Featured Blog Posts – August 2008 Archive (45)

For the Record: It's been about two months since I shaved my head and...

Being Bald is Wonderful, I don't know how I survived this long without shaving my head. I've learned so much about myself and others, especially as it relates to Baldness. Here's a list of a few of the amazing things I've learned about being Bald:

1. Alway use a multi-blade shaver (three blades or more) to shave your head, not only are they great for a smooth shave, but they will not nick and cut you like the single or double bladed cheapies. I learned this the hard way, I was scheduled to… Continue

Added by Linda on August 31, 2008 at 4:48pm — 7 Comments

How we express our feelings is just as important as the feelings we express

I shared this with the Men Who Don't Mind group and thought it might do some good to share it with the rest of Alopecia World as well. Of course, I'd love to know how you feel about these matters.

It's one thing for me or anyone else to accept the fact that alopecians -- or anyone else, for that matter -- may feel the way they do about something, but it's quite another thing altogether for someone to express…

Added by rj, Co-founder on August 30, 2008 at 9:30pm — 3 Comments

new wig and a shaved head =O

Hi, hello, hey, etc.

If I haven't replied your comments lately, I'm sorry! I've been busy traveling and visiting with people I haven't seen in awhile. Being home sure has a different feel to it!

Today was the big day! I got my new wig from Miss Peggy Tom and it's pretty! An extra plus: The new wig doesn't require wig tape to hold in place, which is a major thumbs up. And there were no Top Model makeover tears from me today as Miss Peggy shaved my head. It was actually an… Continue

Added by traci on August 30, 2008 at 2:11am — 2 Comments

Second Day On Alopecia World.

This is my second day on Alopecia World. I must say, I can't get enough of it. Im so curious to see everyone else, and how they're coping. This place is amazing. The blogs from other members are so inspiring, the people on here are so friendly, and YOU ALL ARE GORGEOUS! :) Im so happy I found this website.

The minute I signed up, I had emails from people welcoming me, and ready to share they're experiences with me. I love this place, I feel like I can say anything, feel what I want to… Continue

Added by Chelsea McGee on August 28, 2008 at 1:49pm — 4 Comments

Non-alopecians in Alopecia World

Dear Alopecia World Member,

If you DO NOT HAVE ALOPECIA, then I strongly encourage you to join the new group named “Non-alopecians in Alopecia World.”

If you DO HAVE ALOPECIA, then please invite all of your non-alopecic loved ones and friends to join this much-needed group.

As someone who does not have alopecia, I created the group so that we non-alopecians could encourage and learn from one…


Added by Alopecia World on August 28, 2008 at 1:30pm — 1 Comment


Well, so much for Della getting through the first few days with no complications. Yesterday during recess a little boy took Della's hat and glasses and threw them on the ground. Then, when Della tried to get them back, he grabbed them and ran off. Even though my twins are in different classes, Angel chased him and tried to get them back for her. I guess even some of the girls that she plays with tried to get them back as well. This is all new to her so she didn't know what to do. When the bell… Continue

Added by Miranda on August 28, 2008 at 12:50am — 9 Comments

It's Back!!!

Okay, I stopped shedding for almost 3 weeks but I started shedding heavily recently. I thought that maybe the Rogaine I was using had helped so I started back but now I am shedding again. Maybe it is a result of when I stopped recently or starting back the Rogaine. When I first started using it I seemed to shed alot heavier. So maybe this will take a little time. My scalp and body has been also itching like crazy lately that is when I noticed the shedding coming back. I wonder if it is related.… Continue

Added by Dawn on August 27, 2008 at 2:56pm — 2 Comments

“Dating in Alopecia World” - In defense of the “rj's" of the world

First, I wanted to reiterate how we closed the original blog.

“Some people will join Alopecia World for all the wrong reasons and attempt to engage in inappropriate behavior. We take such misbehavior very seriously and strongly react to it whenever it is brought to our attention. Thus, we thank all the upstanding members of Alopecia World for helping us monitor our beloved community and…


Added by Cheryl, Co-founder on August 26, 2008 at 10:00pm — 8 Comments

Link to your Alopecia World profile

Your Alopecia World profile has its own unique Web address, and you are encouraged to share this useful “page address” with others.

If you would like to learn or change the address of your profile, simply sign into Alopecia World and check out these account options.

There are also different Alopecia World “badges” available for use on your…


Added by Alopecia World on August 26, 2008 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Bald versus wig!

I have, for the first time, bought a wig I like and are comfertable to wear... but it is not as easy as that:)

I have had alopecia for 20 years and have never worn a wig before for more than a coupl of seconds. Ofcourse I have tried some, but never started using it. I have actually been very proud of that. I go out bald without any stuggle or feeling ashamed. I went through my teens and my early twenties bald and proud of it:) And now I see all the beatiful people in the same… Continue

Added by Silje H Teig on August 26, 2008 at 10:07am — 5 Comments

September is Alopecia Awareness Month

What special activities do you have planned for Alopecia Awareness Month? Please be sure to list them on Alopecia World's events calendar. You are also welcome to make suggestions and discuss your plans in the comments section below.

