brains the rest he gave hair" (Erik Kern)or a totally random one "If you don't know what Alopecia is then you need to go…


Added by Jessica Hoschouer on June 2, 2013 at 9:30pm — 2 Comments

My child

Is there anyone in the Toronto area that Alopecia, the reason I'm asking is my little girl as alopecia and she does not know anyone that as alopecia, like her it would be nice for her to have a friend who is just like her, she is a good kid, she loves to dance,sing,etc Thank you.

Added by penney on June 1, 2013 at 10:30pm — 2 Comments

Alopecia phase II-Scalp changes

Back in January I wrote about being diagnosed with shingles on my head. I had a burning red patch on my scalp. It began at night, on my way home from a gig. I didn't feel it at first, but my husband noticed it saying to me "Lili your head is bright red". It burned. That was a Saturday. I went to my primary care physician. He said I had shingles. Gave me an antibiotic and a cream. It did nothing to help. 3 weeks later I saw my dermatologist. Since the condition persisted he thought I had…


Added by Lili Añel (aka Eulalia) on June 1, 2013 at 1:30pm — 15 Comments

I have no hair! Now what?

“It’s a wig!” I’m all too happy to tell you this upon our first meeting. I really don’t mind informing you of that whatsoever. I’ve always felt a bit like I’m a made-up, false Hollywood façade. You know the kind of fake building facades that you might find on a Hollywood Studio backlot? Wearing a wig and being complimented on my hair makes me feel like this.

But I’ve jumped way ahead. So, let me back up a bit…

To begin, I was diagnosed with Androgenetic Alopecia nearly 13 years…


Added by KimH1266 on May 31, 2013 at 12:30pm — No Comments

I am new to Alopecia World, I am here hoping to cope

Too many typos: type on my fingers hurt :(

On May 29, 2013 my doctor confirmed alopecia areata... For the past 3months I began to realized an unusual amount of hair shedding wayyyy to much than your regular day by day hair falling. I will break down in tears while showering, thinking the worse was happening to me I imagine writing a will for my sons, planning my death, and wondering what type of cancer I had. Last month, I decided to take a deeper look at my scalp. I… Continue

Added by Astrids Extras on May 31, 2013 at 2:30am — 8 Comments

I just decided...

It's now... after another dermatologist opinion and tired of this stressing hair loss i decided... Tired of waking up everyday and saw them at my pillow, tired of being afraid of touching my hair, washing it and brushing it, tired of being sad about my bald spots i'll save it! In a few minutes i'll become bald! thanks everyone from all the support, best regards, Cátia

Added by Catia on May 30, 2013 at 10:30am — 22 Comments

Reactions to my alopecia

I'm feeling pretty frustrated right now, so sorry for ranting. I'm just really confused by all of the reactions to my hair loss. My mother is acting like it's the end of the world and keeps telling me how sorry she is, even my dad keeps muttering things like, "it's not fair," and then my friends (the few who know) are acting like I'm a huge, to quote them directly, "drama bomb." I excitedly told my friend that I got a hair piece, and she responded by saying, "Yeah, I know. What's the big…


Added by Madeline on May 30, 2013 at 12:46am — 39 Comments

Day 1 with squaric acid treatment

Today is day one, May 29th 2013. I am to apply it every night to my head for 2 weeks and then every other night following. I sure hope this works, I would love to have something work! I try to be tuff, keep a stiff upper lip and say I don't care that I have no hair, but I do.... I want to have something....even if it is short I don't mind. I guess time will tell, wish me luck!

Added by Tamera on May 29, 2013 at 9:30pm — 1 Comment

Hope and anger

Hope and a lot of anger are the new emotions that are running through me after I finally ditched the dermatologist I was seeing. He was very dismissive with regards to outside opinions or suggestions. He diagnosed me alopecia areata. He would not take a biopsy of my scalp to rule out any other possibilities. I endured his ignorance for a little over 3 months and with it more steroid injections to my face, neck and scalp than I care to remember. I made an appointment with a new Dr. this past…


Added by michael on May 29, 2013 at 2:30pm — 3 Comments

First step: getting a short haircut

So that's it: I'll be bald in the future.

