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For my 41st birthday I got a big bald spot...

...and that's how it started for me, 8 months ago. That silver-dollar sized patch I found behind my ear has since spread almost to the part on the top of my head and continues to spread on either side. Not to be outdone, the other side has started a collection of competing, smaller patches and TODAY I noticed thinning in one eyebrow?! Just when I adjust to a new normal, normal becomes something else. :-( Been cycling in and out of depression, struggling to keep a positive outlook as my doc…


Added by Tracey on March 13, 2012 at 10:59pm — 2 Comments

No title because I couldn't think of one.

I just want to get my feelings out...I see people on this site especially parents asking what to do, and stuff...I don't know if I'd ever give good advice about it because we're all different, different strokes for different folks...

But I just wanted to say my peace...I've been full on bald since I was four years old. I was never normal well...I used to have a full head of curly black hair that I would never let anyone but my dad touch. I don't remember much of my years WITH hair as…


Added by Storm_Uchiha on March 13, 2012 at 3:33am — 3 Comments

Any of you live in DFW, Texas area ?

Moving to Garland, Texas the 1st of next month and was looking for some beautiful bald peeps to have tea with !

Added by Kristine on March 12, 2012 at 7:42pm — 2 Comments

My hair-story

One day when I was nine or ten, I got into a fight with my sister. She pulled my hair and I went screaming to my parents. My stepmother checked my head and noticed a bald spot about the size of a quarter. My sister was grounded for pulling out my hair but really it wasn't her fault, it was alopecia areata. The spots would come and go over the years and for a long time was restricted to the back of my head and I was able to hide it. I was 27 when my son was born and when he was 4 months old…


Added by Sandra on March 12, 2012 at 6:53pm — No Comments

Trip to Nigeria...cultural differences

Hey everyone, just thought I'd write a quick blog about my trip to Nigeria( I went for a month, dec to jan) and what I experienced while I was there.I went to Nigeria for 2 of my cousins weddings, they were held in two different cities, I traveled to Lagos( a large city in the southern part of the country) and benin.I did wear my wig when I was there and it got really unconfortable, had to stick it out though. But what I really want to write about is the BIG cultural differences. When I got…


Added by Alexis on March 12, 2012 at 3:00pm — 10 Comments

Hardest & greatest moments x

Im going to list my hardest moments and greatest moments from 1 to 5 :'D


5~Going compleatly bald!

4~Got called "baldy"

3~Me and my two bestfriends were sitting in music class , i was leaning on my chair and without realizing my wig got caught on the drum behind me and i put my chair down and it came off ! , i ran to the toilets and cryed all day and wouldnt come out till everyone went home.

2~A boy i liked was riding on his bike , he cicled past me and my…


Added by Caity b on March 11, 2012 at 5:57pm — 6 Comments

If they know me, they know Alopecia <3

Having alopecia means im differrent and being different makes me stand out and because i stand out that mean people notice me and if people notice me more people know me and if someone knows me they know alopecia x

Added by Caity b on March 9, 2012 at 4:00pm — 2 Comments

Pensacola, Fl mommies?

Are there any parent of children with alopecia that live in Pensacola, Fl? My daughter, who is just 16 months old was recently diagnosed with this condition and I am activley trying to seek out support. It's very heartbreaking to witness this happening to my little girl, although she has no clue of whats happening to her at this time. I still feel concern for her and her future with this condition.

Added by Keri's Mommy on March 9, 2012 at 9:00am — 4 Comments

Fundraising event for alopecia

As most of you know, I have alopecia universalis an autoimmune skin condition which causes the loss of hair on the scalp and in my case my entire body. Although not life-threatening, alopecia is most certainly life-altering and its sudden onset, recurrent episodes, and unpredictable course have a profound psychological impact on the lives of those disrupted by this disease.

The National Alopecia Areata Foundation (NAAF) is the largest, most influential foundation associated with…


Added by Marisa on March 8, 2012 at 9:30pm — No Comments

Antibodies found in my thyroid

Well my Dr. called me and said antibodies were found in my thyroid. I am not exactly sure what this means so I was wondering if any of you had any knowledge about it.

My Dr. is talking with an endocrinologist about the next steps to take before I go in to see him, but I am impatient. I have been googling as best as I can but I like person experience from people with aa.