Wishing you great joy and good success,

richard jones (rj) & Cheryl Carvery
Co-founders, Alopecia World

Added by Alopecia World on August 24, 2008 at 9:30pm — 8 Comments

finding my alter egos

as the pictures on my last post show...it is impossible to hide my spots. I have been wearing scarves and hats for the past two weeks. actually one hat, because up until yesterday, i only had one. it was a little difficult to plan everything i wore around one hat, especially when i need to do laundry :D. Anyway, I like the I can wear hats and scarves, but it just isn't practical for every single day at my job. So, I spent yesterday wig shopping. I found one that is exactly like my hair was, or… Continue

Added by Rachel on August 24, 2008 at 4:00pm — 2 Comments

The Funniest Thing!

The funniest thing happened to me last night. I was inside Wendy's waiting for my order to be served when I heard this lady "Miss, Miss, where did you get your hair?" I must have thought to myself "I dont think she is talking to me." But she was and she said it again even louder and this time she added "thats some good stuff" which prompted the other workers to say yeah that is nice.

I actually felt flattered considering my community is filled with women who are obsessed with weaves… Continue

Added by Tamara Dixon on August 24, 2008 at 7:30am — 2 Comments

"Confidence check in aisle 5, please."

I'm a thinker. Sometimes I over-think, sometimes I don't think enough. But when I have time to myself to just Be, all of that doesn't seem to matter. (After all, sometimes we all get caught up in trying to do so much that we forget to Be...)

I was thinking the other day about the little moments in life that happen in just seconds, yet have the ability to profoundly impact your life. I've got a few of those that stand out in my mind, but I'm remembering right now about one specific… Continue

Added by traci on August 23, 2008 at 3:15am — 1 Comment

Walking in my mothers shoes.

I happen to have a very beautiful mother. I know everyone says that but she really is unusually beautiful and ridiculously unaware of it. She has smooth dark skin with big almond shaped brown eyes, a straight small nose, a contagious white smile, great legs, dark hair and genes passed down that gave her a great shape she never had to work for. She was valedictorian when she graduated, and played pro tennis until an injury led her to start her life as I know it now. While I was growing up my… Continue

Added by Lisa on August 21, 2008 at 9:38am — 6 Comments

Alopecia as a non priority ( to say the least!) or My last experience with a bald woman

As I noted in my intro, I am am a widower. Four years ago, I lost the love of my life to a very rare form of leukemia. With chemo, there are varying degrees of hairloss. With the intensity of the chemo and a bone marrow transplant that was indicated for treatment of my spouse's cancer, AU is a certainty. With such a treatment regimen, hairloss may be temporary or sometimes not. A few other husbands and I formed a very casual support system. We all agreed upon one thing - nobody could care less… Continue

Added by jamie1 on August 21, 2008 at 9:01am — 2 Comments

Pay it forward

Pay it forward. At least that’s what I’ve been taught. Never ask for anything personal in return for a gift given…it is just that, kindness with no expectation or desire for reward. Conversely, a gift or act of kindness received should be paid forward tenfold, not necessarily to the giver, but to another in a time of need.

We’ve all been there. The kindness of a stranger who retrieves a dropped glove, the person that holds a door open when your arms are full, the cashier that gives… Continue

Added by Tony on August 21, 2008 at 7:29am — 1 Comment

Della's Big Reveal

Well, today is day 5 for Della and Angel's Kindergarten career. I have to say they have enjoyed almost every moment thus far. Although, Della had been coming home after school telling me things that I haven't heard too frequently. She said she wanted her hair to grow back.

Since the teacher's home visit before school began we have talked about alopecia and we have told her just about everything that I know about it. She was welcoming and warm to Della and agreed to talk about it if… Continue

Added by Miranda on August 21, 2008 at 2:16am — 3 Comments

RE: How do you know if you are going from AA to AT?

Hey there everyone,
Does anyone on this site had the experience of having AA and then it turning into AT? If so, can you share your experience and how fast it happened? I'm just not sure if I'm turning for the worse now, it sure feels and looks that way. I've been shedding more and more everyday and my hair is feeling REALLY THIN now! I'm scared out of my mind and everything in me is in a shock-mode. I just want to know what to expect is this what is happening to me. Thanks.

Added by Melissa Harris on August 20, 2008 at 1:40pm — 2 Comments

Dating in Alopecia World


Cheryl and I would like to know how you feel about someone (an alopecian or non-alopecian) joining Alopecia World to look for the love of their life.

For the record, we do not have any problem with singles meeting and mingling in Alopecia World as long as they always bear in mind that this…


Added by Alopecia World on August 20, 2008 at 10:00am — 40 Comments

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