I have androgenetic alopecia and after much searching, go to several doctors, do a lot of things to keep the hair on the head I realized that it is not worth having all this psychological (and financial!!) distress just to maintain aesthetics. It may work for others but not for me.

I'm 25, I've always had long hair, but after a time of confrontation with alopecia I decided that the best thing is to adapt to the inevitable! My alopecia is at…


Added by Carol Martins on May 29, 2013 at 12:37pm — 6 Comments

Question papiers d’identités? -- Questions about Identity Papers

Question à tous et toutes ? je dois refaire mes papiers d'identités dois-je faire une photo avec ou sans ma perruque ?

Added by coccinelle on May 29, 2013 at 11:00am — 2 Comments

Hair negotiations

Lately it seems the hardest part of the day is getting out of bed – not because I don’t want to get up, but because bed is safe. Getting out of bed means a couple of things – 1. It means that I will inevitably look at the pillow and space around my head to see if I have shed any hairs, and 2. It means I will need to get in the shower and go through the more-often-than-not painful process of seeing what falls out post-shower.

I used to be more concerned about the hairs in the bed…


Added by Jennifer on May 28, 2013 at 6:10pm — 5 Comments

Acceptance and being HAPPY

Hello everyone I'm 19 and i got diagnosed with alopecia about 5 months ago. I've lost about 50% of my hair now.

As it was i was already uncomfortable around people with a full head of hair, i went to therapy for social anxiety about a year ago, the hair loss has not made that much easier.

But lately, I've decided i need to stop feeling sorry for myself. If tears could bring back my hair i would have had a full head of hair a long time ago and then enough to make a wig for everyone…


Added by Vane on May 28, 2013 at 3:04pm — 2 Comments


yessss!! FUZZZ!!!

Haven't been able to see a dermatologist, cause he KEEPS CANCELLING ON ME! UGH!

If you are ever in Newfoundland, do not EVER go to Dermatologist Dr.Tomi, he apparently has a history of cancelling on his patients ALL the time! Other clinics and doctors actually GUESSED his name when I said my doc keeps cancelling! pathetic! Maybe he has a legit reason but still frustrating for his patients...

I am trying to see another hard to book an…


Added by User306 on May 28, 2013 at 1:38pm — 3 Comments

One year and going strong

A year ago I was diagnosed with alopecia. All at once I lost all of my hair.

Since then, I have had one more episode, and lost the hair around my temples. I have single handedly brought back the "flock of seagulls" doo.

I've learned that it is frustrating not to know when or why I will suddenly loose my hair, but also learned about inner strength and beauty versus outward appearance.

Thanks everyone for sharing your stories and experiences.


Added by HilEspi on May 28, 2013 at 12:50pm — No Comments

Just diagnosed and worried

Hi everyone, i'm Catia, i'm 24 years old and i'm from Portugal... first of all it's really nice and confortable to realise that there are many people with this problem and it really help us to understand what we are felling about ourselfs... I'm still not completely acepting that i'm losing my hair and that i can be bald... 2 months ago i found one big spot without hair on my head, i was surprised but not very worried to be honest. I went to see my family doctor, she told me with was a…


Added by Catia on May 27, 2013 at 3:00pm — 3 Comments

Does anyone have AA that seems to move around?

Does anyone have AA that seems to move around? I lost my hair in the back a year ago, that filled in (mostly), then I lost hair at my temples and behind my ears and on top of head, that is filling in but have lost hair all around it now. Just wondering if anyone else has this same pattern happen and their experiences.

Added by Kara on May 27, 2013 at 11:41am — 3 Comments

Melting eyebrows

I live in Arizona and pencil my eyebrows in. Has anyone found a product that actually lasts and does not melt off. I wear bangs so that I can hide my eyebrows as much as possible. I am noticing that it is making the front of my hair oily. Any suggestions on that also.

Added by sully on May 26, 2013 at 12:30am — 5 Comments

AlopeciaBoy Network is being revamped

My Ken Doll episodes were very cool, and my taking care of our bodies section was very important as well, so i kind of went offline for a year or so when I moved to Calgary, but i think the AlopeciaBoy site should go back up, and I should put all the pages back up!

Added by Nathan Paul Prince on May 25, 2013 at 2:39pm — 1 Comment

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