I want to understand as best as I can if this means my hair might come back.

I am a bit sad as I was just…


Added by Lindsay on March 8, 2012 at 6:51pm — 3 Comments

Thanks: "Define your total package"

Thanks everyone for favoring the blog "Define your total Package". I hope that it was helpful as it has helped me.

Added by bertha price on March 8, 2012 at 6:30pm — No Comments

Disney World!

So my husband and i are taking my 7 year old daughter to Disney World in april and im not sure what i can wear on my head that wont fall off on rides! Yes i can tape my wig on but its going to be Hot! open for suggestion!! WE are still un sure if we are going to the water parks yet and if we do that what should i wear there??

Added by Amanda Larson-Olsen on March 8, 2012 at 5:47pm — 11 Comments

My Poem about alopecia <3

I was only 8,

Am i normal?,

Is this bad ?,

i asked myself,

Im ugly !,

Digusting !,

a dissapoinment to everyone !,

i told myself,

Everyone will hate me !,

Ill get bullied !,

Left out !,

So i thought,

People stareing,

Judging me as if they know me !,

I (thought) I saw ,


im normal and its not bad,

Im not ugly or disgusting or a disapointment to anyone !,

Im pretty sure…


Added by Caity b on March 8, 2012 at 3:51pm — 13 Comments

Stopping traffic

This is a quick little post. I just wanted to share an experience that I had yesterday. Now that today is a new day.

Yesterday when making my way around town, I experienced the stop and gawk that comes with embracing my baldness. In fact while walking into the gym 2 young girls almost tripped and felled down while walking backwards, staring with their jaws open. Most days this type of thing doesnt effect me, but as we all know, we have not so great days. I tapped into my inner…


Added by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on March 8, 2012 at 1:30pm — 7 Comments

Free hugs

Something we could all use more of. I love this video. It's not hair loss related, but it is sweet and comforting. It makes me feel a deep love for my fellow humans :) I hope you enjoy it.

Added by green on March 7, 2012 at 9:40pm — No Comments

How to approach you

My husband and I were recently on a cruise and I noticed a girl wearing a wig (I have "wigdar"), she had no eyelashes or eyebrows. I immediately came to the conclusion that she must have alopecia too. I wanted so badly to walk over and ask but how do you start up a conversation like that? When I finally got up the nerve to go over and start talking to her, my husband got so mad and said that I should just leave her alone. He said she may be trying to forget that she has it and might get…


Added by Michelle on March 7, 2012 at 9:00pm — 9 Comments

Alopecia and me

I get tingling on spots on my head and the next day that spot is bald. I have older bald spots that have regrown and some have regrown only white hair. I see there is no actual cure... the more I research. I'm dissappointed and unwilling to try the gimmick crap. Today I read a womans comments she put on her fb and it brought me to tears... because today is my first wig day.... my goodness.... I love myself... struggle too much... too soft hearted... I was so nervous I was sweating and…


Added by one hot balding mama on March 7, 2012 at 7:30pm — 3 Comments

This is so much better than Facebook!

So, my FB account got hacked into by someone in Israel. Strange, I know.I hear it's happening more often now. So I scheduled a complete deletion and I don't mind because out of the 180 something friends I have on there I never felt as comfortable talking about what's really going on. It was all so very superficial and vague. On Alopecia world we are all so real and raw. Pretty priceless. So thank you all for having the "ganas" to be on here and share your story, love and support. It means…


Added by Kristine on March 7, 2012 at 5:30pm — 1 Comment

Stressful experience

These last few months i've been dealing with the fact that i have alopecia areata which has been a challange but everyday it seems to get a little bit easier for me. But i do have to admit its been real hard for me being 16 years old and having to face this throughout high school. My grades are really going down from all the worring and stress hopefully i pass my classes so that i can pass the classes. I'm always smiling and laughing as though my world is perfect but i just cant fake it…


Added by Tiaira Hall on March 6, 2012 at 10:00pm — 1 Comment

Caitlin's story

Hi folks , my daughter has asked me to share her video with you, she talks about her alopecia her and how it has effected her life. Hope you enjoy and please comment , the support really does her the world of good ..thank yous! xx

Added by Xoni on March 6, 2012 at 2:00pm — 16 Comments

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